wwwW^l^l Mann Film Laboratories 7^0 Chatham Rd. I 7/20/Coa?). ■ To wish you peacc and ' happiness for Christmas. To wish you peace and ^ ^ happiness for Christmas. DURHAM, N. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1963 RITURN REQUSSTtn^ VOLUME 40 — No. 51 PRICE: 1$ Centi miMtATULATIONS FOR NEW r—William J. KennMy, Jr.; •m ftoaid Chairman of Cirelina Mutual Lift In Company, sscond from from thr*a\ memeers «f Dwr ham't Boy't Uab f*r hi* rMmt »lec(ion to tM NattMial BmmI of DIracton of who ftcy't Clubi of Amariea. CoMrattitatInf htan Rw4 Jackw|i«^ i..rac«ivai congniulationi ara, laft ta r Durham Banker Named To CED Post RECISTRATION DRIVE OPENS fna« and Mika Parker. Ka^ady hat bean president Du^An't Boy's Club tinea Hl%..whan it wat firtf founded. —Photo by Purefoy Wilkins B/os/|/ Fuller ^ Speech At M6tgan State 'rlUS^MORE — Attacks upon Supreme Court because i t^^ilberal ruliagf In constitu-1 .‘Mfgefts as strong- J'other illustra-1 ' HM cDt^PViilg menace to I »i’ Aijliarioan charter of fre:-| chrat l^-Con*tltution,’ Roy Wil-i e*^utlve secre ‘•'•ttnll«i^ of Morgaiij SUnir^U«g« l>Bre on a program I th'^ktiittrvanee of Bill of Rlghtt I >JIIk eveatfl at the Sixties, in' ,Civil right! fields, and piir- ^ ‘rly thote of 1963, must con , J|t« a warning to all Ameri- |^''^ilcerned with safeguard-' Aiil of Rights,’ he cor- i ..linK to remarks recently' ypy s. B. Fuller, at thej -ishnual Congress of Ameri-1 ^'^4ustry in New York, Mr. I tiin* quoted the Chicago; ik^facturer as having said DR. DAWSON 5r000 New Sought by Local Durham Negro citizens ttart- ed an all-out campaign to get ili>-. grocs registered to vote here thU j week, but have come up short ^ of the nwnber of people needed to help carry on the voter-re- gistration drive, according to an NAACP spokesman. John Edwards, field secretary for the NAACP, said here this week that the state-wide voter registration drivg is schedule to begin ah January, but that the citizen's in Durham have started earlier in order to have a suc cessful and effective drive. He said the expected amount of Ne groes to register and vote ij J,- th^ Negro has been heldi l^k not by segregation and dis-1 (ritnination, but by his ‘lack of iottictive, courage, integrity, )»yalty end wisdom . . . unfortu-1 Oktely, the Negro believes there i is ■ racial barrier in America i which 'keeps tiim from succeed-1 ia(.* ^ «• I In these remarks, the NAACP asserted, ‘Mr. Fuller slanders the great Ijody of Negro citizens ; .^iii^ natioa. Ti»ey have shown ; courage and persistence and de-' termination against the kind of odis no gambler would accept.: TiKy have fought and overcome { iMMUcaps tiiat no men should; b* caU«d upon to face. They Mv« struggled up by their boot- See WILK.rtS, 2A U: S. Supreme Court Grants Pidtets Hearing •/»^HINGTON — The U. S. Court Uiis week grant ed a. petition from the NAACP •Ai;ig the Court to decide Mteth«r peaceful picketing to ad \;«nce legitimate group intcrestj la conatitutionaUy protected. .IDe NAACP i» appealing a de- ^lon of the Florida District C^ct.of Appeals which upheld It Jpwer court rulifig that al- thlMigh peacvful picketing by la- unions if upheld by the Coi\,- ^ ume protection pot extmd to racial groups. , Ifl.. Decofnbef■ 1860, the St. l^tecsburgb branch of the NA ACP under leadership of lU (^{dent, IUl|>h C. Wimblsh. Picketed .WeW>’, City, a variety •iorc chain. Pickets carrlid slgnr £«• COURT, 2A Local Physician Gets Coveted ABO Recognition Dr. Robert E. Dawson, physi cian and surgeon of 819 Lawson Street, Durham, this week re ceived the coveted recognition of Diplomate of the Ainerican Board of Opthamology. He is the only Negro medical man between WasKington, D. C. and Nashville, Tenn., to hold this recognition kr his field. Dr. Dawsotr is chief of the Eye, 'Ear, Nose and Throat Service, at Lincoln Hospital here. He is a native of Rocky Mt., graduated from Wilson High School, Clark University, and Meharry Medical College. He is married to the former Miss Julia Davis of Summit, N J. They are the parents of four children: Diah« BUsabeth, 12 Janice Elaine, 10; Robert Ed ward, Jr., 9 and Melanie Lor raine, 3. The physioian- and' surgeon was formerly chief of Opthamo logy at Scott Air Force