Hflskfe Grads of '30 Renew Old Ties »TV 9 ^ 4 i -f- THt CAkOLiisa iiM tT SATURDAY. AUGUST 10, 1963 DURHAM, N. C.—PAbk DMniel E. Moore, Dean of the Srhwl at Library Science at Nortll CsroIiPa College, was speak«r irt the reunion banquet for liillHlde’s elan of ^0 on Snturrtay evening, Aunust S. at Shraflt’s Country Inn on Dur ham • Chapel Hill Blvd. Mh Moore, a member of th» pla'w. was'Introdifrnd by Mrs. Luclndn MoCiaiiley Harris. Theme for the b.nnqnM was the CIb^s Motfi - “Ad Astra Per Anrtern" or “To the star» throiiKli diffleultles.” AW^rnia Waijstnff wa! nn il- lustrlnus toastmaster and re capitulated mme of the actfvit: leu of the cIbm v^hen ,th«^ were ttudknta at HilMde. El*»vnn Mldi»ette de1lv»rpiJ tho invoiwtlon. Other htfrhllfHits of the banquet was the Drps'»”pe of .T It. Lurns, prlnrlnnl of Hillside Hlph School:. .Tohn Dnvld^on, prinrtnal of Pt'nrsontowf' School: and Mrs. Katherine C. Tiiomits, t“arher at Hjlbide HiiJh Sciiool. These indlvidnnls broueht greet ni?s to the class members nni’ gue.it. Wr'nfluet closed with Mrs I.illian Fi»her Amis hrinplng ex- pre«^lons from classmates. The menu for thte Hiepiornblc event wns tomnto Jtiice. tos'ed galnd with french, dressing, nock cornish hen with wild rifc dren« ing. bnked rolls, sherbert 1 cc cream, and iced fen or coffee. A The clai*s roll In 1930 wa^ (•« /deceased) Doris Allen x, William '/ Alston X. Mnrv Amov, T.ee Maggie Bolding, Martha Chavl on.s. .Tohn Cieeg, I.lnvd Curtis. Fioretta Dunstan, Mnrv Knps. M»rv Evan, Daffodil Farrlnetnn. 1,111!* Farrlnetmi. I.illlan Fi.'h- er, 'Willie Flintall, Gladys Ifnr, i rington, Alberta Haskins, Wal-, I.eroy McCray, Luciitda We-1 Phoebe Parker, James Pearson, ter Hayley, Beatrice Henry,' Cauley, SalMe McNeil, Elwynn Julius Perkins, Carlie Powell x, l.ydia Hinton, Jessie ITopson, Ida MIdgette, Dani«l Moore, Jolin | OH* noiiert, Norma Robinson. Horton, Minnie Hyett, F.dris Muckle, Isadore Oglesby, Oliver ! Toynetta Saunders, Mabel Sent, Wilnnngfon's Clarence Ferguson Is Appointed New Dean of the Howard University Law School Jack.son, Edward Jones, Mary MoOre, Tate X. Lucy Thomas, Evelyn 1 Tilley, Alvernia Wagstaff, Catli-1 erine Walker, Sue Warren Fior- WASHINGTON, D. C. — How Last year he began a leave of I on the ■ ence Weav.r Georgia Wiliuin.H University officials today an absence from Rutgers Ui,.«;r.Yilcode,, Uniform Commercial , Samu^Mo..re Eva William Shearin, Maggie R. j Mourlne Wllkms, and Margarct^^^^^ appointmem of as general counsel of Hr- Civil Jones, James Lawson, Samuel Orines, Benjamin Page, Clarcne Smith, Ruth Stanfield, Nsttifi i WHitamson. ' Madden, Rosal>eil McAdams, Palin-"r, Douglas Palmer x, | Steiie, Wilbur Stroud, Preston I (h^ Dean Ferguson wTrr ft*strt»^ — Clarence C. Ferguson, Jr., .'to. Riglits Commission. j Washirgton with his wife and pf Wilmington, general counsoi The new d“an is a native of three daughters, of the U. S. Civil Rights Com- Wilmington, and was graduntcd mission and professor of law a! cum laude from Ohio State Uni Rutgers University as, dean of versify, wtiere he achieved Wgti the Howard School of Law. I distinction in constitutional his- He succeeds Spottswood \V tory. He earned the Bach''ior of Robinson.'-III, who is being con-1 Laws degree from Harvard lliii sidered for appointment to a U. versify in 19.51, where he also S. District Court judgeship. j was graduated cum laude. While Fergus0n»^_whp--^s5um''s the a student at Harvard, Mr. Fergu post as dean and ,professo^f of son was president of the ITar- law at Howard on OotohCIv: 15. j vard Legal Aid Bureau and win- has been* a practicing attorritjy | ner of the Ame.'j Prize for lhc in Massaciiusetts and New York best oral argument of the 1941!