THE CAROLINA TIMES—Saturday, July 25, 1964—2 Help For The Home Builder, Decorator And Home Buyer How to save steps and stops in the kitchen; how to have laundry (hat is bacteria-free; bome lighting to ease eye strain atxJ improve decor; safe insect repellent; pitfalls to avoid in building a tKxne; how to avoid home accid^ts with electrcity. A kitchen designed to reduce stooping, reaching, and walking to tlK minimum is a feature of CSDA’s Food and Home Fair for Consumers. The energy-saving kitchen was developed by W.S. Department of Agricoltare hous ing ^>ecialists who studied ttie motions used by women in per forming various chores. The mix counter and sink are arranged so that the lady of the house may sit or stand comfortably at either place. The storage cabi-- net is slanted so that upper shelves jut outward and are easy to reach. Ttie tired housewife can move from one area to an other while sitting on a swing ing stool. She can reach the top shelf while sitting down. The cabinet also saves bumped heads; it has a sliding folding door in stead of one that swings out ward. The home refrigerator-freezer is one of the most depended upon appliances in today’s Idtchen. It keeps foods attractive, nutri tious, and flavorful until they are prepared for serving used to the b^t advantage of all the foods stored in it. How -to plan and carry out proper storage of meat, fruits and vegetables, dairy products, and other per ishable f(^s are shown in a demonstration at USDA’s Food and Home Fair for Consumers. Visitors are shown that “proper storage” starts before the home maker goes to the store. She rearranges the packages to make rpcm for the new ones and turns the control to its coldest setting. She *ops f(M- frozen foods last and has the checker put them in a double bag to keep them cold. Warmer packages put into the freezer are kept away from those already in storage. USDA bacteriologists have found that ordinary machine washing without bleach does not kill all disease-causing bac teria. The staphylocossus germ and other types of bacteria can suivive and be transmitted among family members. Hie danger can be even greater in community wash machines used by many families. Quarternary disinfectants should be added to the rinse water. Phenolic and pine oil disinfectants can be added to either the rinse or the wash cycle, and chlorine bleach to the wash water. In each case, the label tells how much to use to sanitize the laundry. Choosing the correct lamp or shade can prevent eye fatigue and improve the appearance of your home. A new shade-diffuser and a more powerful bulb can im prove greatly the type of light from an old lamp or light fix ture. Decwative bulbs can be used to enhance the appearance and raise the efficiency of old light fixtures. A county extension agent demonstrates for consumers how to use pesticides safely in the home and garden. He advises, first and most inq>ortant, to read the label and follow its in structions to the letter. II you use the kind of pesticide cb^i- cal that must be mixed at home, measure the correct amount, and no more; mix in a ventilat ed place to avoid inbalatkm and avoid smoking around pestickles; peihaps have a hancftercluef over tlie nose and mouth to avoid breating dust or mist. He also advises; Spray pesticides only on a calm day; avoid con taminating streams, ponds, lakes, and otiier water sources; leave each chemical in the original container, and read the Ac tions each time you use it; store containers away from children and pets; don’t store pesticides in pantry or use them around the kitch«) sink; after spraying or dusting,- wash exposed parts of the body thoroughly with soap and water; if you spill a con centrate on your cloUiing, diange to clean clothes inunediately; and never use y«jr mouth to blow out a spray nozzle, or to siphon a pesticide from a con tainer. An all-purpose insect repel lent that turns away mosquitoes, chiggers, tidu, biting flies, and fleas. An insect control ^lecial- ist shows how a horde of hungry mosquitoes remained indifferent and avokled a human arm treat ed with a lotkin type repellent. The chemical, diethyl toluamkie, is marketed under various trade names. The aerosol bomb de veloped originally by USDA scientists is now used to dis pense hundreds of substances— from paint to shaving cream. An agricultural research spe cialist shows how the bomb was developed and how pyrethrum aerosol