mm CARNATION COOKING HINT^ A I I I I I I I I Give ghosts and goblins a special treat this Hallowt-en! Make inexpensive but delicious Creamy Caramel Apples. The rich, smooth caramel covering is made with Carnation Evaporated Milk, the milk that has twice the cream of ordinary milk. Always keep Car nation handy and use it for all your cooking needs. HOME SERVICE DIRECTOR AND HER STAFF CREAMY CARAMEL APPLES (Makes 6 to 8 apples) 6 to 8 clean, dry Delicioui Va cup butter or Jonathan applei */j cup (small can) undiluted 1 cup sugar CARNATION EVAPORATED MILK % teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 cup light com syrup % cup chopped nutt Stick wooden skewer Into blossom end of each apple. ComMne sugar, salt, corn syrup, butter and Carnation in saucepan. Cook over low heat, stirring: constantly, until syrup forms a flr>n ball in cold water (245°F. on ««idy thermometer). Add Vimllla; stir. Dip apple Into caraS i mixture, turning until Completely coated. Immediately roT! bottom half of coated *pple in chopf ed-nuts. Place on waxed paper to cool. Kote: If caramel mixture becomes too cool, place over low h*:at, stirring until desired consistency is reached. C.831 B Printed in U.S.A. (lOi) Senior Citizens of St. Titus lionor Three Members at October Meet NCC Gets Grant For Summei Science Institute Nniih CoIlr"c has been r.v;ii'tl('(l $2(i,210 by the National S'.'irnco Kc.iiiiiliition to conduct a SiuiiiiK'r lii.stitiitp in Microbiology for (’ollpqo TiMchrrs in Dr. Siu'.nici P. Mas.sic, president of the col!('j;e, announced recently. 'ih" five w?ek institute, sohed- iMeil for the period .Kine 7-.liily 9, \ill b- directed by Dr. Nell Mir- sclih'TK, professor of bioloKy at the eolleqc, Mas«ie said. Other nii'Mib'TS of the fatuity will be Dr. .himcs I’. Kviins, professor and he.ifl of the bacteriology section, Nortli r.-iroliiiu Slate of the Uni- V rsily of North (’arolina, Hal ei'?h; Dr. Hobcrl W. Wheat, as sistant [iriifes'-'or of biochemist ry. Hiike liniversity Medical Center, I'liihim: and Dr. John Schwab • ind Dr. Il.iiry (looder. both as- 'lu i.'ite professors of microbiolosy ■it the t'niver-ity ol North, Caro lina. Chapel Hill, Drs’Uncd to iip"rade the leach- ■■n" of inicrobii)lo!;y, the institute will,,stress fields in which chani;'’? •’f' orciii rill,',; itiosl rapfdly — mi ('rohi()lo''v Th'- NCC iiislittilc, (in,, of Itn varied MiUjcct area |)rii;’,iains a]) proveil hv the National Science I’linndalinn to Miiiport study op I'lTliniil'es for colleee teachers, i.>' 111" onlv one announced in micro l)iiilo;:y, ,Acf(irtliii" fd the a'lnoiiiieninent liv Ihi' NSI’’, tji' iMi’hain institu li'iii is nne of four North (^iro li|i:i iii'ivrsilii's nml 'dlle''es I'st- '■(1 ;is r'’'’''i\in:; L'ranis lo offer in ■'iiiilns for l".-|'’liers. It is onn cf ■'■1 i''rlM?irti-uillv N''"rn eiilln-cs nchiile l on the lisi of'reeipi'-iits. Ushers Birtliday Social Held at Hillside Cafeteria The Diirhain Ushers' liirthdav ; p ii;. with an inviualion liy- the -While liock llaplist Chiireh, Social of lOli-1 was helil al Hillside liev. I.. liei'fl, ,\ hi"hli',;ht nl I'n'senlalion,^ were made to Dr Hi;:h School CafitiTia Novenih' r !l the propiam was ;i selcetion liy Fisher and Charlie Taylor of Lin TII z c A r. 0 L ::: s ~ 2 r bAIUKUAf, NUVb/vibbK UURHAWi, N. t. Eaty Mir Cooktm' Frosted Raisin Toasties with a twii-part ol)si,T\ancc. the Choral Soeiely of the I \sliers'i coin M"inorial I’ Church and A (l-nner ’.