—IHE CABOUNA TIMES SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 12, 1973 4A CHURCH NEWS It The Church A Failure By DONALD LOVE In our time, we are going through this unbelievable, noo-believable and this, no such thing as God, Son and Holy Ghost, our questions are to-day as they were yester years. Why would God do this or that is He so god? If God is so merciful, why then does He let the best one of a family die instead of per mitting the worse one die? How could any one call such acts merciful? Those of you who have had the privilege talking to people who believe this way, know wliat I am trying to say. Those of you who haw not, then you are in the dark as to what I am trying to say. There are two ways; there is no third way, so man has to get in between the two ways, right and wrong, good and evil and God and the Devil, then choose one of the two ways. The decision is his to make. Mother, father, sister and brother can not de cide for you. This is an in dividual thing. What ever side you choose, no one else is held responsible because they are reaponsible for their de cussions. The Israelites in the Old Testament served the same purpose as christians to-day. It would not be fair to say the Christian today serve the same purpose as the Israelites did. To clearify this statement, the law in the old testament which was served by the Israe lites, demanded thejn fp live there by, then when they failed, they sined. Christ, came on the scene later and intro duced another way to do the will of God, rather than by law. This new way was LOVE. When anyone failed to obey God, by means of the new way, sin also. SIN is God's worse enemy. There are many questions we can ask our selves con cerning the reality of God. We could begin by asking: Does God mean any thing to me? Can I at any time feel any thing differently than at other times? It is very possible that you do not know or realize the feeling when it does ap pear. Have you ever been about your work, for reasons you can not explain, tears begin to flow from your eyes, the feeling is super. What about riding along, a song comes to your mind, then you begin to sing; here come those tears again, the volume increase. By now you are dominated with and engulfed by the love of God. It is nice to know just TWO mtJTES% vrnt m BIBLE •Y COtMUIUt a. STAM MIS. 7 simian aiau socmtt I A CHICAGO. lIIINOIS MMS J J "BUYING UP THE TIME" 'Jill*• I• •fI luinflr -*d yi-.ifs .irjo P.iul .•/rot* I*» 'us f* Tlo.y h'-li'-vrs hi Y lt • yiinit, "1 rpli- siis: S*-* tl»*-n tli.it /'• .V'lH .If '.l|f*.|»' ;t IV H it .IS flKlls lillt •I 1 .Vis** f • ' MM| 111 |>||y |f|( | Up tin- 11 '-* >• ..|||« * • ||f fl.lys .If * "J il " T;»i •#:!*# TltflS" •/••»'■ "Vll fliiys •Vlvii .1 .71 >••»! tyr.lllt f III* -f 1 tip' Rihumi ff.|iif .vli*'ii W-sm.ili luirj |if.*ii (*)•*-.|*f| ii(»t only hi ifi*..irii-'i Hon tint hi p'Sinr"'.turn .nifl Clliri s li.inily vas fi*il«liiM| .i lif" iiiirl cl*?«itflt ImIII«- In |mivtf at" lie- (if**v«illlvnj |fci'|«ui darHwss .villi tln- lif|lil 'if (juris iftn•;•* Sivly Kiul ww* dfniiii#td tUit Hi" rlisiK iis.ilKHi i/ //i Mild r; onto in* for iint*?l«*«*«i lmndi"d y *«irs loik |»*r ||p* lord in f;mn" .il any I inn* In recall Mis. «im Inismklus .inrl lirn w| lit" d. ly of fn *i i;lfiMt Mniv;n tin- ur {|ofv;y id Ins airmail Hity ttu- tin 4-. Ih'l .msr tin- d.iys ,ifr itvil " But if P#i ul Iwid rnasvn In sus|»m| lli.il tlVr day nf rjraon would soon In Ixoorfhl |n il closn. w Inlay Iwivn mason in tlimk so. Now flint Mvt li(|hl erf tlv? |os|ml has |»*H*fi IxotKjlil in Eivopr- Aim and niiiiiy otlmr |Hrlf> of tin* */orld iimn what is happening to you When you are in this other world, the things