kills insects. Electricity Hazards in the Home An electric field safety en gineer of the USDA demonstrates what can happen if you disre gard electrical safety pleasures. He explains how to grofli5a elec tric home appliances and power equipment. He shows how a human beings with wet hands or standing on a wet floor can become a conductor of elec tricity. He shows what happens when you overload a circuit, or when you run a vacuum clean er with a frayed cord into a metal object. Safety with elec tricity is an important part of home safety. A housing credit specialist of USDA explains some points to keep in mind when planning to build a new home. Make allow ance in budgeting for the new and "increased costs of keeping a home. These include property taxes, insurance, fuel, and per haps new furniture. House plans can be obtained from many sources; through a private firm, newspapers, magazines, lum beryards, as well as the Depart ment of Agriculture. Whatever the source, make sure your plan meets your needs, with com plete specifications. In shop ping for credit on a new home, try several lenders for the best terms. Deal with a reputable builder. To avoid problems, reach a firm agreement with the builder as to what it will cost. I Tips On Buying First House Are you planning to buy your first home in 1964? Take a tip or two from buyers from experience that basics are all important in a home. Don’t t>e swayed too strongly by gad gets; you can always add them later. If you are not certain as to what type of home will meet your family’s needs, consult a reputa- able realtor or builder. Explain bow your family lives and what you can afford to pay. Either one can offer sound suggestions. Bear tliese points in mind: 1. Make certain the home has a second bathroom or provision for later installation of one. 2. Buy a house with a two car garage. Even if you don’t have two cars at present, yop can always use the second car space for extra storage of garden tools, toys and sporting equip ment. 3. Make sure the heating unit is adequate not only for the pres ent but for possible future addi tions. Supplementary heating can be an expensive addition at a later date. 4, Be sure quately insulai lation keeps th winter and cool 5. Look for spell easy ma ly mortgage paj only costs of Long before pakl off you money for provements i much depends in your choice HMse technlcktng tested KeJ i^iaktor and ■ix other leading waabers at the Nation' wide Consumer Testing InBtitiite. Read what their reportk show^ home is ade- Proper insu- home warm in in suipmer. features which i^tenance. Month- ments aren't the Bwning a home. mortgage is '|nn be spending intenance im- repairs—how your alertness home. t(d t le 6f What they found out can save you money every washday I If INDBPBNDBNT TISTS PROVI . .. Ketvinator saires clothes, saves wash water, safes detergent! You save money and get clothes more uniformly clean with Kelvinator! Laboratory tests show Kelvinator washes clothes more uniformly clean with less wear—and uses less wash water doing it. . This means your clothes last longer, stay new- looking longer with Kelvinator. And because Kelvinator uses less wash water, you also need less soap or deter gent. In a year’s time, this savings alone can amount to a tidy sum. Teste also show that of the seven washers, Kel vinator is easiest to service, making possible savings in labor coste, if service is ever needed, (Of all the waiters tested, only Kelvinator had no ^ears. So you’ll never have a $70-$80 gear-repair bill with Kelvini^r.) ««, Finally, tests show that even without its lint filter, Kelvinator deposite less lint than all the other washers. So why not save every washday with Kelvinator? We have a model just right for your budget with all the features you want: multi-cycles, two speeds and all the rest. Come see iti / YOUR SEST BUY... KELVII^ATOR 50TH ANNIVERSARY VALUE$I You O0t ouUtandlng Quajity. d«pendabilfty and economy of o^^lK>ri In naw Kalvinator Appllancaa. Thallffa^thalraiult of 50 yaara of laadarah^gpffoma appllancaa. Including tha ftrat fl^aafut alaotric home rafrlg* arator. And through a |unlqua Conatant Basic Improvement program, American Motora bringa you more [real value in Kel vinator Appllancaa, Juat m In Rambler cara. KELVINATOR AUTOMATIC WASHER PRICES START AS L0W AS $1 7900 NU - TREAD TIRE CO. 601 FOSTER ST. Motorola and Kelvinator Appliancos Tires — Furniture PHONi 684-0501