—RA* CAAOUNA TOOS SAT., NOVEMBER a, itas 2B I WTm. I. jt HD^^KmH| \ *W A n | -' Wm^^s^^Mn Wr If/i V V7JH wr/ > mm B^Hv/ U tSi/A tJfeIJIZMEE •• • • If \nil ar. the fir-l to submit a i|ii« -li»u uliirli Dr. Oiii/nne.oiir in formation iali-l. answer* in thi* rolumn. ur «%ill |»n*«M'nl to \ou. free. !la«* • ompN lr. ■it of hunk & \\ agnail* Standard l%«*f(T«'iit r Km yc loped ia. Mail your _ "*\ i|u*«tion !o Dr. W. # inr. Slu rri and John ■■ \ ilia fnr asking: "What i* chew ing gum made from?" Mo>t chcwinp gum is made from •hicle. mixed with other tree gums, 0 which -upar and flavoring are iddcd. C.hirle is a pum formed from latex. a milky fluid usually taken from the -apodilla tree, a large ev ergreen proving ir» fpaaai Am*a~ " a luscious fruif caned ffle plum. Mr«. Roy Selway who a*k*: M I» the by Micha«*langelo in the Af«H» rtnv of Fine Arts in Flor«nee, Itaiy?" The »tatuc of the biblical David *a* cnmmi««ioncd by the city of Klorence in 1501. When completed, it *a» installed at the Vecchio Pal ace where it Mood until 1882. It wai 1 hen removed to the Academy. Debbie Myers who wants to know : "How can one tell a raven from a crow ?** A raven i-» almo«t twice the size of a crow when full-grown. A raven in flight alternates Iwtween soaring on horizontal wing* like a hawk and flapping it* wing*, whereas a crow flic* steadily with wings bent upward and downward. nd a raven, while perched, can be seen to have shaggy feather* at its throat. IMPORTED KAKE SCOTCH I 1 V ' 1 AFTER-SCHOOL SNACKS I I m - Mb Hk. wu Happiness for a child is coming home from school and find ing a container of favorite cookies on the kitchen table and a gooey spread or chocolatey beverage in the refrigerator— Children usually want a sweet snack. They, in fact, really need the quick energy provided by sweets for rambunctious after-school play. Team the sweet with nourishing spreads and beverages so it helps to fill the day's nutritional requirements- while satis fying immediate hunger. PEANUT SMOOTHIE Blend 'i cup creamy style peanut butter. Vi cup marshmallow creme and 6 tablespoonis milk until mixture is smooth and easily spread, adding additional milk if necessary. Store in tightly covered jar in refrigerator to spread on CHIPS AHOY! Chocolate Chip Cookies. Makes IVi cups. COCOA COW Combine 2 cups milk, 1. ripe banana and 2 tablespoons in stant cocoa in blender container Blend until smooth. Chill. Serve with CHIPS AHOY! Chocolate Chip Cookies. Makes about 2V, cups. SHERBET SANDIES Sandwich CHIPS AHOY! Chocolate Chip Cookies with orange milk sherbet. Store in freezer until ready to serve. One half pint orange sherbet makes 10 cookie sandwiches. fNew in town... SS B and feeling lonesome... MtiiitlO M homesick? In Durham > Don t worry ... this is a friendly town and, when you get to know us, you'll be glad you Come and let us wel- B come you. We can help you get acquainted in this town. And after you've been in our bank, you'll never feel home sick again . . . we're that friendly. lack Pea PrffraM Dlrocior * *7 rM. I ■Mechanic" a hny re Durfiam's Only 24 Hour : DA IN IX T 1490 9MI Children Make Network Debut With Linktetter LOS ANGELES Children from the Holy Spirit, Catholic School in Los Angeles, 1418 Burnside Street, were select ed by their teachers to guest on Art Linkletter's CBS-TV "House Party "show in Holly wood. In order of-appearance they are: Stephanie Williams, age 6, of 4500 W. Santa Barbara; Mi chael Dunnigan, 7, of 1631% Carmona; Brett Swain, 7, 3633V4 Corbett; and Martica Aquabella, 6, of 1432 Ridgeley. Art asked each of the chil dren what their favorite Bibte story might be, and what they learned from it? "Adam and Eve is my favo rite story," said Stephanie. "One time there was God, you know, and He put Adam to sleep and made Eve out of his RARE rib . . . And while God was off visiting someone, Adam ate the apple because a snake from outside the garden came In and told him to . . . They weren't supposed to eat the apple, and God punished Adam and Eve." "How did God punish them?" queried, Art. Quoth the youngster, "He made them go to work." Brett Swain, age 7, told that his favorite Bible story was the one about Adam and the ARK. '!What did he do with the Ark?" Art asked. "God built the boat,** said Brett," and he, put two animals, all the same, onto the boat. If He'd put three animals, you know, they would all the time be fighting over the wife." Cheek Speaks At Bennett ColL