4B -188 CAROLINA TOES SATURDAY, JAN. 30, 1971 AU/M/A/UM Thm Rush ■B! fc PP Pi J Cm ■*L---"*» vl PSaHM Hp' if BH^PLg^M c- vTiMli^^^H^ly Ir; . JMHHHHHHI Thousands of people across the U. S. arc going Ihe old alchemists one better and changing the aluminum in their trash to "gold." According to the Aluminum Association, over $600,000 in cash was paid out to community groups and individuals who returned used aluminum beverage cans for recycling last year Over lift million cans were turned in to collection centers run by the aluminum producers beverage companies. Aluminum is so durable it will not rust or deteriorate. This property makes it the most valuable material that can be recovered from the waste stream Aluminum is different from other solid waste components in that it's recovery value is ten times greater per pound than any other packaging materials, ranging from S2OO to s3do per ton. depending on the extent of the processing. It has a high value on the open market because it is relatively pure, requiring minimal processing before reuse. Recovered aluminum has always been recycled because of it's high value. Leading aluminum companies are' paying l M per 12 oz. can, or 10 cents per pound • ap- Gs\ki Ice cze AM g^ocsß/ag 0 Ibi fevrvAW ITHACA M-Y. IN R«==> ag^y.r L.. . ■ -■ ,-i Great Buddha Cast in cast in Nara in the middle of the eighth century, A.D. The bronze statue (only the head is shown here) is 53 feet tall and weighs a fantastic 452 tons. It is a national monument on an almost unimaginable scale. The Hall of the Great Buddha, where the huge statue is housed, is the world's largest wooden structure, 160 feet high, 187 feet long and 166 feet wide It was erected in 752, during the Nara period. The construction of the statue and temple marked the culmination of early Jap anese Buddhism and the beginning of a new era of popularity for a religion that had hitherto been reserved for the upper classes. Kven in the most complex modern engineering problems there are simple solutions. For the second time in the past year, bridge operators have made use of a motor oil supplement made famous by auto racing, for some of the slowest-moving projects in engineering history. The first time, Penn Central railway-, repair crews sent out a rush call for J eight cans of STP to lubricate Jammed/ gears that had hung up a and jammed traffic for blocks in down ) town Chicago. The gears mesh er smoothly in their coating of the supe/- lubricant and the drawbridge swtuig into place. Andy C.ranatelli, president of STP made the Penn CentraK fore man. V J. I>al Cerro, an honorary member of his racing team. proximately twenty 12 oz. beverage cans. ; I Only "all-aluminum" cans are purchased. These are easily identifiable because : they are seamless, have rounded bottoms and no separate ends. They are not magnetic, are lightweight and easily crushed when empty.- Don't be mislead by cans which may have the word "aluminum" written on them I but only have aluminum tops. They must meet the other • | criteria. | Aluminum and beverage companies have initiated | reclamation centers in various | cities across the country I where scrap aluminum can be I collected. To learn more about the Aluminum Industry's role in the fight against litter and solid waste material and what you can do to help, write to the Dept. of Environmental \ Services, Aluminum Association, 750 Third Avenue. N.Y., N.Y. 10017. Eighth Century, A.D. Slick Solu The second time, engineers in Little Rock, Arkansas, directed by Webster E. Hubbcll, pondered how to slide a new bridge span into place over the Arkansas River after the old turn bridge span had hern moved to one side. The tipan of the new bridge, 320 feet long, was edged onto Hi coated steel beams designed to guide it across the river. The 16 beams were generously lubricated with large quantities of STP. With pressure applied by 400 tons of hydraulic jacking force, the new bridge—all 1,472 tons of it—slid neatly into place across the river, ready to accept its burden of 17 daily railroad train crossings. Granatelli promptly sent fluhhell his credentials as an honorary STP racer —bridge removal division. J i . jK ' j| W jhh| y. / jhl i F J "YOUR'RE OUT!"