—THE CAROLINA TIMES SATURDAY, FEB. M, 1988 6B ' n ■ £_ ' V K^et . -•« r 2hlf V .■ m&m'' V *""- ~ _ y ITS CHERRY TIME AGAlN— (Chocolate Cherry Cake) —No Washington's Birthday celebra tion would be complete with out a cherry something. One Voice Mixed Reactions Over Heart Transplant Leading American cardiolo gists have mixed reactions to the human heart transplant operations, an opinion round up in a medical newspaper indicates. Most of the physicians in terviewed by Medical Tribune recommended a "go-slow" po licy until results of the first transplants can be scientifically evaluated. "I favor calling a morato rium on any further human heart transplants until the me dical profession has obtained full data on present trials and can assess the findings," said John H. Moyer, MD, chairman of the Department of Medicine at Philadelphia's Hahnemann Medical College. Not all of the physicians polled were in favor of halting Seagrams ITI seaym s f2 70 I Crown P T I AMERICAN Aj «a 1 I BLENDED WHISKEY )4./U I 'Qsf of cAautdi* 4'SQT. I jmjfd, I * iMsx// a fotur of baiv'ntti «■ G CI VS 1 Vt' CI VI PS PfT RT □ i—i «-• MWO4O A lOTTKO • * JOS€PH ( UAO*AM A KM | I lAVXNCitOMC INO WIAV. SEAGItH OISTILIERS COHMHV. IKW YOU CITY. BUMXD WHISUY. 66 WOOf. 65 , GMII KUtIM. SIMS ITS. of the best candidates for a de licious party treat is Chocolate Cherry Cake, moist chocolate cake layers filled with Cherry • pie filling and fluffy good tast- | the operations, but Dr. Mo yer's view was said to reflect the caution expressed by most of them. Some of .the reseachers, while conceding the technical brilliance of the procedure, considered it to be premature, because the medical profession has no guaranteed-effective measures to prevent rejection of the transplanted organ. On the other hand, some investi gators felt that the problem of rejection could not be over come until more data were gained through further trans- plants. Many of those interviewed believed there should be more emphasis on prevention of heart transplants might create an impression that the trans ing Birds Eye Cool Whip Non- Dairy Whipped Topping. The new frozen whipped topping ■ makes the cake so very pretty. | makes the cake so very prettyr plants were the main method of attack against most forms of heart disease. "If we are going to break the back of the epidemic of premature adult heart disease, the form of the blow must be on prevention of first attacks," said Dr. Jeremiah Stamler, Chi cago epidemiologist. Progress in preventing coro nary heart disease has been made in that several factors associated with development of the condition have been identified. These risk factors, so-called because their pre | sence places an individual at i risk of developing heart disease | are overweight, high blood pressure, insufficient exercise, cigaret smoking, stress and | high blood cholesterol levels. I High cholesterol levels have I Intentions to Stay in Methodist Church Voiced by Members CINCINNATI, Ohio—Their Intention to "stay In the Me thodist Church" was reiterated many tlmea by speakers at the National Conference of Negro Methodists here Feb. 6-9. At the same time, they stressed that the denomination must magnify* Its attention to the "black church" and the "black community." The gathering of some 250 ministers and laymen was cal led by an ad hoc committee. It was In the same place and just six years after a study conference called by the segre gated Central Jurisdiction, which by April will have been eliminated by plans set in mo tion in 1962. This year's ses sion, by contrast, had only a small contingent from the CJ but was predominantly com prised of churchmen formerly in tne CJ, as well as some from sections of the country never included in segregated annual conferences. been implicated in the develop ment of atherosclerosis, a con dition in which patches of fat form on the wall of arteries, the arteries become thickened and the free flow of blood is decreased. (This process was graphical ly illustrated In a recent issue of Life, in which award-win ning photographer Lennart Nilsson depicts the sequence of cholesterol\bulld-up on arterial walls. One bf the color illustra tions, "Aorta in Ruins," shows the worst stage of atherosclero sis, in which the body's main artery is being choked off.) Therefore. ; blood choles' r • oe bene ficial in averting the develop ments of atherosclerosis and its complications. -Mr .J j^y'r " ipPBH ' f Wgg £ -■. -v Ml ** You don't have to have a new home to have an up-to-date electric heating system. - . ■ '>. ' - - Flameless electric comfort heating is owners are switching their present so simply designed, it can be installed systems to electric heating. In fact, it's in just about any house on the block the fastest growing method of heating without even upsetting the family among Duke Power's customers. routine. / So for more information just contact "* And once it's installed, it provides a Duke Power representative. He'll gentle, even warmth to every room in also be happy to recomtfiMtd an Elec the home, because there's a thermo- trical Modernization Demfr. And, al stat in every room. most before you know It's economical, too, because of it, you'll have a mod- IJHffPPI Duke Power's low electric rate. ern eleTtric comfort offljiMlr And electric comfort heating and heating system in your other electric heating systems are pop- home. Even if it isn't ular. Each year more and more home- new. @ Duke Power As conference chairman, the Rev. James M. Lawson of Memphis, Tenn., pointed out that elimination of the CJ means "the battleground has changed, but the need for a common purpose and unity is still with us." He expressed hope that the results of the meeting "will help to make the United Methodist Church something different" from its predecessor. The conference was short on formal speeches but heard brief panel-style views and comments from several parti cipants. Their remarks in cluded: The Rev. Negail Riley, New York City, coordinator. "We are together as Methodists to review our plight or blight and see what resources we have to meet it. . .We're not talking about separation but about changes within the Methodist Church." The Rev. Cecil Williams, San Francisco pastor. "We need to deal with Methodist structures and resources, which are now misdirected. We need to learn to use power as others have in the church." Mrs. Donald Spencer, Cin cinnati. "We hope to give the larger church the benefit of our years of tribulation." The Rev. Randolph Nugent, New York City. "We want to help direct the black church as it moves alongside of social revolution." Mrs. Cornelia Lake Smith, Baltimore. "Brotherhood is not a goal to work toward but a context to work within." The Rev. C. Jasper Smith, Su.nter, S. C. "Many have for gotten that we are Negroes as well as Methodists. ..Stay with your people; they don't have anyone else." v \ ■■ -• >' ; i,; : . '■£ ,t . FAMILY SALUTES NfWLY COMMISSIONED OFFICER The family of 2nd Lt. Hubert T. Wagstaff Greensboro, con gratulates him after Wagstaff was commissioned in ceremon ies at A&T State University last week. From left to right Mrs. Anna Arnold Hedge man. New York Citv, "That the church has not yet caught up with this century is evid enced by the outcry at "Black Power." Other ethnic groups have learned to use such power to overcome their handicaps. Power is "what makes things happen and people know it." She urged "the need to brown Jesus Christ up a bit, so he won't look like only one kind of people." The Rev. Hamilton Boswell, San Francisco. "We need to develop closer relationships and unity with the Negro Me thodist denominations." SWITCHING? Lit doctor's formula stop It Zemo speeds soothing relief to ex ternally caused itching of eczema, minor rashes, skin irritations, non poisonous insect bites. Desensitizes nerve endings. Kills millions of sur face germs, aids healing. 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