Hanr. Film Laboratories 7U0 Chatbam Winstofl-oaleni, N. C. 7/20/comp. » . ...■ /- ' • Rev,Edwci^^ Clings To Top In Carolina Times Holy Land Race STATE RESTS IN TRIAL OF BISHOP NICHOLS >5) ' , AME Church Prelate Accused of Embezzling $280,000 in Funds PHILADELPHIA — The em brazlemcnt case against Bishop' D, Ward Nichrfs, former Bi shop of the First District of the AME Church, which includes Now B^gland, New York. New Jersey, Eastern Pennsylvania! and Bermuda, ended for the pro •j secution on quite^ daniiatici noted here Monday. Attorney William H. Brown, III rushed into the courtroom at the last | minute with evidence which he bad gathered in New York. * It consisted of documentary proof that Nichols, who is ac- Ctiscd of embczzi'ilng $280,000 (IfOm the AME Church, w a ? h^anaging a coriimunity center (}» New York that was not of ficially connected with the Church, but which was rcceiv- in* contributions from the First District of which Nichols^vasi Bishop at the time. ' The prosecutityi.'llt^ chargc'* that Nichols operated an esta blishmeot known as the “AME ■ Book Nook,’ which likewi.se i r^^ived funds from th^ district i wl^lch he presided over in the early 1950’s. . Tile defense, although persi-j stent in its attempts to do so, wBs uiiabltT To' ,ihaKe llic Icsli- nfony of prosecuting witness,, Bdshop John D. Bright, w ii o' gave incriminating tcstimot.'’ against the defendant. i ' . The trial, which has been of tense nature since its begin- tting,. was tempered with hiimor | dn Thur.sday when prosecuting witness, Russell Brown, referred to Judge Shoyer, who is hearing the case, twiec as ‘Bishop’. ^ Tlic veil of secrecy surrounrt- j ing the purchase of the Richard I All6n building, former nation-' ■I headquarters of thp AME denomination, was lifted herci Thursday during questioning of: prosecuting witness, Russell Brown, Secretary of the General ' Conference. I The court contend.s that Nichols * paid $S4.000 for the buildins at a ^ shf'riff’.s .sale and attempted ti> re-.^el| it to the Church for $68, 000. Accordina to the testimonv of Brown, at a “Presitlinc Elders Council Meeting” in Bo.stnn fol lowing Nichol’s purchase, it was agreed that the Church would pur chase the buildin" from Nichols for the sum of $68,000. The Allen Duildjng Fund Committee was set up immediately. However, at a later meeting, the General Con ference rejected the idea, contend ing that the cost of repairs for the renovation of the property I would exceed the purchase price. | Sec PRELATE,,6-A j Regrets AMA's i Faihire to Insert Anti-Bias Clause WASHINGTON, I). C.—"The Na- tiotiAl Medical A.ssociation recrets that the American Medical A.ssoc iation failed to request that the anti-bias clau.se be re-inserted in the Ilarris-nill Bill, HR. 10041, 88th Congress,” Dr. Kenneth v» Clement, NMA Pre.sident stated from Cleveland this week. He said “The amendment whirh the Ameri can 'Ttledical Association did rc , quest, namely; ‘Nor shall the acceptance of funds by a privalv. facility under this title be con striied as making this facility a public I institution', threatens to I tuts p jyTHeTRUTM UNBRIQCE^ VOLUME 41 — No. 14 DURHAM, N. C., 27702, SATURDAY, APRIL 4, 1964 PRICE: 15 Cent* NCC Inauguration Program To Be Held Thur.-Sat., April 23-25 THIBODEAUX La. Evangelist in City-wide Revival At White Rock City-Wide Revival, which be- j gun on March 30, at White Rock : Biipti.st Church. Is Jji lls second U. s. Supreme Court Agrees tor^" liear Alabama Discrimination Case I WASHINGTON — The U. S. scly bet'ausr of “procedural mis | Supreme Court this week The NAACP lins ticvc" peared to be prepared to cut been able to get a final dclci j through the legal enlangleiin'iils ininatioii on thp merits of tlic i surrounding tiie eight year nr, 19,^6 injunction from the Ala Alabama state ban on NAACP bania court.'; on wliPlher it Is Ic ’ operations in the slate and to Hally (Militled lo resume opera . , determine finally whether the tions there. j mitti'c, eon.sistiiig week of a soul stirring cam paign. The revival, sponsored by the Interd'cnomilnational Minl.s- terial Alliatlcc