L—THE CABOUNA HUES SATURDAY, SEPT. 25, 1985 2A Urban Renewal A Farce or Reality From a practical standpoint, the so called Urban Renewal program in Dor ham is viewed by a majority of Negro citizens, living in the Hayti section of the city, as about the biggest farce evw concocted in the mind of mortal man. Such an attitude has been brought about by the swiftness and efficiency with which Urban Renewal acts in tearing down houses and the lack of speed which it has exhibited in replacing them. Along with the above, one is stared in the face with the fact that in tear ing down a few substandard houses and shacks, the Urban Renewal pro gram has torn down some of the best dwellings in the Hayti area atff that, up to the present moment, not a single replacement has been made. Some of the dwellings destroyed were by far better than many Negroes had ever lived in or hoped to live in before the Urban Renewal program came along anl painted its glowing picture of better housing for all the people. Add to the above the fact that there CAN WE SAVE OUR CITIES? WHAT is happening to our American cities? Have they passed their prime and must they now sink into decay like the Babylons of the ancient world? Or can they be revived and rebuilt to herald a bright new age in the life of mankind? These are among the major questions facing the United States today. Responsible citizens everywhere have become increasingly concerned about the decay and deterioration that have affected large areas in our urban regions. Slums have always existed in our cities, but recent years have seen formerly prosperous and attrac tive sections of the cities sink inn squalor; once well-kept business districts and the former residences of the wealthy have suffered the effects of blight. Community leaders became alarmed, and in hundreds of cities throughout the land they have tried to do something about this deterioration. Title I of the 1949 Housing Act authorized the use of federal funds to encourage private investment in redevelopment. The plan was broadened in 1954 and again in subsequent years. This appeared to be a hopeful answer to the complex problem of urban Might. Comment from the Capital ._ A •• . IISI BRIEF by Vant Neff The "Do-Gooders" will have you believe all criminals are produced by bad housing, broken families and unequal job opportunities. Hogwash. This great country was built by people who came from bad housing and surmounted un equal economic opportunities. • • • Only 10% of our population is Negro. Yet, tliey commit 67 r ,'c of the crimes. Of course, some of it's to be expected when Negro leaders encourage civil disobedience, and condone Negroes' refusal to obey laws they don't like. Also, threats of "long hot summers" are the kind of movement ,that spawn lawlessness. CORE and NAACP demand equality. Surely they mean equality in everything. Isn't this an excel lent startling place? • • • If your neighbor gets mad and breaks your window, who pays? When union goons destroy property during a strike, who should pay? The unions? Well, look what happened in the lie cent New York taxi strike. Self employed cabbies, who own their cabs, weren't involved in the unionization drive. Yet, some of their cabs were stoned and burned. Who was stuck with the bill? The poor cabbie struggling to make it on his own. • • • Be afraid, America, .tremble. The nuclear holocaust is com ing. This kind of talk is broad cast throughout our land. But, it's never heard in Russia. Isn't this a planned program to weaken our will to resist? • • • What would the Founding Fathers say? They enacted the Bill of Rights to protect the people from excessive power of central government. § Amazon uiowis OWw nt»T f' I~.n_.il or PROtef 1m tW» wmemo# cm BT iaaus|Bs,wH'^ oatases! ®Wfco«TS! -J DM » CUWPM. is much dissatisfaction over the price many homeowenrs have been forced to accept for their property and it is not hard to understand why rumors and suspicion prevail that, so far as the Hayti section of Durham is con cerned, Urban Renewal is not only a farce but just another scheme to re lieve Negroes of property they own too close to the downtown business section of the city. Two of the unanswered questions that now exist are: Where and when, if ever, will the low income apart ments promised by Urban Renewal officials be built ? Who will own them? On one occasion one resident of Hayti, whose grandson was about 10 years of age, was heard to remark, "I have already put it in my will that when my grandson's great grandson moves into one of the apartments erected under the L'rabn Renewal pro gram to not forget that his old great great grandpappy dreamed of such a day." » Most people don't seem to have time to think about poli tics. But, politicians always have time to think about prom ising the people anything to get more power. • * * Not so long ago the Com munists )trenched coexistence. Note even some of our leading executives have allowed it {o infiltrate their reasoning. In a speech before the UN they paraphrased Red preaching. They said, ure will have "co existence or coextinction." It just goes to show how much the Commie line has become part of /Imen'rnn thinking. The Communist strategy is simple: stubbornly hold your line, always say "nyet," and the Americans will gradually re treat. It is succeeding. In a re cent editorial. The New York Times justified the Russians' not paying UN dues on the grounds that the Commies didn't favor the UN peace-keep ing efforts. • » « Recently on TV, when Mf- George Bundy showed Profes sor Hans Morgenthau how many times he was wrong about Viet Nam, the pontifical pro fessor accused Bundy of being "too well prepared." Is the pro fessor just ignorant when he says China never attacked any body, or does he know perfectly well what he's doing, and for whom? IF ONLY "WE" HAD THE SAME DETERMINATION l f/ L ves,ORTH£Y MFmIKA ECONOMIC PRESSURE - | cxsTßOr us" Ufitl FEAR OF JOBS -NEGRO H I : IKK W3SJHHI registers are THREA TENED 8V THE I MISSISSIPPI POWER I SPIRITUAL INSIGHT H m "No longar under our lower naturo, it directed by the spirit." Roman #:4 In Christ we win the mastery over the lower nature to be come motivated by the spirit of God. In Christ we find a new center of power. Once the old life with Hs reckless, ruin ous way was the dominating center. Then we were motivat ed by blind, destructive pow ers within. But Christ in his regenerative or redemptive power creates a new center to be the creative, healing ground of our motivation. In Christ we are "directed by the spirit." In Christ love is the new motivator. And since God is love, God becomes the new power of motivation for our lives. Love heals. Love en riches and builds. Love works for community rather than for self-centeredness. Love's gift is self-esteem and dignity. Love includes others and thus be THOSE ALL-WHITE BOOKS The steady diet of prejudice which most book publishers have been feeding our children has been brilliantly document ed in a recent article appear ing in our foremost literary journal, The Saturday Review. The magazine's lead article, "The All-White World of Chil dren's Books," is an incisive and exhaustive analysis of thousands of book titles which have regularly been finding their way into our homes, schools, and libraries. Written by Nancy Larrick, former president of the Inter national Reading Ass'n, the article finds our publishing industry guilty of creating stereotyped images of Negroes or of leaving them out of books entirely. It also rips the dam age such books inflict on white children. Says author Larrick, "Al though his light skin makes him one of the world's minori ties, the white child learns from his books that he is the Mngfish. There seems to be little chance of developing the humilitj so urgently needed for world cooperation, instead of world conflict, as long as our children are brought up on gentle doees of racism through their books. The Saterday Review writer sifted through 8,206 children's books turned out by 6S pub lishers during the 1962-64 pe riod. Her finds: only 549 in clude one or more Negroes— an average of 6.7 percent. "Among the four publishers with the largest list of chil dren's books," she writes, "the percentage with Negroes is one-third lower than this av erage. "These four firms —Double day, Franklin Watts, Macmll lan and Harper and Row—pub lished 966 books, and only percent have a Negro in text or illustration." Eight book bouses, she adds, produced only all-white books; and among those which their texts depicted Negroes some didnt look colored at all but Man So Prone to Evil Needs The Motivation of God's Spirit comes the basis of true happi ness and fulfillment. Yes, the new creature in Christ is moti vated by the spirit of God. And love is the IdghejtWpres sion of that hew motivator— the spirit of God. Thank God for the power and the motiva tion of the spirit. Man so prone to evil and ugliness needs the motivation of God's spirit. Christ moves man from the lower to the higher reaches of his sublime and divinely-im printed nature. Being made in God's likeness the lower can never fully satisfy us. We long for escape and freedom. God in Christ gives a way of escape from the misery of the lower. Do you want to move from the lower state? You can, but you must make up your mind. This move, unfortunately, does not come by automation. Your loved ones would like to toudh a button and effect the change. To Be Equal left the reader wondering if the subject didn't suffer from sunburn. Miss Larrick says one five year-old Negro girl looking at a book in nursery school ask ed, "Why are they always whit* children?"—a question today's publishers must pond er. This certainly has a crip pling effect on the mental growth of our 6,340,000 non white children "learning to read and to understand the American way of life in books which either omit them entire ly or scarcely mention them," them," she notes. In Cleveland, Chicago, St Louis, and Washington, D. C. the majority of public school children are Negro. In many other cities—Newark, Detroit, Atlanta, and Philadelphia, they make up a high percentage of the total. Will they go on get ting the impression that life in their city holds no future for them, encouraging a "what's the-use attitude? Will this at titude, shaped so early, charac terise our next generation of urban unemployables, rioters, and delinquents? And, when today's children do find a pic ture of a black person will it be that' of a slave or share cropper, a