Aggies Assume Leadership In Footl)all Race SPORTS ViCO ^ ^TIT 3AIURUAT, NOVfcmBfcK (4, 1964' ^ 2U 2^ UURHAm, N. -.• By EARL MASON Durham County’s Merrick-Moore Tigers clinched the Eastern Dis trict One championship with a 41 0 victory over the Upchurch Eagles of night. In Ko as Tigers since Upchurch called the same off at tho end of the first lui y u't*r me u piriiui lii of RaeMrd,. Jast. In the rwrSJblrw^it vilV a 10 forfeit' fw ihe* llAMrTON — This past Satm'- day in ('ireensboro. the A.' Snfi T AsRic.s valutcci into first place with a convincing 20 8 defeat of the Morcan State Bears before an estimalcrt crowd of 15,000 fans 'half due to injuries at Memoiial Stadium. j I Upchurch brought a squad of I,c(l by qiiarlerbaclt Cuinell | 15 players to Duiham for the Gordon who scored two touch-1 game. At the halftime break, a downs and kicked a field goal, thejj-nuple of the players were injured Aggies avcnRod a humHiating de * JAMES BLACK ON WAY TO TD Eagles Turn Back Morris Brown Wolverines Dy EARL MASON ahead .score. Two personal loiil 1 * ' as.sisted the Ragles' bid ,loi' an ■ Halfback Jaiiie;, lilack liault'd in lotichdowii iti (he final ,s4anJ 2b-yard .scoring pass irom (juar- ,(aym„n,, .lohnson rccoverr.l a| Hill fumble on llie Morns Hrowpi i 4.i. The Iwo 15 yard piviallie.s nun .l iiic?^ im k ! ed up 13 to the five. rullliacU i John McGill got. llie final Iwo. I NCC, now showing a 23 flAA I record and a 4 U mark uvcrail I '.vill get back into cunfercuie ac Uon Saluiday when the Ea:;k'i. jrurnev |o liii'liinonil. Va ,",a".(.- Uiiiiui Univcisity. S(.(irc Ij.v periods: Mi'i rth lirown 0 N. (■olle;;e 11 Morris I’ IJ '.I (Ic.VMVi Yard , Van! I'ai-.sin." 7 Hi 2.'iO B-16 I'a ■'-IS fJiteic ijy A' lrase Kdinblcs l(wt Vai'd'! ucnah/.' d 4-310 2 bb 12 I 172 1 1^7 ' 3-7 • , 3 1 4 29.3 0 ' ttiback William lieid in the final pmod lo give North Carolina Col- kge a 20-in lead and the Kagle.s|p;, 7 ball to the 18 V.tnf uii to edge invading Morris Brown College 2(M!) licre Satur day at U Kclly Kield. | ^ 2 3 tIAA I’ The Eagles scored f^vicc in the and final t|!iai'teis a.s Ihc chaiges, of Coach Herman lUddick fcoied the first two times they i’ajM'^d po.'ibcssion of the ball Nev- trt!iele-j'i. tl.e loiais louiui them- frivt'b on the short end of the ^ .-i> dstick after three quarters of action, 19-13. ami were forced 'to | Bv REID E. JACKSON l. gc "«al Hoe .James Jackson haul .-me from behind (0 snlTeh tlie | KAYKn'KVlLl.E — A 30-puint]cd in I'lancib' pass for the PAT I ru. hing defense. The Vikmgs ha\ e victory. isphirgc in thr third p>'riod by the' :u:iiinhull. rilv fllriti. V'IU ECSC Defeats Fayetleville Broncos feat at the hands of the Baltinmre team la,st scnunn. El.scwhere, Monroe Beard, 19,‘j' lb. Sophomore back of Va. Union, continue.s to lead in ru.shing with 732 yards in llii cai-ries and total witn 771 yards; however, Knier.son Boozer of Maryland State, (m the basis of his outstanding performance in his team's 31-7 I rout of Norfolk Sl.ntc i has m(!\ed to within . Beard wilh 731 yards in flfi carries. | I Sinclair King, St. Au."iistine's j I qnarterback, eominues to lead in 1 I passing with '18 completions. .‘534 ;yatds. 4 TD tosses and a percent j age nl .