T WTWWTTTTTTWfffy .. I ■. ;■ ■ . YHE Ci:R'5EIKK T I m £ S N. C. SATURDAY, JUNI 13, 1M4 liiierlcan Teachers Association Atlanta S6il*of fht Afn^ri- lii'i Association iuled for Atlanta’s Muni- ci^i Auditorium on July 27-29 aocording to announce- ntClits from Dr. J. ,T. Brooks 4lktcutive secretary of the 9^000-m em b er organization ^(ninded in Nashville in 1904 bt the late Dr. J. R. E. Lee. . The thenie for this year’s con- ilb is “Education: Freedoms Keynoting the three-day JjRtnwntion will be Dr. Ben- Jiltnni E. Mays, Moreh6use Col- tefe, who will speak on the o- p^hlng night. The association prfeajdcnt, Dr. J. Rupert Picott, alio, the executive secretary of tht Virginia Teacfie^s Associa- will deliver the message on the sccond night; and the final evening program will be In the form of the traditional banquet to be held at the At- lint Americana and will feature the ' distinguished state senator from New York, Mrs. Constance Baker Montley. Directing the annual memo rial service will be Dr. C. V. ■^^-Oup, president of Fort Valley St^te College and a member oi ihe Board of Trustee. Speaker for this session will be Dr. Rich ard V. Moore, president of Be- (fiune-Cookman College and ^mediate ^ast president ol AfA. Dr. jVernbn McDaniel executive secretary of the Teach 2lADMINtST»AT0R'S NOTICE ItORTH CASOUNA BtmMAM jCDUIt-r- '-HAVING* QUALIFIED as admin istrator of the estate of Mary Me Laogblih,' decewed. Ijite (>{■ Dur- County, NtirUi Carolina, this ir te notify alj ^prs6ns''having claims 'against said estate to ex hibit'them to the underiuded'at Ufl West Parrish Stieet. Durham, .C,. on or betore the 23rd 3ay of November, 1964, ir thU notice' ^ill be pleaded in *bar’ of ‘tlleir svery. AH ' Arsons indebted to said ( it^te will ^please make immediate I the*undersigned. ,Thi« IpOiid^ p^M|y,49(>4 le^ifiics; add . Fs^mers , iJW,? Adihiaistrat of ^I4_ry McLai%(i Hay' of Tezaf and'a iregfontfl vicelprfestrfent of ATA, will direct the workshop for regional and state officers. Special workshops oi^rojects of emphasis durln^'^he ^rrent year will be directtld an fMlows: Citizenship, ,ftr, 'Augustus A. Adair, assistant cUrector, In- stitte for Ppliticauf Eklucatlbn, Morgan Stite College, Balti more; Drop-Outs, Richard Men- denshall, U. S. Department ol Labor, Bureau of Employment State Security; iThe Non-Grad- ed School, Dr. Neil Sullivan, Superintendent, Prince Ed ward County (Virginia) Free School Association; Teacher Compctcnce and Evaluation, Dr. Walter I. Murray, Grooklyn College; Textbook Review, Dr. George W. Brooks, dean. South Carolina State A&M Coflege; and Programmed Instruction, Dr. Harry A.. Johnson, director, Audio-Visual Center, Virginia State College. Other current major officers of ATA include C. J. Duck worth. Biloxi, Missi^ippi, pre sident-elect; Dr. Walter N. Rid ley, Elizabeth City, treasurer, and George W. Brooks, Clarks ville, Tennessee, chairman of the Board of Trustees. Joseph C. Duncan of Y^ceyvUle is state' director for North'Caro lina. * Three Tar Heels Receive Honor From Heart Ass'n qHARLOTTfi^The N«t II Heart AK^iatio#^ •th Cjro- II I 1 covftetl ilVer' MedklliAn^fi^ heen 'award- ed to three Tar Heels, Robert L. Dickens, William Muirhead, and Dr. E. Harvey Estes, Jr., all ol Durham. Dickens, assistant dean of arts and sciences and professor of ac- _countlng at Duke University, has been Instrumental in the develop ment of model uniform account ing and reporting procedures for voluntary health agencies. He has served as