1 H t: C A K 0 L i N A T I M E S W^-UuRHAM/n. C. SATUtbAy; S»TtM*ER 22, 1962 RATPS FOR CLA SJFIEp ADVERTISING Peji4fV P|s; IffiltilltHni Fllfirce •« MT w»rd P«ad!ine: 12 o’cUx^U f^on Tuecday M4ltT»NmNC K)R THE Bf.ST 1*^ HRY CLEANIWi 4ND tfUIVIt'E m» W„i Main - FW« P«*n»» SANITARY (jaunderers ai>d Oe^ners DIM. tn-i0r ^QfL nOXpORO ST. A*P { LAKPWOOO AVaNUa IPUB SERVICE STARTS I WITH YOUR FIRST 1 CALL- I w* ■•NniM* and MImt Purham Builders & 1 Supply I •UILOINGS MATIRIALS i Milton Av*. at WMt lAaln T«l. 6M4U7 p. C. May Co. , . dM (ood choice In pahtU MINTING A PAPERING CONTRACnrCMt Kyanize Marf Mi A Roiwy StrMtt N«rtti Carolina Phone 684-042S IL lltAID LINOLtUM, COUNTCR rtPt, ASPHALT, HUBBIR AND WALL Tin —rrae ■aUmatoa— : Innt Linoleum and Hie Company, Inc. ■phoiM! WH-W88 ’M08 noxfRino ROa* AUTO SERVICES Service Garasres SPEIGHTS AUTO SERVICE I tervlc*—Staam deanlna br«lea — Recapplnt — Whaw Aiianmant PHONB 6M-357S iMtiar«mf and Payaftoville Ita. Yl#u Can’t Alford To MImh What We Offerl ACCIDENT AND HEAI.TH IWSURANCE HOSPITALIZATION INSURANCi? Individual or Pawilv Plan-Uj!> To $10.00 Per Day Pluii Mis- cellaneout) Feew With Sufflrical Benefits 70 Days Per Year AGENTS WANTED I^al & Statewide Men or Women Soufhem Fidelity Mutual Insurance Co. PHONE M3-SIS1 tt7«LillT. OURHAMt N. C CONCERT — Tha Young Adult Choir of Mount Varnon Bapiiat, undar tiM diractlon of Mrs. Valma Slmnu Wilton, will ba haard in a apaciai con- cart Sunday, Soptambar 23 at 7i30 p. m. hi tha Mt. Varnon auditorium. Tha concart i» baing aponaor- ad by tha Faithful Radaamad Bibla Claaa, and a group of apacial apirituaia, bymna, and aolo raaditioni hava baan plan- nad for praaantation. Mrt. Haial W. Smith will ac company tha choral group at tha organ. Tha public ia Invitad to attand tha concart. Deaths and Funerals In Durham iBETHESDA BAPT. | CWlJRCHTOr»K ! HOS^ TO NHW j MFB/^iNE — Bethesda Bap- j list Church near here will be host to the ouartfily meetii.i;' nf fhp Itopp Baptist As j'>pialion on Saturday and Sun day, ^Septembpr 29 and 30. Thrnfifi nt the meeting is V/i-,ni «‘UliirV '''tiiiH Wo T-iV in Giving our Spiritual Tith- inf?.’ on th^ theme 'will bi' led at the Saturdsv morninp "P'sinn b’' Mn Dwofh«‘» Pure- T p„( ’'irtfohell and Rev. E. 'T Thompson. T'pv A D Mf|'ele’^ of Mt. Gi- Vii n.intiit Church will de- 'M.»r »Vi» ingpiration sermon on ■Saturday. On Sunday, the meeting will hppr Hev. L. W. Reid, of New Rpthel, of Durham, in his quart- prlv presidentiaj address to the union. Rev. A. T- Smith will deliver the principal sermon for Sun day. Chatham County Heppenings B-.’ I On Saturday evcnii}g Septcm- R. lb" ninny iiiPjids and neighbors of Joe Smith gather ed at hjs hiOiT)£ to share with him inr'elPbratri'r; his birthday- Thn ciinin? tsb!« "’a"' '’n«P''p'( ”ith a bpauti/ul white depmark and was graced with a 'ontpr ppice of fall cut flowers. Thpre were about 2.^ guests pre- ’ont. Thpv were wrved n li'-lni'? dinrpr mnsistlnR of fried chicken, chicken, stsw, siring bprns, potato salad, mint, cak* nnd niin^h. Mr Hmith ’”''i I'lith msn'' lv»niiliful giUt- Se« CHATHAM, » A RIV. BROWNS (Insat) AND MT. VERNON BAPTIST CHURCH Programs Slated to Mark 14th Anniversary of Rev. E. T. Browne NEW METHOD LAUNDRY and Dry Cleaners 405 Roxboro Street BROAD ST. BRANCH IlM Broad Street QUICK • SERVICE WASH TUB i|i|ln*twe Rond at AfwaU# Drive LE4AL NOTICE i| nWAM COTTNTY M »RTTT TAPnT.TNA ™ AnUTNISTRATOR’S NOTICE ' HAVING QUALIFIED as Admin- i(( rator of the Estate of I-«ra Love ams deceased. l*te of Durham Q iinty. North Carolina, this is t*" [ffv all nersons haviiiff claims M ilnst Mid Mtatp to exhibit them ta thp ii'>dprsi"np'l nt 11* » rrish Street, Pnrham. Nor^ Ca rl ;in«. on or before the 1st dsv 3 March. 