THE CAROLINA tfivifei ' SATURDAY. DECEMgE* 12. bUkU&A, H. t.-l*AOt J-A Nacesina Club Holds Meeting The Nacesina rUih lieltl its! aHicles hclptd to cdhipete the monthly meeting, Pecembrr 1 at | liptoratibns. the home nf Mrs. RortrHcl: Hoath Mrs. Lucille Richardson was hos tess. The home wa.s (lecoratecl to re veal the .Cliristmas spirit. A small tree, poin.settia and other yuletlde E. E. betterment LEAGUE Tt) HOLD MONTHLY MEET The .East EHd Bbttfel-meWt League!? 'monthly meeting will be held, Monday, Decenlber 14, 8:()0 P.M. at the E. D. Mickle Recrea tion Center. All members ire urged to he present. Business ot importance. Thomas Strudwick is secretary and J. L. Hollo’.vay is president. The highligHt of the buslneas session was the completion oi ptans I'or the Chri.stmas dance 16 be held at the store of Miss Ailnie Mae Bynum on December 26. A menu of ham and cheesie, jello salad, pickles, -fruil cake, potato chips, candy, nuts, coffee and cake was served. Those enjoying Mrs. Richard- sort’s hos{)Itality W6^6 Mesdames Virginia Haskins, Nelly McCray, Gbrtrlide Gibson, Sarah Campbell, Anne Mae Bynum, Gertrude Rog ers, Dorothy Blakhey, Mattie Can ty, Josephine Haskins, Edna Bron son, Wilma Covington, Geraldine Covington, Lucille Richardson ahd Eva Lois Hargrove. A Great Gift for Dad! ' py 5 Gift Certificdtd \ Give father a of straw h« itylinft and ' • I comfort that only a Dobbs can brinsf. With a [ Dobbi Gift Certificate he aelectB thfe hat of hia !choicii from our wide Dobbs Collection, Dobba Gift Certificates From ' ' " $12.95 to $2iod‘ DOWNTOWN & NORTHCAtE SHOl*PlNG CENtIER The Young Men's Shop 2«rcat storks TO SERVS YOb iJllfeERS UNION TO oSl'lCfeRS SUNDAY The insitiilatldh ojt officers ’A'ill be beld ii tHe IttDHthly meeting of the Durham Interdenomination al Ushers yhlbh Suhday, Dec. 13, at St. John Baptist Church, On slow Street, at 3:15 p.m. Mrs. hdsbtla of New Beth el Baptist Church will deliver the installation address on the pro gram, Which has as a theme, Striving Towards Greater Growth, krs. Callye Daye of St. John will rtiake the installation charge, and the Rev. L. M. Gooch, pastor of the host church, will make re marks. ttiS officers to be installed, all of whom were reelected are: Clyde Moore; Jh, presldeht; J. H. Betts, first vicife president; Mrs. Minnie F'brd, 'SeCond vice president; Mrs. Mac Willie Webb, recording secre tary; Mri. Mary Vanhook, financial secfetary, Lonnlb Prazler, treas urer; J. R. Mitchell, finance com- miltie chalrmiln, iild Charlie Tay lor, cha{tlalh. Rev. C. I Mitelil Pastor of St. PdUl liiltdlled as kiptist Church Bahli'is Attend State Meeting : - ■ f -Sevefi Durhamites attended the annual state convehtion ot the BaH'a’i World Faith held in Greens boro, Decemb'er 6, 1964. Earl Smith, Mrs. Carlotta Holmes, Mrs. tudmllia Van Sombeek, Wiley Al lison, Mrs. Thelma Allison, An- dre.v Allison, ahd Miss Jegn Nor ris Joiited ftaha’is from the 21 cities and toWns of North Carolina where Btlha’lB inside in attending the yearly hieeting which feature's prayers ^or peice, the election of dele^teS l6 the ^latlftnal conven tion to be held in Wilihfette, Illi nois, in April, and discussions of activities to edviiilce the unity of mabkinil 4nd spiritual revitaliza- ^|0|| : Batia’is in the other states of the tJhibh held conferences at the sain»-4toe^8imilar meetings are held in \he 260 eouiltries and ter ritories, the world where Baha’is live. ' J. By ^ristmas cards now and ad dress them right away, separating them into out-t>f-town and local bundles. Mail them immediately with ZIP Codes on them and you have got it made, except perhaps f&r the last minute bard you for got to send. ITCHING LIK^ MAO? this dbfctt>r’l fortnulal 2^0 speedily stops torment of ail)r eluted itching ... of skinirriWions, nun- Itos. D^nsiUzes Is i^lliohs of Sur face gemu. "DB-ilcn" skin with Ztmo—Liquid 6r Ointment. e)iterna 23c BOTTLE OF 100 ECXERD 49c BOX OF BROCKS CHOCOLATE Aspirin 2 for 19c Covered Cherries. 