THERE'S NO SECOND CHANCE IN A FIRE It's frightening but true that moat fina in the home start batman midnight and 6 a.m.- when moat members of the family are asleep and least pre pared to handle an emergency. And the lung-scorching heat, tha fumes, and the smoke can travel ahead of the actual fire; your home can be a deathtrap before you ever see the flames. Scary? Sure it is. But you can turn the odds in your favor by planning ahead. Your worst en emies in a fire are panic and confusion. If your family including the children—can act calmly and efficiently, you can survive circumstances which otherwise would be tragic. A new booklet, "How to Abandon a Burning House Without Panicking" has just been prepared by The Conti nental Insurance Companies. Available from local agents who display the Continental Soldier, the booklet describes the family fire drill as the key to survival. It gives you tips like these: Point 1. Select a family alarm recognizable to all—it can be a bell, a whistle or just SNOOPY SPELLS FUN FOR MILLIONS OF AMERICANS Peanuts is a crackerjack of a cimiic strip if its 60 million plus Sunday circulation is any indication. Featuring the capti vating Snoopy and (ho Rod Baron as well as dozens of other delightful characters, tin strip also appears in It) college as well as .135 newspapers and ton magazines in 51 foreign countries. It has been translntod into I I differ ent languagox. "Peanuts are the grandest people in the world," explains creator Charles M. Schulz. "Your children are peanuts, and so are mine." They're de lightful, lovable, funny, irresist ible and wonderfully unpre dictable. I really hate to see them grow out of the peanut stage." The artist draws this conclu sion from the world-wide success of the strip distributed by United Features Syndicate. Peanuts has won phenomenal popularity among readers of all ages and earned for Schulz such prized honors as the National Cartoonists' Society's "Cartoonist of The Year" Comments from the Capital Ji 1 ON THE NEED FOR REMAINING REASONABLE by Vant Neff The man I interviewed was public relations director for the 'Free the Panthers" movement in New Haven. In the course of our reasoning I said, "But someone was murdered. Who should be tried?" "The police", he answered. "Why not Jesus Christ?", I in quired of him. "He could have prevented it!", he replied. My sarcasm was lost on him. Instead came a long tirade that the police throughout the coun try had hampered the Black Pan thers from registering their dis approval. My conclusion is that you can't rationalize with irra tional people. The only thing to do, in my humble opinion, when someone steps out of line, is to slap him down. Condoning il legal actions creates criminals. • • • Funny, but the Woman's Lib eration agitators want every thing for women, yet the tactics they utilize to gain their objec tives could hardly be considered feminine. Witness their brash behavior toward the editor of a national women's magazine. His office was invaded. He was locked in a closet. He was held prisoner for several hours, until he agreed to change the maga sine's editorial policy to coincide with their oddball ideas. I sug gest, that as far as femininity and women's rights are con cerned, these wild, way-out gals may have won the battle —but lost tiie war. • * • Many people regard the mili tant Weatherman faction of the SDS as merely misguided young terrorists. Behind this mask of free love, high spirits and free everything else lies the same kind of rebellious fanaticism that foments riots, bombs and burns buildings and causes sab otage, wildcat work stoppages ana strikes, all without batting a tender young eyelash. Last summer, well • indoctrinated Weathermen, about a thousand strong, emerged from hippie pads and went into industrial jobs where they practiced their revolutionary strategems. They were so successful that you can count on the number multiplying this year. Their main targets may be arms factories, chemical warfare plants who knows? "In hate with almost every thing, one of