1863. or this notice will S pleaded in bar r. All persons indabted to *W 4 »te will please make immediate ^ rment. day of Jvly. J962 i rhia 4!>t- Ike^^anics aRd Farmers Bank ASilrrat5 of the fjatrta of Lora Love Adams 6, CAROLINA ^the EsUte of HaWe Ada^. rnmmA of DurhaiHt Nortti C»ro- ^ is to notlftr M claims agai^ j lit them to th* uodertlgMd e Mobile Street. PHWap. . Carolina, on or Wfore tne ky of February, 1983. ^ this > be pleaded In bar of mimm- d indebted to the eaUte make lounedi«te pay ih» lat day of September . Mark Flaher. Attorney FOR •■UNTVERSiTY MOfCaS. I«“. wHI sell to the highest- biddwr at 80« W. Main St.. DUrM«. C-- «>" October 10 #»■}• Ford 4 dopr -aed«». cotor bUck. Thia car ta for a rtor- ase biU of »»IW latirea iwmer ficatlen mimlipr defated. DIIHHAM Carlton, dec«M^ Itte County, NorUTCaroBna, thU is to Carolina, on «* dav of Auguft, |»6j, or tota notice wiil be pleaded in her of ^ir re covery. AU peraon# Indebted to aaid eatafe will l?laM« »>•>“ Im mediate payment. Hila, the aoth djiy of August 1M2. jETBB SWANN. Executor ot the Ei|ete of WllUa* Early Tlie Mt^ Vernon Baptisft m. Church Family will hold serv ices observing the fourteenth anniversary of its pastor Em mett Taliaferro Browne. The .ser vices begin Monday evening. September 24, at 8 p. m. and will continue through Sunday, September 30, at 5:00 p. m. Monday, September 24 8 p. oKi’iraTici rAl^FlBD aa Execu Attorney NORTH C DURHAI^™.^ »AUI UND® AfiP PV YjWrn of th» power sale tttpteined In * cer tain deed of tru*t executed by Ue Brown an«J wlf^ *’**5,1*1 Brown dated Decembef 13, "1W8 and re corded in Bpok M7. Mgea^ and 821 in the Office of the Reeistet of Deeds of Durham County North Carolina, default having been made In the payment of the indebtednesa thereby secured and said deed of truat being by the terms thereof subject to foreclos ure, the undersigned Trustee will offer for aale at public auction to the highest Wddrt- M cash at the Court house door In Durham County. Durham. North Carftllna. •t NOOK on the |3th dav of Octo ber, 1M2. the. proper^ conveyed in said deed of tniaf the aame Ivins and being In the County of Durbani and Slate of North Caro Una, la Durham Tbwnahip. and more particularly deacrib^ as follows: ^EING aU of lot No 3 of Block 10 ot College Vlew_as shown on man of record In Plat> Book 18 at Page 171. in the Ofice of the Regiiter of Damla. Durham Coun ty. North Carolina, and also as .shown on Plat pf Sam Powell. R S., dated Januai^ 17. lOSl. On thla lot ia located a dwell ing, known as No. 706 Bacon Street. This property will be aold sub ject to all prior encumbrancea and all prior and 1B61 Ad Valorem taxea. Thla aale will remain open foi ten (tO) days to receive increaaed bida aa reaulred bv law. I. O. Funderburg, Truatee M. Hugh Thompson, Attorney Thla 0th day of September, liM2 IWL Oct. Ik NORTH CAROT.TNA DUBHAM rOTTNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT BEFORE THE CLERK Annie Ruth Moody ann tiushand. Early Moodv: Mary Alice Jones and husband Romeo .Tonps Peltitioners vs. Hattie Alston ResDondent NOTICE OF RRIALB Under and bv virtue of an order nf Superior Court of Durham County, made in the spceial pro ceeding entitled as above, the un- dersiffned Commissioners will on tlie 2Wh day of Septpmher 1962. at twelve o’clock. Noon, on the premises herein descrihnd. offer for sale to the hiehest bidder for rash, that certain lot or parcel of land in Durham County, Durham, North Carolina more particularly described as follows: Beginning at an iron stake in the edge of the street ditch on the South side of Linwood Street .in the southea^ portion of the- city of Durtttm, A, W. Sorrel, northeast crfan and running thenee South 23 3/4 West 165 feet to an iron stake in