Holy Temple Church Activities Reporter M«# McKinley The Holy Temple Church Aited Elder Webster's Church und&y arid had an enjoyable *ie. This Sunday lght June 13 le Holy Temple is invited to program at the St. James hurch on Highway 55. PROGRAM Beverly Harper's program is jheduled for the 3rd Sunday i June. Come out and help sup »rt this program. The money 411 go to the Building Fund fcmpaign. Everyone is cordia y invited. The program starts i 1 p. m. » » * 'AC ATI ON BIBLE SCHOOL Vacation Bible School starts (onday, June 15. If you would ke to send your children to le Vacation Bible School, we 'ould be glad to have them. • • • T. P. H. A. Wd». discussed the Greatest lesstttg. The discussion begun Ith-the question, What is the rreat&st Blessing? The Great it BWaslng is the "Belief in (odJ'The belief in God gives pu "}4y, satisfaction, security, •d the peace that comes from rod. Wlyrn we belief God we can e happy every moment of our in if ' f.:: • S4 . answers questions about Junior Miss etiquette, ftooming and interests. 1.l Q. My best friend, who m*veri several hundred miles 1 .WV.'R' W/ ,^ as i'l y itcd me tfe Visit .for a Week this summer. Our parents have agreed and all the arrangements arc made. My problem now is what to take and how to pack. It's a plane trip, so I can't take everything I usually pack for family vacations. - - A. • Before you wing your way to a week of fun, write jour friend with aii your questions about what you'll bo doing, what kinds of clothes you'll need, and what the weather is like. Make a check list and cut out all unnecessary items. Select your wardrobe so the same accessories will go with everything. You'll have a number of different outfits if you coordinate mix-and-match skirts, blouses, shorts, slacks. Pack shoes and other heavy or bulky items on the bottom of your suitcase, tucking stockings and other indispensables such as Kleenex tissues pocket packs inside shoes and into corners. Use plastic bottles, three quarters full, for make-up and cologne. Check the weight of your bag on the bathroom scale and you won't have un expected overweight charges at the airport. One last tip: If in doubt, leave it at home; don't valuable luggage space with clothes you'll probably never wear. "* * fcvi* , ★ ★ ★ - ★ bH ■ iii THE FACTS—Durham lags in growth and •lb!/. utM extension of modern municipal services. From (m»H. to 1904, Durham added 10 square miles s "' compared with 24 square miles by Raleigh, i. -t .. t j26 .square, .miles .by WjnstonrSalem, and 34 square miles by Greensboro. Vote )-es June 19 if you want Duham to grow and progress. 9FA ' If you live in the Citv of Durham, you have riOtfS- J/11 an obligation. An obligation to vote in the rlsjt.i June 19 bond election. At stake is Durham's mo - w»i progress. 5 VOTE : FOR PROGRESS! * Unless the bonds are approved. Durham will be hamstrung for yeas to come. Don't »it at home and expect progess to be dumped in you lap. Get out and vote Saturday, June 19th. Xo city tax increase will be required by annexation. No increase in water-sewer rates, either. iHelp Durham progress. Vote June 19. City Council Study Committee, James Hawkins, Chairman '★★★*★ ★ life, i>ecause no matter what is occuring in, to and around us, we know that God is here. God's presence assures us that good is at work right now, right in the situation, no'matter how things seem. Because God is here, good will be the eventual outcome, The belief in God makes us happier than any one thing we possess, happier than any relationship, happier than anything we do. The glorious thing abou* God is that he not only makes us happy, but manifests him" self in all our blessing. • * • BIBLE QUIZ Our instructor Deacon Allen gave us a Bible Quize, which included the books of the bible from the New and Old Testa ment, Jesus' diciples and many other famous men from the Bible. , * * » "I'll Try Once More" More" was read to us by Bev erly Harper and discussed by Deacon Allen. "I'll Try Once More" I turn myself over to You, Father but then I take me Back! So sincerely I abandon my f * H Q. Mill anything help thick ankles? I'll follow whatever formula you suggest. So far nothing has worked! A. A combination of exer cise and camouflage should help. Try this exercise: Sit, knees crossed, and poi.it your toe down, then up. Repeat 20 times a day for each leg. Sheer stockings and plain