6B -THE CAROLINA TIMES SATURDAY, JUNK 11, 1970 TELL ME Ho! ME spine stms IN ™ielif™ wwe caicuiatbd iSSf SPACE! If SPINS PLL IN ON* P\BCt ... IW£ WgRPGE MftN HftS INIHE C6REBWI -twe SOUD EWMH .iWeoceRNS BND COWEX OF HIS OCRIW ROOUT _ jjg ftlft. glftNK&f SUMOUMDIM6 If? 9000 MILLIONS OF NERVE CELLS ! I vrnw Bieo uves -*we longest? wow did -the t£bm 7| *3MfeP op'^eiticeße THE E*SIE! SOME HfWE SURVIVED Sf MORE THAN PUGGY BY_ HORACE ELMO Y \ ) IFWHAT'S |\OU UOVJ IHKT BKS K I|K) V / ,VOU SEEM AGITATED!/ PICTURE WIUDCW THE ) ' 1 RZZLE'S USED TO/ k .W? j» to* TapTrV THE FIZZLE FAMILY BYH.T.IIMO I S&W YOUR AD S I WHATWEW&UT \ DN'T //} THE GIRL FRIENDS THEN FOB. HEAVENS sake » fHE JU$T| \\ ( / 1111 y ""' fW " lig ' ooh't LET HIM BARKf B/T /ME! V IK / PIC? YOU *AY FIC7OV BARK / » ' e 2 PETEY AND HIS PALS >»Y J MAXWELL I /VOU'RE MISHTY LUCKY) /WHAT DID YOU] 1 TO HAVE A LOVING J (QQ /F?J „ I MOTHER AMD DAD. . /YOU KNOW, SHOULDN'T) \ WHEN I WAS YOUR Y ' I'M LEAVIN' HOME / TAKE SUCH 7 ' \ASE, X WAS LEFT / CAUSE I GOT A TRIVIAL. ORPHAN? J £2^*- SPANKIS/ 1 MATTERS ] llyll£ pbjllj MOLLY AN' ME I/POES THE BABY "1 IHE STAY 9 (JP T»LT- TWO I KEEP HIM UP NNZTOBI [ A. M. TELLING THE 6OY£ 7 (HOW 1$ YMOLLY, HE'S A VNIGHTS, FENWICKW |T >V V WHAT BABY SAYS 1 —^ By BERNARD BAILY I MAI SIREFJ I HEAR W, A (19UPWA LUU ULUU WJF " IF F £ K/IW ME K CITHU A # . F] ULWY I'VE STOPPED VOU'T (JLIDD^CU^..... IOC A VSOTCRCYCLE COP- AND I DON' TJ& FLKV - © (OF COU%E \ MEN ARE LIKE AUIOMOB/LTSTHE 4§ -I 9£E ANY FIRI" J '4 M ' F VOU'RE J LE% SUBSTANTIAL THTV OECOM£, THE MORI KUOCIUNG TUEV DO 1 Wi ml I F | W Mm k v ' I j 1j \ I I |^ Jl %&* Sj* "■ i tilBK fl *>■,.. ~~* Ml. mwm= m STUDENTS HELP TO BUILD PSYCHOLOGY LAB AT A&T— A&T State University students NEW YORK When it comes to secretaries, James B. Somerall, head of a nation al soft drink firm, does not discriminate. He had a male and a female secretary. William Reid, left, and Michael Freeman work in laboratory they helped to construct at the Brothers and Sisters School for For Unity to Aid Hayti Youth By MRS. NAOMI ROGERS During the summer and even during the winter months, little brothers and sisters in the Hayti Community are usually left to play up and down the rugged streets of Durham having little or no direction. As they play, they are faced with the increasing number of daily problems common to those areas where one finds drugs, not just the weak mari juana, but they see people "pupping" skin and swelling their veins with the poison and deadly juices which cause one to completely lose him self. If they are lucky, they can make it through the day without someone trying to push drugs on them. Several teens in this com munity feel that it is their oblifation to care for their little brothers and sisters and we, the staff of DYOCA, Inc., University. Both are senior psychology majors. feel it is our responsibility to meet the needs of all our people when and where possi ble. We encourage and suggest that Black people can suf ficiently and successfully guide the minds of our young by working closely with them daily in an atmosphere which creates the feeling of brotherly love for each other so that as they grow older, they will not need drugs to help them escape problems which face all of our people daily. Our starting point is the second week in June, we shall call our school, "Brothers and Sisters for Unity." We hope to carry our program into the fall; how ever, your response as a citi zen of the Black Community will help determine how suc cessful it will be. At present, we plan to start with 30 