39c 3«c tAN i^LAirrERS 25c LARGE SIZE Super Suds 2 for 39c Peanuts...... 29c 75c EXTRA LARGE Crest 3 ROLL PACK Xmas Wrap. 44c $1.00 WOODBURY'S v Hand Lotion 44c BREOCS Shampoos.. 37c 16c AJAX Cleanser.. 2 for 27c 98c PACK OP 12 ROLLS Hollytie Mibon . 59c 29c PK. OF S SINGLE STAINLESS >£R l»ACK 12c riw 9 • Steel Bladei ?rc I^Adc OF 4 i^LXdtic Storm Windows. 49c SHOP TIL 9 p. liiv DOWNTOWN — BROAD STREET — FOREST HILLS SHOPPING CENTER FOUR CONVENIENT LOCATIONS TO SHOP WE ReSKrve TH£ RIGHT TO LIMIT ^ANtlTIEli F JREST HILl S SHDPr> • CE^.'Eli GASTO-NIA—Miss Naomi Lind say, bride-elect was honored at a mi.'collanoous shower at the home of Mr anti Mrs. Lonnie Mickles, of 428 Queens Road, Friday evening. Hostesses were Mrs. Mickles, Mrs. Uufus Armstrong and Miss Peirl Phillips. Tliirty-two guests attend ed. ^ Lindsay, the charming daughter ef Mr. and'MVs.- S. L. Lindsay of 1925 S. Wingate Street, was beautifully attired in a soft green ’aooI outfit. She was pre sented a shoulder corsage of car nations by the hostesses. The guests were entertained with games in the spacious recep tion room which was decorated with seasonal arrangements of flowers and ferns. They were serv ed party pick-ups and pUrtdh. This bowl was encircled witH pompoms -and-ferns. The table was covered with a baby bllie linen cloth and overlaid with a white imported lace cloth. Many gifts were re- oeivrtf by the hottoree. By MAUDE M. JEFFERS GASTONIA—In.stallation servjc#s 'for the I?ev. C. R. Mitchell as plta- lor ot St. Paul Baptist Church. Gastonia, were held Sunijay,’i^o- voml)or 29 at 3 p.m. The Rev. Asa L. Bfll, pastor of First Baptist Church, of Wadfsboro, N. C., di thered the message and his adult a n d children’s choir rendered the music. Uev. Bell also gave the charge to the pastor. Kcv. Dennis L. Epting, pastor qf Mt. Piea.sant Baptist Church, Bal mont, presiding minister for the service, gave the charge to the church. lie pointed out the im portance of working together to support tlie minister in his serv ices to the church and comitiunity. Official greetings and words of welcome to the Rev. Mitchell,were extended by Attorney D. E. Rara- seur. Greetings TrbtH the City Were' extended by City Councilman x' Jeffers and from the Ministers’ Association and churches by jthe Rev. A. C. Hunnicutt, pastor of St. Stephens A. M. E. Zion Church. The pastor’s father. Deacon Mc Kinley Mitchell of the Baptist Church of Colerain, offered the prayer follo'^ing the scripture by the Rev. II. S. Diggs, pastor of First Baptist Church of Rocking ham. Chairman of the Deacon Board., Blair T. Humphrey presented Rev. Mitchell to the church and ex pressed to him the apifreciatlon for "the church of his services as pa.stor and leader. During the course of the pastor’s message he said that he was work ing with the congregation to im prove the church and with all activities for the forward, going program of community participa tion. He urged the fullest coo|)el'a tion of the entW chureh iricltidihg the youth and the aged. Many of Rev. MltbHell’S rrlet«» from his former church of Hamelt as well as people from mafi^ churches of the city witnessed the services. After the ceremony the congri gation greeted Rev. and Mrs. Mit chell and presented them a gift and a corsage to Mrs. Mitchell and a boutonnaire to the pastor. They and an overflow congregation It- tended the reception ih the din ing hall of the church. Committee