cr * THE eAR0L8,RX-'T,r.Sft.ES ' tMiRHAM, N. C. SATURGAY. AUOUTT 10. ,1M| rr 99 Continued from front ptgt Int school with them tor i feu. • Negro chUdrM find ittcad ■nee In white Mhouli "itrestful but not inctpKitattef.’’ • White children Iti dtiegregJi ted Khoob wlfer no “mcwklP|rlpfW|tptrie damage’' and no “breakdown In ability to MTork, study and get along with friends." • Children of both race* con- tiniiF their studies "without ini pairment.” • From an academic viewpoint dewf!r«ii»tie& easitr |ti clemen tary grade schools. The study found ^retnirrs on Negro children in desegregated schools varied "only ill Ocitrec’' from those which had always fnce;l them in their dally lives. It adutj that while it was hard frtr a Nc- cro child to enter an »lt-#hlte school, the chunse offered "hopes and npportiinities for work, loi as-sertion of sPlf, which with othf-r moments thsi may ,. « . .1 k. have «.rmed to them not oniy McW«>.ck said "Not only in Nortii hnr.1 h..t also futile and less fOt , Carolina, but in other Sou hern states where there are militiiry b4sfs and major civil rlghla or rnatliiiwl iNm fmit Mil Tbe MdiilM iMiontMg gtm «tr» Mmm MvU r>|kH Itaderl from 31 Neru Ctrdtln^ cltlaa fend froA d oUiw iutei lit- tending thi tiuWday ttiMrtnhop. though several aervlcMtMn liad beeii called down f«:>rt«klli|l ^rt in the civil rigfhti mdvemaiit Ul« on leave and in civlUut cUihini may still be able to juurtlclpate in demonstrations. The telegram to McNamara aaid: "Request Uoldsboro be |)lae«d off U»jU«.ta.3cytq9urJDhluon Al Base prewnnet and Cbdiii>t«. "itacial dlaci^inatlon In city prevents Negro military |>er sonnel from exercialng full riglitt of American citiaens." The request follows MeNamara'i own decision that cltica near mill tary. baaea can be declared oft- limits to service pe.simiik! Ii fit clal discrimination ia aevere. Speaking on the ia'uc. Attorney filling.” r»r. roles attributed changed at ... i , . i.J gunftations, .He are polng to aee titii'Ips in soMi'^ white children ... 1 • lu ' to it that the proniiae* af the A.,lJk.::SSeS core workshop —Jchn D. Brooks, NAACP voter ragiitration official from Rich mond, Va., ’'was one of .ha civil rights experts who addraasad sat- Upson Elected Sian* of ,tw held in >>y CORE. Pi ^ ailtcav slty for, a«(|)^k|iii9t «*(ar-faft«tra- tion driv^ I’ S?''* v. - Directors Body ' 'lORTv—Mark: Upson, ip )jr-/| . . '-i.tivp of the Proctor and (: "'ill'> f’ompany itnd proii-ntl) di e I r i:f Ih? firealPr rtiiiin n !■: "tnditinti, wa^ fierti'rt 1.) • '•I- I’ i .wl of !iirrcforJ^.#f CnlonlHi r,t )! i ■■ Ir.c' i |HiT!*frd at ttir I I "I- rpM ' of lh« KiipTinnrKCl c!ri 'Ii .nrd Ir’re rerrntly. ■j: ■' Ciilijri il (lirertnrs atsn lir I rc"nlar quarterly rasfi div'fl' r'! i( 17 1/2 rent'3 p«!r .shar fi'i I" stock and quartetly (livt l ii(i» of no cents and H2- 1/2 c"'>t 1 if) ctlvrly ofi t «nd 5 p-i 1 C(.r-t pr‘ Ti-rrci stock. ' j AiH i'i\ii^cp'ls arp nnyaljU’ h-'p \o a\».>l'lvrs of l otoid If;: * l*t>snri lirtjml ,os a vjpe prei. di’nf of Proctor ind '^ainltlul'hi Novainhcr of .