tonn Laboratories 7^0 Chatham-Rd. • Winston-Sale II N. C. Durham Businessmen Urged to Sef Ex0mple for Youth ^ if if ' ^ }f if. ^ Jf if if jf ★ ★★ ★★★ ★★★ A.MiX CHURCH OPENS MEET IN DURHAM ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Auto;^Contest Closes-with Big Final Surge by Leaders Winners to 69 Announced on' November The Carolina Ti ar^ual autombile, to a close Monday 4II- of the contWV'mtden m^c a tremendous (urg* Iti r^- PQfta prior 4o the deadlim Mon- dsjfe, •' ' Thfi size of the fln>l reportf ht|d Times contest officials. stfU occupied at press time checking rej^ilts. Company officials te- p^ted this year’s contest out Vtci{»ed the previous one held lad i»U. ' '^^ouncement of the thfec bit] prize winners will made iB^jixt weeic’s issue of tbe news- pimc follovring an audit of Uis rcnUw . \ stake is the grynd prize of * l^w Ford Falcon. It will be aimfded to the first pl^c^ wln- Two other big^pri^es will b4 given to second at|4 third finishers. They aTf mink and a portable telfiTision prizes will be •mrjed at ^Iftlme of the Shrlnera all- sty/ bigh ychool football game on December 7., , /j Cgpteat officials aald at mid- wi(9^thC]r are hopeful that the cf^klng of reports would' b c(unpleted by the first of ^ that an audit of the W •uns could be made next ^LudUing P4^ of WiUiapi J.' Wincit, 1.' d. l^nderbuTg antt Bav. L. l1)pmpson is schedal^ an independent audit si^ before the winner an- m)unced. ■' Mrs. Syminer Day# aftd Mr*. EMher WUey l\ad aUg^'a Alp and tuck race Mor fltafr-'l^ce going into the fmal They ware being closed by, M. T. Artis and Uh. ,9^ Kd- ||"TkF*n:tUTIlUwiPiSEl?^ VuLUiVll:, 40 — No. 45 DURHAM, N. C—SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1963 RETURN REQUSSTkD PRICE: IS Cents Mass Funeral Held for 3 Tots Fatally Burned as Home Razed NCC ALUMNI QUEEN AND COURT —North Carolina Col- ■•■k't *'Misa AlvmnI,” her aHtn- dahH/ aitti their ^ticorfi poM during hsiitlme at the cellegt's HemeeemJi^ game with tha Sh>«> . UnlversHy Mars Satur« My.'l.e}tMrs. Idna L. tacton, WfsMngton, O. C.. chaptar, *e«^nd runner-up: Sam uel Becton; Mitt Mildred Hayet, |’57, "Mitt Alumni," th* Philii- delphia, Pa., chapter; Blat)o Smlih; fnd Mitt Minnie Wiiten. Wintton-Saiem, chapter, first runhat-up. —NCC ' Phete NCC FOUNPE.^- ^ Hwse North Cirelln^|£|Wl|a fIMcials and platferm gSl^lk.e ^IPMi in a «roup the ihHtq-’- lith annual Fau^der't ■kg ortvo^tiofl Mond^. (.eH^fo True Educati 1^1 Ur Knight at ^ address by Duke Univer- ally President Dougla* M. Keigbt and the awarding 6t an l^M^ary Doctor of HuinWiUles dMrae to Mrs. Trent «^nr highlightlTfg eventg In the ■ln^^nth anxiual observSlKe I^ftrth C:arolina Coliege'a Found- er>| Day Monday. convocation, hoooflai t^e uif ■ and career of tbr Ifta JMMBS E. Shepard, founder of fOUege in 1910 a«d lt« joeat- d«u until 104l^conveiya(l tha Cytale’s B. N. Duke au4tto*tudi attracted a stliAIAfTnaili alienee of studeilta ao4 knmg- BMring the program^ which Dr. Bascom Baynes ohatoaMi ol - Saa NCC p«l H , right; Dr. Bascom Baynet, ehair- man of the cellege^t^,^ard ol trusteet; On Jamet H; ^emtni, Profetter of urology at Duita University; Mrt. Mary Trtnt Semant, who received the hon orary degree Doctor of Human- itlet at the program; Dr. Alfonto Eldar, retired NCC pret!dent; and State Sen. Claude Currie, of Durham—NCC Photo. Showdown in C-R in Danville •ATLANTA, Ga. — A five-mar task force from th> Atlanta offices of the Southern Christian Leader ship Conference headed for Dan vHle, Va., this week tq join a sixth staff member of the organizatior in what may shape up as an all out desegregation ghof^down in th- Virginia textile center. The group was dispatched tc Danville on orders from Dr. Mai tin Luther King, Jr . SCLC presi dent, following a for aic from the Danville Christian Pro gressive Association, an affili»( of affiUate of SCLC. The Danvillr organisation complained that the city has shown a .itubborn resis tance to meeting a six-po*nt dese gregaton program requested by Negroes tinCe last June foUowmj 4waoartration| thei*- J Members of the ta..k force are. .Mrs. Dorat y Cotton, Director Citi- ■onship School. Mr. and Mrs. Jai Jevol, Field Secretaries at large- John Gibson, assists t to SCIX> Program Director; Rev. Aiher* Dunn, Alabama Field Secretary- and Rev, C. T. Vivian. Director o SCLC Affiliates, who preceded th ?roup to Danville. Their Job wil be to lielp the Negro community understand the philosophy o non-violence and prepare them ir the techniques of non-violent pofci tivg action. If they are unable to bring about reconciliation of the grievance* of the Negro community, SCLT plans to send a second and larf.e> group to the city for a second stage of organization and planql^ Sm DANVIU.I, Parents Left Home Moments Before Disaster; Half of Family Wiped Out Mass funeral services for three small children who died in a fir* in Durham late week wer' held on Saturday. Dead are Mar gretta Lenora Jones, 6; James E Jones, Jr., 4; and Mward Leond^ Jones, six months. The victims 'Were" children ol Mr. and Mrs, J. E, Jones, of 12V‘ Morehead avenue. They met theii deaths last Friday when a fir' swept through their three roou home. The fire broke out just after th* children's parents had left horn* early Friday. The father w^ wait ing dn klMafby c aad 'tore baby: Fire de^rtinent officials belifve the flames started from an over heated stove The tire wiped out nearly half of the Jones familv. Only tw children escaped the flames, Anet* Louise, five, and Cynthia Lorraine Jones, two. They were rescued by a neighbor R, C. RaAord wh' spotted the fire. Radford, on seeing fthi blsze raced into the kitctjen iM iat' one bedroom, grabbed lUp two oi the sleeping Infants, ,'one unde* each arm, and took them outalde Intense heat from the 'flames^ pre vented him from returning for th. other three children. ! CIAA-SWAC MGame^n, Tex. Postponed The scheduled fpace bowl foot ball game between the CIAA champion and the SWAC champ ion has been postponed until 19S4, it i«arD«d this for H( ton„ ‘Hexaa la December bad been poatponad until next year until a new miUioa dollar dome corered stadium i« completed. Tti«' new utadium will replace the current football arena used in Houaton, Jnperson stadium. The CIAA reported officially this week tbft the bowl game had won approval by the JNation. al Colltglata Athtetic Associa- tion. , Official! jq£ the CIAJ^ and SWAC tnkUA olit detaill of the b6wl gsift^ liitt y6af. It Will pit the champioB ol each conference in the game '((tiiuially. The SWAC la composed of col- See g4Mi, e-A Hospital Jiin Crow is Struck Down By Ruling of Fourth Circuit Court NCC Law Prof Gets Advance Degree at NYU Milton E. Johnson, associate oro fessor of Law at ."Ncvth Carolin. College, has been granted the LL.M. degree (Masters of Law' from New York University, it wa revealed this week. Johnson was notified by th school recently that the degref was granted on Oct. 28. Forma conferring of |the degree ma. ■4»come St the school’s winter convo cation. Johnson complete work on the See DEOREI, 6-A RICHMOND, Va. — A federal appeals court issued what is be lieved to be a far reaching deci sion last week barrisg segrega tion in hoapitals which accept federal money. The U. S- 41h Circuit Court of Appeals, in a 3-2 decision, ruled here Friday that any hos pital which accepts federj^l Hill- Biirton construction funds must open its staff and facilities to everyone, regardless of race. dme actioa came on a case broaght by Greensboro Negrc resio^^ a^aiOit two hospitals in thatTlity, Moses H. Cosne Me morial, and WMley Long Com munity Hospital. The fuit vas originall|r enter ed by a group of Negro phy*f- ciam and patienta in Greens boro, but later they were jo^- ed by the Justice Department who intervened on their behalf. Although both hospitab have permitted some desegregation See HOSPITAL, 8-A Theater Suit Formally Ends An integratioa suit fKsinst th> Carolina Theater in Durham wss formally ended last week when Judge Edwin iUnley dismissaf* the action with th* aotytion that the theater had he«ii dMegrefated The Judge oriarett t>-a defend ant, Abercrosjb^Bite^prJses, Inc. to pty costs M tta ai(it. S«« TlfHOItf. DIGNITARIES AT AME ZiON MMT —Gov. Terry Sanford (sec- oi(li from left) greets A.M.E. Z|oh church officials and Mayor R. W. Grabareic prior to the Governor’s address before the Central N. C. Confernce of the church now underway in Dur ham at St. Marie’s A.M.E. Zien Church. Shown with the Gover nor are the Rt. Rev. R. L. jo.-i'ss, of Salisbury, Sanford, Mayor Grabareic, Rt. Rev. W. J. Walts, of Chicago, senior bishop of the church, and Rev. R. L. Speaks. DR. RANDOLPH Pr. Raiidoipli inounces. itirement t>r. R. P, Randolph, a practic- ing physician in Durham since 1935, -#hose office is located at 1504 Fayetteville Street, has an nounced his retirement from private practice effective Dec- emb*i?Tl, 1963. He will continue to serve as director of student health serv ices at North Carolina College, a position he has held since 1960. He has been associated with the college medical serv ices, since 1955. A native -of Richmond, Vir ginia, ^fciere he attended public schools and graduated with a B, S. degft-e from Virginia Union Unive/sily, Dr. Randolph receiv efi his professional education at See RANDOLPH, 5-A Governor Terry Sanford Addresses Teslimonial for Bishop R. L. lones Chain Dinner Hears Address By Wheeler Durham’s Negro business ami professional community was urged to set an e.Xiimple of courace an! ingenuity for youth by one o the city’s succes.sful biisines'’ and civic leaders Monday night He was J. 11. Wheeler, president of Mechanic.? and Farmers Bank who addreslstd the annual dinnii of the Durham Business and Pm fessionSl Chain. “To limply say to school drop ^ outs, 'prepare y(^rselv»,s for the| futlire’lis a rathet empty Slid void* kind of appeal. We've got to hav symbols of success, daring and in genuity to convince our young peo pie to want to achieve. We’ve got to have our people willina to risk their capital and invent in new opportunities,” the bank president insisted. The dinner held at the W. D, Hill Community Center formally launched the Chain’s annual ob servance o2 Trade Week. Some 150, persons attended the event The dinner honored Atty Floyd McKissick and his family and several veteran Durham busi nessmen. High ranking Chain officials dP dared the event an outstanding success. Some 150 persons attenc^ ed the dinner, including several new residents of the ciiy wnu See CHAIN, 2 A , The 83rd annual session of the Central North Carolina Confer ence, A. M. E. Zion Church, which opened at St. Mark Church Tuesday brought to the city some of the outstanding churchmen area and the denoipiruitiOEf. * The Conferanc* is composed of churches extending from Sil er .City to Selma and from Hen derson to the -iSputh C%r()lii)a line, just below Gibson. It k a part of the second episcopal di strict, presided over by Bishop R, L. Jones. There are five pre siding elder distticta, Raleigh, Fayetteville, Sanford, Laurio' burg and 5.i*rham,°iupervised by Revs. T. J. Voun®, 3. W. Hatchm') C. V. Flack, D. G. G)over an^ J. A. Brown. The theme of the meet “The Church and Wosld Redemption; Through •' Inter-Church MovtF ment” permeated the three-time daily sessions. The meet opened with a com munion service Tuesday night. The Rev. Richard Woodward de livered the sermon. Bishop Jones and the presiding ]Elders were thg celebrants. An impres sive memorial service was con ducted Wednesday morning. Thg Rev. T. H. Harris deliver ed the noonday sermon and Bi shop Jones delivered his episco pal address in the afternoon The Wednesday activities when more than 350 delegates, support es and friends braved a down pour of rain to attend a testi monial banquet, given in honor of Bishop and Mrs. Jones at Schraff’s Country Inn, at 8:00 See AME ZION. 6-A J’ McKIMICK FAMII.T OET» AWJUID — Mrs. Fl«rd McKk- slek right) accepts pi» qua from I. It Holmes duriog 0urkasB Business aad PiafaafU^*' at Chain dlaaer an Monda7 aight as ether mesibers ei McKlaatak family look ea. Standing at laft ef Holmes an oldest dau^UMS Ja;aelfa and JUdrea. la ef them ace Taw*ger broHier Floyd, aa4 CbalrmaiM. ywangaat a tha tfaiighters. —PlwlD bf P»nt90i