for this phate Was Napoleon Adams, Chairman; G6. W. Moore, Mesdames Hattie Cralg, Ida Geeter, Thelma Moore, befco- ration Committee included MM. Larnell Riggers, Chairman; Misi Margaret Ru.ssell, Mrs.'Pearl Earlfe, Mrs. Thelma Nix and Mrs. Peggie Ferguson. Hospitality Comrttltt^a included Mrs. Velo Jingles, chair man; Mesdames Ann Rhyne, Cai"- nella Dunn, Prince {tatnseilh ahd ^ean Gregory. Genferal progtaitt committee were B. T. Humphrey, Napoleon Adams, Banks Roach, Mrs. M. J. Cabiness and Mrs. W. M. Anderson. Publicity conimittee included Mrs. Kathree Rhyne and Mrs. M. M. Jeffers. Officials of the churth stated ift The followln* bbtW #iW rt- ported to the Durham OiMt# Health Department duinx tke week of November lib iwoui& December 5: John and Mamie Cfilloway, iirl- Alford and Wiilie 'Wllkerson, Doy; J. P. and Hilda Goldaton, firi: John and PeaH itiriton, b^; Cllrt- ton and Ollfe Mayes, girl; Leo and Annie Kimble, kiH; JoHii &HQ Pearlie Wright, bfly; dedl'ga inii Leola Gattla, boy; Frediiii^ Charles Laaktr, boy; lUytnbM^ and Frances Dixon, g^rl; and Joaneil Mksaejr, boy; Italpli ahd Annie Fr^zibr, girl; Jbscph and CarlitU, bof. that the pastor '#ho was elected in September has been an asset to the church and community iti many ways, lie has added mem bers and ha.s- begun to Improve all departments of the church and Sunday School. H i s wife, the former Bena Nurin, of Durham, works with him in th? church. The Mitchell’s have a three year old daughter, Cylhiji Maria who is also ah aid to the progrnrii of the church. YWCA Weekly Calendar MbNbAy, DECEMBER 14 10: l6 A.M. Y-Teens will meet at Whitted Schoal - 3:1S P.M. Recraational Club will meet at Crest St. School 4:30 P.M. Y-Teens will meet at Walltbwh Community Cent. TU{:SdAVi DECEMBER 15 10:d0 AM VWCA Play School will bfe held at McDougald . Terrace Community Center 4:00 P.M. P|ay Hobby Group Party ‘ivHl be held at McDougald Terrace Community Cehter 4?r30 t>.M. YWCA Christmas Program ‘"The Hanging of th? Greens” will be held WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 16 3:18 P.M. Pre-Teens will meet at Lyon Park School 4:00 P.M. Snappy Teens will meet at the YWCA ■ THVR8DAY, DECfeMBER 17 10:00 A.M. YWCA Play School will be held at McDougald Terrace Community Center 10:^ A.M, Teenage Program Committee will meet at the YWCA , ^ at Pearson School. 4:6o P.M. Sophisticated Teens will meet at the YWCA rt:30 P.M. YWCA Dance Class Will meet 7:a0 P.M. Y-T*feens will mett at Little Rivtsr School t’ftlDAY, DECEMBER 18 lt):lB A.II. Y-Teens will meet at iaiiies E. Shepard Sthool 4:O0 P.M. ^7th Grade Y-teens •*ill meet at the YWCA ' 7:30|P M. Y-’t’een Dance will be hpl(i at the YWCA SAtllRbAY, DRCEMBER 19 11:30 A.M. YWCA Dance Class will meet 2:00 P.M. Merrick-Moore Y- Teens will meet at the VWCA 8:00 P.M. Townhouse Council Yourni Adult Dance will be held at the YWCA Just bei'oti' Tier young son left to attepd a friend’s bii tliday party, his mother cautioned him: “Re member to be a little gentleman. You know what being a little gentleman meaiis, don’t .vou?” “Yes,” replied the lad. “It meant I won’t have any fun.” BKlKES REIINED S12.88 Ford, Chev., Ply. Pass. Cars Other Cars 15.88 4 Wheels! riiiaraiitecd 3).