@ v The View From Here H | ByjtflLTON JORDAN Standing on the corner of Pettigrew and Ramsey Streets, one Is struck with a lot of conflicting emotions concern ing Durham generally and Hayti specifically. Somehow at this particular point in Hay ti one gets the feeling of standing in a graveyard amid the lotting corpse* of ventures made and nothing gained. Here on* realizes that you are witnearing the final death throes of a neighborhood which from its genesis had the potential of b*ing the fare runner of Black economic and social progress in Durham. The question, of course, is what happened along the way? When did the cancerous apathy, the lack of concern set it, which has brought this once proud section to its knees, writing in the agony of death? On the face of it, the an swer is simple. Black people in Durham, especially In Hayt% hate been victims of their own duplicity and the ingenui ty of a power structure de signed to keep th«m down. However, like the i iceberg, there is an awesomely fantas tic array of causes beneath the surface, not the least of which is the traditional and almost characteristic inhumanity of Black people for Black people. For some reason, we don't like each other. It is not rare even now, and was more common some years ago, to here the com ment: "A nigger ain't no thing!" (Certain words have been changed to protect the sensibilities of the readers). This observation would be ex pected from the typical white man simply because it would be true. He coined the term "nigger", defined it and equated his attitudes by his own conscious which of eomse. said, Black' people" are 1 not worth the powder it takes to kill them. But when this same observation, with varying de grees of sincerity and explo siveneas comes from a Black man la- reference to another Black man, then we're got Diagram of a drug abuser Redness and watering of eyes ' —glue sniffing n. - . Red, raw nostrils —sniffing cocaine Running nose SIBt^T —heroin, morphine, codeine " « y^4flT Profuse perspiration and body odor —amphetamines Constant licking of lips Jf 1A , nHk to keep them moist £. jtf resulting in chapped raw lips cf« KM —amphetamines «■ ; f il lIHf,, >•* «v -» "JkH to hide needle "tracks" heroin or methedrine ... / Tremor of hands Drastic loss of MR —heroin, opium ./ are a few the indicate that young person could l)e abusing drugs or using Sunglasses worn at narcotics While these symptoms are inappropriate times and places not proof of drug abuse (most hiding dilated pupils—LSD could occur for several other reasons), they serve to alert parents friends that a problem may exist. H If you're not sure, talk with family physician. If you suspect, , ask your child point blank, "Are you taking drugs?" Staggering, disoriented It's a sad thing to have to ask —barbiturates someone you love, but saying "Goodbye" is even sadder still. *°»*1 0 advertising contributed f° r the public good problems. The basic problem of thfc attitude with Black people is that it prevents us from lending each other help ing hands when it is necessary, la other words, this anti-Blaek attitude among Black people la destructive to unity. Another facet of this self effacing attitude of Black peo ple Is that we have such a low estimate of our own worth. For some reason or another, it never occurs that the only dif ference between white people and Black people is skin pig ment and money, not neces sarily in dollars and cents, but In the proportion of the economy we control Sadly to aay, though we constitute 10 per cent of the population, we control less than one percent of the population, we control less than one percent of the total economy In this country. Because we have never under stood the relationship between what we think of ourselves and what we think of our selves and what other people think of us, we never strive for economic and social re spect among whites, only Blacks. This attitude, coupled of course, with the restraints of the power gave birth to the "jßlacjL business man." In thlrf %oltext, the term does not rtffc lb the fact that ownership and manage ment is principally Black, but that the spectrum of business dealings is with Black people. Before anyone gets the idea that I am against Black people patronizing Black businesses, let me say that is absolutely nothing wrong with buying Black. As a matter of fact, this la healthy for Black people. Nevertheless, what is happen ing is that Black business is trying to divide one per cent the e«ffljnjy them -wh#e |&Mbolft£ the other 99 par cent. And what com pounds this bad business prac tice evM more is the fact that the white business conglome rate Is not "playing by