the fondest wishes of the SDS is to cause slowdowns rmH curtail production of war materials to demonstrate their support of the North Vietnamese. (Havein't you seen pictures of these shaggy kids, waving Viet cong flags?) I will be watching with great interest for whatever new strength and solidarity they may add to the "hell with every body attitude that's the banging on a wall, but it must be loud. Point 1 Decide in advance how each member of the fam ily should proceed when awak ened .... that will be the basis for the drill. Point 3. Plan two escape ■ routes from each room—one to be followed if the halls and stairway are safe, the other if some alternative exit becomes necessary. (If you need help in choosing a safe exit, check with fire department.) Point 4. If your household includes a small child, an inva lid or anyone else who would need help in an emergency, assign responsibilities for rescu ing them. Point 5. Agree to a rendez vous point outside where everyone is expected to meet immediately after leaving the house. This is important—loo many people have been killed going back to search for a family member who was al ready outside. Point 6. Conduct your drills award in l!>sti and li)6t (the only two-time winner), the society's "Host Humor Strip of the Year" award in l!(t>2, and the 1958 "Humorist of the Year" award of the Yalo Record. In the beginning, in lilt!), ho sen( a bundle of panel cartoons to the syndicate. "My wile and I kept our fingers crossed, wail ing for the reply," ho says. "And when they wrote thai they would be interested in seeing my funny youngsters developed in comic-strip form, rather than as single panel car- toons, I really got excited. 1 had already developed some definite little characters that I thought would make a good daily strip, so I drew them up and left for New York." Since its first appearance in 1950, the strip has generated a constant flow of devoted fan mail. One woman wrote, "Al though peanuts are fattening and I'm supposed to be on a diet, I just can't resist your delightful comic. I read it every morning in lieu of breakfast." Another woman wrote. credo of many troublemakers on the labor scene today. * « • Just out of jail, an outspoken labor leader recommended that all of the nation's lawmakers be locked up too. Why? Did they break any laws? Isn't this pos ture typical of many labor big wigs who pretend to seek justice and fairness for all, but in reality want to make their own laws? • • • It's puzzling to me how a cer tain mayor has little concern for the problems that beset his crisis torn city dangerously inade quate public transportation, pov erty, bombs, street riots, strikes, budget woes—but plenty of time and energy to devote to deni grating the government's posi tion on Indochina. His name? John Lindsay of New York, a man, some think, with definite aspirations toward the Presi dency of the United States! Bet ter tidy your own backyard first, Mr. Mayor, before attempting to assume greater responsibility and even bigger problems. Even though the automobile industry is facing some mighty challenge* this year, the union masterminds won't relent in their unflagging quest for more. Money is the big prize, as al ways. The United Auto Workers Union is all set to spring its new demands this fall—totalling, it is conservatively estimated, 6 bil lion. And that's not pin money! • • • The Gallup Poll reveals that people are 4-1 in favor of Justice Douglas' impeachment. Not only has he written a book praising youthful rebellion (he's married again to a very young woman) but also has placed a similar article in a magazine that spe cializes in erotic material. "Shocking!" a Congressman de scribed it. About time, I think, to look into Justice Douglas' fit ness to sit on the Supreme Court bench where he wields so much power over the lives of so many. Clearly, most sensible Ameri at night with no advance notice to your family. Point 7. Don't endanger yourselves in the drill. You need not actually go out on a roof so long as you know enough to do so and