6B —TI*E CAROLINA TIMES SATURDAY, JUNE 15, 1968 TRUMPETS HERALD IN HILL CUMORAH PAGEANT Trumpeter'* fanfare opens tin* animal Hill Cumorah Pageant in I'aliiivra, Ne* York. Tlu- ea«t in colorful costunic bring biblical liistor* to life again. One ol' the most awe-inspir ing of religious pageants will again fill the hills near Pal myra. New York this year from July 29-August 3rd. The 31st annual Hill Cumorah Pag eant. with a cast of -150 re splendent in authentic cos tumes and playing against a natural backdrop, will present an exciting and uplifting re creation of an ancient chronicle based on the Book of Mormon. The Hill Cumorah Pageant —held in the exact spot where the Angel Moroni led young HAVE A FIESTA! V Are you having a tough' time keeping banditos" happy? Here are a few eating tips from Patio Foods home-economists that will keep that hungry hom bre satisfied and ransom you from the kitchen Try a Mexican food fiesta and you might even have time for a we|l-deserved siesta You can turn your patio CUM \ OF Fit I T\S 6 Tli>. -tigiir 7 ru|*s pineapple juice 1 ru|i walcr 1 S cups orange juice 2 sticks of whole cinnamon '' cup lemon iuice 10 clow* \ 'i cup lime juice Minmnig. f-iililliini' sugar, wilier, cinnamon anil cliio-. anil simmer owr lo** heat for SO minute*. Strain* Aild juice* anil mix well. He* frigcrate until w-r\ colli. (,arni~h villi -prig- of mint. Re»ult: A "fie -t u-f)e-ri--i »l a nee"! •Office Safely Continued from front page ere immediately after using, them. Open drawers not only can cause a tripping accident, they can tear clothing Bend your knees. Whether you're picking up a box or a bobby pin, do it the safe way. Keep your back as straight as possible and knees bent.i Never lift from an awkward position and don't overreach. If an object is too heavy for; you, ask for help. Pull the plug. Before at tempting to adjust or clean any office machine, turn the power oft This eliminates the chance of a false start that could en danger your hands. Use office equipment only for the pur poae for which it was intended. Don t, for example, try to make a letter opener double as a screwdriver, it's likely to rijp and deliver a painful cut. RaganHees of their category, moat office accidents are c«i»d by a careless act. Em ptoyeaa have cut themselves on mor blades thrown into desk drawers; fallen from a stack of taiaphoae dfaactorles piled on • chafer as a tat • chair as a ladder substitute; hurt each other through prac tical jokea, and started fires by dtaoantkng dpntte butts in iifcgßH if f Tin* players recreate llie savage riles of LIII ancient people. A dramatic moment at the Court of I IK* ancient anil idol* alroun King l.amoni. [Joseph Smith to the golden plates of tin' Hook of Mormon in 1823—opens with the "heral dic" fanfare of trumpets and re-enacts the history of the ministry of Jesus in the New World. Special effects contribute to the spectacle ot the pageant For example, in many of the scenes, multicolored lights play upon a curtain of water. One of the most impressive mo ments is the destruction of the City of Zarahemlah bv earth quake and conflagration in which lightning flashes, thun- into a South-of-the-Border| cantina. Keep it gay! Deco-' rate with bright-colored bal loons. crepe paper streamers and some of those big beauti ful paper flowers from Mex ico. For snacks, a new easy to serve treat from down San Antonio way is Patio cock tail size tacos. a corn dough l rolled very thin and wrap ped around a filling of meat GORDON'S GIN 52.30 fcj $3.45 PINT jGQMfc J £ a r lohdonDky p Gin If M | (MSIIIIEO L #OIIIID IN TM USA IT "11/ \ 11H( DISTILLERS COMPANY IIMITCD V M tiwotw MW JIWMV \ loss mm. gam WDmftN The Prophet Mormon, wll(»l chronicles are lite basis of the pageant. der claps and the smoke that issues from the doomed city are so realistic that many spectators have claimed that they actually felt the earth trembling beneath them! The Hill Cumorah Pageant has already thrilled thousands who have seen it and promises to be more breathtaking this year than ever. Located on the New York Thruway. just off Exit 43. the pageant can be seen free, with no charge for either seating or parking. Performances begin at 9 P.M. or cheese, that will make even the toughest hombre throw down his "pistolas". Also, the new Patio Nachos, toasted corn chips topped with cheese and jalapeno peppers, are sure-fire hits with hungry little chicos. Both of these treats are easy on mother because they come ready to heat and serve in new easy-open Anaconda aluminum foil trays. Should the kids have bigger eyes than appetites the new con tainers are easy to reclose. For good measure, add a pot tery bowl filled with bean dip Surrounded with crimpy tos tados, toasted corn tortillas. This zesty combination should hold off another raid until you have time to re group and plan