Base, 111. He served in the U. S. Air Force Medical • Corps from Oct -ober, 1954, to January, 195 7 leaving the service with the rank of major. , , In addition (o hiS'prvfeasion- al and military activities, Dr Dawson is a frequent participant in civil and religious-events. Hi> memberships include Alpha Phi Alpha Frateri^ty, Thirty Sec nnd de»ee Mason and Shriner Executiv^^GMmtttee ol the Old North State M^cal Svctety and the National Medical Associa tion. He serves as secretary in the E. E. N. T. seotion of JNMA Dr. Dawson wiorships at St.. Josaph AME Church whsrt be Ssi PHYIICIAM. U ^ NCC to Give NTE Examination ToAf^teacher Prospective teaohers in this area will have air opportunity to take the National Teachers Ex aminations on February Ifl 1964, at North Carolina Collegr according to Dr. F. G. Shipman, chairman of the Department ol Cducationr, wh(> will supervise the administration ^f the tests. Application blanks and Bul letins of Information describing registration procedures and con taining representative test ques tions n\ay be obtained from Ship man or directly from the Na tional Teachers Examinations, Elducational Testing Service, Princeton, New Jersey. Applica tions must be mailed so as to be received at the Princeton Of fice not later than January 17, Shipman advised. Scores orr the National Tea cher Examinations are used by a large nunaber of school systems and teachers education institu-l tions throughout the country as an aid in evaluating such of the qaudfications ot prospective tea chers as are measured by the See f XAM, 2A f UNOERSiirfo . ',V |||. I L 0. Funderixira New DPBC Prexy At a recent meeting of the Durham Business & Profession al Chain I. O. Funderburg, Cash ier, Mechanics & Farmers Bank, was named President. Funderburg is a graduate of Moreiiouse College, the Graduate School of Banking at Rutgers University. He is a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraterpity, the Durham Committee oo Ne gro Affairs, Past Commander of the American Legion, and Mem bership Chairman of the NA ACP. See PREXY, 2A Registrants Vote Committee 000 or more. He added however that people in the Negro com-, munity have not responded as he had anticipated. Edwards went on to say that the local votcr-registration drive, wiiich has its headquarters at the Carolina Times building, will is sue another call to the Negro citizens of Durham to help with the campaign. “Wg need more people to do door-to-door campaigning and people wi4h cars,” said Ekiwards. Edwards said that his group is working in conjunction with the Durham Committee on Negro Af fairs, and that both groups plan to carry on the program until late next year. J. H. Wheeler Gets Post As CED Trustee.,. 'A' Dftriiam Banker has been n^med as a truster to the Commit tee for Economic n>-velopmnt, It '.vas announced earlier this week by T. V. 'Ho"''er o Ue\f York chairn'an of CLD. John H. Wheeler [Sresident of Mechanics and Far:Ti','rs Bank Durham, is the il'st Durham N- gro to becortie a member of tl.- Committee for Economic Devel opment, CED is a 21-yea -old nonprofit j nonjiolitica. reseach and educs itional organization of 200 business lexwutlvcs and educators who e;i gaite in research on major no rtitjal economic prob'ems with th- 1 purpose of promoiir.g high e^'' plbyment with st::ble economic growth. Wheeler, a native of Kittrel! and a graduate of the Law Schoo' of North Carolina Colleeg at Dur jhani, has been with M'^chanics anc [pihners Bank since 1929. He ■*'a. .admitted to law practice in tin- ; courts of North Carolina (1947; and the U. S. Supreme Court in I IMS. He is a member of ne Presi dchfs Committee on Equal Em ployment Opporunity, and a pas president of the National Negro Bankers Association. TOYS FROM NCC — The** North Carolina Collega coadt, mambari of tsa Civic Committea of th, schoel't Annie Day She-1 pard Dormitory, are shown 'with gifts mada and puichhiad by REV. MASON FOR KSHYA. ATHICA WDE- PENpENCe->|*iM Peggr Marlin left. "Mlaa A, *Pd T.