usually fret you, don't any more. When you have been talked about, you love the talker rather than disliking. You feel for people, you suffer when you know others are suffering. I do not care how good one might be, there is some evil in that person, I do not care how evil one might be, there is some good in that person. Those of us who are considered good, have to be ever so care ful to shun the tricks of evil ness. The most vital aspect of our conduct, is our conduct itself. If we are to followers of Christ, then be examples for others, we have to check our walk, our talk and our every movements, not so much for our selves but for the sake of others. St. Paul, one of the greatest apostles, spoke a truth that rocked the christian society when he stated: "Meat was good for him, but if others would do wrong due to him eating it, he would eat no more. Many of us could make similar statements. Would any of you Christians be willing to give up what ever it Is you like so well, for the sake of a friend and especially a foe to prevent either or both from going wrong? In the event you take drinks or smoke, would you be willing to give them up if the friend or foe turned out to be habitual drinkers and smokers? Christ stated: "It isn't what goes into a person that defiles him but what comes out." You could be as sociated with what the other fellow does. Not directly so but associated due to your leadership. I would that you try some of the things I have suggested; give it a fair trial, then you will be able to say and mean it, the saying of our good friend, St. Paul, "I know that my. redeemer liveth because He lives within my soul." This can only be said by means of ex perience. KITCHEN AIDS You don't need a magazine layout kitchen to be an efficient cook. The 3M Company office efficiency experts suggest ways to get your kitchen together: 1) Can't tell basil from oregano? Label your spice jars with Scotch package sealing tape. 2) Organize your canned foods ac cording to category. 3) A looj> of Scotch Magic transparent tape will tack your recipe in view while you work. Keeps frequently - used recipes from getting smeary, too. 4) Keep pretty pots and pans in the open on a peirboard. 5) Build a shelf for small appliances so they won't cause counter clutter. .ir«- tnrni'iK) tlwir hacks on it. Only .i small iiunnrity nf ovon Christon f loin truly Imlinvn lln ? Bihlo and know II h* Christ it (jrusonts and how vury h»w know tlx- nchi?s nf Mis (|r.M ;•?' f/V-.niv/hil" nur (jov-rnnHMits our vdiK .it i onal institutions and our sr*;ial syslmiis am I>**r:cum1I| i-vnr iiKir*• |(irllnss Tln? rnsull } Tlw ivws l»a|*-rs radio and TV ovon a trip lownt».mvii In any fair si/od city will (•'II us till w msort In know. Oiv:«f arj'iin "tin* days urn ovil" and the Lord's coihiiki for His own suniiis iiiiniumni. Tlviro is Kl 111 iikm; It i.ilf aliout lasting imaoo ami |iros imrit y but no thoughtful (Virson Ix? liuyi'S thai w art* Imadi-d in tluil dirni;tion Ratfmr tin.* world i|>(m*«irs In I >*• ln-adiiMj straight toward llv? |vo( Mwsad "day of His wrath." Wlwit a couifnrt tlvffi. it is In llv? Imlioyw In know thai God Iwith nut apjioiiitnd us until wrath, hut to 4)l ain salvation hy our Lurd Josus Christ. whodiod fur us " (I Tims. 0:9.10). ' F* 11 h • Scripticjf smth. Whosooyr IvliovHli «mi Hun slwill 1 ii»»l tv? asliainnd" and 'whosor-vur j si'iall (..ill ii|hmi tlw nan*' of tin* lord I s'nall lx? savd" (Rom 10:11.131 4 _ MRS. BELVIN MITCHELL Walker Bible Class Meets at Home of Mrs. Belvin Mitchell The E. W. Walker Bible Class of The First Calvary Bap tist Church met at the home of Mrs. Belvin Mitchell, Sunday, January 23rd at 4 p.m. with Mrs. Ellen Brown and