2A -THE CABOUNA THUS SATURDAY, MARCH 4, 1967 The Need of NCC Law School in N. C. *■ ' i • . . ■ ; The recent report issued by Dean Daniel G. Sampson of the N. C. Law School reveals some startling about the shortage of Negro lawyers in North Carolina. Therefore information contained in the report points out the dire necessity of con tinuing the operation of the NCC Law School as a facility of the state. It should also remind all intelligent Negroes of the great loss they will sustain on a whole, once the law school at NCC does not exist. According to Dean Sampson's re port, at the present time there is only one Negro lawyer to or for every 12.978 Negro citizens in the state, while there is one white lawyer for every 768 white citizens. While the Sampson report em phasizes historically the role NCC has played in the training of lawyers in the state, it also dramatizes the disparities in numbers of white and Negro attorneys in the state and points up what may be a critical need 'or additional Negroes in the pro fession. Citing 1960 population figures for Negroes and whites, the report in dicates that approximately 25 per cent of the state's citizens are Ne groes. In 1962 there were 3,124 lawyers, with a projection by the "A m e r i c a n Jurisprudence Desk Book" of approximately 4,500 by 1966 In 1966 only 86 Negroes were qualified to practice law in the state. Of this number, the report states, 46 either graduated from the North Carolina College Law School or en rolled in the facility for a part of their legal training. Only nine re ceived their entire legal training at one of the other three law schools— the University of North Carolina, Duke, or Wake Forest —in the state "The North Carolina College Law- School has been directly involved in the legal training," the report adds, "in. over 52 per cent of the Negro lawyers in North Carolina who are either practicing or qualified to prac tice." Voice of The Southern White Woman ■"mT A .Mty Queen by the students of Duke University Woman's College has probably raised a myraid of goose pimples on the backs of many of their parents, to say nothing about other reactionary whites of the deep South states. The action of the stu dents in the Woman's College at Duke is a stark reminder to all of us that when the chips are down and the occasion demands, is the white woman in the South who is the court of last resort or has the last word. In short, once the white woman in the South has put her foot down or spoken out in the coursp of a great change or crisis the grumbling, re sentment or objection to the course No Chance Against Powell The announcement this week that the Republican Party has selected James Meredith to run against Adam Clayton Powell in the special elec tion,which may be necessary if Con gress finally refuses to restore the New York congressman his seat in the House of Representatives, should be of great concern to every in telligent Negro in this country. The young civil rights leader, who has risked life and limb in an effort to better the lot of his race in Missis sippi, has about as much chance of defeating Powell in a race for Con gress in New York as a 12-year-old boyy has to defeat Cassius Clay for the world's heavyweight boxing championship. We think it is more unfortunate that Meredith has given permission for'his name to be used in a political contest that apparently is only a desperateeffort on the part of the GOP to regain id'-lost prestige in Also pointed out is that students graduating from the NCC Law Schodf during its 26-year his tory, 72 have taken tk« state's bar examination, and 49 nave passed. This is a percentage of 68, compared with a national average °' 67. Sixty five per cent of the NCC graduates taking out-of-state ban have passed. The national average Jh 1965 was 62 per cent. . / i "It may be of interest to note thaf of 86 Negro lawyers in the state are concentrated in its five largest counties. This leaves 23 Negro lawyers for the remaining 95 coun ties of North Carolina. These 95 counties, with a total population of 3,476,168 and a Negro population of 832,688, have 23 Negro lawyers, or, in other words, one Negro lawyer per 36,203 Negro