\as held al 7.ii0 pm. Union de.'hcal"tl In the l!ev. Dr a re|iort was made by llic financi ind the jiroyram be^an at ii.liO Miles Mark I''isli('i , pastor of the I committee. * Durham Personal Highlights of Interest COIMETOLOCIST CLUU NUMBER 1 MEETS AT HOME OF MRS. LOSSIE COLEMAN Tlie Oeloher birthday party hy the Senior Citizens of St. Titus Cluirch honored three members whose hirUidays came in that month; Mrs. .Mary Simmons, Mrs. I.illie 'thoinpson, and Mrs. Ger- triide Winslow. II was a happy party, the table was pretty with lighted candles, flowers and napkins that said to the hoiiorces, "Happy Birthday,” Mrs. ,\ildie Williams contributed a cake which she had made and decorated with ■A'hite and green icings and candles. Mrs. Winslow also contributed a cake and peach and vanilla ice cream ISolh cakes were truly pro fessional home made cakes. Other refreshments were candy, fruit and us always, coffee and sanka. | PAINFUL CORNS’/ AMAZING LIQUID RELIEVES PAIN AS IT DISSOLVES CORNS AWAY the fjsr. c.i^y way Li,uid l rr?/.)nc re- uly, wori.s rlic After refreshments, (he Kniiip was entertained by a skit which Mrs. Ada Leach had composed. Mrs.Leach directed the skit and acted the principal role. Support ing actresses \ were Mrs, Lillian Buchanan, Mrs. i';ffi(> Cotton, Mrs Kl'.nnie Goodloe and Mrs. Annie Lyons. It was real fun. Hidden lal ents iimons the Senior Citizens arc coming lo light. Especially glad was everyone that Mrs. Winslo'Af. who is recov ering from a rctcnl.JIlness, could be present. During her absence from several meetings, she had been greatly missed. Although Mrs. Thiunpson was unable lo he pre.sent because of the indisposition of her husband, she"’ was taken her birthday gift anii .some of all the refreshnienls so that she and Mr Thoinpson could celebrate together. During the month the group welcomed two new meinbers, Mrs. lola Allen and Mrs. Geneva Burke The lively .spirts of both ladies increase th" total happi- iK'ss of a happy group. .VDUTii CAi;ni!,\'A |l'"i;nAM f-ni'N’rv I LILLIAN MKlilllTT I>i;r:A''*^V ' riaiiitiff ■V- j THOMAS LKF''. I’liKATTY 1 >ereiid.'itlf ' DI'IJIIAM COIINTV nvir, (‘f)I,lllT i N O T I C K ■ TIIK Al’.OVK NAMKD I DKKKNDAN’I: ! THOMAS I.KK I'Kl’.A'ITY, WII.L TAKK NOTICK THAT an action I entitlcfl as above has been com I menced in the Durham County ; Civil Court, Durham, Noi;lh Caro- ; lina, by the plaintiff to secure an I absolute divorce fro^p the de fendant upon grounds of two vears .separation. THE PEKENDANT will further lake notice that he is required to appear at the Office of the Clerk of the Durham (-'ounty Civi! ''ourt of Durham, North Carolina, in Ihe Courthouse in Durham, on or before thirty (.30) da.vs after the I2lh day of December, 1964. and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff vill apply to the Court for the relief dein.indpd ' in said cortnlaint. This 10th dav of November, 1964, Margaret 15. Best Clerk of Durham County Civil Court William A. Marsh, .Ir. .Mtoriiev al Law Nov. 14, 21, 28; Dec. 5 Minimarg ‘^f t Incfatlation . Aviilabie '"'^il Alvirnihurfj , Storm ^ • NO MONCT DOWM * « PAY ONUT tl IS PEA WRIK MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY Home 0>*n»ri C !y Ar« Eligible You mutt live in . .s houie fo f«lie dvent^ge of S ABC Storm Win. Co., Inc SW-D 204 1/2 N. Mangum St. Durham imwmm isrmnMi I un(t*r»tufHl t Men lo kuy N*m# Addrest If R.F.D. pi nd dirvctiont Dui^ham C»ll 6B4-0101 Call O'boro 273-0845 G-fc«ro • Wln».