Founder's Day GREENSBORO - At Ben nett College's 95th Found** Day Convocation held Bunday, October 20, 1968, Dr. James E. Cheek called the yeara 1967 and 1968 the yean when America passed from Jamee Balwtn's "The Fire Nat Time" to Lerol Jones' and Rap Brown's "The Fire Hi Is Time." The dynamic president of Shaw University told the as sembly that "historians though we are, we have foiled to ap ply the seesons of history to our own experiences." "Our history, our science, humanish, and our theology now serve us no longer," he said. He characterized thtf events of 1967 and 1968 as "making clear the hard choice the nation must now make." Its hallowed language of the Declaration of Independence, its guarantees of the Constitu tion and Bill of Rights, and Its poetic expreesions of hope en graved on the Statue of Liber ty must have meaning for all human beinp, or It will have meaning for none. He told his listeners that "We haw long recognized, that America's chief domestic pro blems are: the problem of eth nic divisions, the problem of poverty, and the problem of education disadvantage. But running through all three of these is the problem of race." He called America an elight ened nation, "wedded to the concept of equal education for all as the only guarantee of an authentic democracy." But we are being propelled toward a "position of drisis" because America cannot resolve the race problem*" he said Just as he called the years 1967 and 1968 the years that established the terms of survi val of the nation, they also estsblished the terms of the survival of the Negro College He referred to the contro versial Reisman-Jenchs report, which characterized the Nepo College as the "disaster area" of American higher education. But he expressed the belief that "among all the institutions of high education, the Negro College is In the best position to lead the nation in the direc- Maxtica told Art her favo rite itory was "Three Little Pigs." "If that from the Bible?" queried Art. "Oh, yes ... I think it if in Deuteronomy ..." "How does that Bible stvy go . . asked Art "Well, you see there was this wolf, and he had a hot rear end . . • from sliding down the chimney ..." Art interruped this Bible lesson with, "That's the text for the day, folks . . . " And thanked the kids for helping out on "House Party" by presenting each with an armful of toys. |H |HI i i §■ ■P g- J/' 1 !! |, Jjgfijfct ■ f ' ..'/»• f i' iSHKHHr" AT CONVOCATION—Dr. Jamas E. Cheek, center, president of Shaw University chats with Bev. Peter E. A. Adoo, Bennett College chsplaln and, Or. Isaac H. Miller, Jr., prior to Ben nett's Pounder's Day Convoca tion. Thank You Note Received From Viet Soldier Acknowledgement has been received from a Viet Nam sol dier thanking Hoke County re sidents for a box of clothes sent to him for children in a Viet Nam hospital. According to Josephine Hall home economics Extension agent, members of the Raeford Senior Citizens Club made 15 children's garments after hear ing an appeal from Pfc. John H. Rid dick. In his thank you letter Rid dick said, "The clothes you sent are beautiful. The child ren make you sad when you look at them In the hospital. 'Hiey make you realize that the ones back home should be thank Ail for the many things fat life that they have." Riddick, who has been in Viet Nam about four months, , k-fcom Trinity. | ■' ■'» ■" ■ ' i ■ ■■ ■ "tlon' of a new social order." And that the very "disaster" that Relsman and Jencfs see as the picture of Negro insti tutions "can be the very rea son for their strength." Vote For Asa T. Spaulding COUNTY COMMISSIONER TUESDAY, NOV. S YOUR VOTE FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WILL BK AN INVESTMENT >M * DURHAM COUNTY and will DETERMINE what much of It* FUTURE WILL BE. MAKE IT A GOOD INVESTMENT! I A—Able T—Trustworthy S—Sound "DURHAM COUNTY NEEDS A MAN OF ASA T. SPAULDINCS INTEGRITY EXPERIENCE AND ABILITY" Your Support IWill Be Appreciated COMMOTES FOR SPAULDING FOR POCNTY COMMISSIONER W. 6. PSABSON, H, Qumigm Ctm. m\ D n mRI \yu(ooiM|K CLEANERS LAUNDERERS ~ ioo MANGUM ST. 25 U UNIVERSITY DR. PHONE 682-5426 WHAM SORRY-/ PROVIDE PROTECTION WITH AUTO INSURANCE .. Way# you compared your ratos and bono- S0 fiti on auto insurance with other companies? Before you renew or start a now poGcy, 52(-; chock with us. Com- paro our low ratos. CONSULT US ABOUT OUR INSTALLMENT Union Insurance & Realty Co. •14 PAYiTOVILLi ST. PMONf MMltt