the rules"; they are shooting for the entire cake rather than just • slice. This observation la borne out by the fact that though in most Instances more than 90 per cent of the cus tomers of Black businesses are Black people. Black people al so are approximately 26 per cent of the average local white business patronizers. Simple arithmetic points up the dis parity of this arrangement. The solution, of course, is for Black people to begin thinking enough of themselves to go for a larger slice of the cake if not for the whole cake. Another aspect of the pro blem in Durham is overt dis illusion that for some reason Black people must emulate White people In order to suc ceed. By this, I do not mean emplby the same principles White people have used to achieve success. This is per fectly all right, but we do not have to imitate the problems, the deceit, the immorality and the sickening devotion to the bizzarre and mar car be. This needs no further elaboration. The foregoing is but a gene ral explanation and overview observation of the total pro blem. There are many, many other facets of the problem. But the conclusion is that Black people in Durham need to wake up and look at this dying section and began to revitalize what still can be a gold mine both economically and socially. Hotoever, moving away from the corner on Pettigrew Street, down Fayetteville Street, one witnesses a reju venation in process. Down Fayetteville Street and on several of the streets branch ing off this - thoroughfare there is evidence of a vital re sugence in economic life for Black people. All the new buildings represent an invest ment that will have long range profits from which all of Dlir ham can benefit. However, this »nall beginning, confined to a narrow corridor along one street in the broad expanse of Hayti is not enough. In order to Hayti to be re born, for Black people in Dur- 1 wßk KJ 1?^ ■»: &#> >- ,» 4mw ham to rise above the pro blems which have now become traditional, and for the most part accepted, there must be a total commitment by Black people hare to this new vitali ty. It is about time Black peo ple in the Bull City become bullheaded about taking care of their own. It is time they moved from the confined re gimen of competing against each other only; Black peo ple need to begin competing in the open market. Gone is the day when you can be a good or bad Black business. Now you sink or swim on whether or not you operate a good "Business"! Only time will tell if the resurgence of economic and social growth along ville Street is a fluke, and whether Hayti revived, taken from the deathbed, and take its place alongside the giants of the establishment. For the sake of all Black peo ple, I hope so. HEALINE ARRAY OF STARS —The Temptations, one of the top vocal groups on the music scene, headline the array of stars appearing on The Ed Sul livan Show over the CBS-TV Network on Sunday, January 31, 8:00-9:00 P.M. (EST). Also joining the show are singer Connie Stevens, the comedy Many Firms are Registering for Beauty Event RICHMOND - Business firms throughout the country, those that are Black owned and those firms interested in reaching the American Black Market, are daily registering for display booth space in the "Black Is Beautiful Business," Exposition set for March 26th, 27th and 28th at the Rich mond, Virginia City Arena. 1971 marks the second year for this event. Because of the success of the 1970 Expo busi ness firms are registering at a fast pace with the deadline for the booths registrations set for March Ist. The B-3 Expo theme, "Sup port Black Business - Now" will set the tone of the Expo, which will open Friday, March 26th with a Forum on Black Business • "It's Problems and Possible Solutions." Several national figures have been in vited to participate, already committed to appear as Mo derator of the Forum is the Special Assistant to the Governor of Virginia, William Robertson; Pat Patterson Edi tor of Black Enterprise, the outstanding national magazine on Black Business; and Tho mas Regean, Regional Director of the Small Business Adminis tration. Participating in the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony will be J. Sargeant Reynolds, Lt. Governot of Virginia, Senator in Virginia since Reconstruc tion Days, Thomas Bliley, Mayor of the City of Rich mond as well as Attorney Henry L. Marsh 111, Vice- Mayor of Richmond with several other dignitaries. Plans also call for entertain ment and viewing of the Funn Collection of Afro-American History. The Funn Collection has been compiled over a 15 year period by Calton Funn and has been on display throughout Virginia and the nation. So