T H E C A II 0 L i N A T I M E S i^U-OURHAM, N. C. MTURDAY, AUOUtT I, IMS RiCCIVE BOYk (.CUB AWARDS — Q«org* W. Lo^an, IhM from righl b*ndi hit bMd iligbttr to para^it hit grand daughlar Bon- ni« Logan (back to camara) «l fix Boyt Club Bronaa Kayalona madal acroM hii iheuldwi. Tbit tcana oceurtd laal waak aa two of tba diractori of tba Avary Boyi Chib, of Ddibam. w.^>a prosantad tba Bronaa Kayatona award in a prlTata caramony.l ^ Tba ethar rac^Unt. J. V. Low*, b shown third from laft aflar haring raMivad bit award. Looking on ar* RaglnaM Dal* ton (Mt) and John S. Stawsrt (taoond from Nft) who mad* pro- lantation to Lowa and (at ax* trama right) Gaoig* Logan. Jr.. Tba two wara tcbaduiad ta ra- c*iv* tba awards at tba annual Boys Club board o diraclors maatinft sararal waaks ago, b«t it ^ iaytfcC;' •wuda #*ii ‘iiraMltlMl... w«*k. L«ir* M l.otm-’irtn- i ctirtMilly **IBhata •! hairitf m he«M «f. at- aarvlc*> tot*. ■■ -"..fi/ ■ * ■ >-• {ylito V«. -i' The f*«r- Soiliuntr teminar *n ; ud tbi ChrUUtn iu>w In ttaiba at Vir- Ir is hhllReM by a . , bift, Om Lil^' kadow- MAt. tbbp^ratcd aU la spon- MtiU hir School «H«ligion. fllevelt, of OMMaboro, th« toUy mlnlit«R wlvea 4itMiiliig the n^w«?K atmlnar. - ^ likliiUtcrt ttUMtfUig th* ffaliUii|kr come froiii ihirteeh "'’(M ind ■!>* Oifirlct ' of lli^bii and ' toMctA •pplicaaU wteifavit been W kehool Mr • n^^um ycata; their whw «re in to attMid tha 4t th* C. Gladden oil 1^ will be Ministers’ wt' will meet dailyJ ions at ttiptofi, der of section Bennett College Orientation Week To Feature Parents' Meeting GREENSBORO — A feature be given to some of the usual of Fresliman Orientation Week actlvitic^ of freshman orienla- at Bennett College, September tion, such as campus tour, in- 12-19, will be the parents’ mset- troduction to campus rules and ing scheduled for September 12. regulations and the usual bat- President Willa B. Player will tery of te^, it was fHt that preside at the opening session to more emphasis should be b* held at 10:15 a. 111. in the, upon providing an intellectual., Science Assembly and Mrs. experience in an academic aet- Davld D. Jones, director o( ad- ting which would challenge the inissJons.. will givfe' a djsscriptlon | student and give her a glimpse fummary of the entering class. 1 of what she as the potential ij This will be followed by a dis- j crcate and become. cussion of "The Fressman Cuf-1 - —1— hculum’’ with the following j core chairman participating; I Dr. George Breathett, social 1 acience; Miss Geor^is Latimer, English and readings Drt Roy Lee, general science; Mrs. Louis* O. Streat, home and family life ettucatlon, and Dr> E. Doris Me- ifinney physical education. This disciiss^n; will^ be fa^wcd by l-'Hov? Cap I^r«nU Help?* is M quest|Wi |HjMod/ t|ie top^ to, bt prts*nted by Pr. #ranci M l^.