^ 19^,' aft^. 481 years sorvice ■ wit^l .tllipi;ooni|(iWs! l(c is a mrmbar o( the’Cinciimati Plnniiin” Commission, truster ol '''.Cincinnati Southern Rail*;^ and !i leader in Cincinnati Civic Affairs. Touring World War II, hi was (ilroctor of Tnansportatiun tof tlic War Pood Admi>lairAt{oH 7.| C'donial Stores cnrreittl|r rates 440 supennarkcta'. ill ' 10 loMi'irrn and midw''stcrnl'atAtot; Alabama. Florida, Oeorgia, Koii tucky, Maryland. North Carolina South Carolina. Tcnncssei and Virginia. “qi'ttin" to Unnw a Dartlcular Nr- prn child." and "thlnkins abon* the problem bocausc. th«y wer>’ part of a desesroiated school.”. He quoted a vhite Atlanta Jiith. school senior: ... ■ “I've really chaii?ed * lot .’f my ideas. You can'$ help but havj respect for them, the way they' ■ gone through the year ao well They’re nice kldj, that’s what yfev find out after a while. They spw^ ' well, and are mnfe InteHitcnt tiian' a lot of my frlendJ. . . " -Essay , Continued from front page . (ed^al govemoient are fulfiltel. , LIADERS Ot>rOSI HBADI { {'^1^' other action tMtcn at tMi t^e-day workshop, leadsrf tiiutrd ■n jofficill resoliitloil In o|)t>oalti(Hi lo Ite sUtementa nude teat week by two officials aakiiif tor demon strations to stop a.t i. negotiaticai to take over. The resolution a«td that the leaders “regret that such a state- inent came from tw»,of North Ca' rblina'i foremost edw^ilorl (Dr Walter Rl'ley of RUiabeth City Stale College and Dr. Joseph H Taylbr'df North Catolina Coll*'5t at borhaai) alid hope 'hat tiiey't ..i evaluate — ho'.iestlyr-the piesont racial crises in Amw«!a-' used at the collage of the winnet> choice. ; Information is available froin Miss Rosbn Cheszl*. Yimth Or Hons with those 4)rnctirln1 tn iiniyo.-, the contest director, at ^.>,1 Hiscriminatlon ar»» uosurrt’m They resolved "that ^^I^en ne?o NCNW national h»adqH«rt*’rs. 13J8. (ji (they) wiH continue majf: Vermont Ave., N.W., Washington ,nd other type* o’ j 5, D. C. '|nonvtol'n,t persuasions pertinent j to racial discrimination and fr«e n ! ' til America’a citixens.” | NAMED AMMAN Oi> tHl pUAR.—KriPI They said that riemonslra*ioni.i TIR—AU«i*n Wrst Clau :r»in i ^ . are the results of failures of at j Graham, Mr. «hI ,7.ra. Wil ' Continued from front paiie ^^uations l am Crah'th*i.«f $»ra«». w.k' » counter move, the CouutylceHsa until racial injnstlcea t«l*ci«d #t **AUm«fi #f tht j School Board filvd a petition wilh completely erased. H tanpclhef Caitral '"1 -The leaders snnt cscerpt*. from which to nie an anawer to "'•'jh, rrsolution to President K. n original suit. [n«dy and Goverfiot Terry 8anT^td The pctillon requests hear iu;:»| „ on demands for Wunctlons winch was hrid 'k* would prevept achoirt anthoritKik a.M.E. Church h*TB. from “operating and mainUliiins the na«d tot a bi-racial achml syaiem. ’ | (ampalgna In the iir4iia The bq^rd wiil operate its ^f Hucation and employment, integrated school thw 4*11 »»rtn» ^j|^n *i,..ikt the new Jon»n* Ibjih ihiAiteer ef .Ndrtli, CavolIM qit ^ ‘ ‘ tfte Airport ^ Carigianip