have learned how to open the win dow and screen, for instance. Point 8. Don't waste time. It's precious. Everyone must act promptly, correctly and automatically. Looking around for a pet, for instance, could cost your life and the life of someone who might then try to rescue you. Point 9. Don't stop to col lect your valuables, and don't be concerned with your appearance. The Continental booklet also has some very valuable tips on other aspects of fire prevention and survival, as well as a grid for charting your escape routes. This might be the most important thing you can post on your kitchen bulletin board! Pick it up, "How to Abandon a Burning House Without Panicking," from your local Continental Insurance agent soon. "Whenever I refer to my soon lo-bo-bom first baby, I call him Charlie Brown. If ho is a boy I will undoubtedly name him Charlie Brown." Today there's even a delight ful game by Millon Bradley for youngsters thai features that dashing, daring, cavalier of the sky. Snoopy, the dog, and his arch-enemy, the villainous Red Baron. The object of the game for boys and girls aged 7 to 12 is to foil the Red Baron by fending off bad bullets (marbles) that he fires at Snoopy while rounding up the good bullets in the doghouse. Two players lake turns in the "dog fight" acting as Snoopy and the Red Baron. It's a sturdy, all-plastic, down-to earth "pilot project" that children love. Grown-ups as well as young- Km? A slers are devoted to the strip. When the Detroit Free Press inadvertently omitted Peanuts from the first two editions one day, "our switchboard," according to the editor, "lit up like a Christmas tree. We stopped the presses and got Peanuts back into the paper." cans have come to the same con clusion. , » « It's a sore subject with many victims: the National Labor Re lations Board's union-coddling rulings are keeping a strangle hold over the small business man. He may think he owns his own place. He may depend on it for his livelihood. But he doesn't really have much say in running it. Can he set up efficient work schedules? Can he promote the man he considers best equipped to handle bigger job responsibility? Can he discon tinue an out-of-date product that's a dead loss financially? Before he does, he must first try to get the union to agree to the matter. This restraint on his free dom is imposed by the NLRB. Is it fair and just? Why is it that the NLRB is so consistently one sided, in favor of the unions? Could it be because the labor chieftains they pamper play such an important role in politi cal maneuverings, wielding their vast vote-throwing power like the strong man in the circus? Isn't it time to give our country's antiquated labor laws the good shaking up they so urgently need? A major revision is in order. Shouldn't the job be un dertaken by impartial people with no political debts to pay off. and no apparent vulnerabil ity to future pressures from union overlords? t • • Talk about labor troubles! Even the dog catchers in Brook lyn caught the strike bug. Here's hoping for a quick recovery for the poor pets, because strikes never benefit anyone, in the long run. • * * Congratulations to the Justice Department for turning thumbs down on the visa request of Mrs. W. E. B. Dußois, widow of the notorious Afro-American expatri ate. After living abroad as a citi zen of Ghana for many years, she was invited to speak at a university in the southern part of our country. How much trouble Mrs. Dußois might have stirred up had she been permitted to return to the U.S. is anybody's guess. But isn't the whole coun try now suffering from the effects of the violence, subversive ideas and rabble-rousing incited by Mr. Dußois' contentious campus clubs? • ♦ • Psychology professor Di. Ken neth B. Clark says that Vice Pres ident Agnew "uses the powerl and privilege of his position to DARE to interfere with the free dom of academic institutions". Question: aren't the students who seize and destroy university buildings and property interfer ing with academic freedom? [Ed Sullivan Kicks Off