r mm Stanford L -larren Public Library jtteville St T?-yot Rules Negroes In School Suit nOIIN WHS Hllf LUD TRW Williams, Swann Finish Second, Third in Times Ministers' Contest REV. J. A. SHOWN 1^0 REV. W. L. WILLIAMS REV. M. C. SWANN Pioneer Durham Resident Dies ■I servicc* for Robert E. Iwto, one of Durahm’s pioneer fMU«aU, were held on Wednes nisht at Ebenezer Baptisi Church, a church he helped ti) organize SO years ago. The Rev. J. A. ! ,,Brown, pastor, de livered the eulo gy. O r a V e side rites were held at the Beechwood cemetery Thurs day morning m 11 O’clock. Seate died at Sravely sanitorium in Chapel Hill on Sunday, April 15. He wa, 81. He had been in declining health (or Uie past several years.. He luffered a heart attack in 1B56, made a recovery, but became il) ll^in last February. Seate is one of the city's ear- liMt residents. Born wi May 9 1881 in Alton, Vi., son of the late Aaron and Fannie Jones Seate, be came to Durham in 1887. Ht was married to the late Me linda Hedgespeth in 1W7. They bad seven children, six of whoa survive. He later married the for mer Miss Ruth Mcride, who alsc tarvive him. Seaie worked for liggett anc Myen Tobacco Company for SO See SEATE.. S-A The Rev. J. A. Brown, pastor ^ of Ebenezer Baptist Church of ' Durham, outdistanced hia closest A contenders in the closing mo- I ments of the Carolina Times I Ministers Popularity Contest I here Saturday and went on to I win the Grand Prize, «n air I plane round trip to the Holy Land. Rev. Brown polled total of 4,034,000 points. Second prize winner, and airplane round trip to Bermuda, was the Rev. W. L. Williams of Weldon, pastor of the St. Matthew A. M. E. Church. Rev. Williams polled an actual total of 3,556, 000 points; with the third prize, an airplane round trip to New York, going to Rev, M. C. Swann of Duiiwm, pastor of the St. Joseph A. M. Z. Church who polled an actual total of 3,442,000 points. So heavy was the voting in the closing hours of the contest that in spite of the employment of extra help, tabulation was not completed until 2;00 p. Wednesday. Members of the committee were W. J. Walker, Chairman, Durham, executive secretary. Southern Fidlity In surance Company; Rev. J. W. Smith, Vice Chairman, Pastor of the Covenant nreM>yterian Church, Durham; Henderson Lee, Durham, representing Rev. J. A. Brown; Rev. T. P. Duhart, pastor St. James 'A. M. S. L Churd), ChapM HiU, i«ipeas»nt- [ ing Rev. W. U WilHaswi —^ U Miss S. Xr BalleyT Dmtein, ro- the running unttt the md of the contest were Rev. Wilson W. Lee of Statesville; Rev. Johnny W. Barnes of Durham, and Rev, Edgar J. Love of High PoiHi After « canvas of the ballots the special committed announced its flndtogs ate signecTa sttte- mcnt confirming the tabutetion of the record, as kept 'b^ the coijtMt manager. ■ 4 j i All ballots and ^necorilif will be held In the office of- The Carolina Times for 30 days for inspection by any contestant or representative who desire to do so. Just when each winner will make the trip won In the con test will be announced in sub- seqi^t issues of The Carolina Times as soon as the informa tion is available. Contractors in Durham Form Organization The formation of a new build ing trades organization, known as the Durham ContractoTB As sociation, was announced here this week. The organization Includn con tractors in all of the building trades, including general and special contractors. Announcement of the forma tion of the group was mai« by its president, W. D. McN^. It marks the first time in Dui> ham that Negro contractors have aIUe4 thetnselvee into one organization. The AMOclatlon's president McNeil explained that the ganization was formed to "en lighten Its members to new building methods and techniques so that they can better serve the public.” The group meets once per WMk, on Thursdays. It currently boasts a roemfoer- hlp of 28, including most of the prominent contractors In the building trades In t% Durham area. Besides McNeill, th^ Aasocia- tion has elected a slate of ex ecutive officers, who ar* E. C. Pratt, secretary; Lewi* Owens, treasurer, and R. E. Pafe^ ehlq>- laln. B. H. Thornton, John Mc Laughlin and Thomu Jcdmioa See COMTllAeTOU, il-A VOLUME 38 — No. 16 DURHAM, N. C, SATURDAY, APRIL 21, 1962 RETURN REQUESTED PRICE: 15 Cents Durham Expresses Concern Over Principal’s Retirement Poor Health Forces Holmes To Quit as Hillside High School Head AT TEACHERS CONVENT ION — Charles Francis Qravss (cfintex^ —tetizad oUna tsacher, receives first certificate honoring retttsd members of the teaching pro* fession from hit former pupil W. R. Collin* (left), of Smith- field, outgoing president of the NCTA. Looking on at right is R. H. Toole, principal of Lockhati school, of Knight- dale, chairman of the com- mittee which made awards to retired Ibachers^ Scene took placs at the NCTA conventr Ion in Raleigh last week-end. At bottom Governor Terry Sanford is shown delivering opening day address to the (convention^ PARKER —^photo by Rivera. Winston-Salem's Dr. Lafayette Parker Heads Teachers Association FAYETTEVILIiB — A sub-1 Teachers Association, it was an- stantial v^te by the 11,500 nounced at the Saturady mom- megnbers of the North Carolina] See CHURCHMAN, 6-A Durhamites expressed keen concern