()(.)0 miles 24 mmillis! Use Our Pay-Day .Credit Plan Fatcory To You Battery Prices BUFlFALO 547 Foster St. Ph. 682-3215 Durham, N. C. Mether was telling her small. and wadin.? in a brook at th* coh about the good times '!rtie hdd farm. , . » k when she was a little girl—riding “Mther,” he sighed, “I wish 1-4' a porty, sliding down haystacks,' met you earllerj” CHANGi^F^LlFE.i/^ dd^s if fill you with Mrrolr ...frighten you? READ HOW COUNTLESS WOMEN HAVE FOUND 'rtfe tAY TO OVERCOME GHANQE-OF-LlfE FtARS Have Jrou reached that titae of life when your body experiences strangle new sehsationa—when one minute-JCQU feel enveloped in hot flushes ahd the next are clanimy,cold,driined of energy, nervous, irritable? Are you in an agony of fear? Too troubled to be a good wife and mother? Don’t just suffer from the suffocating hot flashes, the sud den waves of weaknes.s, the nervous tension that all loo fre quently come with the change when relief can be had. I T ( .1- ,.i Vt .1 Find comforting relief th« way countlcsa women. ha»«| with geiulis Lydiiil E. Pinkham Tablets. Especially developed to help women itnniukh this most trying period. Ih doctor’s testa 3 out of 4 woiTi^n who took them report Welcome effec tive relief. Ana ail without ex pensive “shots.” Don’t brood. Don’t worgr yourself sick. Get Lydia E. i’inkham Tablets at your drug*.—. Kists. l>ile them daily just like vitamins. The genlle medicine with the gentle name LYDIA E. PINKHAM WILD TURKEY iiUMiifrBOiitaoNwiiEKn EC* WILD _ TURKEY 8 YEAR OLD STRAIGHT BOURfeON WHISKEY-101 PROOF FIFTH AUSTIN. NICHOLS t CO.. INC. N.Y., - 9 vrORRIED? NERVOUS Over Chanse-of-Llfe1^ Com your mind. Get we/como retief wim ifMc/a/ woman'* medicine do —take a apecial woman’s medicine—Lydia E. Pinkham Vegetable Compound — devel oped by a woman—specially to help women by relieving such functionally caused female distress. In doctors’ tests woman after woman found that Pinkham’s those aeemlngty eAdtm of misery and iiseomiort, of sudden hdt , vrfv^ of Weakness and There is a speclbl calcine Which can wbmin’S nie3iclne Which can raliava-those heat waves, weak- nesa, nervouinesa, so you cAn tojoy lifS agllin. So that you can once more be an affectloh- tASt IHd ttdtheh If jrpu are^wg through the ‘ , aott’f deadair. Do as ids of women eban^, doH’t despair, countleaa thousan W( Mkilicftia wih tha aenth noma LYDIA E4 PINKHAM Compound gave dramatic help to all this without costly shots. Irritability U soothed, hot flashes subside. So don’t sit and brood and feel unable to h^lp yourself. You can feel better. Get Kentle Lydia E. Pinkham Vegetable Compound toda^. For Photographs OF AtiL OCCASIONS \\^DDINGS - PAltTIES Groups - news PHbf os - PORTftAITS 2‘ttdUR SERVICE IF NEEDED Moy's Photo Studio .CALL M2-7S68 — 681-8512 or 682-2913 ■ rftlV, FAYETtEVILLE ST. DURHAM, N. C. KRESS BONANZA SWEATERS by Frohman Fashion Creations* O button down front B • Black, Grey, Tan, Green, Redw Size 32 to 40 IS Only $3.99 | MEN’S » SWEATERS a 100% Virgin Orion Acrylic Button Down Front and Pull Overs, A.s.sorted Sizes ahd Colors Only $3.99 4 ROLLS 3B0 Inchjs. 4 designs. Wfappihgr Paper Now 69c JEWEL TYE BOWS with Stick on Backing 6 for, 49c SHINY BRIGHT Glass Tree Ornaments Plain or Designed Box of 12 For 99c « LADIES’, BOVS’. GIRLS’ R PARKA RAIN COAT with Hood and Extra Large Pockets Only $3.57 21 RELIGIOUS BoXed Christmas Greeting Cards Only 59c 50 Christmas Cards Bexed-^bcautifully styledd^i£ ’ — Different designs . Only $’.00 .IbbtKJET-RITE ’t 8 Light series Set Christmas ” TREE LIGHTS • Only 69c HARD CANDY | Goes '^Ith Christmas " . • OLD FASHldN MIX lb. 39c DELUXE MIX lb. 39c i O 100% FILLED MIX .. lb. 49c KRESS OPEN TIL t 101 w. Main stre^^ GRAND OPENING DUkHAM’S NEWEST ENTERTAINMENT CENTER CAN ACCOMMODATE 1500 PEOPLE Friday, December 18-19 — F E tr R I N G — SOIOMAN BURKE and SHOW STOt»t*fekS ftAKD Plus the JAMMERS BAND tHE StAlllON CLUB~ ADVANtfe ADMISSION $1.50 i I*11Le3 out Al^EX HitihWAY No. SS M siSrvice from hayti t p. M;*i a^M; --^LENfy parking space- C-0 U P O N Trtis COUPON IS WORTH $1.00 WHEN PrtEiENTED AT DOOR Name Ad^eaa COUPON' 0" 11

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