(iOd Richard Souels of Winston-.Sal- 1 took ovcP the leadership in 0 0 12—2() pass receiving with 20 receptions, Brown NCC 3.17 yards. anl H touchdown (■s caught. Souels also Uads the fonfrrence in scorin p^'iiifs. Melvin Dickerson of St. Paul’s College garnered (he lead in punt- ' ing from Kobert Mance of How- . ard .'ith a 37 !) average per kick I In team statislics. Morgan who lead in three departments last ' we«k. now leads only in rushing I w|!h a 21« 3 yds av g per game. I Flizabeth City ColleEe leads in ' and one player had been ejected 6 13 o--in; The win fur the Ea.'jlcs was the fifth 10 a row over 'the Atlanta, C:a.. a^.^iegation and the sixth in the r'ne-game series between the two schools. Halfback Thurmon Jones gave NCC an early lead when he cli maxed a Tl-.vard thrust with a opo-vard pluijge. It look the de- feniling (TAA chamiwins 11 plays to cover (he distance. Jones con- \eited to make it 70. ings bioke a fiC ilcadlock and pushed them iiUo a 44 12 win to spoil (he Ka.vetteville S(a(e Ctllegr Broncos' Homecoming befiuc' capacity crowd. With (he (TAA con(es( less than three niinules old. Quarterback Sam .Tones raised the hope’s ul (he pard.san fans tha( an uu.m'I was in the makihg when Iv era .li ed over from the Viking.s' 1 loi a touchdown. The try extra I to negoti-i point failed the kickoff: There was no more sciu'iiMKn punt. Thelfii the middle of (he sfcond Irame I \Va(,s. •"Ijitninil broke into the scoring eonter—troni in on- tlir I'avcttf'ille Stale (.'(dk’ge 3 yard line for the touchdown Then I'lai'C'S lan in lor (he I’AT and llie \'ikliigs owned a bulging 36 , () margin over the Broncos. I rage of only 130 8 yards per game In a ticii/.y to get back on the | h*'ld their oppments to a respect- atile 4R 4 averace pi-r game. —^ H"'! T took over in total of with a 2M3 yd.s. avera p>'r game and Vireinia State now leads in total defense as a result of allouing its opponents an ave- from the game So the coaches of the Haeford team, for the benefit of the players called (he, con(est off at intermi.ssion. This pillar wishes (o congralu la(e Coach Harry Kdmonds and his 19R4 edition of the Meirlck j Moore Tigers on the very fim | season. Too, best wishes are ex- 1 (ended to gridders in their pur- j Saturday,' sui( of (he sta(e crown, yard of] This is (he fourth year Merrick- Moore has participa(ed In (he pig skin sport, .^nd for the 10 senior nu'mhers of the Tiger squad, they would like nolhing be((er (ban a state championship this year. Merrick Moore who finished (he .sea.son with an 8-1 record ov (he season wi(h an 8 1 ht mtma er all and 8-0 in the conference, will play f',. .1 Hayes High School of Williamston for the Eastern with 48 '■rown. Haves won (he District two I of (he Triple A conference with a like record of 8 1. .More (han likely, (he titular contest will he played Friday of ♦ his weok either in Durham or Willimstori. Th' eommi.ssioner of (he NCIISAC had no( announced the .si(r at press time - f'ne thins is for sure; the state chanipionship game will be clayed in the East this year, either In Durham or Williamston depending on the ovitcome of the Merrick Moore Ilayes contest Ininbar «f~(,‘'xlni;l''ii ts nt'e of the top contenders for the West ern ei'ow'n PREP ACTION Hish schools are in Iheir full the statitslician.s very busy Iasi Sa(urday by nmning up .some high .scores against The Johnsim Bulls enjoyed tho highest ^oint totjii of any ClAA (earn (hu.s far (his campaign when (hey blasted I.ivingslone 83 6, Miu'gan State shellacked Va. Union S3-0. Howard bombed (lallaud.el !