mm SCHplASTlC SPORTS SCOPE HOLMAN T. PETtlFORD ?4lfdw(io(l acfinn ihis wrck wa.c ed foil and fnrimis ?s area cacrrp spttlffl (ItiWn 1'> 1‘t' iiit> nf'Ni.iii' pictlff! th" lii'avy ciul iJ■ si'tiPiImlps. No loss (h:in llirci- iil Durliim's t"ams lOMmini’d un|f f.ale>l as the soason moved inli. the *Tonil wrok of t'u' new vimi I.ittle Itivpr, cun-cntlv ridin" 11k crest of n 14 vvimiin® streal- i« tlin only varsity Ipam wiin a iv*r- fpct B'at''. lliiwcviT, Hillside am* Merrick Monrn junior varsity chib.« -DARDEN DROPS LIGON 37-35 j Darden HiPh of Wilson piillpil Wilt a 37:15 thriller f.ver the l.i!>»n .ti“h hardwooders in Wi^sun Tri ilay evening after the court hail ''■eiv knotted several times in tho! I o\^ scoring contest. \j^ilson's cag rs dropped Hillside's Hornets i Tuesday evening. Darden was pac ' ed by their 6-6 center Farmer anJ ■ G-4 forward Watkins with 18 anil I l.'i points resi>ectively. Jitnmy Wil iliains and Willie White found thr have pustid fiO sk. i'is and .^how indict^ions o'' r' n;. .i’in itiKlcfeat ed ilptil t!n>y ci;! month. Ill jii.iiiir W'hitt’d’s Vikin.'is winrlnf- w;ivs liv r:i' second ujcl'irv . f V son *!;ain.‘'t no t!i‘f ; Parkfr liini. r ITi 'l nishqri the oT'i'O'iit'c ond encoiirtrr .t' I bite the (Uist 7!' "rS j ai Wl'itik"r pa’.'f'il t!'iyA'l!;i’i a 17 point perforyfT: langc for II and 10 ooints for th" Uin^h I.ittle Bines. Hillside i,' ;' r ill til" I scheduled to tangle 'Ji'ith the ciiv-ie'!. j i]ii Bines in haleigh Tiiosday and niied their Harden at home Friday »;cninj; i!» lip t''ei) > i"on’s J.V.'s took th? p'i ’'niinarv y ii’i" sea 4B-40. Tli>' .1 VV' OTHER iSCORES A'l A GL4NCE fv: hie Diulley Ili ;h of (Ireensnorn , ;i' ii-iii-iiiK(I E. E. Smith of Kavette i 10 ville 05-84.: E. K. Smith .1. V.'s fil | ' Dudley J, V.'s 52; WiUiston Hi".h i! of Wilmlnyion dijcisioned Ceoige ! t.iwn of .laik.sonville 82 48^ AlAiiv ; High of Kinston dropped J, T. Bar ^ h r of New Kirn 80-67; DuBois ol ' I Wake Forest defeatei* Shepard ot ' iZihiilon 97 (>5: E. 7 Smith a Fayetteville conquere;. Atkins O'| Kinston 72-64; C. M. Fopes o j Greenville downed J. 'I. B?rhf HORNETS EVFN Ilillsidt^s vl'iUn". nornds—wi'h their fast hrcnk clicViji" with p;c -jiimp.-d ofr I.! :m 'nr'.; ^ad and rolled to >i 71 .'^4 dccisii.n /over he Hooker T Washin;toi I.ions in Rock Mount la?t Vrid.N ;" " night after droppin;; a C5 S0 Ti-es , day night cncoiinter to . Wihon’ j ^jg. oa. Darden Ili'^h Goo’Tc Outlaw ^ U points paved the wav fr'r Coac’. Carl East'-rlings’ crew to '‘ven iheii slate at .500 (4-4). Ahly aiding arK' supporting the also we’-e iv other double digit Hornets. Tlioma; l.cng with 17 and .losenh MiCill with 10. Ken Armstrong made thi greatest contrihiiticn o the losi-rs caii-se by pottiii: Ifl whili' I.esui Howsrd had 12 and ( rh...^ .Melton hit 10. Coach Willie Brndsl tarried the Booker T. ! 52-44 thrashing in lli?' encoiinter. The bah Currently enjijjin.g |ner J V.’j.31. (EASTERN FOUR A FOOTBALL DISTRICTS SET j 15r. W. T. Armstrcng Commis sioner of the Easte.r Four A I Coach A.s.sociatrun recently at the B. T.' Washington llieh School in Rock Mount established the fo lowing divisional set-up for thf I9G()4 Eastern ,Four A foothill playing ,%Jiiools. Hawley Tops MP| OXFOfiP—.I»rocs Ji-’roU came 1 up with a three-tJnint ptlay in the | 45 seconds of iMay Ut .s*iid the gam.' into overtime, and l.nrry j Wilkcrson dropped in a pair oi | free throws ni'ar the end of the ^ extra period to give Hawley High 1 of Creedmoor a victory over' Mary Potior of Oxford ihere Fri-, dav ni«lit. - . ( Wilkexson It'd the Hornit seor- in“ with 22 points, while Jiggets' had 18. Four Ram starters—Wil- i Ham Peace with 24. Eugene Oei i with 14, John Davis -.vith 13 and William Taylor with 12—hit dju | ble figures. 