students between 8 and 11 years, with five con sultants from the Hayti Com munity to serve as program directors. The program is pro posed for 10 weeks without your help; with your help, it is proposed for many years. As Brothers and Sisters for Unity our emphasis will be placed on developing the skills and talents of these young minds. We need your support. You may help by donating food or funds. May we count on you? The first commercial man facturer of cowbells was the Barton Bell Cb., found ed in 1793 at East Hamp ton, Conn. WAYMfIKINCE2£2£7 cemue IES,THE SCYTHE AuP FSAU'., *"C KM lA-fc IMt't PffAMIO __ __ : CILI7IT* WAV IMJ A VAUfiy OF - ■-- r\ OF HE V I'ti, A THE FA I'M. MAFHH.I4 , \V/I FT/L 1 F A».C IMPU MI A 1*- «RT •VN Air-i v ./itiin Jcnf-[ / If" VMIH S*UH. 'A If I , .'-sy GRADI/AUV : T ML'VL AM'■. WHICH VVTRC . IU A S.AP MAtl OF MAH.TIAAN.Cfc , A # {7 \j WEFJE F.'fcH VFi'l D "T c f4t lly,& ' 0 \'* • I HEIC ICCEIHtK WITH *£>,,• s? i !iL/1 1 WIKE .THIS \Mf?t , Aliu F'AfmW %W" ? R .l':U'j=Mll YZAr A--. HAY VVlfe-t , WA', CC fC MIU6MV • V"-p 4 ' USE l> FCK rET'AIR AOKK THAT i ' ( ' IHIM6S VV,HIfH vAERE KO v r ', • . tcwCtK FL-A.CTIC vi N.O> Pt'cPiPiy v >' il WEF'I "MAYtt/if! '] . , j TiJ/rL«jK4 , i\ i A lIFU VUH.'H I'. MIIL U'llti j I 7 ' ant v IHIMf. C c \\KCKG. , ° PAy ' Bl^'' THPOCIGH THE FIELP& '"- HAV CPCP. mipiaMV BgruJEew £tJ6>LfikJt) akjd ieeiAMp,is R>R ITS TAILLESS MAWX CATS. (ZX337ZCZmiU* @£HTURI£S AGO, AMERICAN „> \^ IMMUNITY FKOM POISON ivy OVCHEWIN6 THE LEAVES. - - />X. . - »UT THI» (Jf t OU CAN RECOONUe - - f ' ' ll.. H. POISON IVV ON YOUR PROPERTY, «o*v ' ('>■ S pow'r TRY WEEDING IT our SY ? . . . /* HANP, FOR YOU ARE LIKELY TO |(»f}S /\ v \|l leave the foots behiwp. CJ INSTEAD, BUY A GOOl? COMMERCIAL /pf PLANT KILLER WHICH WILL DESTROY BOOTS. AS WELL AS $F YOU HAV£ CONTZACTEP A CASE OF POISON IVY, f~ ffj\ RHULIHISI", WHICH ll 1$ A-LSO EFFECTIVE iL-r-T 1 >■■ acaiwst Hon-poisonous \ —-j^a INSECT BITES. —' ~ ?O^VT^XJ THE STAWPAPP, NON- A / q MH[|l^ PRESCRIPTION remedy Ir/wil* rt Vf FOR POISON iv\, ir 1 1 U IS AVAILABLE AT „ AW j Vgr"^T MOST PRUG STQRE&. 'Jg^p IZATTIESMAKE C.AW STRIKE UP TO AOOUT -rwo-THiR-PS lf£ LEMGTH. MOST COMMOW AMERICAN) RATTLE SHAKES AVEPA&E SETWEEhJ THRCE Crossword Puzzle ACROSS 0$ 1. Account a 5. Mater -z ns° 9 Prefix: irSSSi r ®"il ' ill 13. Spare R RJv IT ™ "7TTT 14. Paddie gg gg !:!:!i 15. Girl's name is n 88 J» 11 88 16. Glistening Ks_ Ss„_ 18. Manservant » M 85! " M ?« ,7 g§~~ 28. Suffix" 1 141 4 * 8| "* , ft Plural KSgggg" « 30. Enormous "!>!>! !■!>! I'!'! 1 SSffl 32. Heroic poem « « ft 7T TOO 7? 33. Be ill 88 35. Praise su HH '* 58 *" 37. Pitch !;!;!; $8 38. Applaud *' I 1! ! 1 " &§ fc ' 40. Doctrine L—l—l—lMfl 42. Greek letter 52. Can 62. Tidings 25. Fitting 43. Wails 57. Prohibit 63. Associate 26. Country 45. At no time 58. Reverence 27. Color 47. Saturn's 59. Icon DOWN 28. Every wife 60. In this place 1. European 29. Farm 49. Choose 61. Moist 2. Verdi opera building 3. Marsupial 31. Sound: 4. Printer's music measure 34. Rules Anawar to Pu»»i» 5. High peak collection ■ll I ill.Mi 1 . ImTTITIMI 11 IMI ®- Meadow 36. Crowbar iLB iliiliil I ■ilrlvl '• Planet 39- Scheme KKEmMmK t wßwfoU 8. Leg part 41. Aviv M 9, Hawaiian 44. Country dish 46. Insurgent 11. Work unit 50. Boy's name lalvlXlBiloU'l'xTw' 1 ! 1 IVI 16. Gaze 51. Three: cards Ipl I 3 ? VwßlßaU. V[9!vßH instrument 53. Be indebted IB- Breakfast 54. Seine food 55. At once ' ' uuHfcjy anUBoM n 22 ' ® ermon 56. Building 1 m ' ill i B i i 111 theme wings _lj »| H>i |l l| 'I'M 'I I 'l' I 23. Consumed 60. Exclamation