—Ex-catcher Joe Garngiola, of NBC's To day, reveals some of his old style as he shows five-year old Zaehcry Williams how to get Miss Black Teenage America Pageant Set for Bait. The Miss Black Teenage America Pageant Inc., an nounced recently that the Na tional Finals, to select Miss Black Teenage America for an •cut." The 1971 Epilepsy Poster Child was getting ready to pack his Candle of Under standing so that he could con- Baltimore Maryland, Septemb er Bth, 9th and 10th, 1971. 1971 marks the first year for this national event to honor black teenage females 15, 16, and 17 years old. Local and State Pageants will be held throughout the year. State sponsors will represent their respective States in the National Finals. Contestants may be in or out of school and will be judged for talent beauty and personality. Scho larships, cash, trophies and other prizes will be awarded winners of the Pageant as well as the honor of represent ing the black teenagers of America. Sponsors for State Ortho-Cadillac of "Pill" Makers The word "cornflakes" probably stands for Kellogg in your mind, "limousine" may suggest Cadillac, and "pick les" probably reminds you of Heinz. Such companies have spent millions to make you aware of their brands of products, and you are— even though you don't use them every single day of your life. Things are different when it comes to products like birth control pills because, though women may very well take one every day for years, generally they have n't become aware of their brand names. For one thing, the Government frowns on advertising oral contracep tives, except to doctors. When an independent con sumer-research organization recently surveyed over2,ooo women of childbearing age, Ortho Pharmaceutical Cor poration—which happens to be the only one making all the contraceptive methods women use—was the one identified most as the lead er in the birth control field. It was named twice as often as any other firm. The study of a nationwide cross-section of married women revealed some fur ther facts about females who are on the pill. Here's what the typical taker of oral contraceptives looks like: She's under 30 years old, has an income around SB,OOO a year: has graduated from high school; has been taking the pill for more than two years, and still feels very FREE DOLLAR Kp-with eoch claim check for $3.00 w°i- f h of gar- menfs cleaned of regular price ... SHIRT Brought in Mon- I SPECIAL day, Tuesday or (1 Jg f 70 Wednesday! Save with Martinizing, Mon., Tuee., Wed. the most in dry cleaning. Reg. $1.90 Onn 7 a.m. • p.m. Daily TOM'S ©»••» 4:X a.m. ■ • a.m. Monday thru Friday, AIM hmib w ' c,ub ~vd on,y yw HOUR • w. Club Blvd. (Opp.) lUnIIIJIIIl 111 9* University Dr. (Opp.) TM WMT rn OKI CU*mn» Forest Hills _„J Shopping Center Our New Location • Cor. Hillsborough & Mh St. ■■■■WBRSSSS* - WJUHB tinue on his travels as official Ambassador of Understanding for four million Americans with epilepsy. and Local Pageants are in the process of qualifying to hold Pageants with the deadline for Sponsoring Organizations set for April 1, 1971. Persons or organizations interested in sponsoring Pageants should contact, The Director, MBTAP P. 0. Box 1139, Danville, Vir ginia 24541. MBTAP, Inc., feels that it is time the black teenagers of America are recognized for then: positive contributions to America, through this Pageant and related events MBTAP Inc., envisions greater partici pations of black youth in the mainstream of America life. t' 11 ' ' * favorably toward it despite recent scare stories. In addition, the research organization discovered: The largest percentage of women who could identify their pill said it was an Ortho brand recommended by their doctor; many are favorable to contraceptive foam and do indeed switch to a birth control method like Delfen if going off the pill for any reason, the younger women are. the less they care for the male meth od of preventing pregnancy. 