4B -THE CABOUKA TOOK SATURDAY, AUGUST HUM SLUM CLEARANCE PROFITABLE SAYS EXECUTIVE Already in the muHrl >■«*- ure many plun> l» turn cllv ghettos into healthier l oiiiiiiunilU-x. rrealing 8250 billion in ■■■» bu>i nOM anil helping Inday't ghetto d*«-ller» lo heroine more pro ductive. (I'bolo fourlny American Snarly of Civil Engineer*.) Higher earnings for subur banites and city-dwellers alike are predicted't»y a top U.S. in dustrialist who estimates that 5250 billion in new business will be created by the rebuilding of urban ghettos. Although the work will be done in the cities, a healthy chunk of the revenue is likely to be carried home by residents of smaller communities. es|>c ciallv jH'ople who work in con si ruction. real estate, and build ing product manufacturing. City ghettos will need at least 10 million new single and multi dwelling units by the end of this century, according to W. Wilfred Groves, general man ager of the 100-year-old U.S.A. lock and hardware operations of Eaton Yale & Towne Inc . America'* leading firm in the field. Biggest Single Market "Businessmen who ignore the urban crisis today and in the immediate future could be over looking what may possibly be the single biggest market in the history of this country." said Groves. "Sick cities must be saved not only because of social re sponsibilities to those existing in ghettos, but because these cities represent an economic ne cessity to business. Markets to day deteriorate in the slums, and thrive in healthy areas." he /&dded. In tbs, industrialist's view. James Brown Endorses All Black Candidates and HHH ANGELES, jCALIF.— Singer James Brain, pupsllf' ly known as "Soul Brother no. 1, used Watts as a back drop In endoning "all black political candidates" and Vice President Hubert H. Humph rey. Brown shared the platform with Vice President Humphrey at a brief prolan in a vacant lot, during the Vice Prssident'i visit to the Watts Manufac turing Plant and an anti-pover ty project Arriving a tew minute* after the Vice President, Brown was mobbed by hundreds of fane, young and old. A hup rip> be hind the platform read: "Watts welcomes Soul Brother James Brown and Hubert Humph rey." The Vice President inter rupted his remarks to Intro duce Brown. Hill Is what the dynamic "Mr. Soul" had to aay: "So many times, we have sleeted political candidates who haven't got the ritfit pic ture. They're not with it We ritould know what's going to be done for black people. So, I'm going to start now by making a tew overturn to the pn tie men standing on my right (Vice Prerident Humph rey) and I'm going to aee how be responds to them. "First, I would like to say that the black man wants own ership. He wants to be aUe to owp his own thinp and make up his own mind. Number one in the black community, in the low income areas, is ths ■aad for batter housing... 10 that we dout ham to stay in dumps, like I lived In when I WW • kid. "Number two Is the need for hospitals In the biaqk com munity..jo we don't have to stand around and bleed to death, since the nearest hospi tal is mile* away, downtown MkigiMrliMi M PIIPRIPI*. "I mean, thk to the way It to. I believe fo teUng It like it fo I dont know any better words- rm going to tell it just "•lumber three to Dm need fog «u own hanfo so we can pt some money «d do thfop for ourselves, tt^bajw^ocr American business today can -1 not monetarily afford the con tinued existence of slums. Dc ! cay of the inner-city hastens I the exodus not only of families but businesses as well to the suburbs. Asa result, retail trade ■ falls i>(T sharply and an increas -1 ing share of the tax burden falls on industry. ; Eaton Yale & Towne. a multi-national company with 90 o|>erations around the world, markets truck and oIT-highwav vehicle components, construc tion and logging equipment, automotive products, locks and • builders' hardware, materials handling equipment, control systems and general products. The company's sales for the six i months ended June 30, 1968, were $432.198.000. From where will the money to rebuild ghettos come? "From the very ghettos we are rebuild ing." predicts the lock and hardware executive. "History shows us again and again that when deprived people gain ade quate housing, education and security, their productivity rises. "Even the huge sum of $250 billion comes to less than $1,250 for each American alive today, and cleaning up our ghettos should save several times this amount in increased productiv ity and in lower costs of wel fare. fires, insurance, thefts and police work. "Companies that set out to do good may end up doing well." "Number four to the need for hotels...so that when our Mends come to see us, they can visit us in the black com munity and not go downtown and stay* in the white com munity. We want to hare good thinp where we can enjoy them." "Now the candidate that can give me this knid of thing— that's the man I endorse. I don't endorse the party,.l en done the man," Brown said. In his response to Brown, Vibe President Humphrey said, "what Brown has said fo elo quently Is what I stand for and a what I have tried to say to you before he arrived." "If America can fight for the self-determination of a peo ple eight thousand miles away, we alio should be willing to commit ourselves and work for self-determination and full par ticipation In the American Black community." 208 * * North Phone fj MUSIC CO. "The Home of Quality in Music" "M BACK-TO-SCHOOL SPECIAL OFFER! . A RENT a Hnrlltzer 3 Piano in August... 