I II IBV II HPfllPfw *- wB I ~m[ I n m '' ffinffifi U II WH ■MiaLL.,O' N j IfH^^^^K, - hMI ■ Ifi ■■J v 111 N ■ |M R H H F .J II m « y V. a ■ / H ■ j| iff j >■ H -- ,#S i « H ■ iM^M II 1 HI ' • nS&mCt(4Fv> jfWf fl THI ARTRA SCHOLARSHIP AWARD FOR 196»—Presented under the auspices of the Unit ed Negro College Fund —is awarded to Robert Andrew De- Leon, a sophomore at Atlanta's Morehouse College (standing, M \ \\ V A\ NIVS. * ' H TECHNIQUES OP MATTRESS MAKING Mrs. Genevieve Greenlee, right, shows the tech niques used In making a mat tress to an Extension home eco nomics agent and county com munity leaders In Orange County, N. C. Mrs. Greenlee, a Housing and Home Specialist with the North Carolina Coope rative Extension Service, KENTUCKY if ■! STRAIGHT f-*M BOURBON •Hi TAYLORjj WHISKEY lj||l |t^j| • iiw-i vJI - I •o/oc «nj2gfei* jj ■ B GHT I OLD TAYLOR 86 PROOF - " *■ S. 4 THE OIOJAYLOR DISTILLERY COMPANY, FRANKFORT, KENTUCKY second from left)'. Making the presentation on behalf of the Artra Cosmetics Division of Pharmaco, Inc., Kenilworth, N. J., is Alan B. Cowley, Pharma co Brand Manager. Also pic tured are (standing, second launched a campaign two years ago to improve the sleeping Local Births "Hie following births wete reported to the Durham County Health Department during the week of February 12 through from right) Donald L. Hollo v/ell, President, National Alum ni Council, United Negro Col lege Fund; (standing, right) Harold Parks, President of the Pre-Alumni Council; and (seat- conditions of the State's low in I come families. !:.~r ... ; h'.tj... • .. 17: Harold and Haael Chestnut, girl; Anthony and Teresa Tuck er, girt; Ollie and Sarah Kim brough, boy; Kenneth and Au dra Gihon, boy; Nathaniel and Joyce Fryar, boy. Ed, foreground) Mrs. Barbara King, Community Services. Pre sentation was made at the 22nd Annual Conference of the Na tional Alumni Council of UNCF at Chicago's Palmer House. Greensboro Omegas Seek Apt. Project GREENSBORO-A $275, - 000 experimental apartment could vbecome a reality if plans orHhe-Tau Omega Chap ter of Omega Psi Phi Frater nity here are approved. The fraternity has made ap plication to become the non profit sponsor of the unique project, which was designed by a computer. Robert Barkley, executive director of Greensboro Rede velopment Commission, said this week that final decision on the sponsorship is expected within two weeks. The Omegas propose to build their project on a 3V4 acre tract located in Grdftis boro's Warnersville Redevelop ment area. The project features com puterized design, precast col umns, beams and floor and roof slabs. Wall also are prefa bricated, with 'plumbing, wiring and insulation already included. The design is ex pected to make possible con struction at less cost and more rapidly than more convention al methods of building. Barkley said, subject to Federal Housing Administra tion approval, 20 per cent of the apartments will be rent supplement; a lease-option ar rangement is planned to per mit both rent supplement fam ilies and others to purchase units at a later date at the 3 per cent interest rate for con struction; a home owner asso ciation is planned to assure grounds maintenance and build up a fund for replacement of major appliances. Approximately one half of the area will be in park, which can be used by the neighbor hood as well as apartment dwellers. Barkley said a fund will be sought for beautifica tion, including sculpture which can double as play equipment. The units, expected to rent for around S6O, will have one to four bedrooms. Walls may be shifted to change interior arrangements. In my old age what I would like is a life of ease without regrets. Every good book is a bargain. - ' GfT I AST BLSSSD UUP I rrcHMG ■KIN SCALING ■KIN IRRITATED ■KIN Nunrs rttm (•ecttt" MnvHT^ RalievM Itching, Scaling and „ «■ »■-»« - - .i ri 1— l— imtiyon OT rsorrasia. » OTIKAI-n-TOCPMTICIM T -1 HiOfar' I ' !■ m iii ii • "* A&T Gets Grant From Burling'n Industries GREENSBORO A&T State University has been approved f"r a grant of SIOO,OOO from the Burlington Industries Founda tion here. The award was announced at the University Monday after noon at a luncheon meeting of more than 40 corporate execu tives of industries and firms In the Greensboro area. The funds from Burlington will assist A&T in its campaign to raise $1 million for schol arships, faculty fellowships and the endowment fund within four years. At the luncheon, Dr. Lewis C. Dowdy, president of A&T, said that his University's alum ni have agreed Upraise one third of the money, and that A&T hopes to receive one-third in similar chiHoflge grants from other industries and firms in the Greensboro area. Dr. Dowdy said the other funds are expected to come from dona tions and corporations outside nf North Carolina. Tn announcing his firm's gift to A&T, E. R. Zane, a Burling ton Industries director, said the money would be in addi tion to the other grants which A&T is already receiving from Burlington Industries. Dr. Dowdy said the gift from Burlington Industries will be a big boost in helping the Uni versity to reach its goal. "We are prosposing to solicit challenge grants from business and industry and foundations in the city and throughout North Carolina to stimulate giving on the part of our alum ni" he said. "We believe that this kind of effort will go a W PHONE 2_3295 1 StUfcj CASH & CARRY OFFICES Corner Roxboro aad HoDoway Streets Chapel Hit) St. at Duke University Road |jiS H Quick As A Wink—Roxboro Rd. at Avwdale Dr. I |g PrlTe-la. Cor. Broad and Enttewood Ave. WM j^A^ I to#l > i } i •■"• V $177-00 I Power Arm, Power \ ~^* oo^ 0 ' - ■ Tower, Power Shower Up to 24 Months to Poy ! an( j rinsing action* • Filler-Flo Washing System Clean loads, free of ". »»u« ..__v.„" lint-fuzi! • Water-Saver Load Selection Chooee I "High" or "Low" water level! • 3 Wa«h Tempera- \ Model SM-lOOD tures • 2 Rinse Temperature! Pamper fabrics! 'SUrt" «9 539 203 Fostar \ / Wolloni . . l|flflp|KgWHDM|H ADMINISTRATOR VISITS NEW HOMES IN LA Howard Bertsch, left, administrator, Farmers Home Administration, U. S. Department of Agricul ture, is shown visiting with families who moved into new homes they constructed at Ed gard, La. under a self-help pro gram. The housing project was financed by FHA who provided individual loans of $5,600 to each family in the project. The homes are valued at $9,000 each. CUSDA Photo) long way in assisting us to de velop and maintain an excel lent educational program." At a meeting of the Univer sity Foundation earlier in the day, Zane was elected president of the Foundation and Mose Kiser, general manager of Gull ford Dairy Cooperative Asso ciation, was named vice presi dent. Other new members named to the board were Bland Wor ley, Dr. Alvin V. Blount, Jr., Continued on page 8A * SATURDAY, FEB. M, IBM THE CAROLINA TIMES- Who SkouU U Paid First? You, of course. Before you lay out one c«nt the first of the month, pay the one person who deserves it the most . . . you. It's the only sure way to get ahead. » Save before you spend. Make it an iron clad rule and you'll never be broke. We can b« helpful. Saving* hnrH Up T» sll,tM Bj im A| mtj at The F*4eral '' nafl MUTUAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION 112 W. P.rrUh Str~t "Whert You Sove Don Male a Diffennci" 5A