Sadie Chambers serving as hostesses. The devotional exercise was conducted by the Chaplain Mrs. Margaret Milligan. The president Mrs. Mitchell pre sided over the business session. The minutes of the last meet ing was read by the assistant secretary, Mrs. Bessie Smith. Various committees report were made. All officers were re-elected for the new year. The meeting was closed with all repeating the mispah. Miss Hattie White invited the guest and members into the dining room to share with Mrs. Mit chell in the celebration of her birthday. Happy birthday was sung to her. A buffet style re past was served to all. The grace was sung with Mrs. Bessie Thompson leading. Mrs. Mitchell was the recipient of many beautiful and useful gifts. Mrs. Tessie Lyons and Celeste Cunningham assistant to the hostesses. ' 1 1 ■ 'I 1888 ISTI White Rock Baptist Church Lorenzo A. Lynch, Minister 3400 FAYETTEVILLE STREET Sunday, February 13,1972 9:30 AM. CHURCH SCHOOL 10:55 AM. WORSHIP SERMON Hie Putofj "On A Human Relations Dhr J of to 'Buzzard Rooct'" (Rom. 1; King 19:1 » 14, JBA) 4 \ ; Senior Choir Leading the Singing Mr. John H. Gattis, Director 3:00 P.M. Annual Every Member Canvass 54»-7:00 Report of Canvassers t/JkiiiMf... is appreciated by families who are faced with the necessity of funeral arrangements. Our modern facilities, together with our many years of ex perience, relieve them of this burden. SCARBOROUGH & HAR6ETT, INC. FUNERAL DIRECTORS Phones 682-1171 or 682-1172 919 Fayette ville St. Durham, N. C. " • ■ 24 HOURS AMBULANCE SERVICE 24- Members present; Mesdames Addie Langley, Rebecca Has kins, Sumega Solomon Beatrice Laster, Hallie Crews, Sara Allen, Cora Newton, Mary Johnson, Misses Alene Mebane and Mary L. Stephens, Mrs. Christine McGhee, Catherine Shaw. Guests: Mesdames Mary Saunders, Lola Clark, Ella Jackson, Ida Hall, Jospehine Hayes, Lizzie Charles, Mayme Prince, Bessie Thompson, Daisy Green, Roberta Toraln, Sudie Hodges, Mary Elliott, Mayes Brewington, Mama Dunigan, Lucy Gilliam, Jane Parker, Mr. & Mrs. Howard Williamson Mr. & Mrs. John W. Bar bee, Rev. Mrs. Sue Farrington, Rev. Mrs. W. M. Bennett, Misses Gretchem Reddrick, Easter Dixon, Lovi ney Reddrick, Terri Cornigan, Ella Watson, Trudie Watson, Eunice O'Neal, Patrica Best, Nathaniel Haskins, Cleo Green and Leroy Brown. NEW SHOES Children's shoe sizes change rapidly. From age two to six a child may need a new pair of shoes every two to four months. WIAPV to Present Mrs. Selph At Monday, February 14 Meet Women-In-Action for the Prevention of Violence and Its Causes, Inc will present Mrs. Annabelle Selph, project di rector of the "F.0.0.D." (Fo cus On Optimal Development) program, at their monthly meeting, Monday, February 14, 8 p.m. at the Chapel Hill YWCA. The "F.0.0.D." program in Durham is one of eight pro grams that has been funded by the Office of Education to develop curriculum guides and nutritional information for schools. Presently in operation at Pearson and Burton Elemen tary Schools, "Project F.0.0.D." uses a formidable battery of approaches and serv ices to attack problems of the children in the physical, den tal, mental health, nutrition and education areas. Appearing with Mrs. Selph to describe the program will be Ruth Baker, project co ordinator; Barbara Ellis, health educator; Antoinette Ricks, nutrition educator; Grayce Thompson, Mental health worker; and Peter Whaites, assistant coordinator. In operation since the be ginning of the current school year, "Project F.0.0.D." focuses a wide variety of serv ices of existing community agencies on the students' pro blems. Lincoln Community Health Center is examining and treating 70 children at present. The N. C. School lunch