4-B- T H ECAROLIINATIMPS -DURHA/^, N. C. SATURDAY, JANUARY It, FAMU Marching Band Holds Fans Spaiiboundiat NFL Playoff Game in Miami, Fla.'s Orange BofI _ _ 9 IV^TAMT UMfl /S'AMtn J, Report Pro-Amateur Ski Confljcl Spreads to Future Olympics Games MIAMI, Fla. — (FAMm hold a professional (00 crowi’ of more than 56,000 »jp^l-. bound during a full iu-na&t;fte marching baod half ttme i.s an achievement of uo small pro portion, but to hold th»t l»mc crowd in the stands after the NEW YORK — Amateur ski ganizalior.s ijn the U. «rMny^sor^eth*g^e^^ officials, who are out to “l^nock abroad ^lave raised ^ ^his was the concensus of «f- off” professional skiing around and fens bene last world, are reported to be tion to knock off IPSRA. T , concerntPg the appear^c the of future-Winter Olympic I desigPcH to discourage ^ j Of future -wmter uiymp , professional 'Marching HundreJ, 'playing politi^” over the site.USSA has written a set of ^ ^ Univer»1|y-s AAGIE SHOT—Warren Davis. (10) star center for the A. and T. College Aggies, taps in t#c'- points as the Aggies last week routed file Virginia State Tro jans, 92-62, in a CIAA basketball game played at Greensb 'r*. Frank Stephens, (41) All-CIAA performer for Virqinia State av.aits the rebound. AA- i j Peterson, Red Springs 5 ] Hayswood. I-umberton 3 Roseiiwald. Fairinont 3 , Minroe .Avenue, Unmlet .3 I SouLhside, Roiand 1 I Grove, Lilesville 0 I Oak Ridge, Lumb'-'r Bridge “ 0 Shaw, Wagram ,0 AA—District VII (Clinfon) Harnett, Dunn 4 Hargrove, Faison 6 Perry, Roseboro 6 Chaity, Rose Hill 0 Sampson, Clinton 1 AA—Dietrict VII (Trenton) ly kept IPSRA out of Europe whers ski racing is a major spec tator sport." -v^ He said that a ma.ior problem Hawley (67) Mary Patler (66) Garrett 8 He ac e 2 i Paniels 3 'avlor 1' iJiggetts 18 «jee Games, the current (January) islfrom |Faulcon 8 Davis 1? | gjti magazine said today. I races, and the rtS haj eftoctive- j Wilkerson 2 Leatberberry j •■’j’he most recent twist was I Subs: Mary Potter _ Woodson 1 cancellation of a planned Japane '.McNeil 1, Chavis^ ^ the pros, presumb»ly j bpfausp of pressure from the ! AA—Dlitrict VI (Red Springs) pig (Federation Internationale de Ski) on the Ski i "the top amateurs are Federation.” Tom Corcorsrj f|uestionably bother than the pros wrote in Ski. I—and know it. The USS.A could ‘‘The FIS is reported to have | kill the pro circuit much faster told tho Jananese that if they! than with its current methods by allow the fPternational Profcs-j sanctioning a series of oro-am sional Ski Racine Association tn, meets that would show the pub conie t'l Japart this winter, Ja-: Uc they get a better show for pan mielit as well forget tlw'ir nothing from the amateurs, n.soirations of ho«tintr a winter. “The chances of a pro-am Olvmpics.” said Corcoran. , meet are very slim, however, ooinfed out that the “live-1 nrimarilv because Ihe USS.A