I—TOE CABOUNA TOfICS SATURDAY, NOV. M, IM 2B ■I r " v v ... ■yt-wtwti in 'l'MMlfc ' [•.. ?; ; t . . . -'*? H l*• * t *. v* ~ ■> iV-S .«, »..» c ?.. « * BVWIuk 4 v ■§•*• ♦! *" *-i . . ; I m P» V j aC. STATE WINS WARRIOR TROPHY—The S.C. State College ROTC unit has been awarded the cdVeted Warrior of the Pacific trophy for exeetyewe ia rifle marksmanship. The trophy- is awarded annually to the senior ROTC unit la attendance HEALTH Sun Lamps Helpful in Psoriasis Cura By MORGAN J. O'CONNELL, M.D., F.A.C.S ACTING COMMISSIONER OF . HEALin It is estimated that sever al million persons have pso riasis, a chronic skin dis ease, the cause of which is unknown Although tiiis disease is not fatal, the large shiny scales are unsightly and a cause of embarrassment to the victims. ' These scales are most commonly seen on the scalp, elbows, knees and hips but may occur any where. Spontaneous Improve ment often occurs in sum mer as a result of both warmth and sunlight. This improvement can be ex tended throughout the year by using a sun lamp. In fact, most victims pre fer to usf a lamp at home in summer rather than ex pose thlir skin lesions on a public beach. Many different drugs have been used in the treat ment of this disease, and most of them are found to work well on some persons but not on others; so the problem of the individual is to find the one that works best for him. The old standby, coal tar MiHment, has the dis THE SKIN DRINKS IT IN: Thirsty skin re- sponds beautifully to the rich mineral and lA/LILM TLJL fICLJ protein properties of the Satiira Algene line rrfftff I f7C llts 11 The three skin care products now available ' are a conditioning face cream, a conditioning T)ON'T RITE hand and body lotion, and a conditioning l/Ull I 01 IE ' .V«L - a GIFT FROM THE SEA Fishermen along ' coastal areas like Maine "fish" for seaweed L ■&+ W tk from Max to November and supplement their M \|Tv " >;> v' .'Sy* \ incomes with this rich harvest from the sea. A W%A \ Long-handled rakes and nets dip in to pull Vifl ■I l; i ; f/y out the dull green plant that becomes trans- Itgmmj 1 formed into so many useful products. J JL * ' : r contains the refined carrageen powder that f will serve as the base for the new Satura Al » —*«- gene conditioning and moisturizing skin W 1 -yflf products. This powder is mixed with oils, lubricants, and emollients to form a light tex- NEW YORK (ED) - For a long time, fishermen the world over have been dipping into the sea for fun and profit, anci it has generally provided enough catches to make the living worthwhile if not easy. Enterprising anglers have taken to other kinds of sea farming and have had good luck with another har vest from the generous sea - namely seaweed, or algae, or Irish Moss as it's sometimes called. , . , , One of the paradoxical ob servations made was that the fishermen who handled Irish Moss had very soft hands. Considering the rough nature of their profession hook handling, water-immersed, net-repairing they ought to have had scaly slun, yet the reverse was true. And that startling fact paved the way— indirectly—for Satura Algene. If seaweed could smooth at General Military Science ROTC summer camp. Observing the hronse trophy are Lt Col. Willie Johnson, left, professor of military science at S.C. State and Cadet Lt CoL Steven A. Hamilton. advantages of being messy and staining the clothing, but it works. It enhances the healing effect of sunlight and is now available in an im proved Kreasless and stain less form. Other preparations that contain salicylic acid and sulfur have been found to work well in the scalp. A newcomer in the field is a cream that contains cortisone. This product gives the best results when it is used with one of the tar oint ments. Aminopterin and meth otrexate are advisable only In the treatment of very severe cases and then only under strict medical super vision. Recently it has been found that diet can be an important factor in treat ment. ' Normal persons eliminate; taurine, an amino acid, but. persons with psoriasis can not do so. jr- * Since this amino acid is found in most foods of animal origin those who have psoriasis do much bet ter if they avoid beef, lamb, pork, eggs, and dairy products. Some victims, however, consider that such treat ment is worse than the dis ease. the weather-roughened hands of fishermen what couldn't it do for women? Cosmetolo gists asked the question-and it was recently answered. With seaweed itself, little could be done, but with its extracts notably Irish Moss much could be accomplished. And the Dorothy Gray chemists set about making their com pany the first and only one to develop the cosmetic po tential of this product. What does Satura Algene do? Wonders in combatting aging and the restimulation of skin. It clings to the skin and forms a film that reinforces the skin's natural protein by locking in moisture that is re moved during cleansing and aging. The protective film im parted by Satura Algene iso lates the skin from die harsh aging effects of climatic con ditions and also forms a bar YES, WE ALL TALK QUESTION: Are hewing aids beneficial for severely hard-of-hearing preschool children?— Mr*. T. R V. ANSWER: Yes, indeed, for certain kinds of deafhess. A child bom with a hearing loss to get "a. hearing aid soon enough so that it becomes as much a part of him ai his dia per," according to Dr. Free man McConneil, audiologist at Vanderbilt Univerdty in Nash ville, Tenn. Many more deaf children could learn to like a child with normal hearing If pro grams for them started early during the language-teaming period. The present age of six for entrance of children to school is not suitable for deaf child, for the most important years for a child in acquiring language are from birth to three. Not only has it been found that babies profit from bearing aids, but new instruments hjßf been designed to test tha hear ing of new-bom babies as early is a period of two weeks or less. READERS: For my free pamphlet on telephone speech, send two stamps and long seif addressed envelope to M. H. Boulware, Florida A & M Uni versity, Box 5-A Tallahassee, F1a.