of Durham and Vicinity, begins each night ai 7:30 p. m. and is scheduled to end on April 10. Dr. G. H. J. Thibodeau, of Shreveport, Louisiana, noted evangelist of internntional re cognition. Is the featured speak er during the revival services. Dr. Tlilbodeaux is the Gener al Secretary of the Department Sep EVANGELIST 6-^A Association may resume its ae Gordon Alad'i.son, Assi,''lanl At- ! tivitles in Alabama. toiney General of Alabama, eon I In a surprise move fnllnwiii); 1-tended that if tlie SiipreiiKv ! oral arguments by both sicfes on Cmirl found that procedui al ; March 24, Chief Justice F.ai* grn\nds were iraudulent the' ! Warren .stated that “the Court; ca.sc .'ihould return oiue more to ■is dispo.sed to consider tlie iiiei- the Alubama courts for a rul-| ! its.” Such a ruling was wlial ing ■'' Hie merils before the i NAACP General Counsel Un the peace or ill will, or economic bert L. Carter and his associates retaliation within the community' were seeking. ® "reason for wanting to truns j j Alabama attorneys had eon ; fei" | ! tended that the casp shouUI mil \ • "achievement in relaiion t.i ■ now be before the court as Alii j the norm for the school to which | I bama courts have ruled adver I See AGREES, 6-A ' Three days of activities will mark tlie celebration of the in- ; ausiiratlon of Dr. Samuel P. i Massie.as third president of, North Carolina College. ^ ALL-CIAA TACKLE TURNSI prior to his return to Durham 1 hp colleges Inaugural Com- ppo — Robert McAdams, Dur- for further study at NCC in Board of ham nativg and former NCC. Physical Education. McAdams, a M m I Mrs. DeJarmon Named to ADA Membership Mrs. Elva P. Dejarmon, As sistant Professor of Food's and Nutrition at NCC was recently admitted into thj, American Die tetic Association. Mrs. DeJarmon, a native of Ohio, received the B. S. frf>in man, dl.stinguished' professor of Wllberforce tJnivcrsity and the selenee, Iowa State University; M. S. froin Western Re.scrve Uni aiid Dr. Massie. verslty. She has d'one further ]ir. llarrl.son will deliver an work towards a Doclortile ,Tl ,nl(fr( New York University. She is the Trustees members John H. Lar kins and M. Hugh Thompson aiuf Dr. Helen G. Hdnionds. cliainnan of the Department of History and Social Science, has iiniuninced that Thui-sday, Fri fFiiy, and .Saturday, April 2H-25, will be devtrt-ed to observaiu'e of thp occasion. Dr. Edmonds is of InairffnTTT—f activities. i Included in the full «ichedule j of events are an Inaugural .stu-, dent hiiff.el and a drama dance i program on Thursday, a facul t.v-staff Inaugural banquet and i a concert ijy the college choif on Friday and a band concertj and an Inaugui'al luncheon on Saturda.v. The Inaugural P r o- liram. scheduled for It p. m.. Sat urday will bp followed by the I’resident's Reception. Principal speaker for Ihe var inns occasions are Dr. G. Lamar Harrison, former president of I.angston University, now pro fessor of education and director of information .service, Chicago Te.iclu'rs College: Dr. James M Nahiit, Jr., president of How ard University; Dr. flenrv Oil ALL-CIAA Tackle and Captain I first stringer, is the fastest do* of e 1962 Eagle squad, is fensive tackle on th^ Jet squad, shown above taking a "break"! He is to report for camp )|n during training exercises at the early June, camp of the Pro New York Jets, Dr. fn 40th Annual Mid-Year Session DAVB Dr. (Jrady Davis, dean, of tin Dr. Davis who is one of the natjon’s outstanding ministers is scheduled to preach at 1:00 p. m. Music for the occasion will be furnished by the Ushers Choir of Durham. Following thp sermon, dinner will bp served IrT the dining room of the home after wjiich reports and other important maf- ters from officers and various conuuitteei-' W'ill be heard. Highlightuig this yeai'*: an nual Mid year session will be an. announcement of Ihe exact open Ing dale for the Ushers Home £pr unwed mothers. Extensive re novation and now under way on two of the cottages at the home onp of wliich will be used’ TT? the directOf or' superintendent. According lo President L. K. Roxie Small of Pit- Shown above