4A -THE CAROLINA TIMES SATURDAY, MAY 11, IWB mr. yi i ." 4^V * * ■ uH[ k a 4il^j^l Jfl| jHRBeMDSihQL Hp H HHHH REIGNS OVER "MAY DAY COLORAMA" Miss Linda Bailey, pretty, senior business education major at Saint Au gustine's College was crowned REV. ARTHUR H. PARKER NAMED PASTOR OF MT. ZOAR CHURCH REV. PARKER [ p Fabate Side Stow by (^CLAtxVtV Shoo Bhr- Por#n?, »." >«- j»A \\ Pntenf, Roscoe Griffi^^B DOWNTOWN DURHAM -•-«.■• » >-*-^*^ek.-. ;i $' *'«s* - . . 4 |T ;.. l *' l * l 'T*' ll '^^ May Queen for 1967-68 on Sat urday, May 4, at the May Day celebration on the campus. Miss Bailey hails from Virginia Beach. Virginia. NEW PASTOR Rev Arthur H. Parker has been named pastor of the Mt. Zoar Baptist Church. Cheek Road, Durham. He will begin his pastorate on Sunday, May 5. Rev. Parker is a native of Durham. He attend ed the United Christian Col lege, Goldsboro. Before coming to Mt. Zoar he was bastor of the following ch\jrches: Syna ma Grove Baptist Church, Gran ville County; Pleasant, Grove Baptist Church, Wetidell and Red Mountain Baptist Church, Durham County. He-is-fltarried to the former Miss Novella Jones of Durham County. The truth is often ugly— that s why cosmetics are so widely used. Sou/ Queen Stars /n 7V Special NEW YORK —Aretha Frank lin, the current queen of aoul music and America's top-sell ing female vocalist will star in "The Singers: Two Pro files," Saturday, May 11, from 9:30 to 10:30 p.m. (EOT) an the ABC Television Network. The color special wifl follow Aretha's chmt from her Mart as a singer of gospel songs in her father's Detroit church through her rise to stardom. THE PBOGKAM also wiU feature singer Gloria Lorlng, a relative newcomer, and will show her efforts to reach the top in the singing business. The special will illustrate what Aretha's got that makes her No. 1 to millions of fans. As Aretha herself puts it: "I sing to people about what mat ters, I sing to people who ao THURSDAY-FRIDAY-SATURDAY EXTRA SPECIALS! 6-ox. "Infoil" 36 \> 4.5- o z. SCRIPTO a m !► Pint 99c Just " ALKA jj LIGHTER FLUID .. . ! 24° i| Eckerd's Brneer SELTZERS |l $1.39 cepacol __ ;t Alcohol Spray I MOUTH WASH 77' | 00 Ov ;t SIOO Right guard A*S|on> !>' n Cosmetic Can.... 2r 1 j! j, whjte Rain 98c Liquid Bottle of 100 59c Gleem„ > > BUFFERIN TOOTH : B ATH ROOM TISSUES. 2 H 24°! Gear TABLETS ::uPASTE*? S]il q ij : Shampoo Shompo ° 89° 39 c I COFFEEMAKER •i;• ? ° J 59° 59° One Gallon 30 Quart Waring 99c Suave DuPont ® ox '®® ■ 8 Push 89c J&J Setting fio Outside CO-etS '", Button Band .. Gel 69 Paint Chest Blender Aids .... 44 si Woodbury 5C.79 88° 77® 50Q.95 ® 9 i eShowerto Hond one * " U h ? wcr i) 4° Lotion . . uu \ Talc .. . 3 ■ Gallon 15 Daytime 30-Qt. 98c Dristan ——— Thermos Metol Handle 12 Hour 6 .„ Bott| , 52.50 Sibon # No 7J97 . Cf\lA q"* 5 1" 75 P j C u n g iC Pam|)er Chest Capsule ao P ectatß »»»«•' 'i w 79 s 99' 69' TABLETS I 5^ 70C Lorge Thermoe .»'» W G.L 98e Vick'e Reducing (J* QQ $1 Tussy Chest ; / Large Styrene mm 50* *5 " 66' s 9" 66 e Bucket 19' v . " ■ * . « 'He *&"■« & > ' • ; On* Gallon Five. * """ 14-in. Table DuPont Convenient I • Roxboro I | Inside 5A.69 Charcoal $^,99 Paint... G" 11 1 fi J■! .IT^■JTil T I )11 4| d |l|ll rrVu /il§l 11| IV I JHIiJH.I/111 "1 ■ • 111 'HPV ■ ■■lf nS IT WAS A JOYOUS OCCA SION at the home of Rev. and Mrs. J. A. Stewart here last week when the family, rela tives and friends paid tribute to the 83-year-old minister with gifts, visits, telegrams and letters of praise. Present for this occasion were two of his minister sons, the Rev. C. A. Stewart of New York shown at the left and Rev. D. N. Stewart of Tampa, Florida, pre senting two of the many gifts received by their father. cept it like it is. X express problems: There ar# tears when it's sad and smiles when it's happy." PRODUCER Stephen Flei*- chman of ABC News filmed Aretha at her father's New Bethel Baptist Church, at live concerts during which Are tha's power to communicate lifted many , members of the audience right out of their seats, at home and practice sessions with her husband and manager Ted White and cutting a record at the Atlan tic studios in New York. •'> BIBLE QUOTE Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my re deemer. Psalms 19:14 CARD Of THANKS The Rev. James A. Stewart and wife, his sons Rev. C. A. Stewart of N. Y. C., Rev. D. N. Stewart, Tampa, Fla.; and the entire family express grateful thanks for the many kind ges tures, deeds and thoughts of appreciation shown Rev. James A. Stewart by White Oak Bap tist Church, other churches, New Hope Baptist Association, Union Meeting of the New Hope Baptist Association, Th! Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance of Durham and vicin ity, and many friends on the occasion of his terminatoin as pastor of White Oak Baptist Church after 45 years of serv ice.