>0-H. anl Eliza- be(h City rocked Fayetteville State Merrick • Moore Tigers scored their eighth win of the season here Saturday night when they de feated the Upchurch Eagles of Raeford. 410, s( Durham Coun ty Stadium. The second half of (lir Eas(iMn Di.itrici Cine conference game was called off because llpctiiuch had seveisl players hanged up wi(h bumps and bruises. The game will go into the record books as a 10 forfeit win foi Merrick Mo(ue. In closing o\i( tocir r'".;ular campaign, (he Ti 44-14. (heir opposi(ion.s. J j|, (|,p (niartcr'and added 2f Smith Golden points in the second stanza to run away with the visitors. On (he first play of (lie gaiiK' Freddie l,ee ln(ercep(ed an I'p church pass at the Kaglcs' 2(i-yard line. On the first play fnnu tliiit poin(,^ Uester Nichols rami i (he i-nd zone for (he first l.illy — 4he contest. In a couple of intprseetional games last leek, Nor(h Carolina College defea(ed Morris Brown 2fi- 1!) in a come from behind victory for the F.aales while undefeated Florida A. and M. handed the A and T. Aggies a 46-24 defeat. In other ClAA games. Mary land Slate blanked Delaware State 22-0. Shaw edged past Hampton 28 24. Va. State shutout Norfolk i perfect 8 0 confercnc State 22 0. and Winston Salem de-1 j| R-i mark ovi;r all feated Saint Augustine's 32-6 QUIPS AND QUOTES ■ Edward Boyd, athletic director for the-City of Durham, has an nounced the deadline date for entry fees for the Bull City Bas ketball f^eague will be November^ 4y,. no fept.—will he; date. For fur Mimdes later. Nichoi:. --L'orcil ‘'. . again on a lO-yaiil run. , ^ :'!rymc.-i] Scoring in (he s-coul priind for r.nnliii.i ('citli the Fichting Tiaers were .lame.', the t'Xil i'.,') c; Dillard, Gayfoid Ca'-l'Kt. loo-. iKr-keHiiH l'a bruck Breeze. Israel M';1»''' and A tnln!-; ’, Bennie F.dgerton. rnilard a'tdrd a t'vo-point con''er,'iifin and K' onetli | Davis boo(ed (me fvtra point from . placement. The win ga'e Merricl.Mo'-M’ ,1 rt-.jod ..o't, Til" -I.J 'vill pla.v Haves High ol Willi.uii ston for the Eastern I>i .iii't no'vn next w'eek wKh (he S'e l» be an nounced by the commissiiuicr tlu^ i week. Jones Named NCC Basketball "ISqyed Captain I .Mine .. H senior (I'rti in.ii"! at Noilh h'l;, b'en named ilUain of the varsity !•; ’.'i;.!!>: nil (|io t«am for tiir- p,i ' tiu '-'c y> ar^.. Joneb ”is a to, I .11 ■i-uiiiale of Hill- ’.if'.r |h ;|i rcliool .I'urham. and is ■.iir.iitri ('I nil,. ,if (!,p fineif shoot-' > r, in II,.- ( iaA. \i'i- Witt >p(i, |i-. targ je.^son no ■'.in I'l vvi(h an intra- -.ini.i.t ■ftir' fu-.i inter-colle- ■;i.-iti' r-i.nir f i),p I'loyd Brown- ('.(/o.-),! lill be with the _Mor":in St ill’ College Bears in l!;d!iiuorc on I)errmber 1. .‘I iirrbcard. (hr Broncos took (he air only lo have Iheir bid j thwarted by an Elizabeth Cily S'I.iTr (‘Ollerr interception of a Sam Jones toss. (he visKors (hi Morris Brown- fail ate a rlrive follo’.vin and fijrcffJ (fi Fa'dj's put tjie- ball in play their own 2T On (he fif(h play | nuaterback, bulled in from (>' the «Tie.s. lieid fired a to Fayetteville State College 1 iiilly Alsbrooks, Alshrooks gather-' ed in the and ran 68 yds. down the side.line.s for the scoie. JoucK again made god on the PAT (ry ! when Eugene Snipes plunged over Th- I'urple Wolverines cut thelf'''’"’ ' f'"' " that Ir'ak play with ilames Gardln hni.