is Mri. Ossie Ware Mitchell, National Presi dent of Iota Phi Lambda Sor ority, as the spoke to the South ern Regional Conference of the sorority, whil^ It was in session at Saint Joseph's AME Church here racenlly. Others sharing the Chairman at North Carolina Col- wife of LeMarqul.s DoJarn\on, local attorney and the mother of o n e daughter, Michelle Renee. Professional affiliations in elude membership in the Ameri can Home Economics Associ.i I lion. The American Association See MRS. DEJARMON. G-A ing the month of June. Austlh', Mrs at the Faculty Staff Divinity School of Shaw Urn- t.sboro has been named as the Hanqu.t, and Dr. Nabrit will versity and pastor of the Union director of the home, which is speak at the Inaugural Lunch Bapti.st^ Church, will dt;llver the pxpected to begin operation dur eMi. Ur. (Jihnan will speak at annual «ermon at the 40th an the Inaugural Program, and nual Midyear se&slon of the President Massie wUI deliv'cr In-terdenomlnational Ushers As the Inaugural Address. .soc>lation of North Caroliii!) In addition to board members Sunday April ,i. The ses.sli)n will and other dignitaries who will be held at thp Ushers Honu'. participate in various events, located on Highway One iieui See INAUGURATION. 6-A LFrankllnton. platform with Mrs. Mitchell are, from left to right: Mrs. Eula W. Harris; Mrs. Bessie Jackson. Regional Director; Dr. Helen G. Edmonds, History Department Rev.J.H.Costen Is 2nd Among Contestants lege, and Mrs, Doris Moore, Re gional Secretary. Persons in the choir stand are members of the Lc\. C. K. Edwards of Fayette- Chapel Hill. Yeung Adult Choir of Mount holding fast to the lof Vernon Baptist Church.. WHAT’S “deliberate: speed?” Supreme Court Hears Tokenism Argument I spot, though by a narrow mar'!i.’. in the Carolina Tinu's third an j nual Holy Land contest this week I When the tabulation was coniolet I cd at noon Wednesday it reveal- I ed that Rev. J. H. Costcn of Hocky Mount had come even closer to ticlng for the top place than the previous week. Accoidinf.' to th" count Itev. Costen was onlv 4.00C points from the top. Johnson Asks Southern Bapts. To Back C-R A new comer (o the contest this week Is Rev. H. W. Perry of Ox ford. Although liev. Perry has .just entered the race there arj rumors being circulated that he is the dark horse contestant that has been talked about since the second week of the conte.st. Kev Perry Is known to be a ha>'d worker and his friends In Sanford,' WASHINGTO’N — President Oxford and othivr sections of the; Johnson told a leadership se state say that he will be heard minar of the Southern Baptlsi from before the curtain Is rung Convention last Wednesday that “no group of Christians has a Another coniestnnl '.v’lo did Aoll for the week w.s Uev. llciv j down on the contcs April 21. 1 dcrson Aitiey ot Diirhair who tool* i | greater responsibility In civil coming hearing In federal court, lover the third place held las'I relative standings o( con-1 than Southern Baptists.’’! U. S. Judge Sidney Mize has Faces 10 Years For Exposing Police Brutality JACKSON, Miss. — Lois Chaffee, formerly a teacher at Tougaloo Christian College and presently a CORE Task Force worker, faces up to ten years in jail if a Mississippi court finds her guilty of “perjury” [ The “perjury” indictment j stems from- her testimony about police brutality during a peace- I ful protest march here last Jung Ki. two days after the murder of Merigar Evers. The testimony was given at her own trial fol lowing her arre.st tor “disturb ing the peace.” Newspaper and television re porters covering the June 13 de monstration also observed and reported the police using billy clubs against the demonstrators. Ten of thesg reporters'are being sought to testify at her forth- WASHI.NGTON, D. C.—The bcr of 1961. undermine the Court’.s decision in question of ho A' fast is “deliberate • Negro parents, acting through the Moses H. Cone and Wesley .speed”—an issue that has con 1 Legal Defense Fund attorne.vs. su. j Long Hospitals suit outlawing di.