-THE CAROLINA TIMES SATURDAY, MARCH 25, 1972 2B Swnvßnwn^npvww Writers \ Forumi LOOKING TO EASTER Happy Easter season and best wishes for a victorous resurrection from the grave* of discouragements, disappoint ments and other inconsistences of life that threaten to plunge mankind into oblivian. The word "Easter" is de rived from a word which means "dawning". Most of us think of Easter only as a re assurance concerning life after death but there are other as pects; with the resurrection of Jesus Christ a new day dawned for all mankind. Eastertime is a time when we spend a little more time with our children; especially, in the area of buying pretty things to make them happy at this season. Over and over again, Jesus showed his love for children. The Master was always sur rounded by children. Happy, laughing, bright-eyed, innocent children. Children are usually scape goats for our hostilities. But Jesus spoke his kindest words to children; "suffer little chil dren and forbid them not, to come unto me, for of such is the kingdom of heaven." Martha Perkins is a young adult Sunday School teacher. Miss Perkins is one of the few dedicated teachers who knows the importance of showing children the need for living with God. The pretty, young teacher often uses small ob jects to demonstrate vital points in the lesson. This par- Seagram'sVO. Canadian. For people who really know what's good. J Very special. Very Canadian, Very right. JKMMP | I W IM KMISM-t ticubur Sunday was no excep tion. After passing out reason able facsimiles of 3 leaf clovers, she announced, "the 3 leaf clovers you hold in your hands are used to point out three faiths; Faith in your self; Faith in the rest of God's children; Faith in God. Children need Faith. Faith that they can do anything they want to do - if it is done with God's blessing and appro val. Children need Faith that God has a place for them in this world. Children are given faith by their parents assuring them that they are wanted by them, by the world and by God. As out thoughts are turned to Easter and the Risen Christ, we should think seriously of a resurrection for our children. Resurrection can be summed up in one brief word - tri umph. A complete victory of the righteous over the many temptations forced upon them by a sin sick society; of love over hate, of justice over in justices. Sincere hope for the dawning of a newday for our children, (the resurrection of our Lord took place as the shadows of night were fleeing and the first glimmer of day began to appear.) Yes, children often seem mean and selfish. Often they say and so things which are unjust. An old pro verb says; "an apple never falls far from the tree." Chil dren reflect in their words and actions most of the things that Heating Pads Could Make Things Too Hot For Elderly Persons Consumer reporU hive is sued precautions against the use of heating pads except under specific doctor's orders, for elderly persons, people with poor circulation to the arms or legs, diabetics, and people who are taking corti sone or similar medicines. The reason for this warning is that such people tend to have skin that is especially vulnerable to heat. It is also vitally important that you do not use a heating pad along with any liniment. Such use as the combination of heating pad and linament could produce considerable blistering and skin damage even possible to the point of disfigurement or disability. Despite the limited useful ness of heating pads, many homes have one. It is urged by consumers Union that if you purchase a heating pad con sider only one with the Under writers Laboratories (UL) ap- they see and hear right in the home. And the only way chil dren can be taught Faith in us is by setting them the example we want them to follow. Children thrive much better in climates where peace and harmony abides. We may think it is good riddance for "the younguns" to enjoy being any other place besides hiome but it is time to take stock of ourselves. This is an erronous state of affairs. Every home has a certain amount of dis sonance. Where there are chil dren, we can expect a certain amount of noise and confu sion. There are times when we'd like to climb a wall. Don't. With God's help, we can encourage and inspire those in error to calm it and this bring about peace and harmony into the home. The effort takes some doing but the rewards are worth the while. "My people shall dwell in a peaceful habitation, and in sure dwellings, and ixji quiet resting places." Isaiah 32:18. "He is Risen!" were the words that ran through the Christian community 2072 years ago. And these words can be just as alive and potent as they were then. Make it ao now for the sake of our won derful, lovable, beautiful children. proval. There are more than 44 brand/Models of heating pads that have been rated by CU's publication noting their heat ing performance and variety of settings and controls. However, good words are. in order for that old reliable hot watter bottle for the reason that it can be felt immediately and it will grow colder. An electric heating pad, on the other hand, can feel quite com fortable at first contact; you can then become accustomed to a degree of heat, that over a period of time, could give a severe burn. It is best not to use a heat ing pad in situations in which you might fall asleep. Even if wide awake, do not lie on a heating pad or put it under any part of the body because that could result in a higher tem perature than you were expect ing. WOMENPAST2I WITH BLAODEK IRRITATION Suffer Many Troubles Alter 2|, common Kidney or llsddor Irriutioat aOect twice u many women •t men and may mak* you tense and nervous from too frequent, burning or itching urination both d*A»nd night. Secondarily, you may loae sleep and aufler from Headachca, Backache and feel old, tired, itsprsaaad. In ach irri tation, CYSTEX usually brings fast, relaxing comfort by curbing irritating germa in strong, acid urine and by anal gesic pain relief. Oct CYSTEX at drug gists. See how fast it can help you. Let.ua Preserve Yov Precious Baby Shoes in Bronze, Gold or Silver Beautiful Styles WORK GUARANTEED DIAL 286-9274 NU-TREADTIRE HHI Lifesaver IP Radial Steel R/S The American jj 40,000 miU'H from a Life' c j £ savor Radial normal use on your car, the retailer who sold it I * you the difference as a credit against the going £ NU-TREAD TIRE CO. 601 Foster St. Phone 682-5792 '% EASTGATE ?ssf § £'©d& SHOPPING IX2*P CENT^^^| • Register For A 2-Week Giant Easter Bunny Rabbit H 3 give away which will be on display in all the Eastgate |jjp^ stores. You don't have to be present to win. There is Plenty of parking space, just off 15-501 By-Pass. Many ||| Jt Of the stores will be open until 9:00 p.m. .. 4 * m W . l£. v 0 Th ere Are Over 22 r\ ijL Stores In The I | • Shopping