he- and-let-live" attitude of amateur lieves iPSA's assertion ttint the romnetitors is in ‘'shar>> con trast." \*o the stand taken by thei>- officials. “Why amateur officialdom has been so frenetic in its crusadi''e 7eal to crush the pros is a littio which was featured as an added ittractior for thg Oran^ crowd during the CBS-tel9yi»d National Football Leatue game iDetwcen thg ClevBfiSnd , , . . Browns and the Green jiny facing professional skier.s is recently. The incomparable 132-pic pros are better. “Why are the amateurs better? District N’o. 1: Diirharr i\instnn, Wil.son, r.old.'^horo, Favctteville Rocky .Mount. Hornt'ts ar District No. 2: Raleigh, Wi! pe rfect 8-C mi,ngton. rireenviUe, Jacl;sonvilh‘ .1. V’.'- ■i «ith . liiiiinar' slote. William Hr.rri^ -23- p| a bri--i .Vew Bern point pai'e SJ I'U! Mtft white pulled away in the tma stanta for th" viclorv. MERRIQK-MOOkE ' AWS HILLS BORO IN FOURTh CiUARTER With Parnell Tiirn'ntim' and Otis Cates leailin.q tiie way. M'>r Raleiffh .. rick-Moore's Ti.'i-r.s -nvcd a foiirti period blitz, to thrir sixth • Wilmington Elizabeth City. T96T tacn team will plav every team l e.ijl^Ug Ja/uliii'y ina it» iti^ district and will play twc aAA—District I (Hoiky Mount) NX. High SchGol Cage Standings ROCKY MOUNT — The fol lowing are the standings of the Disl.ut III (E.m City) North Carolina High School £lm City, Elm City 9 0 Athletic Conference teams for DuBois, Wake Forest —ni Pamlico, Bayboro King, Morehead City Norwayne, Fremont Woodington, Kinston i Nevvbold, Dover ' Savannah, Griflon ! Robinson, Winterville I Saggs, Farmvillc Jones. Trenton hard to understand." Corcoran ; competition must be upgraded if games across the district line.'s-a- foll(,-.vs: Durham Raleigh 5,;, Wilmington Durham lincky Mount Durham victory of tli" s(>.i';on :,":ifnst : j couph* of (|( fi-als. The Ti'Vr vie Rocky Mount tims were t!’.' lliH’boro , ca?,T'i Fayetteville . who siicciimhed (i"-4 aftrtrftavtti'- r . . led the Durham r-iiu'ty ouint 30 i Elizabeth City 20 at int'riii!P.«iion ami holdin.? ;• their guests to a "fi ail t;:' late in the second haii. Ki'nuth Thomp son o( HiWslxiro •, i. i.iiih poin man for the '’ame 'viih 20 mjrH! ers. The J. V, toolc tl'e opjijer ;t6 33. Darden. Wilson Washington, Rocky Mount Ligop, Raleigh Hillside. Durham Eppes, Greenville 'A’vin 7 2 1 1 0 Fayetteville Moore, Elizaljcth City 0 Lost 0 0 2 2 1 2 Greonvillo LITTLE RIVER GAk..L'kS 140 SLATE Little Riyer’s P,iisv Reavers—a sin^e A team with foil,- .\ ability —stretched their v.imin'; margin to 14 by defeatinq coach W. D Peermar’s Lincoln His'h Five 7: 51 in Chapel Hill Friday evenin.q Two of co-ich F.vwin .Johnson’s trio of double di,!;il sccrcr?;. IJohbv Mc Call (23) and .Medford Hawley (IG) took un the slack left hv injured Dwight Holman and p.ire.l the win Lincoln's John .lones paced his team with 1(1 point-i and helned to out rebound the lieavers althoiuh this ifeat failed to halt the shan sho«tjers from N(.’them Durham County. Shapel* Hill, las'iies ed?ed the Beavfpettes 52-50 in the airl’s ppeliminary. Fayettevili Wil.'on Rocky Mount Goldshorc Wilson EUiabeth City New Bern New Bern Wilson Kinst'jr Jacksonville Kinston (loldshor Goldsboro Greenville " Jack.sonville Kinston New Ken. Jacksonville Fishing School At Hatteras, NX. To Be Repeated Wilmine'on ; WjHison, Wilmington 