B. L. Duke’s line; thence North 67 3/4 west 55 feet to Southeast corner of lot No. 10; thence North 22 3/4 East 165 feet with eastern line of said lot to an Iron stake In the edee of street ditch on the South side of Lin wood Street; thence South 67 3/4 east 55 feet to the beginning: con taining the land within these boun daries. Being lot number 9, as sur veyed and platted for Alex Wal — Rev. James A. Brown, pastor of Ebenezer Baptfsl Church, choir and congregation. Tuesday, September 25, 8 p. m. — Rev. L. M. Gooch, pastor of St. John Baptist Church, choir and ..jcongregatlon. Wednesday, September 26. - 8 p. m. — Rev. J. W. Barnes, pastor of Terrell’s Creek and Piney Grove Baptist Churchea, choir ami congijegatlon. Thursday, September 27, 8 p. m. — Rev. L. W. Reid, pastor of New Bethel Bantist Church, choir and congregation. Friday. September 28, 8 p. m — Rev. W. M. Thornton, pastor of Pilgrim Baptist Church, choir OTd congregation. Sunday, September 30. 11 a. m. — Rev. S. N. Daughtey, Car- rsville, Virginia. Anniversary Sermon, Sunday B p m. — Rev. Frederick O Bass, High Point, choir and con gregation. Mt. Vernon Baptist Church under Pastor Browne’s leader ship has increased in member ship and Soiritual fellowship Materially $209,213.08 has been added. The public is invited to all services. Funeral aervicea for Norfolk Jasper Vincent, 69, were con ducted Sundav at 3 p. m. at the Mt. Vernon Baptist Church by Rev. E. T. Browne. .Burial followed In Beechwood 1 Cemetery. Mr. Vincent is sur vived by his wife, Mrs. Karo Vincent, two sons and one daughter. « • * JAMES CAMERON Funeral' services for James Cameron of Brooklyn, N. Y. a former resident of Durham, ^ere held Saturday at 2 p. m. at the Scarborough and Hargett Funeral Chapel, Burial follow ed In the Beechwood Cemetery. Mr. Cameron Is survived by his wife, Mrs. Martha Cameron, three daughters, and one son. « * * WILLIAM HORTON 'AVilliam L. Horton, .'53 of 322 Fayetteville St. died Saturday at the Veterans’ Administration Hospital following six months qf declining health. •In addition to his wife, Mrs. Mary T. Horton, he is stirvlvpH tor tvo sons, TiConders of Engle wood, N. J. Chnrles of D!jrham, tT)(ro stepsons, Walter M. Brown bl Durham and William T. Interracial Meet Slated Here Sept. 27 The first of two Interracial Instiutues apon.sored Jointly by the Women’s Missionary Union of the N. C. Baptist State Con vention and the Women’s Home ^eyea «.u. ... and Foreign Missionary Conven- iter by Rufus Massey, said lot iSjtion of the General Baptist Con- recoiled in the office of the reg vention will be held Thursday, later of deeds of Durham County In Plot Book page . For further Information see deed from Margaret M. Ferguson, to H. E. Howe, recorded in the regis ter of deeds office for Durham County, in Book 56. page 232. and being the same lot conveyed to Major Alston et al by deed of 12 May 1943 from H. E. Howe et ux recorded in Book 149. page 144 in the said registry of Durham County, said propery now b'?ing known as 1106 Linwood Avenue. Terms of Sale: The last and highest bidder will be required to deposit with the Commissioners ten per cent of the first $1,000.00 of hia bid and five per cent of the j exceaa of such bid over $1,000.00 ' as guarantee of compliance, which deposit will be credited upon the purchase price if confirmed, rc turned to the bidder if rejected and forfeited to the parties if the bidder fails to comply with hit bid. In default of sucn deposit at the close of bidding, the next highest bidder shall be declared the sur cesaful bidder unon the same terms as hereinabove set out. This 10th dav of September 1962. James D. Giliiland and Theoseus T. Clayton, Commissioners »ept. 19, a. September 27, at