Mann Film Lafeoratorlas B&Mticiajis^^Contest Tightens As Closing Date Nekr& r yC 'K' 'T‘ 'T' 'T‘ 'T* "T' ‘T' 'T' 'T' 'X' ‘T‘ 'T' ^ ^ i ^ ’s Jas. Farmer To Speak Here Novembei 8 tlwCari VOLUME 41 — No. 42 Halifax I ' Of 1964 jgn i DURHAM, N. C—27702 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24, 1964 RETURN REQUESTED PRICE: IS Cent* Youth Winner 4-H Club Honor FARMER WARREN AND MRS. LYNDON B. JOHNSON Durham Woman First Of iV. C. its Recepttonist For First Lady ' ^ ^ Durham Girl Featured by Wash. Post for Scholarship at Howard In her capacity as a member o{ the official Reception Commit tee from the Durham County Democratic Executive Committee to meet Mrs. Lyndon Johnson anti her patty. Miss Ellen Warren, vice chairman of the Whitted Precinct, chalked up a “first” for this area As a participent in receptions for the First LaUy ia Durham, Bur llnRton, and Greensboro after btfarding the Lady Bird Special in Durham, she became the first Ne gro woman in the tarheel area to".serve in such a capacity. Miss Warren, when asked what she and the First Lady talked .about, stated that "Mrs, Johnson showed considerable interest in my long record of participation in the political affairs'ttt Durham County, and encouraged my con tiriued efforts in bphaW of her husband, Lyndon JoltnSnn, for president of our country,” At the present time War ren is involved in a .pvai^ive regis tration drive taking out the City and Cl>iim hi 0«r- h»m. Workers ar«, Wtll ,o4j|>ani7.ed and supplied with.H*«a. Ijills and voter refiistration (lntprm»l|on. Precinct by precinct, every door will be knocked on aiid evA-J pos sible voter will be urgrt, to exer- Sec WARREN 4A Sylvia M. Sloan, a IHirham na tive who is a .slraiglit-A student at Howard 'Univorsify, ‘Washingtdh, is the subject of a feature in the :* nday, Octobcr 18 issue of The Washintgon Post newspaper. The feature, which was written by Elizabeth Shelton, occupies 21 . ”;olumn inches in the paper and i arries a two-column photograph i’ of Sylvia. It outlines conditions which led her to Howard ■vei' the 34 other colleses to which she >as offered scholarships and points ont that she was valcdicto rian to a of 2.‘i8 on gradu- iit'on from Hillside High School. Dauqhter of M. A. Sloan, vice president in charge of homt- office ■psrations at North Carolina Mu- Mial l.ife Insurance Co., Sylvia sttendcd the (iovcrnor's School for Gifted Children in 196.'?, and is the grand daughter of W. J. Ken-1 Post story begins, “is hardly ex- nody, Jr., chairman of the insur-j poctcd to be a social buttferfly. Joe Whitaker One of 39 to Get Free Trip HALIFAX—Joseph Daniel Whit aker, 17, has become the first North Carolina Negro ever to win a position as a delegatt- to the National 4-H Club, The son of Mr, and Mrs. Daniel Whitaker of Halifax wa.s one o.' 39 Tar Heel hoys and girls '.vho have been selected to share the to|5 slatf 4-TT Clnh TmTlors for t984 Winners in that category and 25 others are the state’s official dele gaics to the National 4-H Club Con" in Chicago. November 28-Decembei' 3, along with six other winners to be announced later, Whitaker’s expenses on the ti;jp will be paid by International Har vester Company. D. J. Knight. Halifax County Exten.sipn Agent, jaid white and colored 4-H’ers have competed to-1 (lima b^aiis, field poas and tur- gether on the state level for three nip groen), dairy, poultry, can- now. He .said that for the f-rst two years, Whitaker Iner I fjcyfjpn to win in the achievement cate | gory hut fell short of victory. Thi? ! Ho has made 14 state exhibit.^, vear the boy switched to the agri- j exhibited the grand champion CORE Director Will Address Noted Minister Slated for White | Area Session Rock's 98th Anniversary Program melons, commercial vegetables The Rev. Moses .N'cwsome, pas tor of FirsOjj Churcli, Charleston, West^ Va,, will serve as minister at Wliite Kock Baptist Church on Sunday. Octo ber 25 at 11 a.m. His appearance is being held in connecliim with the cliurch's 98th aniuvcrsary which is bcinii ob served this month. A native of Ahoskie, who has ; trem pastor at Pirst Baptist sinc^^ I 1941. Rev. Newsome i.s a graduate ; of Shaw University anil the Grad- I uate School of Theology, Oherlin College, Oberlin, Ohio. He is the first Negro cho.sen president of the Charleston Ministerial Asso- I ciation, and is also president of the West Virginia Baptist Sunday School Convention. In addition, he is a member of the executive board of the West Virsinla -CouDCil of Churches. Married to the former Kuth G. Bass of Raleigh. Kev. Nc'.vsome is the father of one daughter and j is pastor at White Hoc'k. REV. NEWSOME cultural program category and Tabbed the voted prize. Whitakei- is a senior at Brawloy High School in Scotland Neck. Tiie Youth has been in club work sev- i en years, completing 41 projects in .s'.veet potatoes, swine, peanuts, cotton, corn, cucumbers, water- bushed of sweet potatoes at the Northeastern district show and sale, in 1960 and had first place entries in the Junior Sweet I’ota toes Division at North Carolina Stale Fair in Raleigh lftR4. 