wide spread is the collection that assembling it takes 4 to 5 hours. This pro mises to be one of the high lights of this year's Expo. A new feature of this year's Ex po will be the presentation of Prizes for the Best In Show Booth-winners will be deter mined by ballots distributed to all Expo Exhibitors. Businesses or individuals interested In ad ditional Information should write B-3 Expo, P. O. Box 1139, Danville, Va. 24541 be fore March 1, 1971. * Democracy, like religion, suffers most from its care less advocates, not from its enemies. team of Stiller and Meara, dancer Peter Gennaro, country mustic star Doug Kershaw and comedian Myron Cohen. ROMANIA: A HERITAGE OF FAITH # MOLDOVITA Monastery in A colorful, 20-foot high frescoe on its South wall depicts the Tree of Jesse which traces Christ's ancestry. Romania—though neighbor to Slavic countries on three sides—is Latin; its people de scending from the Romans who occupied this land almost Z,OOO years ago. And, as an outpost of Latin culture set in the East, Romania's heritage can best be discovered in its magnificent "painted church es." Centuries old, these "painted churches" were once the center of the community, helping to educate the people. Too small to admit everyone, depictions of biblical, historical and epic happenings were painted in fresco on their exterior walls— from ground to roof—allowing those outside the benefit of a continuing religious and secular education. No one has actually been able to determine the exact combination of materials, colors and methods used by the painters of these churches, though the theory is that a plaster base containing sand and lime was applied to the walls of the buildings, onto which the paintings were done. Their resilience to weather, however, is astonishing and the fine quality of the colors seems everlasting. Of the 14 extant churches with exterior frecoes, five are perhaps the most interesting and best reflect the archi tecture of the period: Humor (1535), Moldovita (1537), Arbore (1541), Voronet (1547) and Sucevita (1600). All are easily accessible to the tourist by car, or via special tours arranged from Bucharest, the Black Sea resorts or other parts of the country. For more information about Romania's unique "painted churches" and the almost un believeable beauty of its coun tryside, drop a line to the Romanian National Tourist Of fice, 500 Fifth Avenue, New York. N.Y. 10036. TIE-WIDE & HANDSOME n The newest gift erase Co col lar your guy, in to lake needle and ihread—and sew him a tie! And sewing a tie us as easy as pie with McCull't Step-By-Step pattern a 2568. Prom (tart to finish, even beginners should be able to bedeck a neck in only 90 minute* or less. To keep your guy tie-wide and handsome, the pattern in cludes the regulation four inch wide tie (if he's a fashion con servative), the new five inch wide tie (ir he's with the men's fashion revolution) and the classic bow tie (if he's that special type). If he wears all three styles, it's simple enough to make him one of each. SATURDAY, JAN. 10, U7l THE CAJKUKA —— The reason truth makes such slow progress in the world is that it it in com petition with pretense. (fasliion\ Suiting The Issue] I points J f \ yV WHEN SPRING COMES IN LIKE A LION, suit the issue with two looks that answer the what-to-wear question. One ides: Um pant-and-coat suit that are haying a lore »*»■* U>ii year. flair pants are worn under a long-length coat both herring boned within an inch of their Uvea. Shaped softly in lightweight wool, it's a fit that's as warm aa a hug. Cost details to watch: set-in sleeves, slightly puffed, deep-notched » collar and s wide whoU look together. THE WELL SUITED WOMAN wears the long silhouette this year. A below the-knee length skirt sips up the front . . . unzips to show a length of leg at the length you want! Up front, a cropped bat tie jacket is the topper {■•O- J - buttoned with long , / puffed sleeves that are "H vi double-buttoned again at X. It V®L.