Season Wl "Big Shew' NEW YORK - J3d Sullivan will be presenting! the fhrst award show of the new season when he starts his 23rd year on Sunday, September 20, over the CBS-TV network. Jumping the gun on the Emmys, the Oscars and the Tonys, Ed will be presenting the first "Georgies" to the winners of the "Entertainer of the Year" awards for the be6t "live" performance in the en tertainment world. Winners were selected by their peers, members of the American Guild of Variety Artists, the show business union thatt governs "live" performances In areas such as night clubs, variety theaters, fairs, circuses, concerts and other "in person" TODAY'S FARE 1 | Thursday Highlights j ~ 7 a.m.—TODAY—Scheduled: Sen. Joseph Tydings, D-Md., ! discussing hunger in America: New York police inspector Rob j ert Hair; host Hugh Downs. WTVD | 4:30 p.m.—MOVlE—"Pacific Liner." (1938) In the engine J |' room of a ship, a Chinese stowaway dies of cholera. Victor | I McLaglen, Chester Morris. WRDU 6 p.m.—MOVlE—"Night Ambush." 'English: 1956* A British ' I secret agent reveals his plan to kidnap a German general. Dirk l I Bogarde, Marius Goring. WRDU j| 7:30 p.m.—SCIENCE SPECIAL— Documentary: "The Ice 1 ■ People." "The Eskimo has moved from hunting to barter to welfare." says producer Craig Fisher. To find out why. Fisher ] traveled to Alaska, Canada, and Greenland. Result: a profile of ' 1 a people in conflict with the times. WTVD vl | 8 p.m.—AMEßlCA—Special: Host Glenn Ford emcees this J I musical tour of America. The show is really not a travelogue, j I but rather a warm report of the affection that most Americans \J . feel for the U.S. Producer-director Steve Binder used a hand- J ! held TV camera to record the story. WTVD I 8:30 p.m.—NET PLAYHOUSE—"TaIking to a Stranger." The | I second of a quartet of dramas nominated for an Emmy last ] I year. Tonight: the father's view of a weekend that tells of a I family's dissolution. WUNC I 9 p.m.—MOVIE—"The Crooked Road." (English; 1964) A I I- political melodrama about a fashion designer's affair with a I [ married man. Susan Hayward, John Gavin, Vera Miles. WFMY. I [ 8 p.m.—GENE KELLY-Special: "A Gene Kelly Revue." J Producer-director Robert Scheerer, who has done specials for I Sinatra, Streisand and Fred Astaire, has now put together a!' I;revue built around Gene Kelly. WRAL ] 11 p.m.—MOVlE—"They Died With Their Boots On." (West em; 1941) George Armstrong Custer leaves to join the Army at i the outbreak of the Civil War. Errol Flynn, Olivia de Haviland. i I WRDU I 11:30 p.m.—MOVlE—"lnferno." (Adventure; 1953) A mil- I I lionaire finds his courage and stamina being tested for the first I I time in his life. Robert Ryan. William Lundigan. WRAL | \& & \ ! Friday Hig j i I 7 a.m. TODAY Guests Include D. Robert Francoeur,. | discussing experiments in human reproduction, several former I Miss Americas and book reviewer Gene Shalit. WTVD > [ 4:30 p.m. - DOUBLE FEATURE FILM - "Nightmare"' ' (1956). A jazz musician has a strange feeling that he has I murdered someone. Edward G. Robinson, Kevin McCarthy. 1 l l"The Falcon's Alibi" (1946). A damsel in distress calls in the y l : Falcon. Tom Conway, Rita Corday and Vince Barnett. WRDU [ 7 p.m. SCIENCE SPECIAL "The Unseen World." Beau tiful and strange sights are revealed in this hour of breathtak- ] ing color photography. Eddie Albert narrates. WRAL i; 8 p.m. COLLEGE FOOTBALL "Hie Aggies of North | I Carolina A&T meet the Southern University (La.) Jaguars at .