population," the report states. The report says further that this shortage of Negro lawyers is not peculiar to North Carolina but exists nationally. For the 1964-65 school year, 54,265 law students were en rolled in 160 approved law schools in the country. Of this number 701 were Negroes, and 26 of these were enrolled in the six predominantly *> Negro law schools, leaving 434 Negro students in all of the country's other 695 law schools combined. In North Carolina, during the 1965-66 school year, the three pre dominantly white law schools— UNC, Duke, and Wake Forest—had only 5 Negroes enrolled, the report notes, adding that among 509 ktu dents now enrolled at the University of North Carolina Law School, only one is a Negro. "It is not enough merely to say that qualified Negroes now have the opportunity for admission to other law schools. The fact remains that they cannot gain admission in sub stantial numbers. In addition to the present overaowding of these facili ties, the fruits of past denials render this 'open-door' policy a snare and delusion," the report declares. ~rof action domes to a sudden hah.!' Thus' there*wili"iJfe rio -outwart Hify against the action of the Duke stu dents at Woman's College but a tacit acceptance by southerners as a whole. Like it or not both races in the South may as well look on the elec tion of the Negro co-ed May Queen at the Duke Woman's College, as merely a dress rehearsal or curtain raiser for the main show that is cer tain to take place within the next decade or more. Thus once again it is the white woman—this time the young white woman—that takes the lead in bringing about changes for the betterment of those of both races in the South. New York, by exploiting the popular ity of the young and heroic civil rights leader of Mississippi. Congress would do the nation, as well as the 20 million or more Negro citizenof this country, a great service to go ahead and restore Powell his seat in Congress. That is certainly what it will have to do should he be forced to run for the office in an election. By restoring Powell his seat in the lower House the nation, as well as Negroes in and out of New York, will be spared what is certain to be a political comedy if not one of the natiest campaigns ever con ducted in the nation. Certainly Meredith has too much to lose in his yet young career to attempt ta match the kind of political campaign thai) will result if Powell has to face him as an opponent in a Congressional election. Hazards of selling A Fuller Brush satosaua.fioiag from door to door in the Harbour Square apartment* in Waahtngton, rang the bell at ooe door. Suddenly, a atom rolce demanded that be show Identification. He also found be was oo the Secret Service*! "candid camera," Ua every m M« watched an closed-circuit television. Unknowingly the aaleaman had stop ped at Vice President Humphrey's door to seQ him some Fullef brushes. Skeptical Of Our To SPIRITUAL INSIGHT "A remnant ha* coma Into bit ing by tHa grace of God." Rom. 11.5 Amid the ravages of sin there is always left the rem nant of righteousness. Amid the ruins there is left enough seed for a new beginning. This idea of God's remnant persists in human affairs. Amid tbe crashing ruins of desolation we may feel that all is lost. But we should always wait to hear from God about that rem n&nt. When JBaal . blif sw«* U* VhoWfJeld be fore it God said to Elijah waft a minute: There is a remnant left. He said there are seven thousand who have not yet bowed. God will ever have enough seed for a new begin ning. Man needs the hope of a new begininng. Even when sin has done its worst there is al ways the hope of a new be ginning. And God's grace and love take this seed of hope to build again above the sham bles and ruins of human sin fulness. This is the reason we should never give up on the creative potentials of a human being. We in blindness to the great healing potential of God's Things You Should Know J rosehwald ?jyy§ BORN IN SPRINGFIELD, ILL.