Dark Skirts and Culottes Wonderful Dacron and Cotton in solids, plaids, and checks. Wrap around, hip stitched pleated, straight and A line. Children’s sizes 7-U .. 3.99-5.99 Children’s Chubies, 8>/j-14 12 4.99-8.99 Jr. Miss Sizes 8-14 5.99-8.99 Boy Coals 85% Wool,^ 15% Camel Hair Infants’ Hamburg, 3^x Camel, only $19.75 Children’s size 7-14 Camel, red $17.75 Jr. Misses sizes 8-14, Camel, red $19.75 ’ FASHION FLOOR Children's Sweaters Cardigans and pullovers in white, V -red, green, brown, olive, navy royal. Itifants’ sizes 3-Gx .... 2.99-5.99 ^ Children’s sizcs^7^14'.'7*3‘.5fy^39“ Jr. Miss, sizes 32-40 ... 4.99-5.99 Dresses Large asst, of Back-to- school dresses in plaids, stripes, checks and sol- idiB. ^ Infants’ Size 3-6x 3.99-10.00 Children’s Size 7-1 4 4.99-12.99 Children’s Size 8'/_>- . 16 Vj 5.99-12.99 Jr. Miss Size 8-1 4 5.99-17.99 Sport Shirts Oxford cloth in all the new solid colors and stripes. Wash-n-wear. Sizes 6 to 20. $1.99-53.99 BOY’S DEPARTMENT ... STREET FLOOR DIAMOND NrC Nurse, Graduate of Lincoln, To Assist Mrs. JFK During Waiting TH» CAROLIITA T 1 H 2 3 ' SATURDAY, AUGUST 3, 1943 DURHAM, N. C,—TMot MT^rUEMENS, Mich.—A form- "r North Carolina woman who received her basic training nursing at Lincoln hospital tn Durham is one oi two Air Force Ice Cream For Festive Party Here's a grand idea for a kiddie party. It features decorated block.^ of ice cream, a gaily colorcd top ift a '^nter decoration, and an as.sorl- mcnt of sugar cookics. To make the decorated bl(ick>i, buy three pints of ice cream. Try vanilla, chocolate and strawberry —the universal favorites of the pre-scho«l set. Cut each pint len'^jliiwisc'. then cro.sswise to form four sqtian’s. Place these squares on a piece of foil-covcred cardboard (be sure to leave a space between each piecf) and- place immediately in your freezer. Leave them there over night or several days, so they’ll get hard—the hardej- the bettor. Later, when ^ou have the time, make up a batch of butter icingi Divide this so you can make some chocolate, some plain. Or, ^d food coloring to part of the batch. Now remove one ice cream ,quare at a time and decorate to vour h-’arfs delight. Here’s a hint, though. It’s ea.sirr to put the edg n’ on the blocks first, .then the iett"r.i or numbers Don' ,.j;Aorry if the block slar.s to melt while jou rn >'till decorat nf t. it hack in thi’ 'reeii'r to harilcft uhtle you work n another. W'Trn rmrn"^tnrhhiK, rotj m»3?- Ithcr rptiirn H e bliK-ks ti> me rrtrers or wrrvr them immediate ly: nuries who have been drsifnkiet) to attend Pre.sirtent Kennedy* wiifip durmg the first lady's «kit l«i| for the delivery of li«r Uiird chiW She is Major Rutk Jehnatm. na of Monroe, who U (tali m •t Self ridge Air Farr* *bai Michigan Major Johnmn iad. Capt Patri cia Suffa, the other nura» aa^icn ed, of Kenosha. Wiae., were e ployed from Selfridgr to Otl» A.i Force Base in Mim. to ttand qv while Mrs. Kennedy awaits tli eirciit.' ——f-' 'rheir assigi)iett — dybbrd "Operation Top Drawer"—ia e» piKtcd to last until Mrs, Kennedy return-! lo Walter Reed Noipi(.i) in Wiishington to give birth, pio b.ihly late in August. Hdih Air Force nurses hive served overseas and have earmtd decorations fcfr outstandiiK sgrv icc, chicfly in obstetrics. Major Johnson ii a veteriiii »i 17 year* Air Force senrict. S'u received her .trainih at Lincoli: Hospital School of Nursing ir Durham, N C. Captain