ll.lfertMseDiionßrsf of Race fo fief Doctorate from m LUBBOCK, Tmm - Dr. W. Dtaoa, the lint Itapo *> padwte with a doc tor* from Tana Tech Unl- HI Mmd to INK liwilimi, Houston, to m- I w ' M. ilXOi rarity prof raw. Dr. Dixon was graduated with a Dootoc of Education depee In August. She majored la high* education and mlaond In home economics. Dr. Olson, born In Houston hi 1996, Is now an associate phssoi of home economics education at Texas Southern Uutamty. Dr. Dixon has a broad edu eattoaal background. She did ka uadsrpaduate work at PkaMa View, Texas fiJtem 194944. She took bar grad uate work at PtaMo View Slate Cottage In Pnkte View, Ifcnsfrom 194946. Bha took Beauticians Attend Trade Show Tht Bronner Broth en 2 lit Intaraatlonal Trade Show vu Wd at the Refency Hyatt Ho tal la Atlanta, Gd. It opened with mora then 10 exhlbttora from every Mat*. A three-hour private Jet Ml eoOap eourae, «u con ducted by a staff at atyiat audi aa Ctoo Jackaon of-loa Aagtaa, GUif ~ Jamea Harris of Bnaton, Mam., Bam OR, De- Mt, Mich., Stuart Angkman New York and Kohom and Joan Wellington at CWcago, DL, and Elton C. Toland, Lot Angles Calif. Thla year the aaarton waa eenterad around "Do Yot* Thing". Every company atreaa ad, If It laa ralaxar or a perma nent w«« the beat If it la a natural warn with proper can; If It la a wig, wear It faahion abty. Seen and welcomed at the trade ahow by A s . H. and A. E. Bronner wen the North Caro laa haaidlrhra; Mn. Tneker, Beatrice Haß, Alaorla Roberta, all of Raleigh; Mn. Bather Wyße, Daley Harris, Therm Hall of Durham; Mn. fcther wyile, bodied her out -11l from Texaa In the faahion dhow. .Another artlat for the ahow waa the lovely Mlm Perita It waa then, aßra and excit ing three daya to laarn mora Claflin Prof to Appear in 70 Edition Outstanding Educators ORANGEBURG - Profee •or Jamat Mack, Chairman of the Dhrtalon of Natural Science and Mathematica, has bean ee lactad to appaar in tha 1970 edition of "Outstanding Edu ■ton of America." Profeeeor Mack, who was nominated eerier this yaar, has baan choaan for tha awards publi cation on tha basis of his chric and profaastonai achievements. Tha "Outstanding Educa tors of Amartea" la an annual fnf«B iadgnert to recog ■tea and honor thoaa man and tMMMB who hava dtattnguiahad IliMinaliw tijr ainsptlnnsl nrr lea, achievement! and leader ship hi education. Bub yaar over 6,000 of oar country's taw oat eduoatora are fea tured hi thla nations I volume. Noodnsttnoa for "Outatand snparlntendents and other heads of aehoob ooUagea . hdMtab who have first hand knowledge of their an uria llngrigliliil Malory ra mkmay honor. T*y ire Urtnnlty of ManasoCa in 1948-49, the University of Colorado la 1964, New York Univerrfty from 196844, Cor nel Unhanlty in 1966 tad Tm TWh Uahnlty from 1968.70. Dr. tela J. FaDon, associ ate daan for graduate atodhi la tha Co Dm of Education, was tba chairman of Dr. Dixon's doctoral advise com -44 Mrs. Dixon's dasaroom parformanoa as a doctoral student, bar dedication to a fruitful oaraar In bar field, and the quality of bar doctoral raaaarch ware all vary out atanding Her dafenae of the doctoral dtoertation was one of tha moat masterful I have attended in my fifteen years at Tana Tech." said Dr. Fallon. "She poaeeaees pat intel lectual curiosity and the tena city to find valid uam to her Intellectual concerns. Be cause she poasses theee charao teriatica, the work of her doc toral advisory committee was a pleasure." During her long educational career, Dr. Dixon has served as Director, Home Manage ment Residence, at Bishop Collage in Marshall, Texas, Home Counaelor for the Austin (Texas) Public Schools, and teacher educator, assistant professor and instructor home economics at Texas Southern University. and to earn more. Plan now to make the N. C. Beauticians Trade In Durham. **♦ MAKES DEAN LIST kfflm Brenda Jenkins, the pandaughter of Mrs. Dorothy Lilly who resides at 14-G Dorothy Drive made the Deana List thla past year at Howard University. Brenda made a 3.0 the fbat semester and a 4.0 the aecond aemeater. She la majoring in prwachool education with an appßed arte minor. In the fail Brenda will be a senior, she will alao be the captian of the Howard University Cheerlead ers. *•* ENTERTAIN BIBLE CLASS Rev. and Mrs. Hamlet Eppa of 725-B Holloway St. enter tained the Homelatic Bible Class, Monday, September'l4 at 7:45 for a social dinner. Thoae present wen; film damee Zella Mae Williams, Frances Eppa, Frances McDen non, J. R. Crews, Tony Macer, and Ifiaau Linda Williams, Karen