-S«l«iiit iMi'OKfED KAKE Ov_. ‘■rOTClJ IWY/.' YOUNG ADULT CHOIR TO I CONDUCT EVENING SERVICE AT UNION BAPTIST SUNDAY On Sunday,' Nim'inbfr 15, tin- i evening servic e al the Union Lap- t'M Chiireli will b" mn lueliMl by Ihe Yoiuig Adull ('Imii- liuv, .1, lliehard Wondwar'I. I’.'i' '■ I tor vf the Ke.sler 7'ciii|ile A. ,M, L', Ciin|iter No. 1 of the Co:.nt''tolo- gist Club met .Noviiiiber 2 al Ihe lioMie of Mrs. Lossie ( olemaii, .■iUi Martha .Sheet. Mis, Lula Hill vas in cbiir;:e of Ihe devotion After .singing, Bible y.’ w.tC ' ^ioa ChiircIi, Henderson, a stu-l said hy all members and the ■ _ Loril's Prayi-r was repeated. j The meeting was open for busi- , wirTi ttle [Tn'Stltl'III, MiS, Ciiia| McLeod, presiding. The group dis- | cussed how they eiiioyed the He-1 gional and the visiting beautici ans from other stales, I’laiis (oj sell candy bars for a winter pro- j ,ject were also made, i Mrs, Coleman served a deliei ous turkey dinner, Mrs, I’auliiiej Love thanked the hostess for a most en,joyable ilinner, j Attending: Ihe nieeling were, Mesdames Cora M"Leor|, Glad.vsi Best, Pauline Hart, Clirisline .lohn- son, Marie McMillian, Pauline j Love, Mozzell Blunt, Ethel Owen, Betty Flower, Elizabeth Br(/,vn. Reatrii e Moss, Thelma Tahon. Lula i Hill, Ethelean Dunn and Lois! Burrnugh. ! The ne.xt mei'ting will be at the \ home of Mrs, Ethelean Dunn, 1307 | N. Alston Avenue. dent at tlii' Duke University Di viinty School, will render sevei'a luiisieal .ni’h'elion,'; and will hr|n; the e.venin;', message, — (I'iI(1-- |i,iriic.patm:; on the |jro- tirain will he Olivia Garner, .lames I’liinli'r, Ci'h' liii" I'hntall, Mrs. Dai.'.y Jones, .Mrs, Maltha (iill and Joseph E, Elcining, { I • This very flavorlul hnl not loo sweet rai, in liar cooky Is perfect tn serve wilh iced lea or li-monadi'. Us inli'i esi int: new tasty flavor is ai'hieved liy haliinc Hip oals anil wahnits in a liot oven betor* plirrinK them into the ilon^-li. i The ('alifo',Ilia raisins are' i !io|iiied lislilly to let the taste sur. 'lirisint; fhivor (Uttrilnile IhiMimhmit, Ihe bars. .Notiie the simple ,direi'llons tor shapinc ami viillin;: the raisin toasties. It you prefer the saini' doimh tiiii.v be used for drop l ookies. I FROSTED RAISIN TSASTIES I 1 cup California secdlcs> raisins 2 cups rolled oats 1 cup broken walnutg 1 cup shortening (part butter or margarine) 2 cups brown sugar (packed) ■3 eggs 2', ^ cups tiftecf flour ' 1 teaspoon soda teaspoon salt 1 te.ispoon cinnamei 12 cup milk Glaze IMPOmD mvtK. mKE ^ \mm:n wmsKri llr{ Ullltl ItCltl (V'SKT tICIII MW .WhiU II 11111. •«yll txllltll., ll>.. rl'lt. HOME AGENTS CLUBS CLIMAX YEAR'S VI/ORK WITH DINNER AND PROGRAM Tlie Home Demonslration Clubs of Durham County recently cli maxed Dieir year's work with a fellowship dinner and achieve ment program. The dinner and the program were both held in' the Lakeview School Cafetoriiim. The theme for the program was '■Better Leadership Through Con tiiiuoiis Ediicaion of All Ages.” Speaker for the program was Ered , Otte, Director of Student Person ^ pel, Durham Industrial Eflucation Center. He discussed retraining and .job opportunilies for adults Uiroiieii