Words of Wjsdom ★ Punctuality is the politeness of kings, the duty of gentlemen, and the necessity of men of busi ness. — Samuel Smiles VOLUME 49 No. 44 Bias Charges Brought By Black Police i ' m m ifl S Ht ■ K 191 « 19 ■ k Ik Hl fl ■ GOODWILL AMBASSADRESS— —GaiI Fisher, Emmy award win ning star of the CBS-TV show —"Mannix"—has been named Goodwill Ambassadress for the 1971 National Easter -Seal St. Joseph's A.HH. . Observe Annual Homecoming Sun. s >y REV. OAVIS |(rl I - M ricfi ll M B 53 -s'Slt T E m NL: • ! Rgft IMPRESSIVE CORONATION— —An African motif highlighted the annual coronation of Miss Pearl Brown (center) of Hart- Campaign. March 1-April 11. Miss Fisher will play a lead ing volunteer role to raise funds for Easter Seal services that annnualy aid 1 250,000 han didcapped children and adults. By BERNARD AUSTIN St. Joseph's will observe the 101 st Anniversary and Home coming, Sunday, November 8, 1970 at the 11:00 a.m. worship service. Dr. J. D. Davis, presiding. Elder of the Western District, of the Western North Carolina An nual Conference will be the guest speaker. William A. Marsh Jr., presiding, William Turner, prayer, and music will be furnished by the Senior Choir. Boyd's history of Durham says, "the first Negro congre- ford, Conn., as Miss A. & T. I State University last Wednes ; day at the University. Attend ants were (left to right) Sandra €k €amji|a Cunrs FEDERAL AGENCIES FIND THAT 22,400 WORKERS ON GOV'T JOBS UNDERPAID Findings Are Contained In Wage Report WASHINGTON - Approxi mately 22,400 employees were found due $2.8 million in wage underpayments on Govern ment contract work during Fiscal Year 1970, investiga tions made by the Federal Wage and Hour Division and other Government enforce ment agencies have disclosed. The findings are contained in a wage and Hour report on Government enforcement ac tivity under the Davis-Bacon and Related Acts and the Con tract Work Hours Safety Standards Act, which deal pri marily with wages and hours on construction contracts. In issuing the report, Wage and Hour Administrator Robert D. Mo ran pointed out that while the Division's 960 Compliance Officers conduct ed 1>5% of all Government in vestigations under these laws, they accounted for $2 million or 71% oI tthe total tack wages found due nearly 14,000 or 62% of the total number of laborers and me chanics found underpaid. Mo ran said the Wage and Hour findings represent an in crease of 152% in the number of employees found die back (See FEDERAL page 2A) gation in point of time is St. Joseph's African Methodist Episcopal Church. It was founded in 1869 and its first pastor was Edian Markham. On August 20, 1869, the church was organized with only six members. The land on which the church now stands was given by Rev. Markham." It counts among its pastors some of the most outstanding ministers of the connection, and is considered the leading A.M.E. Church in North Caro lina. Rev. Philip R. Cousin is now minister. Slade. .Henderson; Katrina Bon- 1 aparte, Winston-Salem; Sandra 1 Hall, Washington, D. C.; and I Agnes Dunston New Bern. DURHAM, N. C., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1970 fc 1 dunlin iitrr-l I "MBI |SSjjg| I bTBIB I iP . I IsJI 1 k HI SH ■ His Eminence Bishop S. McDowell Shelton and His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie, the Emperior of Ethiopia. Bishop McDowell Shelton Makes Annual Far East E PHILADELPHIA, Pa. - The world's largest Apostolic Faith Church, The Church of the Lord Jesus Christ, bids its Apostle and General Over seer, His Eminence, Bishop S. McDowell Shelton, Godspeed as he broadens the horizon of the Church and makes his an nual evangelistic tour to Eu rope, the Middle East and Africa. Bishop S. McDowell Shel Gail Fisher Is Named 70 Goodwill Ambassadress For Sees the Black Economic Trend As Declining NEW YORK, N. Y., - Whitney M. Young, Jr., Execu tive Director of the National Urban League, said today that the current economic outlook for Blacks was "more des perate than at any time, since the Depression, and absolute ly tragic in its consequence for millions of Black Ameri cans. Mr Young's pessimism was based largely on the results of the latest Quarterly Economic Report on National Economic Trends, issued by the League's Research Department in Wash; ington. "Black unemployment is at its highest in six years, and higher than has ever been re corded for whites since the (Sec TREND page 2A) ton was received in Brussels by His Excellency, Mr. John S. D. Eisenhower (former President Eisenhower's son) who is now U. S. Ambassador in Belgium. The Bishop also had important talks with leaders in European