BE A FASHION ROMANTIC! HH& Wmm "-sr^ ■ H n JBA.HH This is the year for it. say the fashion astrologers! And, with the summer issue of McCall's Patterns on the newsstands now, it's easy for the nimble with-thimble lady to chart a ro mantic wardrobe ahead of the season. This eagerly awaited alma nac of fashion, which comes out in January. April and August so that you can stitch in time. says that all the signs point J to the rise of the ruffle, and •* the not-to-be missed flattery of the belted •. waist. Add to 3® this the hidden Phyllis force of pale Roderick pretty colors, delicate fabrics, and dirndl skirted dresses swept with ruf fles, and it's clear to see that fashion has done an about face! This is the moment, says editor Phyllis Roderick ". .. to feel NO&E UAZ &EEN COMPARE? TO AN AIR-CONPITIONER BECAUSE IT*CONTROLS THE TEMPERATURE > AND HUMIPIT/ OF AIR ENTERING YOUR LUNGS AMP jjj |j W»> V/ V\TM\ ™ |CIK lill 1 ® {'Ms ' i iiiiiil vV-—- ft POGS NOSE /$ MORE /// § , aX ' SENSITIVE THAN A / JlO W J CHILD'S, &ECAU6E MIS / V VL /F( OLFACTORY NERVE, WHICH • ' } ]J\ RECEIVES ANP PISTINGUISHES / ,// AMONG DIFFERENT DWELLS, /// «a\ 16 LARGER. THE AREA / / \ JPM CONTAINING THE OPOR « ft—X ,1 RECEPTORS, WHICH 1$ OMLV V 2*. AOOUT OF A SQUARE INCH /7c y OUR NO£E IS IN MAN, 1$ AfrOUT 40 TIMES *^ T UPFBC> UP - nnP rn 4 AS LAEGE IN A CANINE COLp op HAV FEVER--POCTOR6 .' .JU. AGAINST PLOWING Vi I* IT TOO HARP ORTOO FREQUENTLY J.-, "TV.THIS MAV CAUSE NOSE&LEEP +. ANP INCREASE, ANY INFECTION, m+i' OR FORCE THE INFECTION INTO - UP NASAL PASSAOES WITH A FAST-ACTING PECON -A \% GESTANT LIKE NEW CONTAC ' NASAL MIST, AVAILABLE AT ~, WITHOUT A PRESCRIPTION. ■■ THE BANK THAT LENDS PIANOS Reportedly the first piano to fl shipped from New York to Bueno There's a "bank." often called the world's most unusual, which deals in loans that are not of a monetary nature. The commodity this bank lends is concert ({rand pianos, around 2,000 of them made available to the world's great pianists by Steinway & Sons. The main branch of this bank is located in New York City where the most renowned key board artists come to make their selections for local concert performances. .No two pianos are alike and some artists try as many as 20 differunt ones before making a decision. Other branches are scattered again the secret joy and psychic security of locking feminine!" What's heavenly in the new summer issue are the "Summer Jewels" by New York Design ers exclusive patterns photo graphed in sparkling white, plus mother daughter outfits, all the new styles up fashion's sleeve, swim suit ensembles, and a skyfull of eye-full dresses, separates ahd suits. Of course, the special features on sewing secrets, fabrics and new prod ucts that make this magazine an "encyclopedia" referred to year round are also included in the latest issue. According to McCall's Pat terns this is the Year of the Daisy, and fresh-as-field dais ies do cover yards of new fab rics. trims and laces. But. there's no need for you to pluck petals to find out if this Ro mance will last your love af fair with this flattering new look is sure to be permanent. Shown above pattern No. 9266. ly, this concert grand is being is Aires for a Rubinstein concert. around the United States and the rest of the world for the use of pianists who unlike violin ists. cannot carry their instru ments about with them. Some pianos travel back and forth between branches when performers insist on having a specific instrument available for their concerts. Such was the case when the great Artur Rubinstein had a favorite piano flown from New York to Buenos Aires. Van Cliburn .sent another piano flying when he had one shipi>ed clear across the coun try for an engagement. Moat «f --tists, though, usually find what they want at the nearest branch ol this international piaitto bank. 28 Ins. Men Begin 2 Weeks Training for Top Level Posts ATLANTA, Ga. Twenty eight Negro life insurance men, all hopeful of reaching top level executive positions in their companies, were sched uled'to begin two weeks of in tensive management training at Clark College, Atlanta, June 10. The men, all district mana gers or management trainees, represent ten of the 46 major insurance companies operated by Negroes in America. From June 10 through June 21, they will take part in one of the most concentrated study pro grams offered life insurance career men. The study course in the Na tional Insurance Association Long Play-—High Fidelity Recording of 33 Symphonic—Classics by sl.oo' I World Famous Orchestras and Conductors • Tchaikovsky • | etc. Large Selection —Your Choice. p fr Album * | J ' WE SHOT HOLES IN PRICES! H - FAMILY SIZE 1 Colgate Toothpaste 77 c H i-«i, neSI ° METAL BOARD >3 M W GPi ' 7-OZ. VITALIS OM HAIR TONIC . . . 87' M Sp '°q9* BOTTLE OF 100 1 -ssg MfflllMßlH TABLETS M- Vfr f-fyi 69c BOTTLES OF 25 ALKA SELTZERS 41* 808 OF 200 H"*so F««t KLEENEX OOC GARDEN 77c $3.2S Ayd» Auorted TISSUES LL HOSE II REDUCING $199 ■ __ CANDY I $16.84 Aluminum _ A#| • 2216 folding si 2" VzMpPflni.rr SHAMPOO tO Convinionl f a ZL univ.r.ity • 14% EE. SoftiqM I Drhr * $2.25 Tool Refill A ..A BATH C7 C L . ant/B STOfl£S J• l" w - UNCURLY 5159 BEADS..,. Ul * B,T * g^jAl^J^liUi nn;,T7Ti ' ly - Management, and is based on materials developed by the Life Insurance Agency Man agement Association and other industry sources. The men will devote up to seven hours hours daily in classroom and lecture work, and two hours on home work and projects. Subject areas will range from recruit ing and training of proseptive insurance agents to public re lations and financial account ing. Faculty for the institute will include Edward Robinson, vice president, Provident Home Mu tual Life, Philadelphia, dean; H. A. Caldwell, assisant direc tor of agencies. Universal Life Insurance Company, Memphis, Twelfth Institute in Agency and Edward J. Halfacre, assist ant agency director, North Car olina Mutual Life Insurance Company, Durham, instructors. Additional lectures will be giv en by George S. Harris, presi dent, Chicago Metropolitan Mu tual Assurance Company, Chi cago, president of the National Insurance Association, and C. A. Davis, Chicago, executive director. (Continued on page 8A) FSC's TOP GRADUATES—Fay etteville State Colleges top graduating seniors led the commencement services last week. Shown with President Rudolph Jones are Jacquelyn E. Whitfield, St. Albans, New York (Valedictorian) (center) Carolyn Walton, Fayetteville (salutatorian). Mrs. Whitfield is a mathematics major, while Miss Walton majored in Eng lish. SATURDAY, JUNE 8, 1968 THE CAROLINA TIMES— Kit 7A