advisor to the North Carolina Heart Association’s board of directors since 1949. Dr. Est-s. professor of medicine at Duke University Mcdical Cen ter, is a past president of *he Durham County Heart A.ssocia- lion and the North Carolina Heart Association and, during the past 10 years, has serv >d as chairman or member of several key com mittees of the state heart graup. Muirhead, president of Muir head Construction Company in Puerto |i A senior tit t'rainciaco HenSoia' High School. Isabeii, Pueitjo, JUco, will be among participants in a Summer Institute for High School Science Student) to b« held at North Carolina College Junt^.8 ta^ ■^y 18. ’ ^osa Maria Di»i, IR Jias accepted for the course for which the National Science Foundation will provide free tuition for all cnrollees. Memhars of the depart ments of mathematics, chemistry and biology at th^ collejJe“ will teach the sessions, with t)r. Nell Hirschberg, professor of hiologyr serving as‘ inititMte dii«ctorl^ ’ Miss D itl»' ioiuHfik-fanked student in a class of 2i#'lists her mother, who has taught biology and chemistry 20 years, as one of her high school science ins’truc- The filth *iuii^I institute will have 80 boys^a^ 10 girls and is" ‘‘d«tigned to stimulate the Inter- es'i'and enthusiasm of the students, to provide them with advanced ji(^in^e4hree areas i;overfd. ie Vrogram will be divided be-1 tween lectures, laboratbry work, library assignments, and discus sion periods, with special hours set aside for independent investi gation. Films and field trips will also be part of the program. Ih addition to Dr. tlirschberg. other members of the institute fa- joltj will be Dir. ,C. Ehvood Boul- ware, associate prdfeWof of mathe- matlc; Dr.. NornMn Padhos, assi- tant professor of chemistry; and David Deiiny, iiMistant professor of biology. Durham, is a past president of the North Carolina Heart Associa tion, nast State Heart li^d--Chair man. past Durham County Heart Fund Chairman, and, in 1950, made provision for the group's state headquarters at Miller Hall on tt.e campus, of the University of North Carolina. . Since 1949, .when the North Car olina Heart Association was founded, only 10 laymen and 10 physicians have received this award. Presentation of this year’s nicdallion was made in Charlotte on May 21 by Dr. John G. Smith, Rocky Mount, vicc president of the American Heart Association and a past president of ^he state heart group. •«{ Jmr ANWItSON;,. ... From alabai\/ia city, ala^ WAS THE FIRST OF 34 AMERICAN PRISONERS OF THE KOREAN WAR TO STEP ON U.S. SOIl/aT TR«/IS AiR FORCE SASE^CALIF.^ HE DE- BARKEn FROM AC-97 TRANSPORT PLANE;ON APRIL 28^1953 Continental Feature.^, YOU CAN GET RELiEF FROM HEADACHE PjliN Ciws yoii rAJT ‘ relief from paiiK hea^he, neuralgia, neuritis, and mipdr piins of Mrthritis, rheumatism, uecaute STANBACK contains several raedically-appraved s for ( and preKfibed innetiGnts for fast relief, )tu dn take STANBAw with confidence. SatisfKtion (uaranteedl Te»t STANBACK tnst »ny reparation 69# 984 Brings Out HAIR BEAUTY i ...clears away ^ V . dandruff worries WELL. SURE! i-i 4 ■ K you art of ^^ruihipg ♦© Aa bai^Et why ^ilonl YOU bank-bj^ ' fiandy form*)? ^ ^You CM UM fhls conv«n!«nt MTVioa you eannel cpn» to tha b«flb ^ k MAKE ARRANGB4ENTS TODAYVt^ \t5L ^ YOUR liedianics & fanners Bank PAKRISH ST. flS FAYEITEVILLE 8X IMPORTED ':vv i»latinUm " ■■ *’'' ' ■ " KoW At Sert&ationa,r 'Low Prices CeXipon* from Yiwr . 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