“. presanla a cake, • from A. and T. Celleff* shi4Mt»>. to Arnbu Wa- takila. • (Hi^eiit at GuiUeitf m4 K. CcUai^ a student at A. and T. bolli fsMn Kanra, Africa, program piirinei- R«l* in Iba Kenya Indapendwc* Cetebratiem held last w«*k al A. and T. College. Miss 0«i>ava H«lmes, advisor to foreign dcat«-«t A. and T.. lM>ka nJtOM r : riglit. More ihan 250-persons, includ ing th» lS-«iud«iUs from Kenya •uwlled in eolleges and univer sities te North Carolina, attend ed the event Popular Minister Slated for Anniv. Of Mt. Vernon The 76th anniversary of Mt. Vernon Baptist Church will be observed Sunday, December 29, it was announced this week by the pastor, the Rev. E. T. Browne. The anniversary sermon will be preached by the Rev. W. L. Mason, pastor of the St. James Baptist Church of Rocky Mount. Rev. Mason is a native of Dur ham and is well known in church and business circles throughout the nation{\puring his ministry he has pastoftd some of the leading Baptist Churches of the state and considered one of the niost forceful and dynamic See MINISTER. 2A Kenya Freedom GREENSBORO — More than 250-gueets of 16-students trom Kenya, Africa, who are enroll ed in North Carolina Colleges and UnlversiCles celebrated Ken ya’s newly secured independence in a program at A. and T. Col lege. The program, held in the Lutheran Gymnasium on the A and T. cimpuS. drew a n urn bet M KBHYA, ZA the group for (listribution to. are, from laft: Janet Sims, Avon- needy toU. The group recently! dale; Catherine Jordan, Oxford; visited th« O'Berry School forj Marjorie Dunttan, Lawisburg; the Mentally Ratarded at Golds- Ernettine Vines, Walstonburg; boro and dis'jtibuted giftt. I and LaVerna Robinson, Lewis- All North Caroliiuans, thaytburg. Racial Demonstrations Renewed In "Liberal-Minded" Chapel Hill CHAPEL fflLL — Some 92ish)n. ' person! have been 'arrested herej a spfokesman for fh« tongiWBS this week as a, results of renew- ^ of Racial Equality siid the re^ ed sit-in demoh'strations, at se- sent protest are being conducted gregated eating establisBments,' in support of three persons aer- after tht^» months of suspen- ving- 30*day sentences ill the Oi^ ‘‘ large'Couht^ Jaft^iri nearby Hills g ll i boro. The three - a white man, NAAI V VNlC llQ,a Negro lady and a white lady I IrliJ elected to serve an active sen- ^ AAA ' instead of paying a $50 UV6r jZUU.UUU It'" ^ \ T ' .staged here this summer. A four- I" lw*| I) J ^ lady, paid the fine; she said rOr ffHi^'DOnO ' could not remain in jail be- * i#WII i cause she has a son stricken NEW YORK — The National ' Association for the Advance- ■ . B. Dunn, an ex-UNC meat of Colored People has put up more than a quarter of a mil- | CORE sa^ ‘ This is only be- lion dollars for ball for civil of wh^ cou d be a long rights demwistratofs in 11 cities struggle, in seven southern states, Roy i Another protest leader, Eugene Wilkins, executive secretary, re-! Leak, Co-chairman of the Chapel vealed today. ! Hill CORE, said that in addition A total of $268,570 of the As-1 Protesting the jailings they sociaUon's funds, as of Nov. de“trating for a ... • u -1 u public accomodation law, arrd was tied up in bail bonds in ^ ’ . , , „ that they will "demonstration areas where local resources were I „ ..... „ ' until we get what we want. We exhausted and where the author; j . j i.., „ ^ . J , . are prepared to do this, he add- ities refused to accept property j bontis, demanding cash. The ' * j money is returnable upon final ’ *^«^ted here settlement of the cases. : ^ 13, when three groups of demonstrators staged More than half the sum. $154,-1 , tu 1 hit and rur»s m several of the See NAACP, 2A See DEMONSTRATIONS 2A DBPC HOLDS ANNUAL OUTIK)OR XMAS DECORATIONS CONTEST The Durham Business and Professional Chain be^an its Annual Outdoor Christmas Decoration Contest here last week There will be competition in two separate categories— according to D. F. Reed, co-chairman of the contest. There will be competition in two separate categorirers— Santa Claus and Religious Displays. Prizes will be awarded for the best decorations in each division. Persons interested in entering the cMltast may complete the foIlo-iVing application and ipaO immedllltaly. Judging will take place Sunday night, Dec. tt. Xanic of Oi'tfanizatioii/Iiulivklual .^(l(!r^■ss ...... Telephone Tyjic of Entry: • .''anta Claus ' Mail to D. F. Reed, Service Printing Co., 504 E. Petti?r!w Street, Durham, N. C., Telephone aStrZOSt.