8A -THE CAROLINA TIMES 'SATURDAY, MAY 11, 1968 Durham Social Notes of Interest •y MRS. SYMINER DAYE MISSIONARY BIBLE CLASS OF MT. LEVEL BAPTIST CHURCH HOLDS MEETING The Missionary Bible Class of Mount Level Baptist Church held its meeting at Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Umstead, 1014 Plum Street, Monday night at 8:00. After devotions, the presi dent, Mrs. R. Lipscomb, pre sided over the business session. Most of it was spent on getting a Mother' Day program In order, which will be given the second Sunday night in May at Mt. Level Church. Memjier* present and enjoy ing the delicious repast were: Mesdames C. Umstead. the hostess. Rachel Jones, Lvdia Timberlake, Melinda Harris, and Nannie Lyons. Mrs. Melinda Harris thanked the hostess for the evening. Next meeting will be held at Mr. and Mrs. Richard Timber lake, 3040 Lake Dr • • * SPENO TEN DAYS IN POTTSTOWN. PA. Mr. and Mrs Namon Jones of 1309 Manteo Street spent 10 days in Pottstown, Pa. with Mr. and Mrs L. Johnson. While there. Mrs. Jones were honor ed with a surprise birthdny party given by her relatives. They also visited their daugh ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Glennis Taylor in Clifford. New Jersey. « * t SICK AND SHUT-INS The sick and shut-ins are Rev. Clifton Bullock, Gravity Hospital in Chapel Hill: Mrs. Nola Root, 1036 Kent St.; Mrs. Ella Vanhook Gray, 468 South 4th Avenue, Mt. Vernon, N. Y.; Mrs. Zonnie Mae P. Hedgepeth, 801 Bellvue Street, S. E., Apt 203 Washington, D. C. and Mrs. Mamie Harris in Rougemont. • « » MASSACHUSETTS VISITOR Miss Geraldine Johnson of Roxbury. Massachusetts spent the Easter Holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Johnson, par money to bun ... is the only reason to tolerate a poor furnace. A Wachovia loan now can mean comfort and increased home value for many years. Come in and see ue. op«n until 5 yj me Payment Dept. WACHOVIA BANK * TKUrr OOMFAMY FOR SALE 18,000 New six room brick house with bath, lot size 130 x 300; locatoin: Delmar Drive, off .Mineral Spring Road, two miles from city limit*. 12,0>0 Five room and bath brick house; hot air duck heat; location: 1516 Rosewood Ave nue; close to bus line. 11,000 Five room and moth; hot air duck heat; lot size: 75 x 168; location: 415 Booker Street close to bus line. 8.000 Five and a half room frame house; lot size 150 x 150;. hot air duck heat; loca tion: 502 Wood Street; dose to bus lin«. > Prices Cut For Quick Sale For Information Call Frazier Realty Company 682-1306 .. Thanks Very Much FOR YOUR SUPPORT in the MAY 4th PRIMARY py- J. c. (Skeepie) Scarborough, 111 ents. • • ♦ This poem was composed by Lawanda Lawson, an eighth grade student of Merrick-Moore School. Lawanda is 13 years old and is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Lawson, 4313 Ward Road. BORN TO BE FREE He put up a long and hard «$;• But it was only for his rights. He held inside a glowing torch, That led him or to speak and and march. Dr. King said that you and me Were born not a slave, but tc be free. n Yes he said he would not fail. Before he would, he'd go to jail. It was by him the marches were led, He strived on—though much shed Because he did that for you and me We're born not a slave, but to be free in It was by him we got civil rights. He marched in day and even at night. He strived hard, his life did he give, Because everyone's got a right to live. All this he did for you and me. We were born not a slave, but to be free. V —By Lawanda Iwwson • Garden Club Continued from page 5A\ The judges—Mrs. K. N. Mosfcr ly, Mrs. H. P Ross and Mrs) G. H Matthews—who had used the standard system of judging were presented tokens of appr«- ciation. -Humphrey Continued from front page "This means meeting the problems of hard-core unem ployment and ignorance in America's urban and rural slums," he asserted. "It means action against rotten hou&s and roaches. "It means listening closely, as 1 have this week through the offices of government, to the demands of the poor people's marchers in Washington-for theirs is an authentic voice of America which has been left out." Vice President Humphrey praised President Johnson as a man who came to the White House as a Southerner and fought hard and relentlessly for the rights of Negroes and other minorities. He added, "I shall stand but not rest on that splendid record of accomplish ment." Humphrey asked.the AME delegates to be "missionaries for opportunity." "There are thousands of young souls