1963 and 1.9fi2 and had the .second place entry in 1961. three sons. The liev. Dr. Miles Mark Fisher . The Congres.s of Racial equality I (CORE) will hold its Southeast I Regional Conference here Novcm- ' bcv 6 and 7 at Union Baptist I Church, North Roxboro Street, ' James Farmer, Natinnal Direc- ' tor of the orisaniztaion, will de- I liver the keynote address at a • mass meeting Friday, November , 6 at 8 p.m. 1 Floyd K. McKl.ssick, National Chairman of CORE, a Durhamite, ' will preside at the Saturday ses sion of the conference at which ^ rrpresfiitative»—f-f-w-m I .State'S are cJ^iected. The theme I for the twtMiaj'' meeting will be I ‘ New Directions for the Southern j Program.” McKissick '*'111 also moderate a I panel which will discuss the North Carolina Fund, the Federal Anti- ^ Poverty Act. and' the President’s Committee ort Hqiial Employment Opportunities: Scheduled to serve as panelists are David Dennis, ('ORE’S l^oifttlcl'h*'Re^oni(l Pro- tno gram Dir.; Rev, Anthony See CORE 4A Stan- Contestants Gird for Final Week In Popularity Race 'Would finisli In next Monday thQ first could be MISS SLOAN Martin Luther King Calls for Crushing Defeat of Goldwater ancp company's board of din'ctors. ■ But it was social considerations mathematics," See SLOAN 4A NCNW to Hold National Meet In Washington WASHINGTON, D. C.—The Na tional Council of Negro Women will hold its 29th National Con vention, November 11-15 at the Sheraton-Park Hotel in Washing ton, D. C. It will be their 28th meeting in the natiori’s capitol. Dorothy I. Height, ■ National President, NCNW, fi» met with the New York and !,Washington ataff to finalize plans lor keynote speakers and guests. “The Challenge of Poverty,” the convention theme, sets forth the nature and scope of the 29th Annual Convention. A message has gone out to na tional affiliates, local council, jun- lor and young adult' council. Life members are being urged to come and share in the deliberations and decisions and also fraternal dele gates from organlaztlons Oclosely related in the NCNW cause. The Board of Directors will meet Trt^ednesday, November 11, 4 p.m. in the Baltimore Room and on Sunday, November 15, 9 A.M. in the North Cotillion Room of the Sheraton Park Hotel. A special feature of the con vention will be the corner-stone laying ceremony for Bethune Wouse, Thursday^ November 12, at t p.m. NEW YORK — Declaring that/ A studious stra'ght-A freshman ; that brought 17-year-old Sylvia i ... I cal election in the history of the i nation, the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Sunday called upon Ne i groes to give a crushing defeat to i Senator Barry Goldwater on Nov, ^ 3. I Speaking as a prcacher at the Antioch Baptist church in the] Bedford - Stuyve.sant district of Brooklyn, the leader of the South ern Christian Ix;adership Confer ence said that the "negative" at titudes of the Republican Presi dential candidate on human, poli- NAACP VOTER REGISTRATION DRIVE IN OXFORD—Rev. C. A. Atkins and Mrs. Jasti* Young are ihown ■« th«y conduct a door-to- door canvi»t( to tncourag* people to r*9li^r ami vott. In tl;« Iwt tw« wtdu th« NAACP has reglsttred over 500 new prospective veters. The drive Is t>elnt conducted by Eleven Bands to Participate In ffomecoming A sixty-five unit parade .vhich will he routed through a portion of downtown Durham will be one 1 of the highlights of North Carolina College's Homecoming celebration tical and ronstit'itional questions | Saturday. had compelled him to demand a Miss Mary Catherine Williams, crushing defeat for the Arizonian, i chairman of the college’s Student Dr, King's remarks followed ■ Government Association’s parade closely behind a national confer- committee, indicates that the SGA ence held a week ago in Georgia' has received commitments from where he urged a national “Get approximately 65 groups which out the vote” campaign among 'vill participate in the parade, the six million registered Negro | ■''Cheduled to begin at 9:30 a.m. voters. Saturday. Both campus and com- “I can think of nothing moreioumity organizations and firms imoortant than for all the people | will K represented by floats and of good will to go to the polls | decorated automobiles. Nov. 3," Dr. King said. “This isj Included will be twelve campus 'he most critical and crucial elec-.and three off-campus floats and 'Ion in the hi.story of the nation. twonty-t'Ao campus and four off-j I don’t hate Goldwater. 