\ I i cuffs. For mora in- ■ I*7^ y YvA /T 7 \ formation on cost and / *1 1 | rf&Js k \ »uit looks to watch / » «,! ft \ l\ \ for this Spring, / / I 1/1 l lining \ V write for s free ( lv 0 »|i I / 'i-i'PL-I \ \ booklet "Coats A \ LmU I / V \ Suita * You" (plns\ AA. 1 Lr A, \ ■ complimentary \\ \ r 9 \ \ Pl» s t»e shopping bag) "1 1\ \ t f A > Union Label Dept. ) A \ [ '• A \ ILGWU, 276 Seventh / 1. \ j\ V; Ave., New York, / 'I / FLOWERS UNLIMITED The History of Valentine's Day Constant reminders surround us these days that we exist in the new age .of space, the age of technology, and lest we hadn't heard, are on the brink of the "dawning of the age of Aquarius." In the midst of the imper sonal scientific progress and technical sophistication of our era, and in spite of its con fusion, inflation, and genera tion gaps, one warm reality has endured to reassure us of our human individuality LOVE! As long as love lingers, a special day dedicated to it will be praised by poets and plain people all over the world. Still, while computers emerge to give us the answers to almost every thing,' Valentine's Day remains a mystery, for nobody knows who really started it. Some Sources refer to a Third century cleric in Rome named Valentine who composed a kind note to his jailor's daugh ter after being imprisoned by the emperor. Thus, the first "Valentine." Others say he was executed for performing mar riage rites in defiance of the law. The emperor at that time wanted only bachelors in his army. Indeed, what present day challenger of the "Estab lishment" could resist this mar tyr for lovq? Another theory places its ori gin in an old Roman festival. At the feast honoring the god Lupercus, sweethearts were matched by chance as young people drew names of partners for the coming year. From earliest times, floral gifts also played a part in Cupid's work. The .Romans used posies to honor the god dess of love many times during the year, and when chivalry f TIPS ON CAR CARE «1S KES With Gas, Dripping Full Is Too Full. Harley B. writes: "I have just discovered that when I fill my gas tank gasoline often streams out the overflow pipe for several miles after 1 leave the service station. Why does this happen ?" * TU:. » NN : 4 A. This is an important ques tion because many drivers have the same problem ami ' don't know it. Needless to say, the leaking gasoline is a fire hazard as well as a waste of money. It is also a cause of one of the worst kinds of air pollution. All automobile pas tanks have an overflow pipe. This is essential because gaso line has a high rate of ex pansion and some provision must be made to allow ex cess gasoline to escape when an overfull tank of gas ex- j pands from heat. Few motorists realize that | they must allow room in the tank for the gasoline to ex- 1 pand as it warms up. Service stations generally j store their gasoline under- I ground when? it stays at a temperature of about 60 j degrees. In the automobile i tank, it quickly picks up heat and begins to expand. Twenty gallons of gasoline rising from GO to 90 degrees will add approximately 1/3 gallon to its' volume. If the tank is already full, this amount of gasoline is forced out the overflow pipe. But expansion is not the I Towns and cities, like tone individuals, seek to Vet rich without earning the returns. reigned, flowers and poems were the only gifts exchanged by lovers. Today, even Florists' Transworld Delivery plays a major role in the chubby •cherub's "act. Electronic com puters aside, FTD florists note that love still makes the world go round, and in tribute they've designed a special Val entine arrangement for lovers everywhere. Across the coun try, their specially designed Valentine's bouquet will be of fered throughout the week pre ceding Valentine's Day, which they have appropriately called the "Loveßundle." Offered exclusively through FTD florists, the Loveßundle features a lift-out "Loveßug" corsage. The bouquet is a mixed arrangement of pom pons, daisies, carnations, roses, statice and leatherleaf fern ar ranged in a footed compote. The floral Valentine may be ordered early for Valentine's Week with the extra plus of the "Loveßug" corsage to wear on Valentine's Day. However you observe it, Val entine's Day is a lovely time for the expression of love. Ant there's no time like the presen to bestow the present!—M.M only cause of gas loss through the overflow pipe. Cars in which the overflow is located near the rear of the tank can lose gas from an overfull tank when fast acceleration pushes the gas oline to the rear of the tank. Others lose small amounts by sloshing through loosely fitted gas caps. Whatever the cause, the loss of gas from overfilled tanks is unnecessary, dan gerous and expensive. B.F.Goodrich car service experts recommend that drivers frequently check their gasoline tanks, fuel lines and overflow pipes for leaks. Any gasoline leak is dangerous and should be cor rected immediately. If you find yourself losing gasoline due to expansion or sloshing of an overfull tank, dont fill it to the brim. On the. other hand, it is not a good idea to let your gas tank stand empty or near empty. Sweating of the air-inside the tank can add water to your gasoline, which can cause furious trouble in below - freeling weather. 5B

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