durji^g th* perii^ Ajl)r'll'lrl)MMit|(i ■! AlrnMMW^fi»aw W«a fair ihia'Mn«r lii' lor W^^^iiiiwiriisHgai'o Oiilyr. •**r all «i>wiilinas ftMir Mali artanita^ lMMal ,af T«N*> hat CaMW AW^. pM la c^Wad aa» 'Mmh4 af a )iM»^ U. S. SavlW ■Meyers Kenyan Women ft Visit Alamance inca, Ii^i /iT thto weak from Ala- all and Anaoa Ceun- (Ilems manca, ties. KENYA yiSrrORS Seven teachers from Kenya, Africa have ijeen visiting homes in Alamance County studying bt'ttor homemaking practices. Since sanitation was listed as a problem. Mrs. Vera Liggins tauglit the visitors how to make lye soap. According to Miss Oze.tta P. Guyc, home economics agent, Mrs. Carrie Wilson demonatra- tcd how to make a mattress. Each teacher constructed a miniature mattrrts which she will take back to her country to use in meetings with local people. HOME BEAUTIFICATtON Mr. and Mrs. John Tatum and family are getting ready t* move into their new brick-vencrr home. Miss Pauline Mooro, honi" economics agent, says that the Tatums are planning pro jects and activities for each ol the 4-H'ers in the family. Those projects will be in the areas of home ground beautifi- r.'ilion and 4-H home improve- m^nl so that the children can tiik" an active part in furnis1\- 1p({ and buautlfyin,} their new hoiri" . CiAKD£N 'lOuH ivirs. i^oiii Btiuicii, ^uiiicii iv-iiasi 111 Hie iioiiit ijeiiiunsiiuiioii Club, ha.s stimii- laicO intuit^bi' tn^ iioiii^ ing U11& ytai. AroufKi 2(i p'>r- swiji j, tou* vfUb ■ ■ .• .•:/! c, tUMn irent He had .,llrc«^'‘ rcai8n.>d,.‘is ol June 30, but the tru.stecs prntallrd on him to remain until Srtn ’ in 1 , , order to give them time to make' a choice. the new JordiM* ihAAiieei «l .Ndrtli ( School opemll Tdw* Continued from front page iur.fei||il% )^r til to becoitl# ^ for «4a|H()r 11« llr^ lit enploymeitt and oiili mBm Miouid become a part ui ouf iMhI atUcka.’’ iM wofkibop was spohM^M jotMtir \>t ttie tour majttt clvlt The selection pt a new president for the 50 year old state-supported institution has proceeded wit'i in tense speculation during the pas' few weeks. There had been sevtTi.1 reports of favorite candidates. This week, a new aspect to the speculation was revealed when i* was leamc^that faculty meinb*T.' had preparflih petition to p^sent to the trustees requesting that Dr. Elder be retained a.s president of the instiution for at least anohe'i year. The petition reportedly received overwhelming support from th faculty. The names of several men prn minent in education had enterci in to speculation earlier. The on» most often repeated lately is tnai of Dr. Samuel Proctor Massey Arkansas born scientist who is an administrator for the iVatlonal Sci ence FoyodaUon and professor ul Pharmacy at Hcr»ard University. However, many late reportjf said that Dr. Massey's stock had becup to fall somewhat with severs’ trustees in recent days. gardens. ,• ... I Mrs. Margaret .Kirk, h'ome economics agent says that-Mps^ j Henry Roy Bennett had 29 dif ferent vegetables In her garden and is canning the surptuis for Wilton^ C. Scott, Savannah