pumps with medium heels will make your ankles look slimmer too. Straps, fancy trimmings, or spindly high heels will only attract attention and make your ankles look larger. Q. My skin is oily. I try fo care for it properly but I'm always besieged with blemishes. How can I hide them? A. Even too-thick make-up won't hide oily skin blemishes unless you try to correct them too. Are you following the first rule of good complexion care - consistent cleansing? A mild, thorough soap-and-water cleansing three times a day is essential. So is the proper diet. Go easy on fried foods and rich desserts. Make crisp carrot sticks or celery your in between snacks. Always use a fresh powder puff or tissue to apply your make-up base (sparingly, please!) and powder. One of the medicated bases will • help conceal and heal small blemishes. ffflph Kjk «P%Bi V mm l&iiil&i ♦ v^l" & ; *WK/M - j^jfl ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Wilbur Glenn of 623 Dunbar Street an nounce the engagement of their daughter Jacqueline, to Charles Elvin Daye, son of Rev. and Mrs. Linwood Elvin Daye of Durham. Miss Glenn is a graduate of Ben LYON PARK ROSE GARDEN CLUB MEETS WITH MRS. A. L. THOMPSON The Lyon Park Rose Garden Club met at the home of Mrs. A., L. Thompson, 1309 Morehead Ave. 1 Monday evening May 24th. The meeting was called to order at 7:30, Mrs. Theima Mitchell con iucted the devotion. Mrs. Helen McClain, president, was in charge of the business session. Reports were heard from various commit tees. After the business session Mrs. Thompson served her guest a delicious menu of assorted sand Will to yours and walk out On the water. But when my feet get wet And I feel- the sway of the Moving sea, I take myself By fearfully And climbed into myself willed boat to Steer back to the shore Would that I could strive out On that sea like he who traveled Galilee! Will my faith one day be Buoyant as his? I turn myself over to you again, Father I'll try once More! r \ , CARNATION COOKING HINTS 1 HOME SERVICE DIRECTOR AND MER STAFF I VCOTT V. J Teen age party at your house Saturday night? Keep the pace lively and serve yummy Hug-Me-Tights. Double-rich Carnation Evaporated Milk packs extra punch in the crispy toast crust—makes Hug-Me-Tight* tven more wholesome and nutritious. Do make them soon. They're toe tapping good! HUG-ME-TIGHTS (Makes 10) 2 egg* % (up chill (due* Vi £ up ("no" c°n) undiluted % cup final/ CARNATION EVAPORATED MILK chopped onion V 5» teaspoon sail I Vi cups (6 ounce*] Ve teaspoon pepper grated American chMM 10 slices day-old bread 1 pound (10) 3-4 tablespoons oil frankfurter* Break eggs Into shallow dish; heat lightly with fork. Stir in Carnation, salt and pepper. Quickly dip bread slices, one at a time, into egg-Carnation mixture. Turn to cover both sides completely. Heat 1 tablespoon oil In 10-inch skillet; placs bread slices in skillet. Brown lightly on both sides over medium heat (approximately 1 minute per side). Keep skillet lightly greased, adding 1 tablespoon oil as needed. Place toasted bread slices on paper towels. Divide chili sauce evenly on slices and spread over surface. Top each with approximately 1 tablespoon onion and 1% to 2 tablespoons cheese; scatter evenly. Place a frankfurter diagonally across center of each slice and fold over the corners, fastening with a toothpick. Place in 13 x 9 x 2-inch baking dish. Top with remaining cheese. Bake in moderata oven (350" F.) 25-30 cunuUa. S#rve immediately. nett College. Mr. Oaye I* • grad uate of North Carolina College, and is mployed with the Humble Oil Company in Baltimore, Mary land. Miss Glenn will be teaching !in Richmond, Va., this fall. ' The wedding will take place on July 24th. wiches, cheese biscuits, peanut butter fingers, lime punch, pound cake, nuts and candy. A lovely arrangements of roses was the center of attraction on the lace covered dining room table. Members present were: Mesdames Elizabeth Bullock, Mattie Canty, Mary Ilardy, Josephine Hoskins, Helen McClain, Fannie Tapp, M W. Webb, Willie G. Sneed, Theima Mitchell, Alice Jones, Virginia Ilaskins, and Misses Mable Free land and Arlene Mebane. Visitors were Mrs. Mattie Walker aAtl Mrs. Addie Langley. Mrs. Canty thank ed the hostess, then the meeting was closed by Mrs. Mitchell. STH GRADE OF SPAULDING SCHOOL HONORS CLASSMATES The sth Grade Class of SpMild ing School taught by