Mount Vernon Baptist Churph. Theme of the Institute “Look on the Fields” is centered around international understand ing. Views on the subjecV.wJH be shared by internationals^ dents and Missionaries, The meeting will begin V^O A. M. and will adjourn^ Jlr lunch at 12:45 P. M. , f jJVtrs. M. A. Horne, preiUdilt of the Woman’s Baptist Poffoe and Foreign Missionary Cdhv*n- wlll preside at the ses sions. The second institute will be held at First Baptist Church In Morganton on October 18. CARD OF THANKS The fainlly of the late Fin ley Campbell Harge'tt who drowned in the Markers Island Straits eaat of Beaufort, N. C., Auquit 27, aeknowled«rea with grateful ropraciailAn the aaany exDreaaionK of sympathy receiv ed from the central Piedmont area. Brown of Fayetteville six grand children, one brother, Leander Horton of Durham and one sister, Mrs. Francis H. Farring ton of Los Angeles, Calif. Funeral services were held Tuesday at 3 p. m. at West Dur ham Baptist Church, Rev. T. C. Graham officiated. Burial fol lowed in Beechwood Cemetery. GLENWOOD ARNOLD Glenwood Arnold, age 33, of Fuquay Spring died In an auto mobile accident on Monday. Funeral Services were held Thursday at 2:30 p. m. at St. Augustines Baptist Church ta Funnay, with the Rev. Mr. Jackson officiating. Burial ofl- lowed in the Church Cemetery. Hp is survived by his wife, Mrs Katie Arnold: 4 sons: hi« Mother. Mrs. Minnie Arnold: 3 brothers; and 5 sisters; Includ- ng Mrs. Gladvs Dawkins and Mrs. Alvera Thompson both of Durham. It’s not much comfort to real ize that when you retire to vacatlonland, you’ll meet the cpmp kind of pponle vou left bPhiVid. in precisely the same nercerrtages. Emmanuel A. M. E. Church “A CHURCH WHERE EVERYONE IS SOMEBODY AND GOD IS ALL” 710 Kent Street — Durham, N. C. iohn Frederiek Ipps, Minister Mrt. Evelyn Roberts, Organist Sunday, September 23,1962 9:4S A.M. CHURCH SCHOOI, „ ^ SUBJECT “Draw Near To God Mr. Fred Hargraves, Superintendent 11:00 A.M. WORSHIP SERVICE SERMON “The Christian Fellowship” MUSIC Junior Choir 7:00 P.M. GOSPEL SINGING National Gospel Sin|ers rf Greensboro Getting Ahead? or Just Getting Along? The best way to get ahead of just getting ' along is by saving regniariy. where you SAVE does make a difference. Mutual Savings & Loan Ass'n 112 W. PAMtlSH ST. DURHAM, N. C “A FRIENDLY CHURCH” White Rod( Baptist Church WHITE POCK SQUARE DURH.^M, N.' CT Miles Mark Fisher, Pa»tor Sunday, September 23,1962 8:4S A.M. CALL TO WORSHIP Electronics 9:80 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON— “A Call to Spiritual Renewal,” Malachi 2:1, 2, 4-9; 3:1-4 J w Review of Lesson by the BTU Dr. Charles A. Ray, Superintendent 11-00 A.M. “PEOPLE NEED COMFORT” The Pwtor Building Fund Rally sponsored by the Board of Christian Education Senior Choir, John H. Gattis, Director 6:80 P M. BAPTIST TRAINING UNION Mrs. Hattie Boykin, I-eader 7:30 P.M. “IN BAPTISM ONE ALSO PUT ON” The Pastor Baptizing, District Reports St. Joseph's k. M. E. Church “SERVING A WORLD PARISH WITH CHRIST SINCE 1869" FAYETTEVILLE ST. DURHAM. N C. MttS. G. A. WINSLOW MRS. KATIE SMITH Minister of Music Dir. of Christian Education MELVIN CHBSTER SWANN, The Minister Sunday, September 23.1962 0:») AM. SUNDAY SCHOOL SUBJECT “Draw Near To God” i Miss Marie Faulk, Superintendent 11:00 A,M. MORNING WORSHIP—ANNUAL HOMECOMING SERMON Dr. David Williamson Presiding EldOr Durham District MUSIC Gospel Choir Miss Ellen Warren at the Console 3:80 P.M. The Minister, Senior Choir and Congregation «ill worship with Emmanuel AME Church, Kent S?reet 7:00 EVENING WORSHIP SERMON The Minister MUSIC Gospel Choir Miss Ellen Warren at the Console free PARfflNO ON SAINT JOSEPH STREET

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