JUSTICE DEPT. FBI Probes Shooting By Negro Farmer ■ New YORK — At the urging 9t NAACP Executive Secretary Jioy Wilkins, the FBI is invest!- two eases of violence which flared in southern schools ifter court o^ered integration ttriii week. Wilkins' telegram to Burke Marshall, chief of the Civil Rights Division of the Depart ment of Justice, called for in vcstigation of reports of violence tn| tenaion. in Qaswell County, Worth Carolina, and in Pl» Bluff, Atk in .Caswell County, 16 stu dents entered four public schools on' the , order of U. S. District Judge Edwin M. Stanley. Judge J^tanley, on December 21, found tl^ the Caswell County Board Qf Education was not properly #(^llistcring the North Caro' Puiiil Placement Law. Tftte yttenty was ordered to give "every school child presently tft^llod" in the school system '^(3>mpletc freedom of choice ol •flijpiol he would like to attend iuring the sccond semester oj current 19G2-63 school year." ^'{•^hen the children appeared M School to enroll, one of the |^i||^nts, Jasper Brown, was har ()y two white men. In the fji^ing altercation, Brown W0iinded the two men in self- tfdfniiC. Despite requests from NAACP, there was no po- 0cf protection provided for the or their parents. Brown surrendered to the policy 4Qa.was placed in custody. Vfhe case was originated by Worth Carolina NAACP |l^e Conference in 1936 ' and hfs been argued by NAACP A^t^ey Conrad O. Pearson ,whO .iWill defend Brown, Under ;dlreotion of NAACP State ^esict;u)t Kelly Alexander and Clerics McLean, field secretary, are being ucgcd to th«ir i^ildren to all .^(?hlte schBois In the couhty. ^ Sec FBI, page 8-A ^0orgria Hospital Refuses To IJse and Mrs. Titlesr ’ MACON, Ga. — A Negro group and the city hospital ad ministration canae to grips Mon day over alleged racial discrimi nation in the use of "Mr. and “Mrs.” before the names of em ployees and patients. -•The Negro Bibb County Co ordinating Committee proposed tht^t an impartial biracial com- Mittee be named to seek an ac- cdrd without legal or outside Interference. ' Jim Griffin, director of the city owned Macon Hospital, said he would welcome such a committee. ■Rev. L. S Evans, the com mittee spcVesmaS charged Sat urday that the hospital dis- "Crtmiftates^ against Negroes in . its facilities, hiring and ad mission to the nurses school. He lashed out at the hospital foi* failure to designate Negro employees and patients as “Mr.” and Mrs. either in the records or in'conversation. CASWELL CA Meredith to Continue at 'Ole Miss' Statement of His Intent Is Given to Press JACKSON. Miss. Jam4s llieCari HE WILL RETURN — Dr. Samuel D, ProcTSr, left, preti- dent of AbT College and now on leave with the U. S Peace Corps, rclurn.ed to Greensboro last we^k after on* year as head of the Peace Corps Pro- grim Bnd atsiured el Kli Inten tions to return to the AItT post next September.. He chats with Dr. L C Dowdy, right, aoting president. H.. Meredith said Wednesday i ^ that he plans to enroll for the I »" spring semester at the Univer-1 sity of Mississippi. “The Negro is not going,”' he j told his news conference. “I, I James H. Meredith am going,” “I weighed this against my Own personal position,” he said. | Me »'dith . said he planned Jb j register Thursday or Friday. Asked about his grades he said that he had received notiqp that he was eligible for readmif- sioa in (food standing. Meredith’s enrbllment ajt the University last' fall precipitated a constitutional crisis. Army troops had to be dispatched to quell a riot on the campus which resulted in the death of two Iversons. Miss. Gov. Ross Barnett and Lt. Gov. Paul Johnson were Sec STATEMENT, 6 A DURHAM, N, C, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1963 RETURN REQUESTED PRICE r IS Centm GANTT ENTERS QUIETLY Extreme Cold Fires l^enews Promise as A&T Head Will Return, Peace torps' 'Prector GREENSBORO— Dr. SamuJBi Africans are well informed good the Peace Corps Program D. Proctot, president of. A. and I about the de{>rlvations of, and is accomplishing across the T. College, last week scotched the discrirfiiiwlion against, the *orld. “The Peace Corps/’ he Baptist Church m Char- rumors about the probability of i Afn6rican , Negro but few of said, “is the most creative ap- Ms not- returning to coiUinire them know: fbOut hi* pfogress. proach to international relations He* }iad high praise for the that we have^ver t>ad.” hC.Smi Barriers fall Peacefully at Clemson, S. jC. CLEMSON. S. C. — Negro Harvey Gantt received scattered overtures of friendship during his first full day at Clemson Tuesday, ^blic Relations Di rector Joe Sherman reported he had asked Gantt how things were going. “I don’t see how they could be better.! He quoted Gantt as replying. The 20 year old Negro, w^s accompanied to the campus on Monday by his father, Christo pher Gantt of Charleston, and Rev. A. R. Blake of Morris as head of th^'insUtutt6n He toWtit ipjUMf-mt- reprc*«»t»- tivas from H Ipckl newsfwpofs, radio and tele\4sl#W and the na tional wire services at a press confer«nce last Thursday, ’Jan- uar.v 