4 Klizabeth City i Laurinburg Institure, Laurinburg 2 Smith. Fayetteville 5 Adkin, Kirstoi 1 Barber. Now Bern 1 Georgetown, Jackson ville 0 Dillard, Goldsboro 0 AAA—District 1 (Durham) Riverside. Loulsbu'g 4 Henderson Ipstltute, Henderson 3 Central. Hillsboro 3 Johnson County. Smilh- field :> Person. Roxhiro 2 I Merrick-M'jOre, Durham I 4 Lincoln. Chapel Hill 1 j Shawtown. Lillington 2 ' Alamance, Graham 1 North Warren, Wise 0 Mary Pott?r. Oxford 0 AAA—District II (Rocky Mount) FMC Rated 8th In Small College Gagers of Nation $T. AUGUSTINE — Walter MoDougal, one of Florida Me morial College’s Lions, was rated 8th top basketball scorer among the smaller colleges of the na tion as of December 28. accord ing to a bulletin released by the National Collegiate Athletic Bu reau.. McDougal has made an aver- •g* of 30.8 points per game thus far played this season. A native of Brandford, Flori da, McDouga] first played bas- ktfba-U at O’BrJen High, o f 8u^rne«, Florida. A senior and mid-term .gradu ate W FWC. he will be hU final Bame wherr th" T.ion? cUph with the Ed,ward Wnter.e Timers, in a homecoming e n- co^Pter on Flo>-idfi Memorial's ca**pus Jnnuary 11, fill* will likfw' the final j 4ortmert of other species gane for Lirtn' G»nt«lr» ‘Ixinls Jc^lns of Jacksonville, who a1- »tcraduates fpjom FMC at mid- Chostnutt, Fayetteville G J - , Jores. Washington 7 An education in “thinking like William.ston 4 „ fish, will again be available pinetops 2 at Hatteras, North Carolina,; ^eritrid. Nashville through the 13th annual Short' • ^ Course in Sport Fishing June 14- phiuips, Battleboro 1 The Short Course is sponsored Beaufort by North Carolina State of the! ^ University of North Carolina, Raleigh, through its General Ex-1 q tension Division. Expert anglers, southwestern, Windsor and battery of wildiife special- g ists and zoologists from N. C. State comprise the faculty. The course is open to both men and women, with enrollment limited to 65. Hatteras, a renowned salt water fishing locale on North Carolina’s Outer Banks, offer fishermen an almost unlimited choice of gamefish in localities rangir.g from the nearby Gulf Stream to inlets, Pamlico Sound and fresh water ponds. The Short Course is designed to give novice and expert anglers the extra know-how needed to in Crease their chances of success whether they fish from boats, surf, or piers. Classes stress the latest techniques of angling, and laboratory sessions are flshlnp trip* which allow students to put 7 1 AA—District IV (Whitaville) Buncho. Weldon 9 5 Artesia, Hallsboro 5 0 Speight, Wilson 4 3 'Brunswick, Southport ■MeJver, Lillington 4 4 3 0 Spaulding, Spring Hope Douglass, Tabor City 5 2 1 1 Westside, Chadbourn 4 3 Pattillo, Tarboro 1 1 1 Central, Whiteville I 1 Eastman, Enfield 2 7 1 East Arcadia, Acme I 2 Inborden, Enfield 2 & Mount Oliver, White Conetoe, Coneto 0 3 ville 1 2 Springfield, Lucama 0 3 ' Irtiion, Shalotte 1 4 West Martin, Oak City Washington, Ciarkton 0 4 0 1 AA—District IV (Goldsboro) Pender County, Rocky Frink, LaGrange 9 1 Point 0 3 Pitt County, Grimes- A—District I (Durham) land 1 1 T ittlo Rivor. B'’hama 6 0 1 Central, Goldsboro 2 / Johnsonville, Sanford 2 1 1 South Ayden, Ayden 2( 7~^ k.neths«fftne, Bunn 3 2 1 Druglass. Warsaw 0 \ 4 "erson, Frnnklinton 3 3 j AA—Di^lric , V (G: 4; .ville) \ 1 