■ I New York's Yankee Stadium. WFMY I 8 p.m. AMERICA Glenn Ford hosts a salute to Amer- I l.ica. WTVD ;J 9 p.m. MOVIE "Sole Survivor," a made-for-TV fantasy j ' drama. An Air Force inquiry team combs the wreckage of a World War II bomber found in the Libyan Desert. Accom-. ' panying them is the ship's only survivor, Gen. Russell Hamner, I who saved his life by disobeying orders. As the search goes on, ' Fthe ghosts of the p'-ne's dead crewmen watch, hoping Hamner I will be exposed. WTVD I 11 p.m. MOVIE "Public Enemy" (1931). During Pro- J hibition, two friends become members of a gang that controls a I. racket. James Cagney and Jean Harlow. WRDU l 11:30 p.m. - DOUBLE FEATURE FILM - "Zarak" (1957). I Driven from his village because of his interest in his father's . favorite wife, Zarak becomes a ruthless outlaw leader on tha i | Northwest frontier of India. Victor Mature and Anita Ekberg. i "The Son of Dr. Jekyll" (1951). The son of Dr. Jekyll tries toi'J ' prove his father was a serious scientist, not a mad monster. J r Louis Hayward, Jody Lawrence. WFMY I 'J ■ 11:30 p.m. MOVIE "Between Heaven and Hell" (1956). J , A young southerner is assigned to an outfit run by a psycho- 5 j pathic colonel. Robert Wagner and Broderick Crawford. WRAL i| ; ® ® Saturday Highlights i I t p.m.—MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL. WTVD | I | 9:15 p.m.—WASHINGTON SENATORS BASEBALL GAME. ! WRDU ! j. 4 p.m.—U.S. OPEN XEWHB CHAMPIONSHIPS. WFMY j \ 8 p.m.—WORLD SERIES OF GOLF—The winners of J I golfdom's four major tournaments will compete for a first prize.l of 150,000 at the Firestone Country Club In Akron, Ohio. WTVD 1 I | • p.m.—THE ALL-STAR CIRCUS-Ed McMahon hosts this \ | spectacle of big-top entertainment WTVD t ' 10 p.m.—MISS AMERICA PAGEANT-Bert Parks will be j, emcee for the 16th year. WTVD, WFMY IT f 11:30 p.m.—MOVIE—"The Mouse that Roared." starring ij I Peter Sellers. WFMY. J \ 1 t n p.m.—MOVlE—"Task Force," starring Gary Cooper. :| a WRDU J entertainment fields. This year's winners include Bob Hope, top u Entert4ner of the Year", and Jimmy Durante, honored with the "Golden Award" aa an out standing performer who has been a star for more than 50 years. The accent of the show will be on entertainment, with many of the recipients per forming ss well as accpeting their awards. The roster of stars includes, Tom Jones, male singer of the year; Bar bra Streisand, female singer of the year; Flip Wilson, comic of the year; Carole Burnette, commedienne of the year; Blood, Sweat and Tears, musical group of the year; Tanya, the Elephant, animal act of the year, The Flying Alexanders, circus act at the year, and Radio CKy Music Hall for the variety •tage production of the ytor. Presenting the awards will be many of the foremost stars in show business including Lucille Ball, Danny Thomas and Dionne Warwick. The show will eminate from Ceasar's Palace in Las Vegas. Bob Precht is the producer of the show for Sullivan Pro ductions, Inc. Cleveland, 0/s Mayor on SCS's 75fhKickoffYr. ORANGEBURG, S. C. - Cleveland Mayor Carl Stokes will highlight the opening con vocation of South Carolina State College's 75th anniver sary celebration Sunday, Sept. 13. Stokes will address the stu dents, faculty, alumni and friends at a 4 p.m. program in Smith -Hammond- Middleton Memorial Center. According to Dr. Lewie C. Roache, chairman of the 75th Anniversary Committee, all State College alumni have been invited to participate in a pro cessional which will begin at 3:45 p.m. The public is invited he added. Plans are being formalized for other activities for the year-long celebration, he said. Stokes, the first Negro to be elected chief executive of a major American city, pledged himself to be mayor of all the people. In a series of Town Hall meetings he and his Cabinet have gone to every section of the city, meeting on a person to-person basis with residents, explaining programs, answering questions, fielding complaints and, generally bringing govern ment closer to the people, making it more responsive to their needs. \Zf~z\c ty&fl L Mm US _nivp BrJJUttBOWK, UfA r I Oirector, The Midi Skbrt i* the smartest and most exciting new way to start your fall '7O wardrobe try it on and you'll see! Sears has great midi skirts in both the sportswear department and Junior Bazaar, all set to team up with sleek bodyshirts. Now, tie a little kerchief at the neck line, add a leather belt at the waistline, balance with shoes or boots that have medium-high heels—and the result is a smash - eroo "look"! The Poncho and the "Ruana" make marvelous toppings for midi skirts a;id long straight panU. The new fall