24, that his plans are un changed. “I have a committ ment to A. and T. College,” he said, “and intend to return next September 1. Dr. Proctor, currently on leave for 18 months from the A. and T, post had just returned from Nigeria, Africa, where he hias Conviction of One in Monroe ■^aseOwrtumed RALEIGiH- — The State headed the U. S. Peace Corps Suprem^e Court has reversed program in that country for the the conviction of One Of the past 12 months. He was recent- persons charged in the wake ol ly named associate director of the 1961 racial disturbances in the Peace Corps and will assume Monroe which resulted ii^, the the new position at Washington,. fleeing of the outspokenly mlli- d; C., an February 1 tant, Robert F. Williams to Referring to his work in Ni- Cuba geria. Dr. Procior told report ers, '‘I have some unders'and- ing of how the United States works abroad. I have some under standing of the African. I also feel that I can offer some erf Couragement to yoUng Negro Jarceny. The high court, in an drder on Jan. 11, overturned the Superior Court conviction ol Javan Covington, 19, who was sentenced last May to seven ' to 10 years on several counts ol stuc'.^ts by showing them the opportunities that exist and are opening! up for them.” In these ways, Dr. Proctor feels he can be an ever greater benefit to the collegfe. The Supreme Court reversal early last month was based on grounds that Union County Superior Court Judge Gambill! had unjustly refused the defense an opportunity to show that the AT SEMESTER'S END — ^▼ereftt L. Aitems, a Nofth Carolina College (enlor from Lowell, lends a hand to Min nie Brown, a sophomore from Mebane, at Miss Brown pre pares . iot first semeifex ax* He told the group that West indictment against young Coving ton had been drawn by a grand jury selected in a racially dis criminatory manner. Covington, described by dc- fenr-e attorneys as a leader in the militant civil rights move ment here, was one of several Negroes arrested in the wake of a racial disorder in Monroe in the summer of 1981. Defense attorney, said Coving, ton was shot and wounded in the Uhion County Jail and then further chargc.d with attempt ing to escape. The disorders followed demon istration against segregation in Monroe by young Negroes. Ku Klux Klansmcn mounted • a motorcade through the Negro section, and f^ycn Negroes were arrested after the ensuing con flict. Robert F Williams, form er head of tho Union NAACP. charged with kidnapping a whi!f couple fled the country and eventually went to Cuba. Four others. Including Mrs Mae Mallory who is fighting extradition from Cleveland, were also charged In the kid napping. The other three. John Lowry. 21 of Now York. Rich ard Crowder. 20, and Harold Reapo. 18 are awaiting trial on leston I South Carolina, the last state I with unbrpkea pu6Uc .. school I mMiiiMiitiiiii 11J i >1 >i under cou»f orders _l^ondfl3»-'^o a siniling resi?rved Negro Who em pAasized ‘‘My main purpose is to get an education.” Civilian-clad state police and unlftjrmed highway pa(trolmen were on hand to keep order. | ijGantt’s formal acceptance by Clemson College marked the first time a N«gro has enrolled a pntsltc supported South Car olina white school at any level. The only hint of disorder came when State Ijaw Enforce ment Division agents ordered two men off the campus, saying they had no business here. A SLED spokesman said the two had been overheard making threatening remarks and had been under surveillance all night. But the tenor of such students MEROIN^^-Six year eld Vivi»n Diane Jordan ritked her life te Uad a>klirtd womin from a cer tain deetb in a fire at Salisbury this week. See details, 5-A. INQUIRIES POURING - One Killed, Many Homeless In Durhom Arec Fire, the unwelcome hand maiden of cold weather, plagu ed the Durham area last week in the wake of record low temperatures taking the life of one child, leaving scores home less and keeping Durham fire TfiiW!n,bijsiy^* ‘ The most tragic "^iaj^sn^ed out the life of a four^year oSJiv I girl in the Rougemont section last Wedriesday. (See cistails. page 3-B.) lihree families were left home less! in one fire which desrtroy ed a house at 2616 Lincoln St. on Motaday- A1 together. Durham fijgmen answered a tota aiui in the city, and couh-. .. \g the past seven days. Eate««tel)r coW- teipcr»T --♦ttrfc** whicffc tnrre- in the area during the past week were blamed for the large num ber of fires. "When the temperatures go down, people begin pushing th?ir heaters and furnace*. As sistant Durham fire chief C. K. Lawson said this week- “Then our work increases.” 