5 Outstanding. Young Men of N. Carolina 70 The Greensboro Jaycees will host the annual Five Out standing Young Men of North Carolina activities with Cone Mills Corp. of Greensboro co sponsoring on February 5-6. Steve Brodie, Chairman of FOYM '7O, said awards wfll be presented to five North Carolina men who have ex celled in several areas of their lives while making significant contributions to their com munities. The men chosen for the co veted award must be between the Jaycees age limitations of 21 to 26 years but they \ Wll not necessarily be Jaycees. Their leadership ability, their business and personal progress, and contributions to their communities will determine the five foremost young men of 1970 from North Carolina. Brodie said in announcing the event that several forums will be conducted to comple ment the weekend's banquet and awards presentation and social activities. I^nBEWISE KITCHEN z Entertaining Ideas Now that the round of holiday parties is over, most of us are heaving: deep sighs of relief. No more drop-in guests. No more overcrowded cocktail parties. No more ordinary foods on what should have been extraordinary occasions. With time to think about party-planning, before the next seasQriKl crush, now could be a good time to work out some new ideas for your next at-home evening. Take a tip from Barbara Mahoney, the Wise Foods party advisor, and plan your next party around high tea. Less for mal than a sit-down meal; more intimate than a cocktail party; an old English idea that should find favor on this side of the Atlantic. High tea is more a supper than a snack an early evening occasion that takes the place of the cocktail party. Plan one after a sporting event or as a casual spread for relaxed weekend visitors. Don't serve sweats only. A satisfying choice of tasty sandwiches with gar nished should be available for the really hungry. Curried chicken salad on dark bread, with something crisp like Wise potato chips, is a good idea; if your guests are likely to be es pecially hungry, add a chip dip and a platter of scrambled eggs. For a lovely sunset glow, and a change of flavor pace, scramble in some canned, stewed toma toes. Another way to serve eggs is hard-boiled, halved and stuff ed. Instead of the ordinary devilled eggs, fill them with tuna or salmon salad. Serve the mashed, seasoned yokes as a chip dip. Round out high tea with a choice of desserts: hot, broiled and buttered doughnut halves, sprinkled with sugar; toasted muffins served with pots of bff beat "party" jams; preserved fruits and sugared nuts. Finish off with a steaming pot of tea, heavy cream and thin slices of clove-studded lemon. Anything goes except alco holic beverages. A tea party is not a cocktail party one rea son why it's a fine way to enter tail older friends. IN.V£RtfOUS£ IMPORTED "RAW P*l SCOTCH jfig I HALF Also available in Tenths. Mineral Magic I ~ 7 ; 7 0P,UP ANP AWAY f W_ "V 1 ) WHEN MARCO POLO Jit RTSTUKNEP FROM CATHAY, } HE 8R0U644T NEWS OF A YRRTL^G'-1. SNWRA OOIH WHICH, F HITWY. \X WAS PRAWN OUT UNAF- L I | FFY\J\ X FECIEP ANP BECAME I FV\* U£\ •WMMS AS SNOW.* LIKE 177 N BT / NH MANY OTHERS EVEN BE BACK w WE I9"«CINNJRY, jdrJf/ ASB6STO* FIBERS WERE LF I TWY \|K/ WOVEN INTO CLOTH FOR A I ,|W ,J» FIREPROOF BALLOON. IT WAS SSKI V® INFLATEP WITH A SPIRIT A% J&'T) ' ■ _ LAMP ATTACHEP TO THE NECK. I / IQ> THE PAREPEVIL PILOT CLAIM- / EP HIS BALLOON WOULD SO / , I V I A IF UP.UP ANP AWAY SIMPLY BY 1 ■ TURN INS "THE LAMP UP F MTFLIK 8 I FBOAV, ASBESTOS WORKS ITS W&FE I MA6IC IN PROTECTING US -. I WHERE WE LIVE ANP WORK, R FIREPROOF, VIRTUALLY MAIN LV I \ S. J& A M TENANCE FREE, WITH THE PER ,/. A I K '/I ■ MANENCE OF STON6 TWE'MAG- T7I /% | ] VC%I H !.M IC MINERAL'SAFEGUARPS ALL W, VW,N ] J!.LW: S JS§S~CJ KINPS OF STRUCTURES, FROM M ''MKLKIL W? BKILLL FARM AND HOME TO HIGH-RISE I w>m ■/ n ■ wma APARTMENT ANP OFHCE BIHLPIN&S. flu 1019 B\CIU€S IA/ER£ BAIWED pear* RVEUC PLACES ikj VEU y ORK BeCAv/$e rnev were 4 We Offer a Selection of Over 500 Different Medals ft Medallions ... with presidents, civic, religious ond other organizations' Sjnblems plus many, many more including television. Trophies rang* frorn 3'V to SI" in height and plagues that range trom 3'/!" x JVi" t» 42" x 42" In hand rubbed walnut. So, com* by and see ui tor your award nagds. „ TRIANGLE TROPHY CENTER 113 Weilons Village Shopping Center Phone 688-0589 Open •to « Daily Til 1* Friday Night* Here's What Sanitone Cleaning Does For You • It gets all the djrt, embedded soil, stub born stains, etc. • Fabrics feel new again. You'll be amazed at the like new look and feel your clothes will have. • Expertly pressed. Clothes look better, last longer. They are cleaned the Sani tone way. Phone 982-9325 for Pickup Delivery 733 Foster St.