ponchos are longer-"ruanus" are long, wruppy shawls- both come in sportive plaids and colorful, ctnty fleeces. Come On Down to the new midi dress (or the "Longuette" as il*K also called). Suddenly, you'll look slimmer, you'll walk taller, you'll know you're fashion-right—when you first wear the new length in u stun ning coutdress tike thin: on its own one day, over the match ing punts another day- a sum pie of the new-for-fall midi excitement. SATURDAY, BPT. 13, UTTO THE CABOUHA TMEg- Ancient Oaks Agaiwt the Sea Thousands of these giant live oak trees overlook the 28-mile long beach on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. I For hundreds of years these ancient and invaluable trees have weathered the severest storms the sea i could produce and have come through almost un- I touched. Each moss-hung tree is cherished by Gulf Coast res idents and homes, hotels and other buildings are us i ually designed to take full advantage of their beauty and shade. In spite of the tremendous building and construction that has taken place in this booming sea coast resort, most of these trees have remained un touched over three centuries. These lovely trees are very much a part of the char acter and personality of the Mississippi Gulf Coast and visitors are awed by their enormous size and uniqye beauty. Flip Wilson host to Redd Foxx Roger Miller and Temptations NEW YORK - Roger Miller, Lily Tomlin, Redd Foxx and the Temptations will be Flip Wilson Show" Thurs day, Oct. 1 (7:30-8:30 p.m. NYT). Flip will appear in a variety of comedy sketches, including one in which he plays a masher in a cocktail lounge, a second where he and lily Tomlin (of NBC-TV's "Rowan and Martin's Laugh-In") - both subscribers to a computer dating service - compare notes in the waiting room, and a third as the Reverend Leroy of the Church of What's Happen ing Now. Roger Miller will sing Russet Potatoes Featured In Tasty Salad Washington State Russet Potatoes go continental in this tasty salad, accented with bits of Swiss cheese, celery, green onion and parsley. While still warm, the cooked potatoes are diced and tossed in an oil and vinegar dressing. For a buffet, serve Swiss-Style Potato Salad on a lettuce-lined platter garnished with salami slices and cherry tomatoes. Washington Russets are an all-purpose potato that stay moist and flavorful whether baked, boiled or fried. They are especially adaptable for salad because they cook evenly and retain their shape. SWISS-STYLE POTATO SALAD 4 cups cooked, diced Wash- V/ 2 cups finely diced Swiss ington Russet Potatoes cheese Zz cup salad oil 1 cup sliced celerv Z 3 cup vinegar '/s CU P chopped grepti onion J teaspoons salt Crisp lettuce Salami slices teaspoon pepper Cherry tomato** 1 clove garlic, minced Parsley, for garnish Cook potatoes whole. While still warm, dice and toss with mixture of oil, vinegar, salt, pepper and garlic. Cool Fold in cheese, celery and onion. Chill. Serve in lettuce-lined bowl or platter. Encircle with salami slices and cherry tomatoes Garnish with parslev. Makes 6 servings. Buying in Yow Community . . . Means You Profit • THE FARMER knows he increase! kit yield when he plows kadt the rich top soiL • THIS BANK, AND THE BUSINESS MAN koch know they can serve the community better if the wealth is "plowed bock" into the community. • Let us buy all we can from local merchants, bank at this bank and cooperate with each other for the nod of all of us. H 1 " Farmers BANK JHT / m WUT PAMISH rr. OUOHAM. * t "Walking in the Sunshine" and join Flip for a medley of "Do-Wacka-Do," Dang Me," "The Good Old Days" and "King of the Road." The Temptations sing "Ball of Con fusions" and "Let It Be." Cornedial Redd Foxx will do a monologue and chat with Flip. Music is supervised and con ducted by George Wyle. The show, produced by Bob Henry and directed by Tim Kiley, is written by Herbert Baker, Hal Goodman and Larry Klein, Bob Weiskopf and Bob Schiller, Winston Moss and Flip Wilson. Monte Kay is exe cutive producer. 5B

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