^t n;; a shiu'l pass lo End Jerry W'hite who. in (uin, laleraled (r tackle Bonald Wiggins vho ram bled from (he Ellzahelh Cj(y State f„r ('ollece !) ended in a touchdown for the Broncos. Again, the locals I had no luck on their PAT attempt. The Vikings s(ar(ed their point | parade early in the third quarter ■vhen Irvini Francis the lying tally. niar".in to 14 6 before the half on a 40 yard .scoring bomb from quar- t»rhark Sam Hill to halfback Eddie Fennell. Two third-period scores shot (lie Wolverines into a 19-14 lead. A I!) yard pass from Hill to Ed Beaty and a 39-yard strike to half back .liimi's Bing vaulted the visi- tor-i into (he lead. It took the Eagles 10 plays to covi'r Ihe 80 yards for the go- visi pu( (he .score at 12-6 for (Ik tors. Percy Wat.son boosted the Vik ings to a 18-6 lead when he car ried in from the Broncos' 4 for the score and Snipes added when he ran in for Ihe f’AT. A 15 yard penalty against the home (earn for a personal foul turned into another marker for Fliz.abeth City Slate College Melvin Croslan galloped 27 the Fayetteville Slat The Vikings roared right hack to count again on a dazzling heave from Francis standing on his owr 47 to I.croy Williams who .hauled the pigskin in and outran the Hrnnco defender^ for (he final (ally of the day. Piatistics again went against (he 2 ! Hroncos who managed luily 7 first i dowrs to r.iizahi’th C'ity’s 23. The Vikings piled up 212 yards on the ground while limiting (he tcville State College team to a 4 yards.- .IKUKY WKST ( ONTINIII'.H NHA s(X)rTn(; lkad NEW VOllK--After two weeks of sporadic NUC eompetition John ny Green of New York is the leasue's most accura(e .scorer, while Adrian Sniilh of Cincinnafi is the mos( accura(e foul shooler vith a .966 average, ne((ing 28 fouls nut of 29 attempts. On '.th‘ whole it appears that the defense in Ihe NBA is ahead of the of- fcnsr judging from the .scoring leadc-^'S . ayeragos in ttiP, syouftg •season.''"*-' ‘ Grecri is batting .520 in field goal percentage as compared to SI. f.ouis’ Charley Vaughn’s .574 average at the correspondinc P'-- riod last year. This year J. West r.f F.o.'^ Angeles wilh 217 tallies is sell's 23.0 grabs per (he only player in (he loop over! Cincinnati's Oscar Roberi.sim (he 200 point mark. A year ago continues to lead the playmakers lap of recular sea.son play. Most tpams ended their regular season last week end. I.iBon. after a .slow s(ar( compleled its year in flving rolors by defeating E. E. Smith ol KaveKeville 23-R. Other NCHSA^' .scores were P. W. Moore 42, G**or- getown 8; Eas( Snecer 20. Prio- fi; Dunhnr 2t. Carver of Kannapo lis 6; Atkins 46, William Penh 22: Person 28 Mary Po((er 0; Paisley ?S, Reidsville 0; Carver 48. We't Charlolte 0; and Second Ward .51, Dudlev 0. i ' ON THE college FRONT Several of the ClAA teams kept ZnttV PijsKi- accept'*d after thi (her information concerning eith er the women or men's division of this league this fall; contact Mr. Boyd at the W. D. Hill Com- Do’s And Don’ts munUy Center. Monday-Friday be- • iveen the hours of 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Thp stage is set for tlie Novem- emateh betweew Casstas Clay and Sonny Listi^^People's opinions differ aceordl^io .their choice o{ boxpl-s.