Water, Goldston 1 2 Vti. AhosVlL' 10 0\ Toler. Stovall 0 1 , Chalnr 'r, Iljaroke ,A—'District n (Kkmid—n) 1 Pnpids 7 I (Sppuiding-Monroe, Central, Ga,tesville 9 1 Bladenboro 3 0 j Brown, Winton 6 1 I f'Drver. Liurel Hill 8 1 ‘ Perquimans, Winfall 5 1 -Hyiy Branch, Lumber Gumberry, Gumberry 8 2 Ton 8 4 , Tyrrell. Columbia 2 1 Berley, Aberdeen 3 2 ' Washington, Rope 5 3 Pt-netnrville, Proctor- 1 White, Powellsvillo 4 5 ville / 3 4 1 Currituck, Maple 2 3 A/’^'demy Heights, Plne- 1 Creecy, Rich Square 0 2 hurst ' 0 1 j Walker. Edenton 0 2 'f^Rnp Morvnnr 0 1 1 Brawely, Scotland No ck Oak Ridge, Lumber ) 0 4 Bridge 0 1 , Anderson, Belcross 0 6 j Wwt Southern Pines, ! Hare, Pendleton 0 7 Southern Pines 0 2 declared in Ski. “Thr imnassion- ed speeches depicting the pros as coPtaminators are best receiv j ed on ski convention floors, not , on slalom hills." Corcoran said the amateur or- ' Tennessee State Tigers Trounce Highlanders to Cop 8th of )Seasbn Earl S. Clanton, III ' for Kentucky /State's Coach NASHVILLE — Agile, 6-5, i Johnny McLendion when the Willie Porter paced Tennessee j famed cage mentjor was at North State University Tigers as they | Carolina State C611ege. Big Mack 1 trounced MacMurray College : was Coach McLendon’s assistant Highlanders 95-65 in Kean’s Garden last Friday night to post their eight win of the season, from Jacksonville, Illinois 61-28 Outclassing the Highlanders b y intermission, Grevhound »i^e FAMU Marching Band, refwvjri. ed as "the marchingest and j>l»y irj?e.-t band in the land, “jot close to 21) minutes of televijiion exposune, including pi'e.|prin' shots video-taped during re hearsals on Saturday, the day before the game. The Pro-T*layoff Bowl gaWt". blacked out locally, was lelec|i5il through 210 stations by tlio Columbia Broadcasting System. With the aid of his assistant band directors, Dr. William P. - For two reasons: the amateurs | director of the FAMU are in better physical shape, and; ggpjj Orange Bowl fans race on a hieher competiitive television viewers 18 sched- level . . Somehow the level of ^ uled minutes of creative, preci sion marching, superb music, intricpte formations, and ani mated maneuvers during a h^lf- timp pageant entitled “Hiy|h- lights of the Marching Hundred'’ and during a post-game «how which featured spirited dawc routines to such popular as “Alexanders Hagtime UaniJ " and “Soul Bossa Nova," ^ ^ Assistant directors who *ac- companied Dr. Foster and the Marching Hundred here for the. Orange Bowl perfomances were: Lenar C. Bowie, director of the trumpet section; Thomas E Lyle, director of the clarinet section; Samuel A. Floyd, direc tor of the percussion section' Ruffie London, director of the saxophone section; Wayman D professional ski raeirjr is to sur vive fnr anv length of time. “It is vital to the success of the oros that new blood be brought in after the Olympics,” Corcoran'Stated in Ski. at Tennessee State when the Mc Lendon coach Skull Barnell and the Whiz-Kids won their three- \ arranger, announcer ] and director of the French 'section; and Charles S. Bin.t^, co ordinator of records and di.rec- straight NAIA national crown. During this same period | Coach Ilu^.ter was McLendon’s Porter took scoring honors w'ith ! freshman coach. When Hunter | baritone horn, trqm- 2.1 points while grabbing 20 T=e-j