Zuffa ia a graduate i>l St. Agnes, of Jfond lu Lac. Wise. She has seven years service. rOR IMPROVED EMPLOYMENT H. Z. McConnell, Ufl, rt«ional rvcruHing officar, U. S. Civil Sarv lea, Atlanta, Ca., with a team of Civil Sjirvica rcprtscntativcs, Iasi wtek confarrad hcra with managari^ of Graensboro fadaral officas and local citiians le assist local aga'-j Greensboro Hayas-Taylor YMp^. . cias with thair plans lo assure, center, executive seciatary of ^a I aqual opportunity for all citizeni and W. I. Morris, director of placa ] to compate for positions In the ment at A. and T. Collega, foll««r Fadaial Govarnmant. . ing a conference witfi local oili- Ha talks with D. W. MoreheuJ, lens held at A. and T. NCC Law Grad Joins Treasury William Thomas, a 1998 iradu nte nf th" North Carolina Cniieep ’.-I'v Srhool, hss been aopolntcd I 'o tho Npwark, N. J. office fif tin 1 S Trr.isury Dept, as an eH'aty ax examiner. .\ccoi(llns to William Sancone Ti> a:iiry Ilepf. cOHegf^ r*c?rilrini'n' crnrdiralor, Thomas wlil enroll i one nf the dephrtmfnfs ival^inc 'ri 'iaiTic to prepare (or future assignments and advancement op A iiativi! uf A^iheville, North (’a rolina, ,Thotnas received his lui- dergraduale training at NCC aNo After being adrnitted to the N. ('. bar in 1068, he entered the uiac- lice of Lm'.v in Asheville with Hen ben Dailey, another jNCC grmlu ale. j Later, he was. adnCttcd to llic BOiS cLUtt GbiS ^HcCK—l- wdioima MutuM Fttrum. turad abova is W. J. Kannady, Jr.,1 This dona^Wn*yM prasontad 'to (axtrama right) chairman of ihaltha Club in a clrwireny hctit ra- Board of Diiactora ot tha JOiin ^ cantiy at tha North Caiaiina mj LooKir.g cn'from Icit lo right dta Lea W. Smith, Jr., diracioxt Mrs. }*nis Crawford, iraasurai wt Mutual Hotum, Mrs. Elolaa Avary Boys Club, racaiving a chack I tual l-lta Insurance Company’s or ! Hi toctclary, and RaginaM ior $100 from Mi's, Wilhalmania j r’ca on Parrish St. i Uallon, v.ca president. Upchurch, president of tha* North 1 ^ , I'riMilon, where he New Jcr»»y bar ar | legal clerk prior tij nient with the mcnt. SPECIAL STUDEWT — Willa G«la Craws, fourth grada stu dent al Paarson school, was ont of savaral Durham youngstars attending 4a ipacial course da- TtM ury erved an a' niovrd lo! his appiiiiK- Depiirl- Reeves LlstN Students ey^lbuMlaccs on the .July honor the Reeves , piano stuiiio. af m/Uiic were, listed by tile school's (Jij^cior IhAV Week State Legislature Appropriates Uver Million for FS1C FAYETTEVILLE — Dr. Bu-1 7. Physical education building dolph Jones, President of Fay- •for women, total cost $470,OUU.. ettcvillc biate College, a u- $235,000 of thii amount is self- nouncud that the biaw Legisla-{ ™s building will ture appropriated $3,052,500 for Provide physical education facu- tuc college s buiiuiug and reiio-, 1*1*gs for women plus a swmu- vaiion program. , , [nring pool lo be Uf^^d by both Asheville Lad . Gets NCC Aid I ,I., tt/rtjljti I'liliy, Jr., a . \t- o!' AstiMlie, N. C., waS' I'lnily aiiiiouiic,d- a winner g .Mvi luio t.ua.ational and Ueva UKiiit Fund fiC.shoian sirholtil ()l SJLil lor lL’t)'jb4 la This iiKure is Sxclusivc oi the 'inen and women studcn«. ‘"f aignad to anrich Iha curriculum j »f lalactad high .ranking alu- " rlRST HONOR ROLL seli-aquiuuiion i| dimes luvoiv- uu m certain building'!' 8. Student center, total cost $460,000. $230,000 of thia Till' 4 tV ui -i r^cCIjie Fund, which ^lui.it.iipsi lv,r atlini , tmflA r\'ll L#4 Ilf J I • .