- Since 1951. He was a.s.sociated ' 49 school year Union Hear Terry with the law firm of Baltimore, j Paulson and Canudo in New ^ the School of Law at Calhnlio York City from 1951 to 19.T4. j University, lecturer in the In- specializing in corporate and j stitute for Continuing IjOg.il Kdu bankruptey matters. He al.so , cation of New Jersey, and Icr- lerved as assistant counsel to' turer for the Bankers Associa the Moreland Act Commission in tion of New Jersey, its Investigation of' harness rac- j The dean also has served as ing. i U. S. Alternate in the United In 19S4 he was appointed an . Nations Subcommitteo on 1h'? REV. F. D. TEHHY TO SPEAK AT UNION BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. F- D. Tarry, pastor of l!ic West End Baptist Churcli in j Winston Salem will deliver tli" I sermon for the llrOO a. m. ,':erv- He has served as Ir'ctiirer in ice on Sunday. August 11. at Union Baptist Church. assistant l). S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, serving in that capacity until he Joined the law school faculty of Rutgers University in 195.5. Agriculture Experts Search for Ways to Help the Little Farmers SEEK BETTER DAY FOR, day I2ih annual convention of FARMERS — W«yt of haiiening ■ better day for I o w income farmer* oe^pied agricultural ex tension agenti duting the four- Kids Enjoy Life Of Day Camp the National County Agenti As ■ociatioii last weak at Mitsisiippi ^ Malcolm L. Coleman. Boley, Vocational. College. Itta Benn, I Okhi.; C. D. Camp, Syhrania. Mill. They agreed that on* or^Ga.; S. L. Hiilon, Greenwood. Wayman H. Alexander, Fort ta and Pin* Land's 38,000 acre Worth. Texas) Mr. Godfrey: farm at Scott. Wins., discussei a freshly ginned improved var iety of cotton with S. L. Hilton, Miss., Henry J Spears, Living ston, Ala.) and Dr. J. H. White. Mbaissippi Veca- j^eiiden^ of Mbaissippi \ tional' ColISge.’^ot ahown" the keys to advancement is in. created farm effieiencr through mechanisation. Top left, ^'Coun. ' ty Agenta of the Year," tfho j have helped farmers make mark | Willie boeker of Hamburg, Ark. ed improvements, are being con-; and A. M. Dobbitts. Jackson, gratuialed by Administrator Ho-, Tenn. Top right: O. B. Wooten, race D. Godfrey (centar) of the (2nd from left' a engineer of the Agricultural Stabilization and , USDA Delia Branch Experiment Coniarvation Serrice. Left to Station, ihows a new coanbina- More than 125 youngsters er, joyed'attending day camp at Hill side Park this summer. Several of the campers who are visiting lieve from - out-of-town declared tha* “Summertime Is Fun Time in'Diir ham." Day camp began on June 10 and ended on August 2. The camp ers would arrive at 9 a.m. and leave at 4:30 p.m. During thes» hours under the supervision of counselors the campers- participat ed in group singing, arts, ami crafts, ilthictlc games and contests dramatics, talent programs,-|iuDp't shows, »nd swlmrniil^'Nutritional and delicious metis were served daily at the W. D. Hill Recreation Center on Fayetteville St. Lenndras Williams, physical edit cation instruct»r st Whitted Junior Hlpn School, was supervisor. A.v sistant were Mrs. Frances Walker, 'nuic and p.ames; Miss Carol llol mes, arts and crafts: and Marie Weston, alhlelic games and wiiler '-nnt Junior counselor wers Juiie Williams. Phyllis Robinson, Sleph nnie Wilson. Gloria Gay, Katrina Holtlslon. Demerius Williams, San dra Henderson. Claude I.arahe, He linda Walkfr, .Stoney Prown, John ny l.sve, Alfred llro-Ain, and Don aid Washington. The ladies rfl.tpnhHble for the l'‘ricl6Vis Jood served daily wrrf Mrs. Ixola Aftiton, Mrs. Mary ’hnlm'^rs, ?iHss Cressie Chaiiiurs apd Miss Caroline Martin. When fall roll around and the '’atiiners vf>tiirn to school, they'll h" I 'llint! thi'ir classmates of now 'Suinm'‘rlime Is.Fim In Ihirhatn.’ right: H. L. Hubbard, Angjtton. Tex., president of the awocia- tion; John D. Andrews, Bastrop. La. who sto^d in for Tboi|ias J. Smith, New Roads. La.