'me JJur&am area has suffer- Holy land Trip Contest For Ministers to Open in March From the inquiries recieved froj^ over the state durng the paOT several weeks interest in the 1963 Holy Land trip is al as were on campus was evident-1 ready beginning to take on en thusiasm. Although the contest is not expected to be launched until the middle of March, re quests for iftformation about de tails of this year’s contest that will again offer the ministers a free airplane round trip to the Holy Land including stop over in Rome. Athens, Jerusalem and other, points of interest to AT W»rrE ROCK — Avra- hem Harman, Israeli ambassa dor to the United Slates, will t>4 the principal speaker at White Rock Baptist Church's regular worship hour Sunday morning Feb. 10. The ambas sador's appearance at White Rock is in connection with the church's observance ot Race Relations Dry. Leontyne Price Sings to Mixed Miss. Audience ly friendly. From Gov. Donald Russell See CLEMSON, 6-A Campanella's Estranged Wife Heart Victim , NEW YORK — Mrs. Ruth Campanelia, 40, died of an ap- pargpt heart attack at her Glen d^, N. Y., home Friday Shej had been talking to an employee of the Inf.°rnal Revenue Service when suddenly from her end of the line came the sound of com motion. Then the wire went dead. The IRS worker called; police who found Mrs. Cam-! panella in a coma. With her when stricken was one of the five Campanelia children, Roy Jr., 14. Death came to Mrs. Cam- paneiia just a few days after sWer plans to hold the party, s trip to Bermuda as the second prize and a free airplane round trip to New York as the third prize. . The first prize was won last year by the Rev. J. A’. Brown of Durham; the second prize. Rev. W. L. Williams of Weldon and the third prize Rev. Mehrin Chester Swann of Durham. Exact dates for the nomina tion period of the contest, which will run for two weeks before the balloting begins will not l>e announced until the March 2nd those engaged in the ministry. i issued of the Carolina Times. In addition to the Holy Land In that issue all of the addition- trip, the Carolina Times will al- al information will also be an so offer free an airplane round nounced. Demos Urged To Move Site Of Convention TAMPA, Fla. — The local NAACP. ' backed by its state i>ody. has asked the Democratic' N. .'.ional Committee to recon-1 her husband.and she engaged in series of court encounters 1964 national conclave in Miami f Beach due to state wide bias) with a well known, aminatlons. The weak'* examination sched ule, which ends Jan. 30« will be followed by registration fojr the sccond seiqaster and the beginning of classes Mon day, Feb. 4 Sec- MONROE, 6-A adultery musician. The charge was made in Cam- panella’^ suit for absolute di- LAUREL, Miss. —i Leontyne vorce. Litigation was pending Price sang Ijefore a widely ap- when Mrs. Campanelia died, plauding integrated audience in Funeral services for Mrs. her Mississippi howetown Sun- Campanelia were held Monday day night to raise money for the at the Griffin Peter Funeral small church in whose choir sho Home. 2282 Seventh Ave. Only started her career. | invited .mourners were admitted ^^3 stgOons It was one of the rare times to the funeral chapcl; but the 0^.V;,it continued a non-segregated event has been' throng showed up anyway, to which were climaxed with his ^hat would confront travelling charge that she had engaged in Negro delegates. C. J. DaValt. president of the Tampa NACCP, said ‘‘niiiety- nine per cent of the hotels and motels in this state are segre gated by race',’ in a wire to John Bailey, chairman of the Democratic National Committee. “Persons travelling to and from the- convention will be face with insult” when .patroB- ed through three days of re«ora breaking low temperatures dur ing the past week. On Tues. Jan. 29 the thermometor plummet ed to 8 degrees, coldest Jan. 29 on record. A low of 7 was re corded on Jan. 25 and a low of 8 on Jan. 25. These were the coldest days of that date ever recorded. In addition, the other days since Jan. 22 have seen the temperature hover around or t>c low the freezing mark. "Most of the fires at this time of year can be attributed to overheating stoves, furances and other mishaps incident to thf weather. Assistant chief Lawson said. For instance, he cited two cases in virhich fire were start ed at homes when residents used open flames in an attempt to thaw water pipes frozen by the chilling cold weather. Holes were burijed in the See FIRCS. «-A HISTORIAN IS ItCC SPEAKER —A Umversity ef Akron (Ohio) history professor will deliver two lectures at North Carolina Death Claitns Three Area Meth. Clergy BALTIMORE. Md. — Death has claimed three Baltimore Area pastors of The Mslhodiat Church within a week. The Rev. W. S McCleod. re- tired, succumbed in High Point, after a long illness. He retired at the last session of the North Carolina Conference (Central Jurisdiction) last June. He had been pastor of St. Mark's Church High Point, for eleven years. Before that time he was superiotendent for aix See LEONTYNE, 8-A See WIFE, 0-A We call your attention See COt^VENTION, 6-A Coll«9* Monday. February 11, as years of the Wiwton a feature ef the college'* ob- 'The Rev, Prank Farrare, pa» (tnrwaee ef Negto Histwy Weok. tor at Beckwith. Md.. in tiw IM He will al the weekly aware Conference, died elNe 1. fortiBi on the aul^Jeet, "Caatimi brief illness. Although- log Enancipatloii A Tim* to offtciaOy retired liM. Produce,** at 10 a. m. in B. H. besa supply pastof . Duko Aqdiloritim. i CLIMV,