^ But tl^^eslion, can Clay^-miifee'it t'v(i^^ a row over I.iston will he answered Mon day night. November Ifi. Can the manpower of I.i.ston .stop ithfi mouth of C|av? ^ 5 . . Co'RRBCTIOjNI:n|''i'i> Two weeks aso, this column was to he continued on another page pf'this paper. But the column was never off at thp ing about the Hillside HiSh 'Home, coming incident. This writer ‘vas cisco’s Nate Thurmond In the re-1 giving his opinion of the incident, hound department. Thurmond has, The continued lines read like this t>\» .only, undefeated club in the It'Sgup. '■-V*'' Boston's ■'Brtl ftus^ll With ‘ rebound."! in two more games Play ed has moved ahead of San Fran 24.8 per game average to Itus- whcii i measly vard Col- White Label DEWAR'S SCOTCH WHISKY s, 5^/ “"White.Label - Dewars Blended scotch Whisky IO()% ^iCOTCH WHISKM S $>HOOVCr lOf SCOTLANU John i3eW& Sons L-‘ ♦'J HKT. »r Moof. * SCOTLAND. Iwfert Yorfc. The Broncos now stand at 2-5-1 for the season. Next week they 11 aval to Winston-Salem to tackle the .strong Winstjin-Salem State College Hams in Iheir Homecom ing game. four performers were over (he 200 poin( level. The Boston Celtics with eight ,'ucce.ssive wins and no, is with a 9.4 average everytime out followed by Guy Rodgers of the San Francisco Warriors who is “The people in the neighbor hood of (he Durham County Stad ium knew the athletic structure was being erected for the purpose of athletic conte.sls. if they want ed lo complain of Ihe site, the time was before the stadium was ccond A'ith 7,8 feeds, every game, i builtr not now.' MMMMCi HP • W.8 Horf « QWBMT IMPWtS CO. H.T., IT. Coach Explains Why Grambling Not in Top Ten GliAMDLING, La.—Coach Eddie Robinson of Giamblin'g has come up with a plausible explanation why his Tigers are not rated anion.g the nation's top 10 sma]l- i.c!le"e teams. “1 suppose they think we’re too big.” the coach asserts sheepishly. These Tigers are such a big and healthy lot that it just doesn’t sputi fair lo rank them on the MiHlIcoIlege horizon.^ Gi ambling (6 1) has the nation’s blggesl cullcRe .squad. The Tiger? torenible piuI even rival the Balti more Colts in their reaction to trespassers on Iheir domain. flobinson's .stardng line averages 247 pounds per man. II is loaded wilh pro prospects and will take n back seat to no ollirr college front wall in the country. This mass of humanity—1.675 pounds includes Frank Cornish, a well-beefcd-nut 280 pound giant, and agggr''ssive Alphonse Dol.son. who qualifies admirably as the nation's most glamorous lineman at 268 pounds. Dotson is always on the front end of the action and pro .scouts have labeled him "the tackle I in college., football.” The label might seem far-fetch ed for a sinHll-colleKe performer Continuea i/u Cash Savings Only! No Fancy Gimmicks YOU UNIFORM SALE STOP—LOOK—PRICES CHOPPED FOR QUICK DISPOSAL (JETTING TIRED OF PAYING DOUBLE-PRICE FOR UNIFORMS? COME IN—CHECK OUR PRICES. 300 2-PIECE STYLE UNIFORMS Valu(> to S8.99 S2.99 MAIDS UNIFORMS $2.99 V«!ue, fo .«.5.93 15,000 ALL COTTON UNIFORMS $2,99 Valuj- to .$6 99 CONVENIENT LAY-AW AY ONLY 490 SHIFT STYLES $2.99 Value to $9.99 TRICOT KNIT JERSEY SHIFT UNIFORMS $5.99 Value to $14.99 SERVE YOURSELF RACKS FULL PRICES AS MARKED Main Uniform Center 225 E. MAIN ST. ACROSS FROM COURTHOUSE (\)m|)Iete Uniform Depaitiiitnl Stun; IT JUST CAN BE OUT OF PLACE KENTUCKY GENTLEMAN KENTL^CKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY S4OO 4/5 QT. $950 FT. PROOF‘BARTON DISTILLING G(

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