moved up to the Big Blues head, 3^,^] sections. -y Big Bobby Edmonds coaching spot. Big Mack assist-j band’s choreography,.wos ed him for one season before, directed bv Mjss Beverly A. Hill.s grabbing the cage membership j Florida A. and M, for the Jaguars. Next Thursday, jj„partment of Health North Caroilna College Meets A&T Fri. in Greensboro Coliseum The North Carolina College the two teams will bring togeth- Eagles and the North Carolina er four of the top performers in A. and T. Aggies will meet in an the conference, including two AAA—District III (Fayetteville)! CIAA contest Friday, All-CIAA selections from 1963. Bladen Central Eliza bethtown Carver, Mount Olive I Armstrong, Fayetteville 1 Upchurch, Raeford 0 AA—District I (Albemarle) Leak Street, Rocking ham Kirgville, Albemarle West Badin, Badin Pinckney, Carthage Chatham. Siler City Dearr, Maxton Hargrove, Faison Peabody, Troy AA—District II (Garner) Fuquay Consolidated, 1 thelt knowledge to good use, An | cooper,“ciavton , 6 ; trip to the OuM Stre.n, ! Consolidafed, I U owe of the five-day course Carnor fi Dtirl-e the 1963 Short CoCirsr^ ; Method 2 ; one student caught a 340-pound ^^^rison. S"lma 1 ' V»?liP rvinrlin nnri r>th«rs hrniitfhi porOSt H*H F T Onks 1 bltip marlin, and others brought back tuna, bonito arrd a wide as exneeted to Flic 'Short Course students and faculty are housed in modern mo tels at Hatteras, and classroom sessiorrs are in a local school. An Illustrated brochure on the Short Course, with applicantions forms for advance enrcAlment Is bounds, opened the scoring with the game’s first two buckets and ended the everring with 20 points. Using, a full-court press from the opening gun. Coach Harold Hunter’s Chargers (now 8-4) had doubled the score (32-16) on Highlanders with 9:50 still re maining in the first half. Co*'- trolling both bank boards. Hunt ers retburners found fhe range with 40 of 90 shots from the field and hauled-in 71 reboundr before the final whistle. The Big Blues have one game on the road against Southern Illinois before returrirrg to Kean's Little Garden. Thursday January 9. for a joint benefit basketball doubleheader that pits Durham area residents are T'isk against Kentucky State and [ scheduled to take a tough 4- Southern University against I hour written tost at North Ca- ,;Id will be the first meeting of _ physical Education. Tennessee State and Southern j ^.an^'s Jamiai^ 5 sin*e Coach Mack took over the . perforfnance, congratulatory fios t-am. When the two tangle, i ^ave poured Coach McLendon will be sitting | p,„rida A. and in the stands watching. ; nartment of Music and Officp of I Public Relations. Last year, Dan ' Tonni^'S. co-owner of thp New Yor| 'Vankees. was so imprefs-od ; w'ith the band’s performance at ' the 1963 Pro Playoff Bowl game ; that h„ tried to arrange for the Ma'"ehi>’g Hundred’s appeararicc at Yankee Stadium. , NCC. DHS to be Civil Service Exam Centers Tennessee State This brain child of Tenrressee State’s National Alumni and the NIashviHe Fisk AUimnl dub af fords a unique twist. Southern Jaguar’s coach, Richard “Dick’ Mack and Coach Hunter played ' rolina College, on January 18, 1964 to compete for careers in the Federal Civil Service, George E. Moore Jr. Civil Service Ex- aminer-in-Charge at the tiurham Post Office announced today. The test