who have lost their way and need help. You must go into the community and And Uiese young people who are struggling to find their way in life. You must guide them through the fog and mist of ignorance into the marvelous sunlight of knowledge, oppor tunity and human dignity," the Vice President said. Congressman Robert N.C. Nix accompanied the Vice Pre sident to Philadelphia, which was his first out-of-town trip since he announced his candi dacy for the Democratic no mination for President. The Vice President was the airport by Bishop John fi. Bn#rt, AME host Bishop for" the Conference. -Happenings Continued from page 5A Ebenezer Floral Club Meets In Church Assembly The Floral Club of Ebenezer Baptist Church met Sunday, May 5 at 4:00 p.m. in the As sembly Room with Mesdames Dorothy Williams and Hattie Lane serving as hostesses. After the devotions were led by Mrs. Williams, chaplain, Mrs. Addie Barbee, president, I presided over the business session. Mrs. Louise Norwood, chair man of the 17th anniversary program discussed the final plans. Two new captains were ap pointed for Groups I and II of the club and also the program for June 9 was discussed. Others present were: Mes dames Mattie Holloway, Helen Jones, Martha Stanley, Essie Malone, Catherine McKinney, Dorothy Vanhook, Lillie Mc- Intyre, Ronnie Primus, Estella Shaw, Delia Hubbard, Effie Chavis, Nonnie Hamilton, How ard Robinson, Percy Jones and I visitors. Little Adrian Hamil j ton, Virgine James and Chas. Malone. Jc. The hostesses served a de licious repast. Mrs. Celeste Dalrymple thanked the hos tesses for the evening, • • * BAZAAR Groups No. I and No. II of ■ : THIS MAN CAN SAVE' YOU MONEY Thurman Sjffcer i Has Joined The Team See kim Today! Carpenter's Chevrolet TEL. 612-0451 E. MAIN « ELfZAMTH STS. Tiy out Fltfi plu*h Coup*. Find out how much tan lop parform anca, handling and comfort can bo. Tafca Month* tough roadr, watch K romp through tha curvoa and taapa. tMi bM»- Na al pap la loadad wtth faataraa - atandard, not artraa. ba* Ha lachomataf la atandard. PUT ML I'HONE 682-8241 Will » NEW AND USED CAJIS O'Briant Motor Company 317 RIGSBEE AVE DURHAM. N. C Dealer's No. 3731 -Servicemen Continued from page 5A police supervisor, is assigned to a unit of the Strategic Air Command. He previously served at the Thule AB, Greenland. The sergeant, a graduate of Southern High School, attended East Carolina College, Green ville. • ♦ • Airman First Class John T. Roberts, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Roberts of 2602 Duke Home stead Road, Durham, has been graduated from a U. S. Air Force technical school at Kee sler AFB, Miss. He was trained as a radio repairman and has been as signed to a unit of the Air Force Service at Mactan Isle Airfield, Philip pines. The airman is a graduate of Northern High School. • * * M. Dodson, Jr. (right), son of Mrs. Hazel H. Dodson of 815 Camden Ave., Durham, receives the U. S. Air Force Commenda tion Medal at Tan Son Nhut AB, Vietnam, from Colonel James M. Neff, commander of the 1964 th Communications Group. Sergeant Dodson, a tele-com munications technician, was decorated for meritorious serv ice at Misawa AB, Japan. He was cited for his outstanding professional skill. Knowledge and leadership. Ebenezer Baptist Church's Floral Club will . sponsor a Bazaar, beginning at 9:00 a.m. Saturday morning, June 18 on the lawn of the church. The public is cordially invited to attend. This will last all day. » « t MEN'S COUNCIL OF COVE NANT CHURCH TO SPONSOR PROGRAM Robert Colclough, president of the Men's Council, Covenant ""Presbyterian Church, an noopces a special program sponsored by his group on Sunday, May 12. Colclough states tjhat three Christian Lay Leaders of Durham and one of Durham's leading ministers will discuss the "Role of Ctyristiarts in These Times." Panel . participants will be Rev. harry H. Robinson, Jr., president of Durham Minis ters Association, Nathaniel B. White, Clyde Gregory, and C. E. Boulware. H. M. Fitts, Jr., will moderate the panel. In addition to the panel presen tation, audience participation in way of questions and ex pressions will be provided. The time of the program is 5 p.m. at the church, located on the corner of Lincoln St. and Mas sey Ave. e e • MESDAMES PRICE AND DOLSON HOSTESSES TO FRIENDLY LADIES CLUB Mrs. Hastie Price and Mrs. Leora Dolson, were hostesses at the home of Mrs. Dolcon, 1209 Linwood Ave., to the Friendly Lady's Club, Sunday, May 5. Mrs. Viola B. Thomp