migrant worker or nanny? Certainly, no Federal aid should go to any school district in America which provides only all-white textbooks, a clear violation of Title VI of the new Civil Rights Act. Yea, many publishers are trying; some very hard. Vir tually every major textbook publisher has attended the last two annual conferences of the National Urban League held to discuss methods of correcting the all-white image. Some are making significant gains. But Miss Larrick wriWs that only 9 percent of IMO's crop of children's books Include one or more Negroes a paltry gain of 1.5 percent over the dismal 1004 performance. No wonder Augusta Baker, coordinator of Children's Serv ices for the New York Public By REV. HAROLD ROLAND But you must make the move yourself for the higher ground of the spirit. You alone can decide about this business of spirit motivation. Ask God to help you to move from the lower to the higher realm of motivation. The spirit's motivation leads to peace. A world longing fu tilely for peace needs to know that God's spirit alone can give this longed-for peace. The spirit gives peace. The soul weary in the raging conflict of sin longs for God and his peace which passeth all hu man understanding. Christ's redemption from sin and the coming of the spirit will mean peace—God's peace for the human soul. Man's restless soul longs for the peace of soul which comes with the gift of the Holy Spirit. Motivated by the spirit •#e are assured of God's peace. Library, our nation's largest, says: "Really fine books (por traying a positive picture of Negroes) are still scarce." The publishing industry is on trial. It has the intelligence, know-how, resources and capa city to imbue all America's children with self-respect and pride in their common human ity, in their common land. How long will this industry lag be hind the march of events? In Miss Larrick's words: "Inte gration may be the law of the land, but most of the books children see are all-white." -Baptist Head (Continued from front page) faith in all the people of the people of the Southland, faith in our nation, and faith in the redemptive power of the Chris tian church, and faith in our God." He said the officers and del egates hoped to "strengthen and to help spread the spirit of goodwill among the peoples and races of the city, state and nation." Dr. Jackson pointed out that many white people who do not understand the wider view of the civil rights struggle think of it as a struggle of Negroes for their rights, and this group contends that Negroes should not "press too hard." "No person can press too hard in the pursuit of the right, and no citixen can be too devout to his country or too much in love with the uni versal principle of freedom and justice," was the Baptist leader's answer to this conten tion. -Beaten (Continued from front page) heel of his hand when he held it up to ward off blow. Garris was freed of charges of assault with a deadly wea pon in connection with the same case in July in Recorder's Court. Ott Cai^Ja®iwo pBOBHm Published every Saturday at Dutaa, N. C. r . by United Publishers, Inc. L. E. AUSTIN, Publisher Second Class Postage Paid at Durham, N. C. STUB SUBSCRIPTION HATES SB.OO per year plus (10c tax in N. C. (any where in the US., and Canada and te tetrVje saen Overseas; Foreign, S7JO per year, Sin gle copy 15c. Principal Office Located at «S6 K. Pettigrew Street, Durham, North Carolina -St. Joseph (Continued from front page) day morning September 26 when he will preach his first sermon as pastor at 11:00 A.M. at the annual "Homecoming" Day observance. N. H. Bennett, Jr., will preside and introduce the new pastor. Dr. Cousin's subject for the Morning Worship Hour will be "Back to Bethel." Evening Worship, "Untapped Resourc es." Music will be furnished by the Senior Choir, Joseph Mitchell directing, with Mrs. Minnie W. Gilmer at the con sole. Dr. Cousin is a native of Pennsylvania, the son of an A. M. E. minister, Rev. S. A. Cousin. He was educated at the High School of West Palm Beach, Florida; Central State College, Wilberforce, Ohio, where he received the bachelor of arts degree, majoring in of arts degree, majoring in phi losophy. His theological work and was awarded the bachelor of sacred theology degree. He has done further study at Bos ton University in the field of education. He has pastored in Florida; Danville, Va. and Norfolk, Va., prior to his election to the presidency of Kittrell Junior College. Dr. Cousin is a member of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fratern ity. Married to the former Miss Margaret Joan Grier of Winston-Salem. They have four Letter to the Editor 1 regret the irresponsible journalism that prompted the headline and article that ap pear on the front page of the Carolina Times Sept. 18,1965 concerning Catholic Schools. This is sure to result in ill will among numerous sincere people where there was none before. This none of us can afford at the present. Nothing positive is to be gained by this sensationalism because there is no person in N. C. who opposes segregation in ail its forms as Bishop Vincent Waters. There is no N. C. or? ganization that has been of ficially integrated for as long nor as thoroughly as the Ca tholic Diocese of Raleigh (which includes all of N. C.) One has only to visit their churches and schools to this fact in action. It has tjeen done without the current trend of sensationalism, by simply putting into practice the principles of true Chris tine Charity and belief that all men are creatures of God as understood by the universal Church. This Church has re mained your stanchest ally against communism, KKK, and other hate groups. We need to gain more allies not lose some of those we "have. Those Catholics and Protest ants aware of these facts must have been as bewildered as I when they read last week's edition of the Times. It was blaringly apparent to this reader that all the truth was not there. A check with the editor revealed that the in formation had been tele phoned in by the mother in the case. A correspondent who lives in was asked to write the article who did ao without checking the proper authorities to verify the story, probably through lack of knowledge and procedure in such a case. This Is bad journalism resulting in mis understanding and ill wilL Those who have definite knowledge of the Catholic Church understand that to have harmony and order in such a complex, universal or ganisation one most have es tablished procedures to carry on the multiple duties of church and school without government and tax support (even though Catholics pay taxes to support public schools) To operate ■ school is always difflctQt and without sufficient funds, buildings, teachers etc. in the face of sudden changes It is doubly difficult and some demands impossible at the. moment These must be carefully plan ned and need the cooperation of all Catholics. A priest takes a vow to uphold these prin ciples as part of his personal dedication to God and obedi- sons. Each year, on Homecoming Sunday, a family from the congregation is honored as "Si Joseph's Family of the Year." This year, the family of tha late Rev. D. A. Johnston, far mer pastor of St. Joseph's will be honored. The surviving members are. his widow, Mrs. Verdell Jennings Johnston and two daughters, Hisses Dor is Marie and Loretta Ruth. Mrs .Johnston has been em ployed for 17 years as a teach er in the Durham City School System in special education for mentally retarded. Doris is a senior at UNC at Greens boro and Loretta is a rising senior at Hillside High School. Mrs. Johnston has been em ter of Rev. and Mrs. J. B. Jen nings of Charleston, S. C. The "Family of the Year Trophy" will be awarded to Johnston Family by Mrs. Sallle Warren, mother of the Warren Family who received the 1064 trophy. -Taylor (Continued from front page) practice in Detroit until he joined the Federal Govern ment in 1961. Taylor is a member of the Bar of the U. S. Supreme Court, the Federal Bar As sociation, the Economic Club of Detroit, the University of Michigan Club of Detroit, the Detroit Press Club, and the National Lawyers Club. ence to His Church. It is reas onable then to expect a good Bishop to support his priests when they have not violated these principle and procedures, otherwise there would be nothing but chaos and many of the benefits of the Church would be impossible. This is exactly what happened in this case. The mother in question did not know the necessarty procedure for making orderly change in schools for her chil dren, one of which is to get the consent of both the pas tors involved. This is neces sary as well as a matter of courtesy to a harried busy priest with multiple other duties in addition to operat ing a school. The beligwd priest in the case at the time of publication did not know either the mother or writer of the article. This mother was a self-styled life long Catholic prominant social worker and wife of an attorney did not ignore the procedure through ignorance. In addition, when she had the facts explained to her, she still defied them and started a campaign which re sulted in irresponsible journal ism being forced on our intelli gence as readers of the papers. To us Catholics this mother is guilty of a serious breach in the support of the prin ciples of her Church, Chris tian Charity and common courtesy. I hope the harm she may have done can be repair ed. The fact of her being a prominant woman did not he case any different than other in her parish. Bishop Waters is and has « been one of the most adamant supporters of integration in all of its phases over the twenty years I have known of him. His reputation is known all over the county. This is fact known by all knowledge able, responsible, If. C. dtt xens, Negro and white, Pro testant and Oathollc, Because N. C. is in this section of the south (especially the eastern section) there are many pro blems to be solved, bat are being done so at a faster pact than any other Christian or ganisation. Dont take my word for it Investigate. In how many other churches do you find villous noes tiedj worshipping God? No one iHll stop you at the door or other you to a segregated are*. To us a kneel-in has only one meaning—a praying together All of this has been brought about by patience, couraga and sacrifice of Catholics of all walks of life, not by aa Act of Congress bat by and act of God. Thank you. Sincerely In Chfist Clara Council

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