Hie iocal lEC. He was in treduccd by Mrs. G. W. Barbee, Council Treasurer. ' Mrs. D L. Caine, Council I’resl- dent, presided over the |)ro'.;rnni. Mrs. Vannie Ma.son welcomed Ihe •;roup and gave the purpose of the iirocram. II. L. Bryant, Priii cipal of Lakeview School, extend ed greetings. Mrs. O, W, Hicliard- son was in charge of the music, Karnesline Eultion, District 4-11 Talent Winner, and guest soloist, sang "Bless This House.” Awards to Ihe following clubs i and club nieiiilicrs for outstanding achievements in 1!)64 were made by .Mrs. E. I), Vann, Home Eco-1 nomics Extension Arent. 1 County Leadership Winners: Mrs, I). L, Caine, County Council , President; Mrs, A- Euller, Council Secretary; Mrs. Verta Howard, Barbee’s Chapel Club; Mr.s. Lara Woodward, Bragtown (Jlub. Club Leadership Winners: Mrs Vannie Mason, Bragtown Club; | Mrs. Lizzie Overby, Alston Ave niie; Mrs. Ella Nunn, Barbee's Chapel; Mrs Mary Speighls, llnioti, I Clubs: B:aslown, First Place; Mill'Grove, Second Place; Barbee's Chajiel. Third Place. Following the program, the ono-hiindred seventy-five persons attending viewed educational ca hibils that depicied Home Ueiu ! nnstration Cluti projects and acii-; vities. c opies ol uccKiiipiistoueuvs ^ for the year weit- diatiibuiuu lO : the auaicuxc. T^lnei^d Used Cars' i 64 (iALAXlI-: 500 Ford Aut. Tran. $2750; 63 ( HKVROLKT Iinpala4-dr 22951 G2 FAIIILAN!': 500 2-l)r. 1195 62 MICRCUIIY Metaor 24)r. ....,. 1095 62 COIINRTY SQlIIRK Sta. Wag . 1695 60 TnUNDERBIUDConv. 1395 f ( 60 MERCURY Sta. Waff 895 60 FORD Fairlane 2-Dr; r.. 695 Til DIAL 681-8921 N. C. Dealer No. 1659 Chop raisinp li^rhtly. SpiPfl'i oats ami Malnuts on bakfnj? jtoast lightly in hot ovon (4no degrees F.) about 8 minutes. Blend together Phortening and f5iiKar; beat in epgs .one at a time. Sift together flour, soda, salt and. oinnamoii. Add to sugar mixtur® 'nUeinately v ith milk; ptir in raisins, toasted oats and walnuts, Divide into 6 parts; chill dough. Roll each piece into long roll 1-lnch in diameter and about 15 in'hes long. IMace two Ptripa on 'each 1‘ghtly greased baking sbept. Press to flat 4-inch strip with rolling pin. Bake In modprately hot oven (375 degrees F.) 15 minutest While still warm brush ^v•ith glaze made by comb^nmg 2 cups sifted powdered FUgar with 2 tablespoons hot water. Sprln* kl^ with raisinp; turn raisins lo coat with frosting. CooL Cut eacJl 'Strip Into 12 diagoual slices. Makes 6 dozen. Seagrams Ctoiuti 5c“0«ni$ T Seven J Crown U.ENDED WHISKEY PINT 4 5 QT, otsiiuus coHPwr, uwyotK city, blinoeo WHisKty. ee mooF 65r» cbhin utinw. spibitC SHOES FOR MEM New season ... new styles... new shoes. And none smarter (or more comfnrtc.ble) thaa out new selections hy Frcnch ::^hr:ner. You'll like theiTh,,, the quality is built-in—not rubbed on! $16.95 to $34 9a You've Got A Lot To Learn About Used Car Values If "^ou Havoii’t Yet Seen Our Better ■ ^BUICK Double Checked Used Cars! 64 BUICK LaSabrc 4-l)ooi $2950 63 BUICK Special 4-Duor Ail Coiidiioiied 2395 63 RAMBLER 4-Door Air Condition 1^95 62 DODGE Lancer 4-Door 1095 62 RAMBLER Sta. Wagon ........ 1295 61 OLDSMOBILE F-85 1195 61 DODGE Sialion Wa^on 895 61 CHEVROI.ET 2-Door 1100 60 OI.DSMOBILE 4-Door 1395 59 BUICK 2-Dr. Hardtop 1095 .59 MERdTRY Coupo 895 57 RAMBLER Sta. Whkoh 195 Johnson Motor Company "BUlCK SiNC:t. litl'l’ 3Z3 E. Main bt. N. C. Uoalei Nu.