\OtaniU;^ director i psymological services, after #hicb there wiU aUo. ^ que* tion ^riod. ■ >1 t • I The parents will be guests at ■’^fSu'ifr At ■resided over br Ok^uac*! t. -WMrton. c9^g^ academic standai^ ’tomtnltin.' s^ which time President Play«r ThrM otiw# nlaiaters wl«V ^ill speak and introduce per«6ni ^ c&HleA last aprlni, in key faculty and administra , firiahed ft a tl» tive posts, as well a s student g^^ood place and won idcntl- leaders. I p,I Bermuda. They were Entering students were sent, | i,. Moaeley, of Mt. Oi- early this summcr7 a Selected ' Continued from front page the state will have a utihties com. missi jher who is nnt only a dis grace to himself and th«. stall but to the. nation is well. -Dwigee ^Contini|«d from iroiit paQk lou^ of "thV Holy Lanti will^ 'in- dlude sueh storied, Biblical sites Young Pidnisi Mdin wm^ntnt-aALiM youi^ JUMlMti from 16 to 41 an here tl(l» **«k for “blvckl^i#!^ sidewalk." --- t>>e K. iaitt W. Rtstau^'t i they vHM artiM*^ on of Accor^g to CORf: '9 Secretary William Thniii^^ wei« ^ the it^ wftt« mted «« laid t%ii; 'tria( scheduled' for ^ Aii#ui»t - IS. they Will M drttfuM by Natiotuil Cai«irtl9§n *F. Kiaaic*.- '. was iiMM ^ r to lat^ie^,' *. rcwts* |rei ward tft(i>Kitt|^»ttiw» by ing^inliAid^ (HlitlM I7nrhai«^|lt^i[^ are*,, ' '"Tb « Jnffiiiitr tH« df ‘*inihWi(i> loi jxpp Wih^ list of five books to be read and asked to do some reflect! • thinking in connection wiCTi them before comillf to Ihe cam pus. During their orientation period they will be asked to par ticipate in faculty-led discussions based upon the books. While time and attention will lead Baptist Church, of Durham and Hev. J. C. Harris, of States ville. Rev. J. H. Jones of Danville ■won the third place prize, a trip to New York. Rev. Jones will take his trip on. August Ifl and the others will accept their prize trips later. WE'VE GOT A SECRET! / Bank* and newspapari haVa on* thing In commoB • * . th«y *r« both n«w»- Kath«fin|r c*»ter*. But whll* a new*, paper’s job U to print the news it is our job to keep it quiet. Your trust ia oar bank is well placed, your conftdenc* i* never violated. Our busines* is to *erve you ... conlidentUlly. Mechanics & Farniers Bank 116 W, PAKKISH ST. •15 FAVETTEVILI-E ST. tb hath ar^^5..'^5- Bdttoi*' action to the city of Durham, it the people mjdt» it H. to weaken tib what the inevitablei If W* the Tfana l^flrier^ we total integrptton.” ifEORo aruoEtm BLAi* Brown took a big swi0*.^ Negro studdht detnoPstrato^'ln a seetiOh at th* letter titled'*3le gro Student* Hoek True Juitidc.’’ He saki |tat tbe ^Qutheni jve- gro studeata put down tlloii books for nfiere important ip*- and parade "around in •tlye street* Ilk* >9 many monkey i» y circua . . . Howfcver." he wro^, these atudentr on tb« mmnh sefm to gain anything th^ hearts d/isire from both Federal and State government.” How mtieh .voloe did th* ftu* denta of wMt* publie seho«Jl.jHt when they protekted ,deaa|tga- tloB? roiMk tlM parepls of theae march** have to to keep (heir tons and daughtwi in school? How much of yout donations to the choreh go f»- war^ Negro colleges, which seein tt>* breed riotsj” {hp,.letfBr quIHed. I 'iSie letter eiMed with a bTaiili [at’tbe ^ttom seeking contritm* t(6" nf s_.2s each arid plpdf^ «f .eotitiitNitm to eat at devj>)*- g^ted restaurnta. . J I rj.rt *'• ■ . ed fiwm (ront .page *u,tke Prite atupid scape- ’«^l oKeoa o( all times.” ■jpd, “Certainly, .with the * publli^ and news r* i *;rfll spread throughtout fPMt ^rtljh.you ex ‘you ma^ well anticl- I/-t»lh!r .large; sljowlw 'oe ^far% )(-Jor po otbei; rptwn. i^le • to nibi ihoulders mer attend ilMr adiQitted to > * Southerp Ca«y*li»a tve*.’' wrott. that Reld’i Md actions - “efin leat p.,^4finore or l^si than tl)' . Pemoerirts Ih' Ii4 th* eT*ati^l electipn ^lieaiik at*ta pfflfialv” tjimpliniMita ^to yoa ai^ comt)t«*at«.’' .