righU organiutions in the conn- State public. relations officer, try: the NAACP, the CORE, the told the TIMES thi« waek that Southern Christian Leadership Con the i;levation of the aenlor dean ference, and the S»udentJ)lrtlV;3- to serve in ca^ef the diaabiiity leM Coordinating CoinmiUM. of the president waa a standard | McKiaMck aaluted the large rep- policy in Georgia educational reaeatatioa attendini; the work- systems. > shop as an indication that “the desire for emancipation through direct action and demonstrations baa reacIM the stajjc where it wiU ba translated into a reality.’ ■Progress Continued from fron^ page -Council be greatly supplemented by the ■»ork of local councils . , . Nw groups must be formed . . . Sag- gested activities for local oounciis center upon consultation and co operation with employers and upon communiration and counselitg ot prospective Negro employees. "In conclusion,” the brochure states, “the State Council . . . caAlt upon all North Carolinlana lot more active support. The sncceas of tbe Good Neighbor Porgram. we, Commlaalon felt Continued from front page ready crowded education and recreation facilities in the area. They contended that tho land could be used as it waa zoned to house families tiisplaccd by Urban renewal. Brooka aald the Zoning Com- miMion approved a (nodified. re- quaat of RA 20-30 becauae the tl* area lant believe, is vital to the ecoaomic Itaelf to apartment ^elopmant growth of our Stata and tha moral and t>ecauae shifts ia population fibre of our people.' caused by other UriM renewal projects might reliwa tha ovar- cro'wding. '' Perry aald the houalng waa "abaolutely necessary” for Ur ban renewal. OpponAta of the zone change Continued fri)m front page Pfc. Buford Holt, the parntroop^ er who demonstrated on July 1* critkaed the Council acting In a is still being held without bond at atatement following Mon day the request of army authorities, night’s meeting and decided to The citijens of Danville are circu- further meetings to diacuat the il^tfr months. Following ilatin!; a petition in protest of this PO**ible means of seeking re* the t^r, Jhc ladies attended n| action. j lief from the Council action, demonstration on planting 6- fall 1 Avon Rollins executive cornialt ; for,, sentencing RollinTlo 10 daya garden. tee mair for SNCC was eenvieted $100.00 fine. for contempt of court la failing to; Appeal bond *as set it 1800.00 No more jokes about Limlnirg- cr ciieese, pieaso! Cheese mak ers Tllat ilminf a fast developing taate for tbia pro duct. LdiitjUirger clieeae jj;(oduct lion in 't#42_Y^s,ut» 23^per Cent ovef me yeit b^torc. . ^ _ ■fubmit to a court-ordered medasal «ftar the court rcquejtad , that examination despite testimony oil judge A. M. Aiken fix the amoant. the court directed ‘physician to Judge Aiken was not sitting in the contrary. "I don't care what Dr. Neely (court pnysU;iail) testified’’ crjed prisiKiiii^ Ltji, Uazilc tha case. i “It ia an. obviou.s conspiracy against Justice" said Thopm l^lt, Danville SNCt. li»ia