Mercer, Delphine Williams, Wanda Eppa, Robin Crews, Pamela WilUama, Sheila Eppa, and Rev. Eppa. Mrs. Crews is the instructor for thla clam every Monday night Subjects taught an Homeletica, Hermeneutic and Doctrine. tlon on the basis of local stan dards of excellence. Former Vice-President Hu bert Humphrey, who wrote the introductory message for the 1970 edition, says of the men and women included, "The greatest strength of any nation ia Ita human reaourcaa. Theae are the men and wo men who by their actions in the claaaroom today mold the couraa of history. Our hope - the nation's youth - la in their hands. As we honor theae teachers, we are reminded of their awaaome duty. As they have our confidence, we muat ghe them the tools to wage Jafferaon'a crusade agelnat Ignorance.' With men and woman Ike theae we know that our faith In education has not been misplaced " OuldaUnaa for aalection In clude an educator's talsnts In the ckaaroom, contributions to taaaarch, administrative abili ttas and any chic and profee ional recognition previously received. . Don't salt roast fcMf tiatfl • ia 75 per cent don? sorts cooks advise. Salt draw* out tl» juices flsvoF . Wm»Mm Htt, fl I tr H I 'WBmj ■ I H BIbE I ■ I The Modernettes dotal creative interpretations a t "Steal Away to Jeraa." i A HA'IS OF DURHAM ob served World Peace Day with a series of events including a Program of the Arts held Wednesday, September 18 at North Carolina Central Univer sity. One of the highlitfits of this program was a creative dance performance of the Mod Baha'i Youth Group from Henderson, Raleigh and Kins ton sine songs of World Peace. & - jgg? * »• in- I HHUJ -nfimnffllfr 'TM infnM ;:; ' WF **V • I * r *B;-| : Willis! 6lfc—H ▼ -' /J. ■ - - s w , If \ HMMMMH mL. g/tk am w pp ' ART WORKS OF M. THOMPSON ON DISPLAY AT STUDENT UNION BLDG. A One Man Art Show, ex hlbiting the worka of Mercedes B. Thorn peon, Is now on dis play at the Student Union Art Gallary, at the University of North Carolina, Chapel HiU North Carolina. The exhibit beoa dbpky thwjli Oe ernettes, a group from Wbitp. 1 ted Jr. High, directed by Mn. ! Edith Johnson. Miss Claudette 1 Thomas, advanced student from the group, was featured aa | solo performing a creative dance interpretation of "lift Every Voice." totxr 9, 1970. All of tha painting! are done in oil on canvas or on panel A number are large mural aize, Intended for wall hangings. Though most of the paintings are of an abstract nature, lira. Thomp Registration Week Begins at "Y" Sept. 28 Bagbhrtluii for .mainbar- Alp and daaass at the HnM Tubman Branch of the YWCA •I2 E. Umataad Street begins September 28, 1970 and ends October S, 1971. The classes that will be offered far the Fall-Winter saarion are Afro- American history, dramatics, typMf, ittmnaertrs, hatmaking, aawinf, cricheting, and knit ting. Come by the YWCA and see if the class of your choice flta-ln with your dally schedule and register. Dance, dramatics, and Afiro-American history classes will be offered to the pre-teens this year. Do not let them miss these enriching ex periences. The Y-teens are not regis tering for the year. The new Y-teen director has some very new exciting ideas to develop to make this year a memorable year for the Y-teens. A new club is now being organized at the YWCA for young wires. Its purpose will be to promote fellowship and to initiate community motives among the young wives in Durham. Do not let the facilities of your community YWCA go unrecognized. Come by 312 E. Umstead Street and join up with its new program. STEWARTS DAY Stewart's Day will be ob served at White Oak Baptist Church Sunday, September 27, at 2:30 p.m. It is to honor Rev. James A. Stewart, the ex-pastor, who served there 42 years. , Helicopters to Participate In Project Hast WASHINGTON - United States Air Force helicopters of the Aerospace Rescue and Re covery Service will begin parti cipation in the Military Assis tance for Safety in Traffic (MAST) project, Secretary of Defense Melvin R. Laird an nounced today. Helicopter detachments of the 42nd Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Squadron, Military Airlift Command, at Mountain Home Air Force Base, Idaho, and at Luke Air Force Baae, Arizona, will be gin flying MAST missions to day. Detachment 15 at Luke and detachment 22 at Moun tain Home are both equipped with the HH-438 dual-rotor helicopter, which has seen ex tensive reacue duty in South east Asia. The project, announced jointly by Secretary Laird and Department of Transportation (DOT) Secretary John A. Volpe on July 15, is designed to determine the value of heli copter! in providing medical assistance to automobile acci dent victims and other persons needing emergency medical care. The initial MAST test was begun in mid-July in the San Antonio, Texas area by the United States Army's 507 th Air Ambulance Com pany from Fort Sam Houston. The DOT it the lead agency in the MAST Study Group which had Department of Defense and Health, Education, and Welfare representation. Secre tary Laird has designated the Army as Department of De fense Executive Agent for the Project. human life and nature and popular lyrics. A typical work 'of her sculpture which is on ,dhphy, allows man in • re dlining state, and is called •'"Man In Tht Year- 2525". The artist, who teaches art at the Whltted Junior High School, In the Durham City School System, received bar Master's Depee in the August 1970 Summar B—lon, from the Unhwrfty of North Caro lina at Chapel Hill. She did her undergraduate work at Shaw University in Raleigh, North Carolina and North Caro lina Central University in Durham, North Carolina. She the latter ■sfeerslty. a*}**- -V v ▼n B . : . ... ' V""* : A .y. '""V^gp, - J i I REGISTRATION TIME —Regis tration for the fall quarter of the 1970-71 school year got underway early this month for Durham Business College. Ac cording to the Office of Ad missions, about 600 students entered the fall term, among Legal Notices NORTH CAROLINA DURHAM COUNTY NOTICE OF RESALE UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF THE SU PERIOR COURT of Durham County, made in a special pro ceeding therein pending en titled "Mechanics and Farmers Bank, Administrator of the Estate of Harvey Green, de ceased Vs. Nettie D. Green (widow) '"-ft**' Green and wife, Thomasina L. Green; Ethel M. Green (single); Mar cellus Green (single); and Ky rus C. Green and wife Pennie A. Green, and' signed by the Assistant Clerk of Superior Court, the undersigned Com missioner will on the 16th day of October, 1970, at twelve o'clock, noon, at the door of the courthouse in Durham, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, but subject to the confirma tion of Court, a certain tract or parcel of land lying and bMng in Triangle Township, Durham County. North Caro lina, and more particularly de scribed as follows: BEGINNING at an iron stake in the western property line of Dixon Road 301.19 feet in a southerly direction from the south sidte of Eden Drive, thence with and along the western property line of Dixen Road, in a southerly direction ai it curves at a radius of 404.24 feet, 100.00 feet to a stake; thence with and along the northern boundary line of Lot No. 4 BLOCK C of plat hereinafter mentioned, North 65 degrees 38 minutes West 319.94 feet to a stake; thence North 3 degrees 51 minutes East 100.0 feet to a stake; thence along the southern boundary line of Lots Nos. 11 and 10, Block C, South 83 de grees 39 minutes East 177.09 feet to a stake; thence South 51 degrees 40 minutes East 204.76 feet to a stake in the western property line of Dixon Road 1 , the point and place of beginning. ?nd BEING LOT NO. 5 in BLOCK C OF ARCH DALE, TRIANGLE TOWNSHIP, Durham, North Carolina, as shown by Map and survey of J. Watts Copley, L. S.. May 5, 1969, Map of Archdale being recorded in Plat Book ,— —, page , Office of the Regis ter of Deeds for Durham Coun ty- This Bth dav of September, 1970. WILLIAM A. MARSH. JR., Commissioner Sept. 12, 19. 26; Oct. 3 NORTH CAROLINA DURHAM COUNTY IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT CIVIL DIVISON DOCKET NO. 70 CvD 4154 NORMAN MEADE, Plaintiff vs. DOROTHY GILL MEADE, Defendant NOTICE The above named Defendant, DOROTHY GILL MEADE, will take notice that an action en titled above has been com menced' in the Durham County District Court, Durham, North Carolina, by the Plaintiff to secure an absolute divorce from the Defendant upon the grounds that Plaintiff and De fendant have live separate and apart from each other for more than one year next preceding th-> bringing of this action; pnd the Defendant will fur ther take notice that she is re quired to appear at the office of the Clerk of Durham Coun tv District Court. Durham North Carolina, in the Court house in Durham on or before the 15th day of October. 