n^rLii" Chatham Rd. Winston-Salem, w. c. Resifcdning Order Again^ N» C. College PresidentrContinued^ Rev. Harris and Congregation to Return to Cliurcli Sun., May 31 A Superior Court order was Issued Tuesday allowing the ftfv. Zebedee Harris, who had bbcn bapncd three weeks from Oak Grove Free Will Baptist Church, to resume duties as pastor. The minister who during the period was forbidden to use t^urch facilities held worship services at the W. D. Hill Com- anunity Center, indicated he ex- |Kcts to return to the Colfax Street Church Sunday. Rev. Harris was arrested on May 3 and charged with '‘iUsuse and abuse” of pastoral power. The next day Judge Mal lard signed a restrafnlng Order M a complaint made by ^the ^thurch’s Board of Trustees, barring the minister from the Aurch and the parsonage. Sub- Ki^ucntly, the Cape Fear Con- ference of the United American ^Vee Will Baptist Churcl)i to which Oak Grove belongs,.at a May 23 meeting, censured i. the ininlster and enjoined him from ^rforming pastoral duti« at Imy rhiirrh in the coateteacc was in effett ana did not 'enter into Tuesday’* litigation. Counsel for Rev. Harris, .Vic tor Bryant. Jr., argured that some 80 per cent' of th,e p«ri- shoners' followed Rev. Ifar^s to the community -center for services after the banning edict. He fiirther "coatgmled VOLUME 41 No. 21 DURHAM N. C, 27702, SATURDAY, MAY 30, 1964 PRICE; IS Centi DEMOTION OF DEANS AT NCC CONFIRMED President l^assie Makes Statement To End Rumors during a 12-month period.- ' that , the minister,' from all Judge Mallard noted that the available.^videncc, had Hot varl- idonference directive was made ed from the doctrine and^ faith l^^r the court’s banning order of hl» conference. U .» ■ ^ Ousted NCC Stiideni Admitted to Exams Pursuant to Court Order A restraining ordjer^.q^r^ed on ^y' 21 i>y Sul^Viiw -'doUct iadge Raymond B. Ml|kAd against Samuel Proctor 'MMsi«, PHaid^t of Korth Carolina College, was contlntfed ‘Tues day in a second heartnf before the Tabor City ]uriit. Judjge Mallard, bn Monday instructed Attorney Engene C. Brooks III, to have Dr. Massi.«, Board of ; Trustees Chairman Bascom Baypes, and the bbrfid*4. secretary, and records on ^and. The heaVlfig on Tuesday stem med from a complaint filed last Thursday by Floyd Mich ael Pearson of Boston, Mass., a junior through his attorney, W. G. Pearson, II, a^lnst Presi dent Massie, in an effort to pre vent the execution of a otie and one half year suspension levied upon the student by Massie. - Pearson, in his complaint, al leged that On May 14, Dr. Mas sie notifi^ him that a special committee had found him guilty of “assisting a girl in violation a rule, namely the policy of riding in private cars,” and Il legally using a mea^ book. . Pear'spn stated tha^, M li re- j|uj(t ioi the COr^it^^sJptri^(|099 olf thi^.iwo'eharj{er,'m^ had' su^t^ndlM' hlfh frtrni col lege until September, 19M, at ^Ich, time bii would bay* to apply for r«-«dRi.i8sion. ' ; iln ,the bearing on Tuesday, ^udge 'Mallard cootinoed the May ai restratinin?Or|«,r per- mit^ng.Pearson to t^e bis 4n- al examinations, and' a^}oinii>g Dr.. Massie irom executing Pearson’s suspension, which would bar him for one and on^ half years. Pearson’s grades are not to be recorded, but are to be held by Dr. Massie, until iturther order of the. court. The 5'af>or, City jurist further de creed that Pearson would hot be piermtttid to enter North Caro lina College, either in the sum mer or in the fall of 1»64 un less and until reinstated by the Board of Trustees, provided the board meets and hears him be fore the fall session. Judge Mallard said the board should have notified the stu dent of a meeting to consider See ORDER, 4A Ojtl^ 'AtRXXUPIIK 'b. M08E-1 th*'urn containing burning 15- Isiah Rom, Dr. MoitUr. J. T. fc*y. Mount GlUad rear mortgag* of the Church, | Tucker, Alton Tuck, and B. B. f^ltst Chttreh is shown at>ove,| which was paid in seven y*ari.j Rogers, iwaaid from Ivft. as ha holds I Others shown are: left to right:' J^urch Burns 15-Year Mortgage In 7 Ye&rs A mortgage burning scrvicc Was held Sunday May 24, at Mt. Gilead Baptist Church with the ■ Rev. Dr. Alexander D. Moseley, pastor, presiding. The principal address for the occassion was deivered by L. E. Austin, publisher of The Carolina Times. He was intro duced by Dr. Joseph Campbell, local dentist. Greetings from business, re- See MORTGAGE, 4A 8CARBOROUOH SPRING PROOIIAM PRAtlCl- PAirrS — Top rtl«lb-l- Back How> Daala Cray. TMita Law- tanc*. Michal Taylor, Nat- hantal Owans', EaHka Brtdgas, Q a r El«br> Sum* Simms, Donald Parham. Brad- lay, Tammy J.' F*#aU, ' Aaa Alston. ■acoad Xowi Aaiainatta Ptr- kar, Vspita Moora. ClaflMi lUiMMg, Mlehaal JaM. Kathr Williaou. Jitaniia Jsakina. Ju dith Risd. Bar Tkaaspaaii. Re- «l«rick Millar. Jamas Mahsiia. Rafaala Mgram, Ccwritiar Orafian. First Rairi Hanaan Haaiiia>aa. Oawa Takan. Mtckaal HHm. William Couch, Batrr lfaH> Patricia Watsaa, latswd Low> ty. Annette GlOTer, Georg* EVans, Nararrs Purefoy. ICiMalIng! * Rsyna va Holt, Tami Jonas. Genla Washington, Bs- yatly Johnson, Vanja L«w- taaea. Batiom' Photoi 'Scana From fUf