htcictatj. MORE WINNERS EVERY DAY m couMiuL’8 txcrriiM, ruN-nLLiD SPELL CASH GAME W. O. Aii4trtM» MifeiMt N. C Mr*. OMti rkkkt^, N. C. Mn. lack Warrwi, Fv«ii*tWla N. C. Mrt. Cmptr, WMlriBgla^ N. Ca AtoiMiir Dmo, TwtiPi, N. C RHrit CertSeTNew N. C. Mf%. Vs. Mn. Aaalt Imwa#, WenwHee, N. C» Mr*. Omtti Manta*. Wliliilii, N. C. C*M*r« Wftac*, N. C KmmI DMars. N. C* Mr*. H—m Sttfa WtiKw Mil, N. C Tmi r»rtifiw>. mKunWiff *1 r Mr*. L. J. KffMti. iTMltot. V«. Mr*. Thrnmm Dt EnM» TtmImk N. C Mr*. Frank Gante, 0*M*fc*ta, N. fr Mr*. Ppiv J—■*! DariMa N. C . w. S. Nate», iweiTH. c v Mr*. DMta AriMhata, H, C VMaaGaMM^fMMaCN.C _ Mr*. R«C. Kcdas, Oreeeebara, N. 0» WMaa WaM, Gra«?tta, N. C. Mw-T^ May. Wi taian«. w..c_ ^ Mn. L. a. DmM Nnr Bm. N. C. waaoi awS^iMUMiat. n. c ciiMia sthTTI mcc* atticHva movof ■ATUKDAT, AVO- >*. >MH '' QUAimrr nona NATUR-TENDER LEAN, JUICY CHUCK ROASr-39 DISCOUNT COUPONI SAVE 18c ON YOIW PURCHASf OF INDIO COaNED ^ BEEF 12-OZ. CAN WITH THIS COUPON AND YOUR $5.00 OR MORE PURCH; AT YOUR COLONIAL. VOID AFTER AUG. 10, 1963. UMTTl ONE RM CUSTOMKB. NATUt-TfNOER NATUR-TENDER FULL CUT BONELESS ROUND STEAK ib. 79 NATUR-TENDER 5th AND 6th RIBS RIB ROAST 69c Chuck Steak • a a lb- 49c NATUR-TINDER ROUND ION(-IN SimUer Roast a a lb. 49c NATMR-TENDER IONELESS lean END Brisket Roast • • lb. 65c NATUR-TENDER lONE-IN Rib Steak ..... lli- 89c' NATUR-TENDER lONELESS Stew Beef..... Hi- 59c OSCAR MAYER IREAKFAST . Unk Sausage... h. 69c LARGE, JUICY CALIFORNIA LEMONS 29 FRESH, CRISP, WESTERN LITTUCEI 2 25^ SERVE WITH GREENS ,, .VtAS CABOLINA maid aUTTCMMlLK BISCUITS 6 29c SpmNGTlME niOZEN Linas SUN VALLEY niOUN Oil Cori linN VALLEY CHOrFKO FBOZEN SfiiiMh if-M. ru- SUN VALLEY FaOZiN irtM'FiM SUN VALLEY FBOZEN MIXED YegetaUM SUN VALLEY niOZEN PeaslGarrofs SUN YALUY raOZEN CUT Gum Bmrs VAHLSING FKOZEN Fraseh Frits fwkPMs. YOUR CHOICE! Vinegaraaaa GluU 49 YOUNG, TENOn, HOMl-OroWH Turnip Greens 2p«n^29t 50 GOLD BOND WHk nit CM»o« M 12 JARS ANY BKAND STRAINED BABY FOOD . ^ VOID AFTER Al'G. II, IMI I gSga.AlkAVItf^WWJlWW’gi NIAiNE SARDUfES ^ ^ HUNrS TOMATO JUICE KOBCY'S POTATO* iTIX ^ FILLER TOR TEES, BAKON KRISPSf TRIX RED GATE PORK A BEANS YOUt CMOiCEl 10 100 FREE STjmps NOTEBOOK COFFEE 39 SILVER LABEL LIMfTi ONE LB. OF YOUK CHOICE VI'ITH A tS.tS OR MORE PURCHASE. CHASE & SANBORN 59 CHOOSE YOUR FAVORITE FRUIT COCKTAIL 0.S, BRAND 2 #303 CANS ^ ■■ DEL MONTE 35ri #303 CANS 39 UMITi 1 CAN! or yOUB CMOICX Wim a t»M OR MOKE ORDER. Big Star White Paper Plates “loo" 79 4-PACK LHICKKN or TURKXV^ POT PIES J VOID AFtRR AVG.J^ INS t-4 B-M CANS CHINKS GOLD BOND STJIMPS WM nw €>■>■», w Pir»lw«i ml 22>OZ. PKG. TKADB VIINDS SSHRIMr CREOLE VOID ATTBR At)6. It, INI 50 SOLD nm STunj WW'TMl mi PwcMM d ONE-LE PKG. M oscAii MAvn numel voB Arm Aufi. M, atl " ■ M a-M >25 IJBM*** GOLD nn STUlK WM TMi Cm«m m# Ppdiwi •! 1-LB. PKG.. VALLEYDALK |pi WAF» SLICED BAOm IA VOID Amw AUO, Hi im I w M a OUR PRIDE THIN SLICED SANDWICH BREADS 17c 25 COLD Bom STUFS Wkk IMt 0»»>wi m* ftrilaw at 14-aa. Pkg. NA^SCO PECAN SHORTBREAD COOKIEi VOID Ama ado. im*