1 Get September Now is the perfect time to prove 11 your has talent. Whether I you rent or buy, invest in a qual- I ■ ity piono by Wurlitzer. * $25 Down or $6 Rents == Our Modern Teaching Studios aroavail- Come in or Call able for all instrumental instructions. 682-5569 PEARSON MUSIC CO., DURHAM, N. C. N. Mangum St. Grambling College Professor Authors New Economics Book By Ansel L. Creary GRAMBLING, Ga. - Sieg fted B. Ayatey, associate pro fessor of economics at Gram bling College, is the author of a new book, "Central Banking. International Law and Econo mic Development: Studies on West Africa," published by Wm. C. Brown Book Company, Dubuque, lowa. The book is a detailed study, in two parts, of the economic system of the region and the Western idea of international law. , 1 * The author has explored new ways In which the region could solve Its economic pro blems, and the role the central bank can play In the efforts of a new nation to realize econo mic Integration and growth at i reasonable pace without go ing to the extremes of Infring ing upon the rights of the Indi vidual citizen. Part two of Ayatey's book treats International law and its problems, and surveys the de velopment systems in West Africa with particular refer ence to relevance to institu tional principles akin to the interpretation of the Western traditional concept. Hie old international buga boo, the balance of payment deficit, comes in for special treatment by the author who explains economic measures persued in the region to bring about cutbacks In Imports while working towards step ping up export trade. As the new West African nations strive towards econo- WS SB Radio 1 ■ W Durham 1 m Shirley Riggibaa t»ti»Ury Durham's Only 24 Hour Station 1490 on Your Dial rak Independence, the central banking establishment Is cast In a major role: that of regu lating fundi for the big Indus trial push to realize financial independence at home. Ayatey, a native of Ghana, received the bachelor of arts degree In 1958 at Philander Smith College, Little Rock, Ark., and the master of arts a year later from Atlanta Univer sity, Ga., before going to Cath olic University of America Washington, D. C. where he received another masters de gree, this time In political science prior to working on the doctorial program in eco nomics, most of which is now completed. Prior to joining the Gram bling faculty, Ayatey was asso ciate professor and co-chair man of the economics and business department at Arkan sas A.M. & N College, Pine Bluff. He has also worked for the World Confederation of Organizations of the teaching profession both at Atlanta University and Catholic Uni versity, and the U. S. State Department Foreign Service Institution. He is a member of the National Social Science Honor Society. Ayatey is now working on the manuscript of his second book, an intermediate text on economic theory with empha sis on the use of graphs and mathematics. THE FIZZLE FAMILY _ ~ , ■yH.raw XXJR FIRST OM HERE M rmU.HCM DO VOU HE SEEMSTOOT HOW ' HE"WINKS ■*gK>S CAW] &SX23B&SB?' J-'KE YCOB NEW EgJSV re SPELLED^ ALPERDy! BETTER BRUSH \ ~7 J J L. Ajj PUGG Y '' ' " by Horace Elmo 4300 FOR VTUATSTWEI rOUTRAGEOUS'. TNOT ATI P" THE TROUBLE WITH L If THEIR PRICES ARE) THAT OLO A PRICE,SIR CHARSE\VfILL,SIRI ANTIQUE SHOPS IS..J \ SO MODERN?^ Veterans are Urged to Apply For Gl Benefits Immediately ELIZABETH CITY - Jeff Elwood Smith has been ap pointed Registrar at Elizabeth City State College according to an announcement. The ap pointment fills the vacancy which was created when Tay lor E. Jones resigned in Jan uary to accept a position at Fayetteville State College. Hie veteran school adminis trator is a native of Gaston, and is an alumnus of the col lege, having graduated with the rlosK of 1942. Smith received the Master of Arts Degree in Elementary Education, School Administration and Supervi sion from New York Universi ty in 1951. He has also com pleted all residential course re quirements, except 18 hours, towards the doctorate. A veteran of World War 11. Smith served as a teacher in the Durham, North Carolina School System from 1948 thru YOUR EAR CAN BE HURT with toothpicks or cotton tipped sticks. Don't risk damage ttf eardrum*. Soften tjpihara to reach wax with gentle, effective AtfftO ear drops. Safe. Easy to use. Wash Qut clogged wax that may irritate and affect your ears. Ask druggist for AURO. No prescription needed. For Superior Business Training . . . 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Sept. 4th r i City. It State , ZIP I 1................... .....................J 1966, and as principal of Crest Street and Walltown Elemen tary Schools from 1956 thru 1968. He is a member of: Al pha Kappa Mu Honor Society, National Education Associa tion, Noith Carolina Teachers Association, Department of Elementary School Principals of the NEA, and other Educa tional and civic organizations. Dr. Thorpe also announced that Maude W. Ballou, B. S., Southern University, who served as Acting Registrar from January through July, was ap pointed to the position of As sistant to the Registrar at Eli zabeth City State College. PORTABLE? TYPEWRITERS LUGO AGE WRIST WATCHES STEREOS RECORD PLAYERS DIAMOND RINGS Sam's Pawn Shop 122 E. Main St. Ph. 682-2573 Durham, N. C. g&yrffjp > *«» 'JV.'-VW' * fIKNOWVOUggiGHTSII | BASIC, GENUINE, AUTHENTIC. f ? 9 EASY REFERENCE,ITS YOORS.| Lftfe Rights associates inc. | i\*f P.O. 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