—THE CAROLINA TIMES SATURDAY, DEC. 12, 1970 i 8B h, jf ft/i 'ro i I f THE TWO LEAD PLAYERS in the C W Post College produc tion of Shakespeare's "Othello" —Sam Wright of Camden, S. C., as the title character and ! f||| P DETERGENT JT Ron 25* Mary Dierson of Roslyn, New Vork, (center) as "Desdemona" —listen intently to director of Eleanor Hirschberg of Port Washington. "Othello" will be presented in the college's Little Theatre it 8 p.m. Dec. 3-5 and 8-12. Racial Issue Economic Not Moral McKissick NORFOLK The former di rector of the Congresa of Ra cial Equality, Floyd B. Mc- Kissick, told the audience at the Tidewater Area Businesa League banquet Dec. 3, at the Lake Wright Motor Inn, "If you think the black-white issue in this country is a moral issue, you are entirely wrong. It is not. It is an economic issue. McKissick said he was go ing to "really talk about things as they are." "People don't like to hear what I am about to say at banquets, they rather. hear that we all love each other. And that you're happy and that thtey're ha p p y," the speaker said. "I'M GOING to talk about black folks and I'm going to talk about white folks. It's an easy subject to talk about, but it's not an easy subject to be honest about," said McKis sick. McKissick, president of Floyd B. McKissick Enter prises, developer of Soul City, said in order to understand the plight of the Negro, white people have to understand that "all black people don't want to be white that all black people have come to realize that being white ain't no vir ture," he added. "I FOE ONE don't want to be white. Never tried to be white and I don't believe God ought to change white folks to be black folks. We have to accept the circum stances as they are," he add ed. He said that Negro college students need to major in skill subjects rather than stick ing to traditional subjects like Skilled Blacks Needed, He Says, / §i a " i | 1 ' a >J FLOYD McKISSICK White Not Exciting social work and teaching. "WHAT THE hell can social work do?" he asked. "It can't make you fly no plane. It can't teach you to split no atom. It can't teach you what the system is all about." "Better tell your kids to get some science, mathematics, some business administration to learn what this system is all about," he asserted. "IF YOU AREN'T partici pating economically, then you ain't in the system. Because the system is a system of eco nomics," he said, because, "You ain't no capitalist with out no capital." On the subject of non-vio lence McKissick fcaid, "It's a false doctrine, and it's a rac ist doctrine. They don't ask white people to be non-violent oward black people." • HE SAID HE is a Christian ind believes in turning the >ther cheek. But after you've lone that, he added, "you pick ip a two-by-four." ROMANIA: A HERITAGE OF FAITH • : « , . • iig&i MOLDOVITA Monastery in Romania. A colorful, 20-foot high frescoe on its South wall depicts the Tree of Jesse which traces Christ's ancestry. Romania—though neighbor to Slavic countries on three sides—is Latin; its people de scending from the Romans who occupied this land almost 2,000 years ago. And, as an outpost of Latin culture set in the East, Romania's heritage can best be discovered in its magnificent "painted church es." Centuries old, these "painted churches" were once the center of the community, helping to educate the people. Too small to admit everyone, depictions of biblical, historical and epic happenings were painted in fresco on their exterior walls— from ground to roof—allowing those outside the benefit of a continuing religious and secular education. No one has actually been •able to determine the exact combination of materials, colors and methods used by the painters of these churches, though the theory is that a plaster base containing sand and lime was applied to the walls of the buildings, onto which the paintings were done. Their resilience to weather, however, is astonishing and the fine quality of the colors seems everlasting. Of the 14 extant churches with exterior frecoes, five are perhaps the most interesting and best reflect the archi tecture of the period: Humor ( 1535), Moldovita (1537), Arbore (1541), Voronet (1547) and Sucevita (1600). All are easily accessible to the tourist by car, or via special tours arranged from Bucharest, the Black Sea resorts or other parts of the country. For more information about Romania's unique "painted cHurches" and the almost un believeable beauty of its coun tryside, drop a line to the Romanian National Tourist Of fice, 500 Fifth Avenue, New York. N.Y. 10036. | PORT ABLE TYPEWRITERS LUGGAGE | WRIST WATCHES STEREOS | RECORD PLAYERS DIAMOND RINGS TELEVISIONS AND TYPEWRITERS Sam's Pawn Shop Iltt St. Ph. 682-2573 Durham, N. C. In his reply to persons who ire always asking him what le thinks of the Black Pan .her movement, he said, "I lid not make the Panthers, 'hey were raised upon the aereit and the racism of American Society." he add ed. "EVERY TIME the Pan thers fuss and raise hell, every black person in this room prof its." McKissick said that his or ganization and North Caro lina officials with a $300,000 grant from the federal govern ment can make Soul City, hla proposed multiracial commun ity slated for Warren county, move out of the preliminary planning stage into the inten sive planning stage. "We're on our way," he said. For Hawaiians, 300 Languages CHICAGO - Dr. Robert W. Cannaday Jr., foreign lan guage program specialist for Hawaiian schools, says more than 300 languages and native dialects are spoken in the islands. "We may be the 50th state in the Union," he said, "but we're number one in language instruction because no other state has equipped its entire sjumdwk™ i RE A D g RpsprvpH ° Prices Good Thru Sat., Dec. 12 Astor Finest Pure Vegetable Shortening lb. Please Thrifty Maid Sweet Firm APPLESAUCE *««, —m - Q0 Limit 7 Please at m Mb. ■ this Price with $5 or more order m CANS PICNICS Fresh Lean Pork Avg.-Whole Meat Pies Morten CflOO Assorted * ■ uu M 8 02. ■ Save 50 ( SIZE ■ Laird To Decorate Viet Camp Raiders In N.C. Ceremony FT. bragg Th ® Army announced Monday high school system with the sophisticated language labora tories." He said a system known as Versa-lab has been installed in 87 schools on six of Hawaii's •even islandfe. Cannaday said the system en ables instruction in modern lan guages such as French, Ger man and Spanish, as well as the infinite variety of Asian lan guage# and dialects spoken. Frazier Realty Company 1108y 8 SOUTH ROXBORO STREET Durham, N. C. Phone-682-1306 or 544-3020 HOUSES FOR SALE 2511 Lane St., Brick house, 5 rms., 1% baths $17,500.00 128 W. Cornwall!* Road, Frame house, 5 rms. 12,500.00 007 Drew Street, Frame house, 5 rms. 4,500.00 308 East End Avenue, Brick house, 5 rms. 15,000.00 1513 S. Alston Ave., Frame house, 7 rms., 2 baths 16,500.00 New house on Nebo St., Brick, 5 rms., \V» baths 19,900.00 HOUSES FOR RENT MONTHLY 2013 Cheek Road, 4 rms., 1 bath $65.00 P. M. 3 rm. Apt., 2313 S. Roxboro Street Gas Stove & Gas Heat $84.00 P. M, Secretary of Defense Melvin R. Laird will visit Ft. Bragg Wednesday to decorate the servicemen who raided a North Vietnamese prison camp. A Ft. Bragg spokesman, MaJ. James Wilson, said Laird is to arrive about 10 a.m. for a cere mony on the main post parade ground. The base in eastern North Carolina is the home of the Special Forces, whose Green Beret troops formed most of the force that penetrated into the camp. Wilson said both the Green Beret troops and Air Force vol unteers who participated in the daring helicopter assault would be honored by the secretary. President Nixon already has decorated several of the com mandos, including two who were sli#Jtly injured.