-4 n * dtrted. “I hope I!IAACI» »nV a*ralt efthaai -and yoo btUr hU Qt Jiifc tii*y a*t|irily |*w on* j .♦'Wk*' yXljir^'VD COMMiMTS IW.flaafo*-f. a»Veo to cohim»nt eonferene* "I think l^tt^ a^ks for itsetf . .1 .did not jnieitd for the IS ^bllshed.” f •iM that the letter Remind us that wt certain amount C9^ a foTRiet leg! been on the commisa^os eiieept for » brief fer \ when he napped d«>n> Ws' homr.'County' 0t Qeineral AaiemMjr;. . yl'ljy ,i1. iif- (frrtnt'fri^ his h w«fti )gr he libt.’Witnesoe* siiM'thdt /{breetMed ' to epqte'ih beuee and g^ hidi Mdver shot him. '^km‘ ,^j- l|i Mc!v«r% ,y*M. B. L, Rogers ttid i. tlilcef took Mc^r 'lnVb cii^body ahortly after Vtef^rtioot- i^' ^wlr itollce repllt ^oted *$ a^ng he shot AdanM liewuaf Uiey had hac^o, argu- i|wit aoiMtiihc before -ind Iw W*#.! afraM' of Adams. '^l^iUce ottlcials tr%d unsuc- oeai^tly earlier tl/j wee% to get IlcIVer indicted for murder be- tore th* Durham County Grand ^ry. ■Board ■Pettiford , r«*nt|Bued from fro»t paf4 attending the meeting com- 9MBt*d on th* court decision *ad advocated an appeal from flka order. Beard member George l*ai^ retponded with a motion t|M( the l>oerd appeal to the Nfber court. .,; Mrs. Annie Laurie Bugg, the ifotnan member of the board, •econded the moUoa, and it 'paned. with Board Chaimuwi Aerman RhInehart >>lnlng Parks a a d Mn. Bugg In vocing ap pr«val. p^. .p. Eric Moore, the «ply fnentber on the bo*rd, the lone dis!l?rting vote ak^, with the comment, "1 thl^k it would be a waste of tax iS^rs' money," -^vt of the board members had* rsilsed oblections to the court decision before it went to Judge 4anly for approval. .. fiUll^ide busJ.'^eM w M, JMr scoffed ft the reports this week and sp* (finitely as far as he kifrw there would Ik no ch*ngj^ 4n the'school's wching st^ff, Kusset Blupt is currently Aerv ine as football and track CMpb while Cit^l BnirterDng |« haad^ ing basketball and tra^, 'l^h t btmt '*l*/»t'M> iMt- ' ' ■ , ce* with thoir toam.i in past '(irandy said schedules of ilfHlside's football and t>aaket- befi leatM have nlrrady gone to fl^'r n^nters i>earlnj the names ^ .ktyni and Kiwterling as foot le liiid' tNMketbali couhea. " jt$ ther^',waa no l^^briMtlon as to would JU||^ mttJford as aSgMli of the ’ll^^hihgton Union Co't^il) bfav- wrs AIL YOU Dot You grt a fre« iivorhi Colooial in thb ar*7 fEach card & alriysibTy Idlili^r 1 N rMawa^^ under #tin«w^p i|ater and i^iag spot isenttH ,'1^ iha Gold Bond Sattdr^vw Symbdil ^ASH" bring them to your favorite Colonial Stor^ fdr veilicimon m $100 i CASH, Every time you reveal the Sandv ^ver Symbol Mm your card to ColMial lOP veriftcation and win 100 FRE£ OM Bond kamps. Ait'a all there ii to it There I nothint to write or buy. PnCKlSARY—CoIobUI rtMt|m tb* right to t quAlJfled lepeeeeBtadre tte •tmenilciiy of winnUig *'toell