«uxk,i uaiuiina ^lieges. dants fhU iummar at Laktwood ^ 2, , "'ff'"’ I tiy me Auvisory Budgtt Cora* This building will provide h ccn- i,.sm tchool. Wllla, nina year eld I«id, Melva Gto«o Diana Hihl^',^.„n: tral space for aloaeot ^Uvitiis, aj^uio.ial .s.li daughlar of Mr. and Mrs. Willie Gale MjiA^ilcy P;»nne Miles. | j classroom building, total ^“un«es ..and -Cesw«s‘5f *C«5‘a.'AIrfJ6i.-A-»#iiai+-^-_ ‘ - jcoi^'Isfe.OO'f 1fhTs‘taWity'^wi^^^ , idtcj. in iu«j;i-tjJ, Chambers. I , t.iri Vv, JacKaou atudlfd art, litvratura and icianca at the sumnMr sastion. Willa h«a many hobbiat. among Teressa Hill, Conita }{lli. Sheila them reading, music, aporls, and Hill, Wandi a Hill and Gwenaoiyn dancUig. . j Perry. . ( DorU Cates, - Joar. Chambers,' ”";,;"-A7Jek"BJiIdm7 and Daryl Cross, Dianne Harrincton ’ will proved spacc for music, art, MOUU K||||fl|nfl uiiu i.cion.L. i'iiiinp.i, and the social sciencc's. llVfw iiiju-, hcliVij ^jic sciiolu^imj 2.-Campus drainage and widen! GHEENSBORO — cuiistruc- ,, , . „ . , main anve, total tost, $90,000. I tion on the new $473,000 health ° The canipus drainage project j and physical education buildinjf. / * .‘'“i' will provide culverts, catch bas- at Bennett College is progressing %s, etc.’ tof tn>j stream running rapidly. Extra Dr]9[ Seeigrattts txtrdOrj •errveo Seasram Distiller.s Co., N.V.C. Proof Distilled Dry Gfn Distilled -irotu AuMclcaa Urais ■ . — two-story briclc structure, lo catcd at the southwe.^t .pornvi of B^nett and Gorrell streets tKraugh the cell ter o(>-Uuy'cam-1 pus. .Jlhe main drive to the cam- |)us will be change^ Irum us pr'jscnt position. 3. Kedccorate president's house, is thejjte. L. Cobl! Construction total cost, $5,000. - | Company. Ground was broken in 4. Library, total cost, $400,- June and the building should be XJUO. This will provide a modern completed within the next eiglit two-story structure to replace months. tlie existing building. j Most of the concrols_footings 5. Dormitory lor 200 women, have been poured arWi construe- ViitCi* idlLOiiCa::) L.ue Sc| 16 ^n.a cla.ss of 113 i , .. -. a iiiciiiojr 01 tile siuueiit General contractor for ttrtrj-r ^ me Uui.a, aid ino ycarji jii. total cost, $550,000. $275,000. of this amount Is self-liquidating. This dormitory will replace Uickett Hall. 6. Dormitory for 250 men, to tal cost, $687,500. $343,500 of this amount is self-liquidating. tion of the brick walls iias be gun. Structural s>€el work is expected Id beg(n within two months. One *of the features of t h e Folding bleachers will be building will be the 36 x 75-foot I oa one .side of the gymnasiiu|i. tiled swimming pool which will be fpur feet deep at the sha| Liia aiiu ii icul at tlic deep Aiio oa Uic iirsL lloor te; main gymnasium, witn tWM basketball courts, a correijuVe gym and a modern dance ^pd I ballet studio. In additidh to dressing rooms, shower rooma I and a first-aid room, this flf ' will house the director's WNSO f THE FRIENDLIEST ANb EASIEST PLACE IN DUUHABl TO DO BUSINESS FOR YOUR CAR HRES RECAPS BATTFRIES SEAV COVERS BRAKES A^.ln^'MENT ' WHEEL BALAN^'ING r.A'^OLINE FOR YOUR HOME tFLF,VIS!ON STEREO TAPE RECORDERS' RF.FRIGFRATORS FREEZERS WASHERS DRYFRS KITCHENS BEDDINn 2 Locatiuii» We Give Brunson’s Stamps 9H) W. MAIN Si. PHONE 6S2-ym /I3 W. CHAFEL HILL UUHHAM, N.

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