Communities whose head of fices are in Brussels, and he had the opportunity to speak to listeners of Radiodiffusion Beige. From Brussels, Bishop S. CHICAGO Gail Fisher, Emmy award winning star of the CBS-TV show - "Mannix" - has been named Goodwill Ambassadress for the 1971 National Easter Seal Cam paign. The announcement was made by Summer G. Whittier, executive director of the Na tional Easter Seal Society for Crippled Children and Adults, at its Chicago headquarters. Miss Fisher has taped TV and radio spots and will make personal appearances during the 1971 appeal which opens March 1 and continues through April 11, Easter Sunday. She will be guest speaker at a luncheon for young Easter Seal volunteers on No vember 7, final day of the Na tional Society's annual conven tion, to be held at the Palmer House, Chicago. As Goodwill Ambassadress, Mis* Fisher will play a leading volunteer role in enlisting fi nancial support for Easter Seal rehabilitation and other serv ices that annually aid some quarter of a million crippled (See FISHER page 2A) McDowell Shelton flew to Rome where he met His Ex cellency, Mr. Graham A. Mar tin, U. S. Ambassador in Italy. The bishop visited the building of the Vatican Broad casting Service conducted by Mgr. Pere Stefanizzi, Manager of this service. His Eminence, Bishop S. McDowell Shelton was invited by Mgr. Giaomo Martin to be present to the (See SHELTON page 2A) W ' H WMF 11;;;; GRANT TO AID BLACK MED STUDENTS Dr. James M. Whittico of St. Louis (second from left) happily acc«pts a grant of $5,000 from Sterling Drug Inc. to the scholarship fund established to help black The Golden One is Coining YOUR WAY I* 11971 For The Importa nt Date WATCH THESE CO. LUMNS Officers Request Promotions of Rank Without Regard to i face The progress report on the grievances of Durham's black policemen received sharp criti cism when read before the city council here Monday night by City Manager L Harding Hughes Jr. The report, read before a crown of some 400 citizens including most of Durham's 25 black officers, consisted partly of a statistical compari son of the rank of blacks on the Durham force and in other North Carolina cities. Hughes report was first questioned by Councilman John S. Stewart, who told the council, "What other cities in North Carolina have done is nor germane; it doesn't allevi ate the situation at hand. Referring to the city mana ger's progress report, Sgt. James W. Price, a spokesman A&T Awarded Funds Operate Research Lab GREENSBORO - A&T State University has been se lected by the U. S. Labor De partment as one of 12 regional manpower research and train ing centers. Dr. Howard Robinson, di rector of the A&T center, an nounced Tuesday that the Uni versity has received a federal grant of $262,000 to operate the center for four years. Robinson said A&T will en gage in a number of long range research problems con cerned with manpower and the urban labor market. The center will also seek solutions to manpower problems and as sist in local businessmen in terested in offering manpower training to secure federal grants. One project being initiated at A&T is a comprehensive study of 150 companies in the state to evaluate the changes in the employment of minori (See RESEARCH page 2A) medical students become phy sicians. The check was present ed to Dr. Whittico at the Na tional Medical Association's 75th annual meeting in Atlanta by Mrs. Inez Kaiser of Ines Kaiser and Associates, Kansas Pi *ICE 20 CENTS for the black offica *» I "I dlon't know where B° l : his statistics, but we have some ! of oiir own." Pt ice requested a com mittee to go over the re, oort He said over one half « it "is untrue, and we can'l 1° along with it." Durham's 25 black poll •*" men first presented a list • grievances to the coucil com mittee-of-the-whole two week s ago. (See OFFICERS 2A) Dr. C. Edwards Named to Head Gen. Bap. of NC Dr. C. R. Edwards, Pastor of the First Baptist Church. Fayettevi.Ue, was elected Pre sident of the General Baptist State Convention of N. C. at its 103 rd annual session held in Winston Salem this week. He has served as Pastor of the First i Baptist Church for 17 years. He is vice president of t..e local Ministerial Fellow ship and me mberof the Fa.yet teville City Board of Educa tion. Along wit h his new position in the Bapt.'st denomination, he served as First Vice presi dent of the L ott Carey Baptist Foreign Missions Convention and Trustee of Shaw Universi ty. DR. EDWARDS City, Missouri. Representing the Drug Co. are Jas Alberts of the Glenbrook Laboratories di vision and J. V. Wentaell of the company's Winthrop Lab>> ratories division.