is the Federal Service Entrance Examination — moin means of recruiting from col- l“ges in Ihe Government's Ofest for qualitv — through w^ich about 10.000 beginning prffes- sional jobs in 60 occupational fields are filled each year. Stic- resgful competitors ouallfy ifor tobs starting at $4,565 or, tor those with outstanding college Con'inued on P»‘?e 6B rotate n and R naleigh 0 2 Annv Consolidated, Apex 0 .5 available from the Divl.sion of General Extension, Box 512'i, State College Station, Raleigh, North Carolina, January 17, in the Greensboro NCC’s Joe Parker and A. and Coliseum. A large crowd is ex-, T.’s James Jackson were named pected for the 8 o'clock tap>-off to the league’s all-star team last of a game which v.ias originally season. The Eagles’ Ted Manning scheduled for Saturday, January and Warren Davis, A. and T.’s' I 18. rebounding king, will also face! j Last yPar, NCC and A and | each other for the first time this It. met in five exciting games,' season. j j with the Aggies winning four Manning, Jackson, and Davis j to the Eagles’ on^Coach Floyd v*>ere named to the first team' Brown's cagers debated the Ag- All-Tournament team iti the ■ gies 69 68 in the opening round 1963 Holiday Festival at Win-^ of. the Tipoff Tournament in ston-Salem. i Durham. But in the next four; Both NCC and A. and T. werej meetings between the arch-rivals, scheduled to play league foes Coach Cal Irving’s hoopsters earlier this week. NCC defeated were unstoppable. J the St. Augustine Falcon* 93-78 A. and T. defeated NCC 91-1 Monday, and A. and T. played 79 in an overtime in the finals host the Shaw Bears Wednes-! of the Holiday Festfval at Win- day. | ston-Salem. The Eagles have a 6-5 confer- During regular season play, ence record and an 8-6 mark the Aggies took a co''vlneing 81- #verall. The Aggies were 5-1 In 64 victory in the Gate City and CIAA play and «-2 agal'-st all "inn.'d thp Eagles 08-65 in Dur- opposition through last week, ham. j xhe starting line-up for the Then, with all the marbles In finagles will have co-captains Ihe ring in the CIAA tournament Parker and Clarence Stewart' at in Wirrston-Salem, A. and T,, forwarda. Manning at center, with a strong second half, come- Gus Jones and Albert Conrrors hack snarked bv Hugh Eva''s, | at gtuards. defeated NCC 79-70 in the open j Coach Irving will pmbaUlf ing of the dribble derby. | start Jackson and Iryir>g at tor- Evans scored S.'S poitrts to lead wards, Davis at center, ,and all scorers for the night. | Maurice McHartley and Wylie This jrear’s flrat m»tig Briggs «t $U»r4s. FOR'BETTER LIVING Foiest View Heights Ooen Hoiise 7-9 P.M. ★ Large Wooded Lots ★ Paved Streets ★ Near Churches, Schools and Shopping ★ No City Taxes ★ Exclusive Neighborhood Qualified Veterans--No Down Payment Non Veterans--Low Down Payment Full basement, three he'tronm h-iek, 1 1'2 baths, carport-^only $15,950. Three bedroom hrifk with full Raraqe ati.. paved drive, only SI5,5(10. Three bedroom with slena akrmiwjfn sidii] norch, ,stori"f raom. Oaly SlI.BSO. Two year old three hertrooni brick. Nei( painted insii^p a«d out — Only $900 i(td tale up payments. Several other* under ronitrurtion o r vve wiH buHd to auit y«u o|t emt loU, DIRECTIONS; Go Out Fayattavlll* Strtet to Carnwallis Read, Turn rlo*-* and fellow ilsnt. WEILOHS REALTY PHONE Ul-WM