- IN ISIT HE ESTABLISHED THE RQBENWALD FOUNDATION FOR * , THETWELL-BEING OF MANKIND* ASSETS AMOUNTING * • TO $40,000,0001 THEIR FIRST JOB WAS TO SUPPORT ** CONSTRUCTION OF 5.357 SCHOOL BUILDINGS IN THE SOUTH —AT A COST OF % 28,408,520! HE SERVED AS '•* A TRUSTER W TUSKEOEE AND HIS FUND GAVE $25,000 FOR Y.M£*. BUILDINGS FOR NEGROES IN TWENTY-ONE CITIES! Nt> PERSONAL GHB.EXCItfSIVE Of THE f 22,000,0001 fCAT-'i- A Little Bit of Love Can Do a Lot With a Remnant of Humanity redeeming love may say ail hope is lost. But we must re member that as long as there is life there is hope that God's love can pick up the seed of hope from the ruins and build again a life to the glory of God. So as long as there is life there is the seed of the hope of this new beginning on the part of man. Then let us never give up nor cease trying to redeem and bring a soul back to God. God's amazing x grace can do tbe Job. , -> r ,r .iG°o'»; WW! of extending a helping hand to man in his state of wretched ness or lostness. God in his love can make us a brand new person. Truly in Christ we are new creatures. In Christ the old will pass and the new will take over. God takes the rem nant left in tbe midst of the devastating ravages of sin to build above the ruins of the Old Man, The New Man in Christ Jesus. So dont give up on that alcoholic husband, wife or employee for God can take that remnant left here and build a new human being. We are tempted to give up in utter despair. But that person needs your love now more than ever. Br REV. HAROLD ROLAND Ask God to give up love that will cause you to love and re. deem the unlovely. Love then is the key for those of us, in Christ, who would work with these rem nants of our common human ity. God needs people in these times who are willing to work with the Remnants. Why? For the remnants are important, too, in the sight of a God of love. That remnant can be come a child of God. That rem nani ,41-worthy -of your love. comp4seidn\ standing arfd'flirti£ftee/ J liWe cirti bund, enrich, ennoble some seeming ly unworthy remnant of hu manity. The man Jesus found amid the tombs, suffering from soulsickness and mind-sickness was a remnant. All he needed was a little bit of love. Jesus applied the love and He found healing and wholeness. A lit tle bit of love can do %. lot with a remnant of humanity! What that great heap of hu man remants need we see ai a part of the human family in our world is just the magic touch of God's redeeming love. Jesus can take a remnant and build it into a lovely some body. ffcCajgjfea*' PufrUaMtf —try SatwnU* mt PW*Mm, 1* P by V*U* Pvblbhm, tme. L. K. AUSTIN. P*blWwr Second Claas Postage Paid at Durham, N. C. STTW SUBSCRIPTIOK RAWS 95.00 per ymr plus (IBe tax in N. C.) anywhere la the U.S., and Canada and to MrrkMMn Ortr mm Tonigo, r»JO per y*r, Single copy 15«. hiiuru. Omci LOCATED A* 4M K. Pimwnr 9nmt, Donuw, Nona Cwtt JT7OI To Be Equal ir wpmn «. *oimo JI, u' ' 7/ie Crinie Report rIE PRESIDENTS Crime Commission recently issued its report,- a document which explodes a number of myths and helps restore sense to an issue badly , bur dened hy misconceptions. One of the dahiaging bits of racist nonsense, which has been repeated so often that many people now believe it, is the lie that white people are more likely to be tl\c vic tims of crime at the hands of Negroes. The Commission's study proves that crime, like much else In American life, is segregated. White people are most likely to commit of . lenses against other whites; Negroes a .l gainst other Negroes. ■.* In the District ol Columbi* the study I found that only 12 of 172 murder's were Jp * interracial and 80 percent of all rape; ln ' $ volved persons of the same race. Loss I than one out of ten aggravated assults K3r were Interracial. It also found that cri- I mes of violence, inculding rape, most of ten occur between people who know each Another myth the commission wn vmiun ploded was the popular idea that the well-to-do are most in danger of becom ing victims of crime. Actually It is the poor who suffer most from crime. People earning less than $3,000 per year are four times as likely to be the victims of rape and five times as likely to be robbed M those earning more than SIO,OOO. Good People and 'Clean' Crimes Another finding shows that few -of' -us can point the finger at "criminals." Qut'of a sample of f,700 adulii, 'J.I percent admitted to offenses for which they coula h.i vo re ceived a jail sentence. And sonic of our more "respectable 1 ' people commit such ' "clean" crimes as fraud, consumer cheating, and embezzlement, which, cost the nation almost three times as much In losl property as more crimes like robbery and thief The Commission's findings prove that the people most in danger from crimv and most |n n.