son, president, presided over the business session. The hostesses served a deli i cious repast to the following I members: Mesdames Gertrude Can- I nady, Leora Dolson, Alder j Harris, Susie Dillahunt, Agnes ; Hinton, Mary Hayes, Martha j Lee, Octa Mcintosh, Hastie ! Price, Drucilla Richmond, Car rie Saunders, Ruth Shaw, V iola B. Thompson, Myrtle Tay lor and Mattie Tillman. Mrs Agnes Hinton thanked 1 the hostesses. ' 'HP ' AyM ■QKJr %'• l^k DR. OR It AWARDS DAY KEYNOTER Dr. Charles W. Orr, Profes sor of education at North Caro lina College was the principal speaker at the Twelfth Annual Awards Day Program at Dur ham Business College. The program was held Fri day, May 10 at 10:20 a.m. Local Births The following births were re ported to the Durham County Health Department during the week of April 29 through May 4, 1968. James and Sallie Brown, girl; Everette and Hermalene John son, girl; Harry and Alyce Car rington, boy; Johnnie and Jan ice Price, girl; Wilford and Verla Hamm, girl; Napoleon and Dorothy Lawrence, boy; John and Thelma Burton, boy; Robert and Ruth Thornton, boy; Versal and Nancy Mason, boy. Frazier Slated To Meet Ramos i. NEW YORK- Joe Frazier of Philadelphia will make his initial title defense against Mexican heavyweight champion Manuel Ramos in New York in late June or July. Frazier, recognized as heavyweight champion in five states, will meet Ramos at Madison Square Garden v;!th the exact date for the bout to be announced later. WE STRIVE to lighten the hours of sorrow with a beautiful tribute during which we free the bereaved of all burdensome details at a cost within the means of any family. Scarborough & Hargett DIAL 688-3597 522 E. PETTIGREW ST. DURHAM, N. C. The Mlnl-Brute saves. 2-door Sedan SI7BB n nick's oiMKidett. General Motors' lowest priced car. Johnson Motor Company .128 E. MAIN ST. - De*J®r No. 680 j 1 I . ■ -Reddrick Continued from page BA Jones, Luther Elliott, C. Lock hart, Nannie Bell, S. Soloman, Mally Tilley, Bertha Green, Misses Claudine Paye, Kathye THINK!! Before You Buy That Car! Have You CheckedfWith CARPENTER'S BRAND NEW 1968 CHEVy II SEDAN s l9s'°° Down s ls-°° Per Week SEE OUR "OK" USED CARS HBj BtMiwe. va E. Main at Elizabeth St. Tel. 682 -04S1 Open 'til I P.M. See The Light FORD FOR ONLY $l7O^ Down CASH OR TRADE Drive A Brand New 1968 Mustang PER MO. Similar Savings on All New Fords in Stock JU^ander FORD Wilkinson, Carrie Thornton, Hattie White, Shirley Taylor, Elouse Bonds, Ruth Elliott, Dc nise Harris, Regina Sellers, Re gina Harrington, Gloria Mat tecks, Rachel Couch, Messrs. Frenchle Wiggins, Ted Bunch and Jay Barr. ROUND UP SALE NOW GOING ON Chevrolet Impala 2-Door Hardtop, V-8. Automatic Transmission, Radio, Heater, Power Steering and Brakes, Factory Air Conditioning, r, 1 -1995 /»/» Plymouth Fury 111 4- "U Door Hardtop, Power Steering, Factory Air Condi tioning, Radio, Heater, White *9l Q ti Tires uLuO /» C Buick Electra 225 4-Door WW Hardtop, Automatic Transmission, • Radio, Heater, Power Steering & Brakes, Fac tory Air Conditioning. White *9QQ£ Tires UOVO /•/» Ford Country Sedan, 6- OU pass. Wagon, V-8, Auto matic Transmission, Radio, Heater, Power Steering, White fIQQ'? Tires £JO Ford Country Sedan, 6- Pass. Wagon. V-8, Au tomatic Transmission, Radio, Heater, Power Steering, SSS 1095 /»/* Pontiau Ventura 2-Door vU Hardtop, $4 QQff Fully Equipped ... AvtJtJ Saab 2-Door, Radio, ™ * Heater, One Owner, 13.000 Actual miles, SQQC Like New vUV /»Volkswagen Deluxe Sta tion Wagon, Radio, Heater, White Wall Ford Country Sedan Wagon, V-8, Automatic Transmission, Radio, Heater, Power Steering, One Owner, White JQQr Tires OtfO Dodge Coronet 440 Wag- Wtr on, 9 Pass. Automatic Transmission, Radio, Heater, Power Steering, £QE[ White Tires XUtfO fl/J Dodge Polara 4-Door, Automatic Transmission, Radio, Heater, Power Steer ing, Power 'IQQg Brakes Chevrolet Impala 2-Door •WW Hardtop. Automatic Transmission, V-8", Radio, Heater, Power Steering, White *IQQS Tires Pontiac LeMans Tem "» nest, Convertible, V-8, Automatic Transmission, Ra dio. Heater, Power Steering, White Tires XOUO CC Mustang Convertible V-8, Automatic Transmission, Radio, Heater, $4 />QP White Tires ....... 1.0*13 Volkswagen 2-Door De ™ • luxe. Radio, Many Ex tras. Extra tlrfQC Clean JLlaftf Plymouth Barracuda 2- "*» Door Hardtop, V-8. Au tomatic Transmission, Radio, Heater, Power Steering. * Try Us You'll Like Us! TRIANGLE VOLKSWAGEN 3823 Durham-Chapel Hill Blvd. Ph. 489-2371 Dir. 1345 Your Reliable Dealer