> R. C. Smith. Darlingloa, S. C.; Ifleh- ard L. Bradley, BnshneH., Fla.i UoB mechanical cotton sprayer and picker to R. M. Mackey, Canton, Misa.i C. D. Scctt. Sel ma, Ala.) and B. D. Harriaon. Shrereporl.' Bodom Uitft; Greenwood, Miss..; Charles M. j Burton, Greenvilfc. Miss.: J. W.' Saunders, Valdosta, Ga.; D. P. t Lily, Okmulgee, Okla.; and A. S. I Sseon, Bsiistant to the Adm4»i-[ strator of the Federal Extension' Service, Washington. Bottom right: Dr. J. H. White of MVC and Misiiiippi Extension Editor ^ Duane Rosenkrans admire a plaque piedsnr >1 to tbem by the county agents. Left to right: ■obert Bryant, Monicello. Fla.; M. E. McCoy, Pine Bluff, Ark.i AaaMiation President H. I»- Huti^d, Angietoft. TexH, Dx. terly C. «wing. Jr.. from I White, Mr. Rosenkrans and I.. left) noted coUon bsMder at Del, D. Kennedf, Sparta. Ga. Scenes From Durham Day Camp Activities Seo0raw'$ Gin Si Setgram’s ..EjctwPro OOU3EN *' is§6hi»« Oi«TH4.Cb •OTn.f 0 LAw6e»#Cteu#l6.%d •NCUT.W L mmm wrnmmnn. i».c. m fiMUM. fran AoMtictt Gfata Our Volume Policy . Means Saving:s To You! t^7 FORD I'airlane 500 4- * Door Sedan V-fl. Ford- omatic drive, radio, ,*hite ^695 tires, blue eo FALCON Squire Station Wag Automatic trans- radi^ Ireater,^ ite finish $2695 mi-ssion, white tires, white finish like new Cl FALCON 4-Door Sedan. Deluxe trim, standard transmission radio, beater, blue THUNDERBIRD FORD—FALCON $1095 iJUedddutder FOBDsa ‘ Vour Hometown Volume Ford Dealer" Prevention of Discrimination Against Minorities, and former ly was secretary and r"se.irrh j director of the New Jersey Com-1 mjssion to Study arid Report Compact Specials L fil BUICK Special Deluxe 4-Door Sedan. Hlu.'', heater, radio, aiilp- niatic transmission, air cundition, $1995 ODGE E^NDABLE, Used Cars 60 VALIANT 4 Dr. $1095 60 CORVAIR 2-Dr. 1295 60 FALCON 4-Dt. . 1195 59 CHEVROLET 2-Dr. Hdtp 1395 53 CADILLAC Cpe. DeriH e . . 5S0 5* FORD 4-Dr 795 58 FORD 4-Dr. ... 795 57 CHEV. Sed. Del. 695 56 PLYM. 4-Dr. 595 56 DODGE Wagon 495 UNIVERSITY MOTORS, INC^^ '"Your DEPENDABLE DODGE DEA1.ER" Me W. Main St. Ph. 6*1-8931.^ 161 Special 4-Door * Sedan. Sunburst yellow I heater,, autuniatic tran.s- mission, white fires, local “filTQo one owner .... ' ' g1 FALCON 4-Door Sedan, White, radio, heater, white lircs, tsraight di"i\e, extra clean, one SI 295 c'Aner — FALCON 2-Door Sedan. Heater, straight drive, solid white with red- black interior. 14,000 actual miles, :si„ *1150 cn COMET 2Door Sedan. White 'vv.'.th re (bi"?k, interior, radio, heate*’, straight drive, gQ VOLKSWAGEN 2 Dr. Sedan. Datiio. heater, white tires, local one owner .. Johnson MOTOR CO. N. C. Deaitr No. 680 ( 326 E. Main 682-54S6 $1150 WB ENJOY PITCUUia HORSE- lit Day Caaap at Rillsida Park SHOES — Looking on in a semi-during the awnmer are Johnny drcie at Ranald Henders-on I,aye, Keith Jeaas, Grovar, Me pitching in a horM«hoa game Neil, Jaokaon, Maik Waaton, McNair, ^ain Lawson. Stand ard, Man0um Rhodes. Dunn, Woodaon and Hawkins. WK mSPLJKT omi Alt* AIOH CHArrs — PiolwRd HMM are ■ ftwip of campM* aMI oaWBalf at* itaidiag arawdf ■ tt^lay bond of ilena aMl* at tM»-»«« ^Ctmp at HiilaM* Vmth dawli« a— • plastfk belt Kr>TCB iMb pmm plpo eleaMM, hm p«|nWI» alicka, a*4 lalt ol Oe .nd wjiiigm *>hiBsoa. ^ Chvlft MswfelM. Dsnald W aah^ auparvtom hud L«uiy H«wftlB« To fb* flfltt n* SmAMfBi Jwmm Woodeb* C«aMa B>«wn, Bdlat Mk^acl Boiat, Haaptr ChaMMU JUM Biowtl. a»d iwi* wooiwoRnrs Back To SCHOOL BARGAINS Save 22c NYLON STRETCH mums ChMc* of Many Colora Reg. 39c 17c ' h 3(W Sheets 5 Hole " flilEIPKMW'is ** ^ * i ( ^ 57c Polyurethane BED niLOWS 99c Save 90c Package of 36 PEKCILS Size 1-2-3. Rec. $1.80 88c Happy Home HAPPY HOME SHKT SALE ir X Mr DOUBLE BED SHEETS Regular or Fitted .... $1.97 7T * lir* TWIN BED SHEETS Regular or Fitted — $1.87 4Tm Mr PILLOW CASES 2 for 88c * ty^ MoaUn witli aniMtii - Amly wown of asbelad, lone Americwi Cotton. Ortt 199 tfcraoda por squaro inch. Spechil BINDffiSAlE B!( 11/8* CaoTsa Bkt3tr with Clip Cover 59 SHEETS OF FlUUEJt PAPER W(MUC ORGANIZERS $1.00 Downtown Only Open Friday Nights "Til 9:00

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