1970. and answer or (femur to the 'Complaint in said action or the Plaintiff will apply to the 7ourt for the relief demande# In the Complaint. This 28th day of August, 1970. Nathoniel L. Belcher Bumpass. Belcher and Avant Attorneys at law 2 Duns tan Street Burham, North Carolina 17707 5, 12, 19, 36 T > NORTH CAROLINA DURHAM COUNTY NOTICE OF RISALI UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF AN ORDER OF THE SU PERIOR COURT of Dwfaaa County, made in a special pro ceeding therein sending en- these were: L. to R 'Mrs ) Leandra S. Toms, Bursar; Miss Sheila Homes, freshman, Rocky Mount; Miss Mahila Hcwett, freshman, South Port; Miss Barbara Carr, freshman, Hava lock. titled "Mechanics and Farmers Bank, Executor of the Estate of Hettie Jones, decease*} Vs. William Gustav Jones and wife, Ernestine Anita Jones," and signed by the Assistant Clerk of Superior Court, the under signed Commissioner will on the 16th day of October, 1970, at twelve'o'clock, noon, at the door of the courthouse in Dur ham, North Carolina, offer for ■ale to the highest bidder for cash, but subject to the con firmation of the Court, a cer tain tract of JUU! land lying and being in Durham Township, Durham County, North Carolina, and more p?r ticularly described as follows: BEING LOT NO. 12 of the R. H. WRIGHT PROPERTY LOCATED in Durham, North Carolina as per plet of R. M Pickard, Civil Engineer, dated August, 1921 and recorded in the Office of the Register of Deeds of Durham County in Deed Book 99, page 127, Plat Book No. 3, page 145. HOUSE NO. 708 South Street is located on this land. This Bth day of September, 1970. _ WILLIAM A. MARSH. JR., Commissioner Sept. 12, 19, 26; Oct. 3. NORTH CAROLINA DURHAM COUNTY ADMINSTRATOR S NOTICE HAVING QUALIFIED as Ad ministrator of the estate oi Betsy 'Jane Jeffers, deceased, late of Durham County. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to exhibit them to the undersigned at 116 West Parrish Street, Durham, N. C. on or before March 19, 1971, or this notice will be pleaded ia bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said' estate will please make immediate payment. This 11th day of September, 1970. Mechanics and Farmers Bank, Administrator Estate of Betsy Jane Jeffers, Deceased Sept. 19, 26; Oct. 3, 10. NORTH CAROLINA DURHAM COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE HAVING QUALIFIED as Ad ministrator of the estate of John Lacy Murchison. de ceased, late of Durham Coun ty, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to exhibit them to the under signed at 116 West Parrish Street, Durham, N. C„ on or March 19, 1971, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate pay- IF YOU DON'T HAVE at least 3 months of your annual salary put aside for emergencies, you should start saving immediately. Save 5% of your salary each month, until you reach your goal. You'll And that regular saving plus our generous earnings make your eroeig^ncy reserve fund grow big fast! And you may even find that saving's not so hard after all! NOTHING SUCCEEDS LIKE SAVINS • Mutual Savings A Loan Association A billion i>r the number t follownf by nine zeros is made up ..I" 1.000 millions. Yet il represents only a small frac tion of our current annual fed eral budget a nil an even more minute fraction of the national debt' , N Miss W. Crews To Attend Ky. College Willette Marlene Crews, the daughter of Bishop and Mrs. W. M. Crews who formerly re sided at 1611 Riddle KdT now of 1318 N. Alston Ave. is now attending college at Marpret Hall, Versailes, Kentucky. She was among others granted a scholarship through the Annie C. Stouffer Foundation for three years. She is now a soph more. Willette attended the Dur ham County and City School She has served as class presi dent, member of the Hope Val ley, Githens and Rofer Herr School bands. Member of Troop No. 130. She became a member of Faith Tabernacle Holy Church and worked faithfully with her parents on the extension and home mis sionary fields. While at Alpha Chapel Holy Church she served as Sunday School Teacher, edi tor of the Youth Cronciles, Junior Usher, Junior Choir, as sistant secretary and President of the Young Willing Workers Union and treasure of the Pastor's Aide. ment. This 11th day of September, 1970. Mechanics and Farmer* Bank, Administrator Estate of John Lacy Murchison, Deceased Sept. 19, 2?; Oct «, 10. CLASSfFIED ADS FOR SALE a Grocery store and shack bar Located at 1409 Mo re he ad Ave. Good location. Reason for selling: retiring. Phone 682-2207 4 ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT 405 St Joseph's Street. Rent 511.00 per week. Dial 682-2207. 5-ROOM HOUSE NEEDED Horace L. Smith, 2007 House Ave.. Apt 11, Dial 48M17S wants 5-room house n«ar school in nice neighborhood. 3A