Iwaia' Siasansr' Antainstia Par kat, T«nl«^ Lkirjr#tie*, Patricia WMwa «Ml VMUtii Moor*. ■ ' ‘ ^ Rev. Wade to Deliver Vesper Sermon to Hillside Graduates Reverend Louis Herbert Wade Pastor of the First Baptist Church at Oxford, is scheduled to deliver the Senior Vesper Sermon to some 232 candidates for graduation at Hillside High School on Sunday, May 31, at 5 o’clock p. m. in the school auditorium. Also slated to partcipatc dur ing the services are: Reverend W. H. Fuller, pastor of Mount Zion Baptist Church with the scripturc lesson; the Reverend O. L. Conyers, Pastor of the Bilbeway Pentacostal Holiness Church of Fayetteville with in vocation; and the Reverend Ralph Franklin, Pastor of Im manuel Seventh Day Adventist See REV. WAbE, 4A REV. WADE WARNING! Don't Go Near The LAKE On Saturday, May 30 LATEST REPORTS REVEAL THE LAKE IS INFESTED WITH POISONOUS REPTILES, PREJUDICE, HATRED AND OTHER DISEASES THAT MAKE IT UNSAFE FOR THE HEALTH, HAPPINESS AND GENERAL WELFARE OF ALL NORTH CAROLINA CITIZENS. WARNIIiG! Don't Go Near The LAKE On Saturday, May 30 President Samual P. Massie of N. » C. College Wedneday mor and speculation when he announced that the Board of Trustees of the College, at its meeting on Saturady, May IB, acting on the principle that a chief executive should be allow ed to choose ills closest admi nistrators, had approved his re commendation that as of the summer session, i. e., Augu.st 3, Dr. William H. Brown and Dr. George T. Kyle would nu ’longer serve as Deans of the Graduate College and the Under ^aduate College, respectively. Their successors will be an nounced later. It had been the plan not to an nounce the decision until it had been fully discussed witli the men and they iiad sufficient time to consider the change and make satisfactory adjustrnents. Regrettable circumstances pre vented this. • Dr. Massie pointed out that these types of changes, are not unusual and occur in many in. stitutions when a new chief ex ecutive is installed. In many or ganizations and colleges, chief administrators submit their re signations as a matter of cour tesy. He further commented that in recommending these changes the abilities of the men as Deans were not in question. No re commendations for their dismis sal were made nor even discus sed. They have been offered professorships in their respec tive fields at the same salaries they were receiving as Deans. The announcement was not made eariler, President Massie commented, because certain operations were necessary to make these adjustments, and it Sec MASSIE, 4A A NAZI SWASTIKA is removed, from the home of Dr. Samuel Proctor Massie, President of North Carolina College byi workmen On Saturday morn ing, May 23. The Nazi sign, em blematic of the dictator regime •of Chancellor Adolf Hitler of Ge'rmay-.y from 1933-1945, the date of his death, was painted on the rear of flie Massie home the previous night by parties unknown, presumably in pro test of the recent turn of events al NCC. PHOTO BY PUREFOY J. J. Henderson to Receive Alumni Award at Hampton Institute Rites J. J. Henderson, Treasurer of North Carolina Mutual Life Insitr^nce Company will re ceive the National Hampton Alumni Association Merit Award daring the 94th Annual Hamil ton Institute Commencement Exercises Sunday, May 3). Tiic coveted award will be presc-ni- ed at the annual alumni ban quet to ^be held in Cleveland Hall. Henderson, a native of Bris tol, Tennessee, is a graduate ol Hampton Institute and seF.yes as Vice Chairman of its Trustee Board. He was named Hamp- Ionian of the Year 1954 by the North Carolina Region of the Hampton Alumni Association. Henderson is one of the founders of the Durham Busi ness and Professional Chain: is president emeritus of the North Carolina Business Lea. gue and is Grand Keeper of Re. cords and Exchequer of Grand Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity. He is also Vice Chairman of Housing Authority, City of Durham. He holds of fices and memberships on many boards of Directors including the Mutual Savings and Loan HENDERSON Association, Bankers Fire and Casualty Insurance Company, John Avery Boys’ Clubj the Daisy E. Scarborough Nursery School, Inc., and the Durham Business School. Henderson . is. Vice Chairman of the Senior Board of Trus tees of Saint Joseph’s A. M. E. See HENDERSON, 4A TOP NCC GRADUATES—High- esl tanking students grsdusHng from three of North Carolina College’s schools Sunday, May 31, are shown above. From left to right; Rembert Gaddy, Char lotte, Law School; Roland T.- Hayward, Camden, N. J., Law School; Mary W. Laster, Dur ham, Library School; Joe H. Brawner, High Point, Under graduate School, and Gwendolyn T. Curleo, Salisbury, Undergrad uate School. Not shown are J. K. Bentley and Allen E. Weath- ford III, highest ranking gradu ate students. SUMMA CUM LAUDS GRADU ATES—Shown are six undsr- graduate studonts gradwsting with highost honors at North Csr»'lnt Coliegi’) 39th annual commencement Sunday, May 31. All North Carolinians, they are, from left, Joe H. Brawntr, High Point; Gwendolyn T. Curloo, Sall'ibu'y; p.. Rnhin^on, ; Jomos E. Fsrgu- Virginia N •; and Toni M. Damkinsi