another mentJ. j An ideal thirst quencher to soothe the cabajleros' parch ed throats is a tangv C'hica de Frutas Mexican fruit punch. Here's one final idea The pinata is traditionally asso ciated with Christmas in Mexico, but it can be fun any time of the year. To make it, | cover a light frame of wt>od and wire with papier-mache in the shape of a pumpkin or simple animal. Then trim with crepe-paper. Kill the pinata with nuts, candies and so forth, and hang it from the ceiling. Blindfold a bold ban dito. give him a long stick, and have him try to break the container Now's the time to grab That siesta. NEW YORK ON NO DOLLARS A DAY? Not quite but Now York City will he a vacation bargain Ibis summer thanks to the "15 Great Free Things to Do"—the special theme oT the 15th anni versary of the "New York is a Summer Festival!" season. The free 15 as re|>orted by the New York Convention and Visitor's Bureau are: New York Philharmonic concerts in the city's parks. Shakes|>eare in Central Park. Goldman-Gug genheim Bank concerts and folk and square dancing in the parks; Chinatown, neighbor hood walking tours and street festivals, flower shows at the New York Botanical Garden. Brooklyn Botanic Garden and Channel Gardens in Rocke feller Center: fireworks at Rockaway and Coney Island. New York's great free mu seums. window shopping. Rich mondtown Restoration gn Staten Island. TV shows. Times Square and Allied Chemical Exhibit Center. New York Stock Exchange and United Nations meetings. The world-famous New York Philharmonic, celebrating its 125 th anniversary year, will offer 15 free concerts in New York's parks. The New York Shakespeare Festival will pre sent "Henry IV". parts I & 11, and "Romeo and Juliet" during the summer season at the beau tiful outdoor Dolacorte Theatre by Belvedere !.ake in Central Pa rk Every Tuesday, during July and August, you can enjoy free fireworks displays at Coney Island, with its famous board &alk. beach and amusement park from 9:00 to 9:20 P.M. On Wednesday there are free i fireworks at Rockaway Beach. The restoration of Rich- mondtown. on Staten Island, shows the evolution of an Amer- I ican village during the 17th. i 18th and 19th centuries. Enter IN GERMANY THEY SAY, "GUTEN APPETIT!" Skj WjF I * A lesson in three G's means Good food, Good time. Good fun in Germany! Here from Lufthansa German Airlines, which can sweep you off to this land of Cut Essen "good eat ing"— for as little as $320, are some regional dishes you may want to sample when visiting Germany, plus a recipe you can try out at home: Soup's high on the list. The most typical are potato and yellow pea. often with pieces of ham, "Frankfurters" or well seasoned hard sausage, fn Hamburg, be sure to try the I ' FREE TOM'S „ ©IK HOUR AAOn.-1 MI.-WM. * c«*T>"rt •• V f \S3T /I THe , " O#T IM DRV ctE * NIN * Now 3 Convenient " £s.o. w » Location* I Ditun Your clothes look b«t- I r—fl rij ,er longer. Colort 1 SHIRTS brighter with "Mar- I T££W J! uUi tinizing" the most in 0 liffTSJL'ir'S* Dry Cleaning . . . and ■ (I. ÜBTL M I) . ' . I T Q RM. nc M. you save, too! Hr I for *IJI gMMB J Ohk > > m, TOM'S I •W. Club Blvd W imp. N*riy«H Out HOUR mSH iiMK itr M YM **▼ M O*T CLIANW* • VIVMTR DI I (w». HiHi RENTALS RENT \ CONCRETE \ EQUIPMENT \2U 286-22471 DUKHAM'S FKST COMPICTI lEMTAI CO. Un HIUMjjgRO K> OOBHAM j v-*-" 1968 New York Summer Festival Oiieon (lathy French. the exciting, glamorous world of television bv getting free tickets TV shows at the Bu reau's Visitor Information Con ter. Times Square, theatrical center of the city, brilliantly lights up at night with rows of spectacular illuminated signs which have earned it the name "The Great White Way." The Allied Chemical Exhibit Center in the heart of the area, con tains three floors of free fasci nating displays. Of course. Now York's fam ous sightseeing attractions—the United Nations. Lincoln Con ter. Statute of Liberty. Empire State Building. Rockefeller Center and the new Madison Square Garden Center ofTor interesting and worthwhile tours at nominal rates. An imj)ortant stop on the traveler's itinerary is the Now York Convention and Visitor's Bureau Its Information Cen ter. in the heart of Manhattan, at 90 East 42nd Street. Now York 10017. is open every day of the year. 9:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. They'll give you free folders' on hotels, restaurants and all the city's attractions during the Summer Festival. renowned Hamburg eel soup! ' In Munich and other parts of Southern Germany. Weiswurst served with beer and sauerkraut is a favorite dish. Many natives as well as visitors enjoy Weis wurst as a breakfast meat. You'll find S/iaetzle, a spe cial type of noodle, in the Black Forest region. There are more ways of fix ing pork in Germany than you'll ever have time to sample* in ope trip! Here's just one