Mrs. N; R. Rowland, honored two of classmates last week. Ellsworth Tait and Geoffrey Fisher. Ells worth will be in Paris, France dur ing June and July while Geoffrey is going to Japan for two years. Diham Club Happenings EBiIfMER FLORAL CLUB IN JUNE 6 MEETING ThfaFloral Club of the Ebc- Baptist Church met at the bpfne of Mrs. Margaret Ad- Bac«n St. Sunday, June n jft 4 p. m. Devotions were led by Miss Nezzlc Carter, her subject be* ing"The . Shift From The Inner To TJ>6 Outer", a reading. e led the group in prajerv With / Mrs. Addie Barbee, president presiding plans were completed for the club's part in recognizing the retiring teachers of Burton School on Thursday, June 10 at 7:30 p m. at Burton School. Mrs. Barbee asked each member to influence one more person to accompany them on a "Tour of Washing ton, D. C- on July 30 thru Au gust 1. The cost is $31.65 in cluding hotel fee. Those present were: Mes dames Zclma Adams, Ethel McNeil, Liltie Melntyre, Loise Dalrirmple, Ophelia' Thompson, Mattie Brown. Gola Carter, Mil dred . Mangum, Maude Thorpe, Catherine McKinney, Mattie Holloway, Effie Chavis, Mar tha Stanley, Ila Mae Evans, Marina Fisher, Essie Malone, en /ones, Delia Hubbard, Miss Nezzip Carter, Ulster Adams, Percy Jones and Emma Rich ardson. Mrs. Richardson join ed the' club. With Mrs. Alice Davis assisting, Mrs.; Adams served ice cream and home made cake. Mrs. Em ma Richardson thanked the hostess. $'•00 SPECIAL SAVINGS FOR FATHER'S DAY JUNE 20th OFT PACKAGE GIGANTIC SELECTION S "° I(JR' f'iFTS KST Handkerchiefs en s handsome 10 for 88c SPORT Iff High quality white cotton. \ IT' .==— SHIRTS mk Smart looking and comfortable in (ij / Easy to care for choose colors, 28 popular pin stripes. Sizes S-M-L. Ilur- j / V T ,0 38 ry to buy several. J ' >1 THf Compare Our Prices on ~7~ i N 1 L,VVJ BROADCLOTH FRUIT OF THE LOOM Most Wanted Gifts BEDS Too boxer shirts Mra. JT J/,// AOr OIL TANNED BELT ...... $1.50 M|f C j ce of pa , U7t BAN-LON SOCKS 68c / GM SIZES A-B- ............. g. . GILLETTE SHAVING SET $2.79 &0" BREEZO BOX FAN - 2-Speed , mcrc fl . - . _ ~. _ . ~, _ , PATTERNS 3-PIECE ALUMINUM ' Aluminum Folding Bed ... $9.74 IMUM FOR DADI _ : ;Sty r o Foam Cooler Chest 99c |»|M Bc^u s da ChdiSC Set "1-Gal. Picnic Jug $2.34 inaSgM cunDr r -Aluminum Folding Chairs $2 99 |i|iffl " * »j * "Large Metal Foot Locke* \1 00 i J-pc. LuggagejSet $10.77 aM-SySW SIO 88 « J Metal Portable Grill .. $5.87" si7CS 2a l " 40 yiv.w J" MISSIONARY INTERNATION AL TEA, SUNDAY, MAY 30, ST. JOSEPH'S A. M. E. CHURCH— From left: Mrs. Sarah Horry Jones, chairman, International Tea; Rev Melvin Chester Swann, CHAPTER No. 9 OF DeSIiAZOR ALUMNI MEETS IN HILLSBOROUGH MONDAY Chapter No Nine of DcSha zor's Alumni met with Mrs. Al ice Payne in Hillsboro 011 Mon day afternoon. Devotion was lead by Mrs. Callie Ashford, and a selection Was read by Mrs. Callie Daye entitled "What Is Man"? The business session was pre sided over by president, Mrs. Willier McKiethan, and plans for sending a delegate to the National Convetion were made. A picnic will be held on the third Monday in July, the an nual outing for the chapter. The members and guests, will | leave the recreation center at 9 i THE CAROLINA TIMES SATURDAY, JUNE 12, 1965 DURHAM, t>». Minister; Mrs. Trumilla Smith, President, Caroline Barnes Senior Missionary Society, who was crowned "Mrs. Missionary of 1965" in recognition for having reportend the highest number of O'clock a. m. to go to Kerr Lake. Mrs. Daye reported on Operation Breakthrough, ex plaining to the members th •" meaning of the program. This was the closing meeting for the summer. The next meet ing will be with Mrs. Joseph ine Holeman, also in Hillsbor ough the first Monday in Sep tember. Mrs. Payne entertained the club on the beautiful lawn of her home. She served a very tasty meal consisting of chick en, string beans, potato salad, | fruit cup and iced tea. Those en i joying her hospitality were patrones. Mrs. Alii* Mitchell, run ner-up for "Mrs. Missionary, 1965"; Mrs. Dorothy E. Swann, Younf j Peoples' Missionary Director, Sec ond Episcopal District, A. M. E. Church. Mesdames Callie Ashford, Mon tez Bagley, lola Goss, Callie ■Daye, Theini'a Hill, Peccola I.cake, Willier McKiethan, Irene Jackson, Josephine Hol man, and Miss Hazel McKoy. SANITARY Launderers and Cleaners DIAL 596-8201 COR. ROXBORO ST. AND LAKEWOOD AVENUI 3-A