-.r of .!ic(jiiai> protec tion are Negroes living in the ghetto. The ghetto or ethnic , slum hps always bred crime. When tl:* Irish. Italians, and ' other groups first came to cauAtry they too lived in. overcrowded skims and had high crime raies But Housing discrimination locks Negroes Into the ghetto, with lit'.ie hope of escaping to more decent surroundings. The study shows that Negroes are four times a.i lik.f.y to be robbed as white persons. A Negro man in Chit.xo « ( ms the risk of being a victim o'f assault or roolx r\: marly vx "'tiWcs *whke inaf>,, a TCijyro tmit | ; -' oSJapcoirotfkwntoSaislii *M*iy wtui Miltl,'; -t as a white woDhiitr |*. '* ■. .'• ,* >'■•* " * That is way, in recent survey ghetta ;>ls. e better police prelection as one of their prime n.vii's Ma/»jr of the policemen patroling well-to-do neighborhood* could be better usee; lVi trip fight against crime In this. i:. most all other aspects of American life, tae Negro is Lie neg lected victim. People and Police Brutality The Commission also ffrom me nded that. police in mi nority groit|> nefghboi hoods cult.'vite p-*:icr relations with the people living there. Fair lia.»;K.'ir. of complaint* Against policy abuses human ro.!.itt-;i« tr.-w.ing for police men, and greater c \zen involvement *n jireclnct .iffairs were all called for. Perhaps the m -£" sicn'llennt .'ispec; of the Commission"! study relates to prevention ir is useiej? ji,r society 10 toler ate conditions vriic'i bn-* J . crime and then call for greater strictness and punishment for offenders. The real crlnjf is the neglect by society of social conditions like poverty, discrimination, and prejudice. That is why the Commission endorsed such measure# as a minimum family income, expSnded job opportunities for the poor, including creation of new kinds >f jobs such as medical assistants and tea iter helpers, steps to strength en family lifi!, revision of sueli welfare rules as the "man in the house" rule which encourage* the break up of families, and improvement of slum schools which contribute to de linquency hy discouraging young people and not" preparing them to compete for employment, fa 'B*jsf s omsovMT. vwn.« MTMO* ..!'/. Vu^S\jf7^ cm*, cm* Ac«oti * v t yr MFDHJM-Stzeo taa -mrr HWfiwrL mab 6 hxk» in it i 7~ ;,. v WO.WXH^tor t* *«c» A (Mi yfpr" -immm* »6. ;:, , 9 NOTED SCHOLAR PRAISES BOOK OF N. CAROLINA COLLEGE PROF. "A fascinating atwfy with a fresh ud pwwtittw potato* riew," PnliMot Clement Baton haa written of the latest hook of Dr. Carl V. Thorpe. Released February it, I*7, the fovrth book of the heed of the N. 0. College Deportment of History la entitled, ERO6 AMD PBEE> DOM IN SOUTHERN UFT AND THOUGHT. Dr. Cko** Baton, History PeefOssor at the Untronlty of Kentucky, is the aether of THE MIND OF TUB OLD SOUTH sad ■—ma other *frt. BRO® AND UMIJOM ear. rtee two chapter* oa tke ee» tral thesne ef Soether* Watery sad refutes the thoela of a re cent volume on alarerr by Stanley EkUas. In a wine em- ' titled. SLAVERY: A PROBLEM IN AMEUCAN imtnmoN. AL LOC, Dr. EMa» evtttV »ka psychological tttpeet /of *amr a» Mesne* with the «■»••* oa Jewiah hnastm of the Neeb ooneentrettooiamp experience*. Dr. Thorpe refntee this thesis. Prerioua hooka of pr. Thotpe are: NEGRO HISTORIANS IN TUB UNITED STATES (IMS); THE RESECTION Of MAN: A CRITIQUE or PHILOSOPHY OP HISTORY ISM); and THE " ™ SSSi*2 INTELLECTUAL HISTORY OP AFRO-AMERICANS (1S31). her S, 1914' |a Durham her S. 1«M In la Durham where he wee reared a*l at tended the public aehoola aad N C. College. Steal -the latter he reeeived Us BA- aad MA. la History. The Ph D. decree was received from Ohio flat* University la ISM. fcnryfeHs books which Dr. Thorpe has M*«M an "No / kun, TB® Wiwtlbn Amsrisans," lgsi.''

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