of the recipes for a spicy pork stew that's popular along the Rhine: SUMMER FASHIONS ARE A FROSTY PROBLEM This summer the frost is on the papaya! The lush, tropical look of '6B summer fashions is a cool wash of white. Design ers have put white at the top of the list for everything from swimsuits to evening gowns. The wonder of white clothes is that they look great on everyone. There is something irresistible about the clean, crisp look of a white blouse or white slacks. White daytime dresses have an unexpected midday elegance. And for '6B summer evenings soft white' ruffles and delicate eyelet cot tons recreate the Victorian era. Played against tan skins the effect is striking. Even the most demure miss dazzles in white clothes. The problem created by this frosty fashion trend is how to keep white sparkling clean. A not-so-white dross can remove you from the fashion picture taster than lightning. Because today's women are demanding This net* rold-u ashnhlc vrrcion of lh«' hliii'tHuiitl i> !«•- Mori. Convention 'Walkout' Said Publicity Move CHAPEL HILL North Carolina Democratic Chairman- Tim Valentine charged Monday night the pro test demonstration of Negro del egates at the State Democratic Ccrrivention "was afl attempt to have the matter in the news ra ther than an attempt to get re sults." Negro delegates staged a temporary walkout at the con vention Thursday when they Does Coca-Cola have the taste you never get tired of? Is it always refreshing? > Do things go better with Coke T««NC after Coke after Coke? Ta*OC.M«»«(» T*»Of J Ask schoolteacher Shirley Hasley Let her tell you. Write- Mrs. Shirley Hasley. P.O. Box 2867. San Francisco. Calif. 94126 flgjl BM iray^B COR* •.,* AMI, 'COM A«L (IIMIIIMO KHICN lOIWfIM OHL* ihi PNOPUCI o» »Ml CO"«CUL» CONMNI. You know it. It's your best refreshment buy. sELs# Bottled under tine authority of The Coca-Cola Company by.- * Durham Coca-Cola Bottling Co. "Iturqurf Club" firm* by Allir rov i* of rold-Hiishiihlr Orion knil in nhilo wilh navy trim. easv-care clothes, most of to day's manufacturers are mak ing the '(>B summer whites of washable fabrics." And now. with modern ®ll water laun dering the range of easy-care washables has expanded to in elude almost every fabric. The machine-washability of both the natural and synthetic fibers in cold water helps eliminate two ol the worst hazards in clothes care, shrinking and stretching. The Cold Power Laborato ries also report that cold water laundering is the answer to the threat ol stains setting on sum mer whites. Fashion-wise home makers know that hot water can lock ruinous stains right info the fabric, whereas the cold water treatment is the key to safe and easy care. Highlights of the easy-care white fashions for '6B include the AlberO.v dress of Orion knit shown here. It's one of the popular designs in the current "Carefree Collection" of cold failed to win proprtionate rep resentation in the State's dele gation to the Democratic Na tional Convention. The protest demonstration was sparked by the overwhelm ing defeat of a motion to give "black Democratic party mem bers" 25 per cent of the seats in the delegation. Valentine told a television audience no serious thought had been given to the quota system water-launderable fashions presented by Cold Power. And there's no need to worry about the navy trim running into the white when it's laundered with the cold water detergent. Another cool look is an ele gant polyester and cotton dress designed by the noted Stan Herman, of Mr. Mort. as a new version of the shirtwaist for easy machine-washing in cold water. And with blouses in the news for '6B. Blousecraft has created a whole series in white, includ ing a button-down classic with oversize collar and cuffs. It's made of cold-water-washable Celanese Acetate and ravon. Another major advantage to the cold water Sundering of summer white fashions is pointed out by the famed He signer Anne Fogartv. who warns that frequent dry clean ing can build up a grayish or yellowish tinge, especially no ticeable on white clothes. So, to be in step with fashion this summer, look cool in frost white fashions—and keep cool by giving them the easy-care cold water treatment. lilmiM-craft gives u.« this clussic white Mouse of (lelunese Ace tate anil ravon'rrepe. It's a rold waler-WHshnble for summer. by the State party. He was in terviewed by a panel of news men on the University of North Carolina's educational television stations. _ Valentine said the State party had been asked by the national party to be fair to see that mi nority groups were represented at the national convention. He added he thought the State party has been fair. Valentine was asked for com ment on a proposal by Rep. Tom Strickland, D-Wayne, to introduce legislation which would give North Carolina a presidential preference primary.