program is helping provide a hot breakfast as well as lunch. The Duke Child Guidance Clinic and the Developmental Evaluation Clinic are working with children with learning dis abilities. The Department of Social Services, the Depart ment of Public Health, Mur- Union Men's Bible Class in Special Everff The Men's Bible Ctasa of Union Baptist Church launched the 1972 Brotherhood Observ ances in a formal worship serv ice during the Sunday School hour. Scriptures, music and, an in spirational sermonette by Reverend John Caldwell set the pace for this year's Human Re lations' theme - Love: Comes in many colors. Other persons contributing to the success of this service were: Messers W. P. Edwards, Reverend Essex Fields, James Cameron and the Dorcas Class who sang special hymns for the occasion: "Love Lifted Me," "More Love to Thee," "0 Christ" and "My Faith Looks Up to Thee." Mr. Claude Walker is teacher of Men's Bible Class, Messers Charles and James Cameron are Directors of the Sunday School, Mrs. Geneva McCann is in charge of music. ! The Ranch House + Chapel Hill y 4 Mile From Town Hall ♦ On Route 86 ♦ Bring Your Partner la Our ♦ VALENTINE SPECIALS ♦ ™uoW t 5: U t ; IO!WD *^ 4 // B"fteteerved at Lunch Moil. . Pri. 12-2:00 ♦II Sunday, Feb. 13th [/ l ttt Buffet Monday, Feb. 14th \\ ♦ for CWboyT 8 1 Pioneer Sirloin 11 For Reßervations ♦ . 11-50 for Children II French Onion Soup, Onion Rirww II ▲ ~ 1 10 W Tossed Green Salad // P1#*oo« fi„li aj« nrv 12-2:30 \\ Spiced Apple Ring #/ ,ease Call 942-5155' ▼ :30-7:00 Baked Potato Beverage mi % ; \ • MRS. SELPH doch Center in Butner, the Community Mental Health Center are all contributing to the program. Although it's too soon to know the full effect of this program in helping children do better in school, some tangible results are already apparent. Tardiness is down, attendance is up, and during the recent flu outbreak, the absentee rate at these schools compared favorably with other schools. Testing is projected to confirm the hoped-for results: That there are a number of ways a community committed to the education of each child can help achieve this. —""DOWNTOWN I2QQGBLIX3ZBB223 NORTHGATE , f ' lis&'i ,S£:W inlii" LAST CALL How thi-oagh Saturday Our Greatest off Famous Name Men's Apparel Regrouped and Further Reduced. GHOOSE from famous name brand suits, top shirts and sweaters, and other appa rel. At this late date, please don't expect to find all sizes in all styles. But you'll find a J great selection to choose from. Come in for a Sale ends Sat., Feb. 12. * Northgote Stor* Only 1 I)■ ▼ | ll Vie Your Y.M.S. Charge Account Or Your Favorite i A c*e*t store? |! Bank Charge Card £To SERVE YOU 'VaEf,-| -* L - • — 1 ■ llOil M«tl Mt Zion Baptist Church To Host Ushers on Sunday The Durham Inter-denomi national Ushers Union will meet at Mount Zion Baptist Church in its monthly pro gram February 13, at 3:15 p.m. at Mount Zion Baptist Church, Fayetteville St., Dur- "Serving A World Pariah With Christ Since 180 V* St. Joseph's AME Church PHHJP R. COUSIN, Minister FAYETTEVILLE STKKP1 1 DURHAM, N. a Sunday, February 13,1972 ; 8:00 A.M. EABJLY MORNING WORSHIP SERMON *n» MUSIC by the Gospel Choir George Batcher at the Console Eugene Plummer, Director »:30 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL Mta Marie Faulk, Superintendent SBRMON The Ptttor WHBC The Senior Choir George Hatcher at the Console Joseph T. Mitchell, Director The theme of the meeting will be "Striving Toward Greater Growth." Prayer will be delivered by Brother Ernest Whitley; introduction of the speaker will be given by William Gilliam; and the key address will be presented by Alexander Barnes of Kylea Temple A.M.E. Zion Church.