1 don’t campus automobiles. '.i.'ite anyone. But I believe that In addition to the NCC march- Goldwater really believes in uhat mg band, the following school he has been saying.” ' bands will participate: Hillside The great moral and spiritual High, Durham; Wbitted Junior leader of the American Negro, High, Durham: Merrick-Moore, said that there was something Durham: Lincoln High, Chapel deeper involved in the election Hill; Wicker High, Sanford; Ca.s- than the candidacy of Senator well County High, Yanceyville; the Goldwater. He called it “Goldwa- Colored Orphanage, Oxford: .lohn- terism,” I son County Training School, He said the Senator has on-■ Sniithflcld; and Hender.son Insti- dor.sed a philosophy that could | tute, Henderson, destroy the nation. A defeat by a' Drill teams representing the A. t With;.tlie'final reports of all, ed the management will Imve ad-| them active contestants in the C'aroliiii. j ditioiiul help ou hand during thcjpiace Times fourth annual Beatltiiian.s i clo.sing hour on next Monday. i made. Popularity Contest scheduled for| Still holdin,g the first place by 1 xhe contest manafi&r again noon. .Monday, October 2-t the con-|a nairiiw margin was Mrs. Nancy] urges all active contestants to nianagur was preparing this | P. MtKo\ of Lillington. So close I ,„aii or bring their rt?ports before week for any surprise, upset or ' behinil Mrs, .\IcKoy was Mrs. Mon- ,,r by the closing time whith again (larkhorsc entry that might hap-|tez Bates and Miss \ ictoria Moore ' jjj noOO, Mo'nday October 26. Ho pen at the closing hour. To make | of Durham and .Miss Gloria Han- ajs,, wishes to remind all iontest- assurance that all tabulations will' kins of Soutlipoit that no sure ' ants x^rder to give ample be correctly and properly record | prediction as to which one of for the correct tabulation of the ballots of all active contest ants that the winners of the priz es, a mink stole, an airplane Continued on page 4A NAACP TO ME;ET AT GETHESEJilANE CHtJR(;H SUNDAY TtiS; .JfftBular monthly meeting of the local branch of the NAACP will held Sunday, October 25, i at 4:00 p.m. at Gethesemane Bap tist Church on Roitboro Street of which Rev. V, E. Bro'A’n is paitor. Principal speaker for the oc casion will be L. E. Au.stin, Pub- I Usher of The Carolina Times, who will stress the importance of vot' ing in the coming election. The NAACP solicits the attend ance of the public. Edward LIftleietin, local coordi-j small majority would not be and T. College Army ROTC, the natM, and John Idwards, NAACP FUlf SeeretmV^^ large. J enough that would leave A. and T. College Air Force "Goldwaterism,” and "Goldwater-, ROTC, and the Shriners will also isnj" must be totally defeated. Sc' PAP-ADE i.*. i ST. MARK CHURCH TO HOLD MEN’S DAY SUNDAY St. Mark AME Zion Cht)rch, pa.«- tored by the Rey. lawpenee Mill er, will hold Men’s ^ Day, Sunday, October 25. Guest spieakpr'at the 11:00 a.m. worship service ■will be Dr. hiirry V. Richard.soh, presfdAt of Ihter- denominationar Theological Cen ter, Atlanta, Q'a. At the 3:M p.m. aervice Dr. 8. P. Massie, Jr,, president o| North Carolina College-, wBI ffeliver an A QUEEN 19 CROWNED—Norfb | college's McDougald Gymnasium,, and at .7:30 p.m. an in. Carolina Collage President Samuel i The coronation preceded a round spirational program directing at P. Massie la shown crowning Miss of Homecoming festivlfle* which I tentioh to men’s activities in the Mary Jane Logan, a senior psychol-1 culminate on Homecomin|^ Day, church, will be held, ogy major from Beln»ont, e« "Miss j Saturday, October 24, when the General rhairman of Mtn’s Day North Carolina College' during NCC Eagles meat the Maryland is B. T. McMfllon, and program clabowte ew^wonis! Pilday In the; State CoHusc Hcwks In ctaiiwo Guy Masj’cfe- i i \ J.i til t - r4V

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