CASH** cirdi. EmployMS rim fRinttlet of imnlwaM el Stores lacorporatcd and MMdiariM are mot eUtfbta to partldpiiw ta pmm. ^ ^ MORE SPELL CASH WINNERS tn«li£ Mtf. LSta Lrtf, Wtima Silt», N. C. Mn. PiMt Cmi(W, Wmalw, N. C. Mrt. DnM LyirMiti. V«. Mn. Ma 0*Mm, MwrtiX CHir, N. C. Mn. asaa rvk, Frwaitnm, N, c Mn. Msrr Bw(. WMMrSte, N. C Mr. B4miH OTM. OariMa. N. C. Ctmm Bweai. KaMtli. N. C. Mn. LatWt W||i. ImhiHw. N. C Mn. 1. a. Saaim. OifMS, N. C i*m*. r«».a««t, k. t M. C WMMar. CHtkm, N. C. ! Mn. J. A. tis St- IHiiSiMi W. a ' Mn. L. R. aSib, ■MMk*. va. MaM AAm, Wana. N. C Mn. C. W. MaL Bew*«, Va. Mn. VkiiWiiludMrSm, CrMWkan, N. ft Mn. a. A. LaaUor*. MiaS, N. C. Mn. rw Ca»«. Part—, Pf. C. Mr. J. L. rinli. Wlami »«!■■. N. C. Bataan laauIjtliiMna. N. C. E. L. MaewTbMnlSt. Va. wsat BnS. aackjr Moaat. N. C. Cmtt MU. CilSitniaJI. C. ~ «M Wama, AatrrnSc. N. C. . SaaiiaailiaMa. Stawart, N.K W. b. MSa, WkHnSto, N. C DRESSED GRADE "A" HEN fURKEYS ASMOim STAM MOON H. Me ilMOtm STAB FUNKS ... Ik. B3o Awkova sTAa oiiinks lOLOSHt Ik. 38o VALMAPE rAIMS WHOLE oa BUTT RAUT iOOONTHy HAM .... Ik. Ms 10-18 LIS. ARMOUK STAR SLICED LUNCH MEATS PICKLE-PIMENTO * SPICED MEAT lOLOGNA a LIVER CHEESI eoLflMiALi^tdw p»ai VINiGAir 149 C i. LARGE, LUSCIOUS, SWEET CALIFORNIA CANTALOUPES 2'" 49* FRESH CRISP PASCAI, ' ...* • CELERY • . . . • *S a • % STi^S Z5i URGE, JUICY CALIFORNIA RED GRAPES^; .... V ry;-' IGt rfAWc ; ''M 3si •OIDENl lUTTWMILIC^ BISCUITS ..,, t ... 9 £§5 49c 59« PRICES EFFECTIVE THROUGH SATURDAY. AUO. J, 19*3. QUANnTY RIGHTS RMERVED. SUMMERTIME SPECIAL! NU-TREAT lee MILK CHEF'S PRIDE SPREAD. PIMENTO CHEESE ILUE lONNET WHIPPED ' €# MARGARINE.... 2 49t c HAtF ^J)N SBEBEX CS. PREMIUM QUALITY Evaporated Milk - o !4M5S CANS 17 URGE SIZE SAVE 15c COLONIAtrS HOW PRICEI’ RUBBING A j%jL STOCK NdWt PUU. UMITi ONI or YOUR CM (MCI WITH YOUB ^ %BM OSDBft, M BIRDS EYE FROZEN nUNCH STYLB Green Beans 3 rSt. 79e rOVNG, TCNDBB Cut Corn.. 3 » 65 ttc arruND offer with I amos BYB VBGBTABLB LABIU CX FROZEN REGULAR Ot PINK LEMONADE la DETERCOT 100 Das GOLD BOND STJUffS WMi TMi Caavaa aai farrSaii t4 m-GAL, SIZE SANALAC 1*4 INSTANT DRY MILK j !■ VOID AFTBB AUO. 1, IMl ' M a-iss UROt SIZI ^THE GOLD BOND 6-OZ. CAN V' ■lJ STAR WHITI 'TAPER PUTES PKG. Of 100 79 GOLD BOND STJUIPS WHh TM. CM»aa m* rmitni ( 5-LM. BAG RED BAND . J OR GOLD MEDAL FLOIA, VOID Arm Aue. 1*0 FUKF. GOLD BOND STJIMPS WHh TMi caavaa m4 fankaM •* 12-CNT. PKG. GHJ> IJSIL 3 QUART nZK TEA 9AGS vom Arm avo. h na (IB GATE GRATED TUNA..:. 2 * 39c COMPLETE YOUR SET! "GOLDEN DAWN" lY AUGUST 3RD AT COLONIAL'S LOW PRICES! STJUIPS t Pankat. • lOHNSON’g WHITE Group Proje^ Plan G«t FREE EquiiM^t For «l* Yonr Chords Sdtooi, or OrgatoiBatl^! ^100 COLD MMD STMIPS WM TMi CSmhs aM fwitMi tl ic«:ia,.aoTTU |« r Ilf ram Am« aiw. ikjm m ' S4 fy ^50 nrn im Ons» at { MIOIX Kq. CDirtVWT |M *ATH>0#l tiami lii vo« AfiaNi.AU«.«,«f*n^ *»: . jN» ■Mi— ll' tij 50 I coummjiriuips WHk TM. Owvasnae »WI>III ti 50 $ PKCMl YA suao L COLD BOHD STJUIPS WM TMi Caaaa aaS iiii «( 4S-CNT. PKG. MODES8 M regular 12 SANITARY NAPKINS, IO vom ArTBB AUO. i, itu a.« ^25 CilOMVITllMPS WM tl* «M|M mMfikmt a( WINDS 3iliouNwi4iM&ni^ VOM MU & t: