Mann Film Laboratories 7^0 Ctotham Rd. Winston-Salem, N. C. ’ v/i^/bong). OmtFSimCKENED CITIZENS Pay Homage To Memory Of President Kennedy SEE COLUMN 7 & 8 Va. Ministers Charge Segregation Aids Communism Interracial Minister's Fellowship Opposed to Racial Segregation DANVILLE, V».—An interracial practice; if it would suvive’'•> a minister’t fellowship meeting here last week went on record as being opposed to racial segregation and dlicriminfttlon because of theii potehtial detriment to the security of the United States of America. The Chrisian Minister’s Fellow ihip Council of Danville and Vi dnitjr issued a formal statement laying that continuance of sc^re tation and dis(Mn\J^ation “is ds^rimental to .^(ecurity o> thtM United Stat^ ot Amcrica unless it is eradfiiMed, it i( and will be th^\^^test plant for Communism, ’ Nazism ^nd ] ill other isms tnat are not in li.: with th« constitution of our cm.n t#y- Th« fellowship was £scii;;ed tut $ recultr business meeting when the civU rights struggle was krouKht up. The group discussed Ifid pondered the issue under the IU>»» of th« New Testament, and unanimoilsly suggested that it gc OM record as oppc.sing segrcgatiop and discrimination The group released the foIIo\\ ing statement: “We as an organized Minister's Fellowship Body met in our r?gu Ur “business meetlng ini Novembei 14. Th« great struggle for CwiI Rights was thoroughly discussed and pondeffd over under the lisn* of the fitm Testament Gospel, and It was unanimously suggested tliaf If* go on record; that segregation Aid discrimination as it is prac ticed in America and fostered up An the Negro people, because o their race, creed or color is an evil witlrtn' itself.' Contlnaafice of it, is detrimental to the security of these United States of America, and uidesa it Is eradicated, it ir now and will be the greatest plant-bed for Communism, Nazism and all other isms that are not in line with the Constitution of our country. And that no true and just democracy can afford such day as this, and that no Christians who have the light of divine love within their “hearts can endorse such, if we love our neighbors at ourselves; which is Christ’s great command.” VOLUME 40 — 48 JOHN CATTIS White Rock ChoTrfo Pre^nt "The Messiah' The famous White Rock Bofj.isi Church's fifty voicr Senior Choii will pre.sent Handel’s oratorio “The Messiah” Sunday afternoon December 1, at 4:50 u'^lQck,, Th. choir will be under the direction of John H. Gattis, a graduate o) Morris Brown College and a mem ber of the faculty oi Hillside High School. • - Soloists -A’iii be iJlna B. Spaulding and Margaret K. Goodwin, .sopranos; Miss Marsh* Se„ CHOIR. e-A Fla. State Univ. Profs to Pay Negro Fines TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Pro fessors at all-white Florida State University are raising funds to pay the fines of Negro and white students arrested in Tallahassee CORE demonstrations ,at the Florida Theatr® and State Re presentative C. E. Russell is “alarmed.” In fact, he has call ed upon other state 'legislators and members of the State Board of Control, which operates the university system, to express their “disapproval.” The white professors’ fund- rslstng camifalgn started eo October 22 with an appeal let ter signed by ten faculty mem bers. By November 1, several hundred dollars had been col lected, reports. Dr. James Gould an associate professor of philoso phy. The lines, levied against 37 students, total $10,000. Seven ol the students are whites, who at tend Florida State Univerakty and the University of Florida ■Thirty are Negroes, who attend Fl(kida A. and M. University The Negro university recently suspended two students who re ceived the heaviest sentence — six, months — as a consequence See PROFESSORS. 6-A PRICE: 15 Cents an UNBgipTEO?!! DURHAmTn. C., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER~M, 1W3 X RETURN REQtHiSTtD Durham Negro Citizens Join in Paying Final Tribute to Kennedy lOLOlSTS ffMii left. t«p» Mrs. Hna B. Sp«uldln«, Veprano; Mrs. Marf«ra» K. Oeedwin, twrane; Action Swight in Ri^ts Me^re 'NtW YORK TJndismay^ by persistent talk' tl»t’ furthe^r at^loti on the pendfpf eilvfl rights Wl)'' it impossible In (bis ses- •i^n'ot the Con’freis, Wife Nation al''Aaaodation for the'Advance- tneirt"(rf Colored Piiople Has md upon Its units throu^^Out the coaWlry to see their Representa- tivet' and Senators 'when they retard home for' the Thanksgiv- injt'ribUdsiy. ^ Hi ft ntMnofandum io all local Uidtri the AM0catl6n, Ixe«i- iedretaryiuiy 'WUliimi'sald; ^ ^11* tau en ik Um and Miss Marsh* Geedwln, Ce«l> tralto. Frem left, bMlein, Kue> sell Fuller, Tener; WlllUffi H« Green, Bass; and Sisautding, Basa. Reginald House on Civil Before Christmas House before ChristmM ii en- ' ough ef ^s — black and white — | demand its passage. Your Con-> gresaman needs pressure from his constituents to balance the Washincton talk fhat there i* ‘no rush' on civil rights, «t j “Tftll him there is affush/' Mr. Wilkins urged. "Aak him to speak- to the House leadership ol his. party and urge that the bill- be brought out of the Rules -Com I mittee to theiloor for debate and, vote. . 1 “Pass the bill in th«- HouM bef»M Christmu.” » 1 Record Year Seen For NAACP Xmas Seal Campaign- li EW YORK — A record- breilking number of sales of NA ACP Holiday Seals this year wat forecast by Miss Bobbie Branch, director of the seals cam pitign, here Utis week. ^ JfAACP branch distribution h^» been the highest ever of the aeals, which depict a black hand and a white hand together holding the torch of peace. National chairman of the 37- yoar^ld campelfn is Mias Lena Hornf. TWs marks th« four teUttk irtat the talented singer kM ktedtd tU eampiuvi. PORTRATT OF A HERO — Th*, Us. Texas, la'.* President John Fifsgeraldj He left behind a world of Kennedy pictured as most Ameri.' mourners and his Vice-President cans remember him, courageoui,! Lyndon B. Johnson to tak« up determined, a friend of th« coip- mon man and a champieh ei hutnan righls. The 3Sth C o m- tnander«in-Chief of tlie Unl'hed States was out down by an as- sassin'g bullet last Friday ia EPIh hli unflnish^ work- of bringing freedom, justice and liberty te all peoples, for which he, fire his last full measure o f U-e- TOtkm. Diinn Report on Racial Progress Said Misleadng DUNN—A Nai. >nal Associaf. >n for the Advaii;:ment of Color.'.’ people official oeclared horp this week that a report from the city's bi-racial human relation cDmmit- tee is misleading and called fof^ meeting of the city officials ajjd civil righ* groups in order to avoid furt.itr demonstrating. B. B. FeldtT, presidPnt nf th" Youth Council of the Diinn-IIar netj County.Branch of Ihe NAACi’ said, "We find it hard to brlii’vt' that sincere men anil women could a report dcclarins that Dunn is 90 per cent integral ed. A true evaluation of the situa tion here in Dunn” he added, ".vill provp that Dunn is less than one RacialsPemonstrations are Halted; Ten Still Remain in County Jail WILLIAMSTON — Anti-segre- gation demonstrations scheduled for this northeastern North Ca rolina town of 6,000 liave been postponed indefinitely according to members of the Congress ol Racial E^juality, as one protest leader, five New England min isters and four demonstrators rc main in jail. Williamston’s Negro citizens had scheduled anti-segregation demonstrations for last Sunday but postponed them to Thanks giving Day because of the deatl) of President Kennedy, and early this week postponed them inde finitely. The demonstrations were tc include three national promin ert civil rights "leaders, Rev Martin Luther'‘King, Jr. and Ralph Abernathy of the South ern Christian Leadership Con ferencp and Attorney Floyd B McKissick, National Chairman of Core, who were to lead s marcsh to a nearby Voice of America transmitter site. Despite the halting of the civil rights dfemonstrations, ten de monstrators arrested Nov. 15 chose to remain in the Martin County >ail rather than accept bail set at $500. Among those remaining in jail ■ is demonstration leader Gold Frinks of the SCLiC. Frinks had a six-month prison sentenced jpvoked against h i m Monday for violation of a court order issued i n November ol im. Judge Chester A. Morris in voked the sentence against Frinks on the grounds that Frinks had failed to heed a court order that he not violate any city ordinance ol, state law for 12 -months. la IkftS, Vrinki vU rhargajl' with unlawful picketing, assault on a policeman and delaying and Obstructing a policeman in the performance of - his duty. The court dismissed the third charged and continued judgment on the first two on the condition Frinks pay court costs and not break any laws. Judge Morris invoked the sen tence because o f a worthless check charge to which Frinks pleaded guilty a t Williamston See JAIL, 6-A Ushers Schedule Special Meeting Sun. Afternoon FRANKLINTON — A special session of the Interdenomination al Ubhers Association of North CaroVna has been callcd for 12:30 Sunday, Dec. 1, at the Ush ers’ Home on highway 1, near here. The special session was of ficial announced this week by E. Austin, president. Accordirg to Austin, the spec ial s^sion is designed for the purpose of making a pj-ogress report on the proposed Ushers Directory. The first part of the session will deal with organization of the report and appointment of conunlttees. Dinner will be served in the dinning room of the Usher's Home to all members and visi tors for Mie dollar. Spedal feature of the session will l>e music by the Mount Zion Baptist Church chcrir and a ser mon at 3:00 p. m. by Rev. R. V. HvitM. >1 Adsao.'itioa. ' / per cent integrated. I do not feci 1 \^ould be fair to r.” poople aiM' myself to mislead th' public say ing that Dunn is 90 cent into grated,” he said. Felder was referring to the Dunn Human Relations Commit tee’s Report In which they -said, “We belie»8 ^that ab«ut. 60 per cent of^the task (M.iigned to us'Is done,^ or is in' the process of be ■enlonT xe2o mtm tm mtrmatrr ing completed.,We will continue th%. J^port stated, “to work for racial )!%(mony and progress, and •ve need the good will and help of all our cititens.” In a )ett«t tp| the mayor ef Duhn, ftlder sai({ thili the objectivfesithe .MAACP sort were not achieved during the 90 day trifce between them and parties practicing racial segregation and discrimination ' C- -V.'. Wt CM n4t see that has been accomplished by the (human human relations) the (human relations) committee concretely as to the aforemention (request for total desegregation).’ The Dunn Chmmittee said they had an agreement with sevep ?rocers of Dunn to follow a policy of hiring persons on the basis Oi merit alone, without regard ti race, creed or color. Except for minor cases, the committe reported, “we are grati fied by the attitudes generally ex pressed by the persons and firm involved.” Felder's letter fefuted the com mittee’s report, and stated tha* "Out of more than 150 stores only eight o(-ten have employi J at least dne) Negro' ih upgraded employment. Only two drug store; and one variety store have de See REPORT, 6-A Shocked, stunned, bewildered i and grief-strickened Negro citi zens of Durham joined those in 1 cities throughout the nation in paying homage to the memory of the late President John F. Kennedf, Monday as the 35th Commander-in-Chief was given a herd's burial in Arlington Na tional Cemettry. I Durham Negro churches lead j the community in paying respect to the late president with pray er services and masses. Memorial services were con ducted by North Carolina Col lege in R. L. McDougald Gym nasium and by North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company the company's auditorium. The insurance company also ceased business activities for two and a half hours. Classes at NCC were suspend ed for five hours, and many of the college employees cut their regular work schedule. Thousand who neither went to church Or particpiated in manor ial services stayed home and watched the historical feincral on television. NCC's service were led by Dr. Samuel P. Massie, president of thecollege. who looked upon the death of the president as a loss j in far-reaching areas. j “The nation has lost a ffreat , leader. The world has lost an ; outstanding statesman and peace I maker. EMucation has lost a de- I voted servant. And the Negro peojjle have lost a tried and true frieiTd,’_ he declared. Dr. Massie expressed best ' wishes to President Lyndon B. Johnson in the trying days ahead. i NCC's student government vie»- I president, Fulton Hayes, eulogiz ed the late president on behalf of the student body, and Rev. J. Neal Hughley, college minister. See CmZENS, 6-A - ' Clara Ward agrt) bgr Yi*i|KN» sisurKra Clara Wards' Mother Blasts MoralsS)f Negro Gospel Singers By Gertrude Ward ' Manegar ef th* Pamous Ward lingers The greatest experience of my life was when I went into the nightclub. I did, not knpw so much good could be done. Men are hungry for the gospel in the nightclubs, but the trouble is that the wrong people are carry ing it. I have never in my life seen gospel'singers live like they are living today. When I see girls for the Fam ous Ward Singers I look for girls who try to live the life they sing about in their songs. Not girls who'll try to tell you that the other gospel singers do it so why ca»'t we, when you try to tell them they are wrong. I guess we will just have as_the Bible asys: “Let the wheat and tare all grow together and in the day of the harvest let God se parate them.” “Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to evefy crea ture. Hie that believeth and is baptized shall be saved, but he that beiikveth not shall be damned.’^ #e’re; told in St. Mark 16:15-1Ai Does the 20th verse say, “. . . and they went forth and preach ed in the church alonel" NO. In isiead It -says “. . . and they went forth and preached everyl where, the Liord working with them and confirming the word with signs following. Amen In St. Matthew, 24:14, the verse says, “And this gospel of thg kingdom shall be preached in iill the world for a witness unto all nations and then shall the end come.” Thus gospel sing ing in the nightclubs is not out of place. The word of God should be carried everywhere. The trouble comes from those who carry it. “Thou hypocrite first cast the beam out of thine own eye, “We are told in Mat thew 7:5, “and then shall thou see clearly to last the mote out of thy bijiather’s sys.” Speaking of some gospel sing ers going in nightclubs and some who are not going — that See GOSPEL, 3-A pictured her* are delegates of the Western Merth Carolina Confer- enee ef the A. M. C. Church to the aonw«l Oonlereeoe t« be held ia Claetanatl, Ohto In 1M4 All minlst«d«i deteoataa Ud AinitMtlal •lte»i'ie*e» ele^ ed at the 71it Annual Co*f«r enco held in Durham last week. Reading from left te right (fronl rew) Rev. J. D. Davis, Rev. ■fel- Tin Cheeter Swann. G. S Gani. ReT. C. C. Sedtt. Bev. O. G Vro>ibleftnlt^ Be«o«4 at/iw Wm. A. lies*, Mie. OeMie Hat> gett. VerMMi Cow«b end J. C Pike. SmIi Bev. L. 8. Penn, Mn. O. Can. Her. T. P. Die haft. Ntft 0«Ula nUweed. Htr. C. U toHamale) BBd Rey. J^m

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