over the choice of a re placement for Hillside principal Harold Holmes and heaped praise on his administration here this we^. Holmes’ retirement was an nounced Wednesday by City Schools Superintendent Lew W. Hannen. He said the veteran school official was stepping out because of poor health. Holmes has been ailing for the past several weeks. He has been confined to his home after ~a ^y at the hospital. “I’m suife the hoard of educa- if l^ng make eveiy^ JTitenWin challcwge,” said city council- iMh John S. Ste\mt. “We certainly hope the board will make every effort to search the field to bring in a top flight See HOLMES, 6-A HOLMES BEAUTIES of the TIMES-I PEGGY JEAN CRUMPTON It.ct- ' m i W-s /' "BeauHes of the TIMES" wUl featurs each weak a young girl selectsd by a special com mittee chosen by the staff as embodying most, the traits which make for feminine beauty. Entries must be high scho>l senii foe «Ute oMM* ke aoeompanled ' the entrant's name of parents and a brief descr^tion of the entrant's hobbies and ambitions. Photo graphs most be In bl white and on gli This week's wii titlV Miss Pegg is a. ing u>uinf music enter Regional Meet Of Sorority To Open At NCC The seventeenth annual meet ing of the Southern Regional Conference of the National Sorolty of Phi Delta Kappa will convene In Durham on April 20 North Carolina College. The Durham Beta 2^ta Chap ter, of which Mrs. Julia W. Har ris is Basileus, will serve as the host chapter. Mrs. Martha H. Johnson is Regional Chairman for the conference. The meeting will continue through April 22. Convention headquarters will be in the Education building. The theme for the conference Is “Facing New Frontiers.” See SORORITY, 6-A ^^^Appeal is Filed itt Durham Hitchhikers Police in two states are searching for two white hitch hikers who reportedly command eered the automobile of a North Carolina College professor who had given them a ride, drove the car across the state line In to South Carolina, put .blm out, then drove on. Raphael N. ’Thompson, 35, In structor In the Conunerce De partment at Nor{h Carolina Col lege, reported the Incident to police at Walterboro, S. C. Sun day afternoon, shortly after the two men had put him out. Thompson survived the ordeal unhurt and returned to Dtirham early this week where he re sumed his duties at North Car olina College. Af ,id-week, South Carolina Ibv .aorcement officers had not See CAR, 8-A D. A. JOHNSTON CHECKmO THE CONTmt BKSULTS ~ Mehired above h a ^edal audUfag team and tepresentatives of tfie three top tanking eoatastatota elMcki»g the final tabulation ia Hm contest. Left to: right are Miss t. t. BsBey, representing 4ie Rev. Mrivin C. 8waaa> Wil liam J. Walker, chairman of tfie auditing tsam Rev T. P. Duhart, representing Rev. W. L. Williams; Henderson Lee, representing Hev. James A. Brewnj and Rev. J. W. Smith, vicehairman of the team. —pheto by Purefoy. Johnston Suddenly In Greenst)oro ! OREEN6BORO _ Rev. D. A. iJohnston, pastor of Bethel ;A. M- E. Church, Grcenrtwro idled at hia home here Thursday ^morning of a heart attack, j Rev. Johnston, had t>een suf fering of a heart ailment for Ihe part several monttjhs and had been released from the hos- jpltal about two weeks ago after undergoing treatment. -He formerly was the pastor jof St. Joseph’s A. M. E. Church, iDurham where he served for nine years before taking over !the pastorste of the Greensboro charge. His wife, Mrs. Verdellc Jen nings Johnston, a teacher In the {city schools of Durham, was in urham at the time for her hus- ind’s death. Other immediate irvlvors of the deceased are daughters, Doris .and iretta Johnston. ^ Arrangements for the funeral, hich will be held In Greens- iro, were Incomplete at press :ime ’Thunday. The Durham school 1 tion case now moves to^ S. Circuit Court of appel This was the status legal situation this week when attorneys for 275 Negro plain tiffs in a suit seeking admission to white school filed notice of an appeal from a ruling by feder al district Judge Edwin Stanley. Stanley dismissed the case last Wednesday with the state ment that he had no other alter native since, in his view, plain tiffs were not interested In pro tecting theiir individual ri^ts. Attorney C. O. Pearson, one of the plaintiffs' attorneys, reveal ed that an appeal will be take^\ to Fourth Circuit Court of Ap- ' peals. In issuing his ruling this week, Judge Stanley said: “All that is being sought is a declaration by the court that the Durtiam city schools are bei- Ing operated on a racially dis)«^ ' criminatory basis, and injunct ive reUsl. “Th^ simply want nothing more or less than a general order of desegregation, and in See JUPPEAL, 8-A Former Home Agenf Pleased f At Suit Outcome A former home demonstra tion agent of thp N. C. Agricu- f lature extension department who | sued^her former boss said here ( this we^ she was satisfied with Judge last month a consent decision awarding Mrs. Mildred Bright Pavtoa, $1 as token payment of In a $90,000 suit wbl» .M* bad brought agala#. B. Jones, supervisor the Negro home demonstr^tlMi agents ttt trorth Carolina. -The -Judgement In tlMi' down by Edwin M. Stanley last m Middle District Court la boro. Mrs. Payton See >LEi

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