« stantly been before the nation’s I to end the city's dual school sv,- crlmlnatlon in hospitals receiving ' courts since 1954, gained its first i tcm In January of ig.'SS in the U.S. c- iai ' school system. The Atlanta plan, which starts Hi the 12th grade and works d(>wn- •vatd. Integrated 10 Negroes l;i iniil; 40 In 1962 and 119 In 1903 week by Rev. .\lanlcy j1 . tcstants this week is as I Kev. C. K. Edwards, {•'ayettcvillc 1,572.000 I Kev. J. H. Costen, Uocky Mount . • ■ l.StiS.OOO ; Kev. Henderson Amey, Durham 889,000 Hill-Burton support. The Amen | U. S. Supreme Court hearing Mon-j District Court of the Northern 1 (inc hundred twenty nine Ni*i;ro ' Rev. J. R. Manley, Chapel Hill 862.(K)0 can Medical Association's oppo : day, March 30th, | District of Georgi j. j student.s applied for transfer be j Kev. U. G. Moyc, Kinston 8B1,000 sltion to Federal control ov.’rl The NAACP Legal Defense and; The parents had been askln" tween .May 1st and I5tl\, 1961. the Kev. G. G. Badgett, Keldsvllle ■ 704,000 hospitals is m-jch better l^nown ' Educational Fund is specifically officials for integration of schools | dates open for application undi i i Kev. Geo. W Dudley, Rocky Mount 556,(KKI an.d established than its interest j challenging the grade-a-year schoo'j since 1956. • i the Atlanta plan. I Rev. C. K„ Moseley, Greenville 402,(XK) in. rcmovins discrimination based i integration plan of the Atlanta Ga. | “Atlanta’s public Si.hools, a de | The school board used 17 cri Rev, W. T. Bigelo'#, Durham 401,000 on race from admission and staff 1 Negro children there. " i cade (1964) after the fi.-st Brown ] tcria to judge Negro students. Rev. R. W. Perry, Sanford 398,000 The President said that the j sot April 13 for the hearing ana elimination of racial dlscrimlna- ^ bus agreed to a stipulation tion was the "mo.st critical chal | sought by CORE attorneys that lenge that Wg face today.” Over ! the Mississippi courts will not 150 Baptist leaders heard thp. nu)ve in the •‘perjury” case un- President In the Rose Garden of til two weeks after he issues his the White House. The President decision. asked the m|inlsters for their j Miss Chaffee’s attorneys, Carl ing policies in hospit. Is. i The case is slated to be argued {decision (1954) have 145 out ot “We, therefore, oppose the re jby Constance Baker Motley, asso ia total of 56,000 JRirro student cojmncnded amendment above on ciate counsel of the Fund, I attending public schools with Atlanta initiated its "integrnt-' 58,000 white students, ion’’ plan in response to cour* | "In short,” the Le,*;a1 Defensp order 'ivhen 10 Negro high school; Fund attorneys maintain, "token seniors were admitted to oreviously j ism has now been superimno.sed all-white high .schools in Septem 1 upon a so-called separate but the grounds that it is redundan' ia the proposed legislation and its impHcations are ietrimental *.o the best interest of the American CMUjDunity.'’ w Among them were: • “Psychological Rev, qualification , Kev. A. T. Smith, Durham Kermit Degraffenreidt, help. He said: “Help us to pass this eivH rights bill and establish a foundation upon whicti we can build a house of freedom where Rockvlllo, Md 272,000 3j4,000 gj] nien can dwell,' of the pupil for the tvpe of teach ing and assoclationr. Invloved” • "morals, conduct, health and personal standards of the m'pil” • 'possiblllfy of breaches of See TOKENISM, 6-A Rev. E. T. Thompson, Durham 208,000 Kev. B. B. Feldor, Dunn 188,(H)0 Kev, R. L. Speaks, Durham 182,000 Rev. A. D. Moseley, Durham 151,000 Rev, H. G. McGhee, Panvillc, Va 77,000 See CONTKST, 6.^ A partial text of the Presi dent’s address follows: Lincoln proclaimed Rachlin, CORE chief counsel and Paul O’Dwyer, member of the New York City Council, will S.eclT to, halt the "perjury” pro secution permanently on the grounds that the case is Inteod- ed solely for the purpose o{ un constitutionally intimidating a(iI punishing her fur her civil rigMS tional faith that riglit makes | activity. It was on thes,, groundu might. Surely this is so, and , that p special three-judge tedtff* surely if we arp to complete the j al court,, on November 1, ortt^ ‘Cc BAPTlS’l, 6-i, jvQ TlkACHEHv