—32307. rier between the skin and pore-clogging cosmetics. Yet, its silky light texture allows the skin to breathe and the glands to secrete oil. Currently the products available are: a Face Cream that conditions and moistur izes the skin overnight; a Hand and Body Lotion that main tains and replaces moisture on legs, arms and hands; and a Face Emulsion, a light-in con sistency product designed to be used under makeup to pro tect skin from the effects of both weather and airborne im purities. This unique line of products promises to be one of the most important addi tions to Dorothy Gray Cos metics. It's the company's newest entry into the current national campaign of "Keep America Beautiful." > • * /l; -*• ' > ;* • '■■. • •• ; . ',••' ■■ , - v: "w. ■">y""' E- p^ TAKK L»ART IN ANNUAL ALUMNI SBRVICI AT AAT— Participants in the annual Alumni Worship Service at A. & T. State University last Sun day lhcluded (from left to) right) C. C. Griffin, principal of Logan High School, the R*t. D. G. Speller, pastor of St Francis Baptist Church, Detroit, Michigan; Dr. A. P. Bell, AAT professor and chair man of the program; and Mi*. Julia S. Brooks, teacher in Phil adelphia, Pa. The service con cluded the three-day celebra tion at AAT. "LETS S«o6t 7-, ■ihE KiDS! &jf DORIS PINNEV'S PHOTO TIPS from Vashica l| •is »*•*—> ;j Many camera enthusiasts would like to photograph indoors without having to use flash or floodlights. With today's fast speed film, and cameras such as the twin lens Yashica 124 with built-in light meter, getting natural lighting pictures indoors is easy. The trick is to select a window where there is bright but diffused sun light streaming in. Look for the "painter's light"-the favored northern exposure window that gives good illumination without casting harsh shadows. This type of lighting is particularly suited to photographing children, babies and pets. For example, in the above photo, I placed my young model on a window seat with sev eral picture books to hold her interest. Picture books or coloring pads and crayons are good "props" to keep your youngster occu pied while you snap pictures. Note that the setting is simple; no floral curtains or patterned drapery to cut down light or detract from the subject. For this particular shot, the camera was set at fB, and the shutter speed was 125 th of a second. There is no need to use a tripod as long as your shutter speed is 100 or above. Some photographers, who are rock steady, can take needle sharp pic tures at a 50th of a second. But working with children, I prefer to use faster shutter speeds. Another tip about taking pictures such as the one above-"bracket" your shots as the professionals do. This merely means that in addition to shooting at the opening specified by your light meter, you shoot several more pictures on either side of the recommended exposure. That is, opening up one more stop for several shots, then closing down one more stop and taking a few more pictures. In this way, you're sure to get a good selection of exposures. Purefoy's Photography and GEORGE AND PUREFOY'S HORSE RENTALS * Riding: Lessons and Pony Rides * Natural Color Black and White Commercial Wedding - Family Photos Proms - Dances and Grouts Cdl: DV B2-2911, Weekend 882-731* Escapes Death NEW YORK A one year old girl who fell four sto ries from a West Side apart ment window, was saved from death early Sunday when she landed on a discarded bedspring below, police said. They said the child, Angela Galion, fell from the arms of her father, Louis Ocasio, who was attending a party in the apartment. Angela, who lives in Brooklyn, was ardmitted to St. Lukes Hos pital with a possible fractured skull. She was reported in good condition. \ > Refuses Talks UMUAHIA, Biafra Radio Biafra said Sunday the breakaway state will not talk peace with Nigeria as long as the federal government holds to a policy that "the only solution to the present conflict lies in a military victory." The broadcast followed reports from Nigeria Saturday that a third round of negotia tions on ending the 16 month civil war would begin in a few weeks. "It is a misdirected effort on the part of anyone who comes to Biafra to ask us to come to the conference table when there has been no change of stand in Nigeria," the broadcast said. ' TYP6#BB* iUGGAGB 'WMST WAJTCHBB; STEREOS S RECORD PLAYHKS" DIAMOND RINGS : 3am's Pawn Shop 122 E. Main St. Pfc. JW2-267J Dwbam, N. C. Does Coca-Cola TH0IMMII« have the taste you never get tired of? Is it always refreshing? Do things go better with Coke after Coke after Coke? T«AOC-MA*H3> INaOC-MABftO Ask photographer's assistant Mel Dixon. Let him tell you. Write: Mr. Mel Dixon, P.O. Box 480, Radio City Station, New York, N.Y. 10019 V- ••COC« COl«" MHO *•* »COm»IOIMOI ««M| «*HM tB««Tl»Y0«lT INI motvci or TNC COCA-COIA COMMk*. You know it. It's your best refreshment buy. Bottled under the authority of The Coca-Cola Company by: Durham Coca-Cola Bottling Co. TOWERING ST. VITUS CATHEDRAL iff mUMmB JKv^^lHßlH The highest spires in Prague-city of 100 spires-are found at beautiful St. Vitus Cathedral, an awesome structure that is part of Prague Castle. Construction began on this largest of the city's churches in the 10th century, but the finishing touches weren't applied until 1929. Two of the most skilled architects who con tributed most to the cathedral's Gothic character were the 14th century artists, Matthias of Arras and Peter Parler. Parler was just 23 years old when he was commissioned for St. Vitus. Today, the building is a must on travelers' lists of things to see, reports the Czechoslovak Government Committee for Tourism. Masses are celebrated here regularly and on special occasions during the Prague Spring Music Festival, for example concerts are per formed at the cathedral. Op o St Vbki^ofiHp CLEANERS LAUNDERERS , 800 MANGUM ST. . ' 25 U UNIVERSITY DR. PHONE 682-5426