Women's Page Durham Socio/ Notes OF Duke Lipscomb and his daughter Miss Hazel Lipscomb of the home were happy to have his daughters and Miss Lipscomb's sisters to spend vacation with them. Mrs. Harry Lewis and daughter S. Lewis of Courtsvilie Pa., Mrs. Lewis is the former Miss Eve lyn Lipscomb. Mrs. Ronie Esey and son Greg of Brooklyn, New York, Mrs. Esey is the former Miss Gazelle Lipscomb, Mrs. Gus Bailey of Brooklyn, N. Y. Mrs. Bailey is the former Miss Majorie Lipscomb, Mrs. Edward Clemons and daughter of Pittsburg, Mrs. Clemons Is the former Miss Murdle Lips comb and Miss Wanda Lips comb who is a rising senior at Bennett College, Greens boro. Miss Hazel Lipscomb is a teacher at Heat Start. The Senior Choir of the Mt. Calvary Baptist Church of Bahama will observe its thirty fifth Anniversary on Sunday August 6, at 7 o'clock p.m. in the church santuary. Rev. C. L. Dunstan, pastor of Mount Level Baptist Church will de liver the message and music will be furnished by the Mt. Level Senior Choir and the Red Mountain Male Chorus. **♦ Mr. & Mrs. James Bass of N. Y. City spent the week end with his mother, Mrs. Fannie Rhodes & his aunts Mrs. Mary Bass & Georgia Suitt on Onslow St. Sympathy to; The late Mrs. Ann Smith May family, the late Annie Stewart Lyons family, the late Frank Rich ardson family, the late Leroy Samuel family, Mrs. Leroy Samuel & children. To Di;. and Mrs. E. P. Norris & family. He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds. Psalm - 147:3 Mr. and Mrs. Mack Justice and children Kirk, and Derick of Hampton Virginia and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Holman and children Debora, Barry and Terry of New Jersey are visit ing Mrs. Justice and Mrs. Hol man, mother Mrs. Aurelia M. Neal on Milton Rd. Mrs. Mack Justice is the former Miss Ruth N. Neal, and Mrs. An drew Holman is the former Miss Bessie Neal. Mrs. Gay Murl Iving have returned to her home in Wash ington, D. C. after visiting her family Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Gentry Long Ward Rd. Miss Sharon Long accompanied her sister back for a two weeks stay. Congratulations and best wishes to newly weds Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wayne Dae, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sanders and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Allen. Mrs. Margaret J. Parker of Bahama, was confronted with a big surprise when her daught er and family Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hedgepeth and their son Gregory and a friend Andra Parker of Washington, D. C. and her daughter Mrs. Mar garet P. Wingfield and children Dexter and Vivica of Greens boro, spent a long weekend with her and their sister Miss Vivian Parker Dexter spent his time with his cousin Anthonv Parker, and Gregory and his tnend Andra Parker spent their time with his cousin Marcellus Parker. E. J. Hedgepeth spent his time with his brother and family Ford Hedgepeth. E. J. Hedgepeth niece Sandra Hedgepeth daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ford Hedgepeth re turned with her uncle & aunt home to spend two weeks. *** Congratulations to Mrs. Jewel Merritt Best who re ceived her Master's Degree in Education from Federal City College of Washington. Mrs. Best, I wish you good luck in your future endeavors. Mrs. Edna Alston Royster MISS SHEUA BULLOCK Miss Sheila Bullock a grad uate of Hillside High School and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Bullock Sr. of 2418 Anocosta Durham was named to the Dean's List at St. Augustine College Raleigh for the Spring Semester. Miss Bul lock is a rising senior and is working very hard trying to graduate in three and half years. Miss Bullock's major study is Sociology and minor in Political Science and is em ployed this summer as a coun selor at Shaw University for the Model City program of Brooklyn New York. Attend ing St. Augustine's College along with Miss Bullock is her brother Oliver Bullock Jr. who is a rising sophomore. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Bullock Sr. also have two other daughters who attended NCCU at Durham. Miss Phyllis Bullock, who was sent to Richmond Virginia for special training by Thalhimers and is now a Junior Execu tive at Thalhimers in the area of sports wear in Crabtree Valley, Raleigh; and Mrs. Josephine B. Sellers who is manager of the Sign Risk Dept. for Reliance Insurance Co., Durham. Congratulations to each of you, may your future be bright and prosperous. *** of East End Ave. has returned home from the hospital. She wishes to thank her many friends for the cards & flowers during her illness. Sick and shut ins; Mrs. Mae Pettiford, Mrs. Mandy Bass, Ronald Harris, Duke Hosp., Hosea Moore, Lincoln Hosp., Gattis Bass, Mrs. Luch Whit ted, Lucious Glenn, Mrs. Lona Parker, Miss Wilhemenia Cros sat, Mrs. Mollie R. Mason, Mrs. Lola Bullock, Oscar Tapp, Mrs. Emma Farrow, Mrs. Bertha H. Hunter, Philadelphia, Mrs. Annie Mack, Mrs. Georgia P. Mitchell, Mrs. Lucendia Evans, Mrs. Mary Tabon Cooley, Mrs. Mattie Lyde, Mrs. Amelia Hester, James Long, Mrs. Bea trice Laster, Mrs. Lizzie Mc- Millian, Mrs. Deliliah Hollo way, Nathaniel Brewington, Mrs. Blue Bell Peaks, Charlie Hogan, Jasper Haskin, Harvey Tilley, Meardie Mangum, Ben Morning, C. G. McLaughlin, Grover Shaw, Sr. Victor John son, L. F. Warren, Stroud Kenion, Joseph Wade, Mrs. Vera Brown, Ellis D. Jones, Sr., Mrs. Mary B. Bynum, Mrs. Dorcus Reed, Mrs. Annie Fau cett, William Carrington. The Lord is my Shepard; I shall not want, Psalm 23-1. REVIVAL SERVICES TO BEGIN Revival services will begin on August 6-12 th at 7:30 p.m. at the Oak Grove Free Will Baptist Church of 801 Colfax Street, Durham. Music will be furnished by the church choirs. The Evangelist will be the Bishop M. E. Holmes, who is a dynamic speaker and the pastor of the Miracle Temple of Truth "Church of God in Christ" Chicago, Illinois. Pastor, Rev. Z. D. Harris. THI Lire expectancy of •n alcoholic la about 10 to 12 years lass than that of the average population, ac cording to the National la atitute of Mental Health. Co*6d Attends Regional Meeting Of AKA Somrify ELIZABETH CITY - Hav ing spent nine weeks of sum mer study and employment. Miss Vickie Carleen Midgett has about a month's rest be fore viating the far-away fiftieth state. The high-ranking Elizabeth City State Univer sity senior will visit Hawaii, August 25 - 30. Vickie, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James E. Midgett of Williamston, is onw of the top ten regional representatives of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority. With a 3.8 academic average, she sill represent the mid-Atlantic Region of AKA, at Hawaii. The former "Miss E. J. Hayes High" in 1969 has been a top ranking student since enrolling at ECSU, which in cludes being ranked the second highest ranking freshman and the highest ranking sophomore and junior. She is also a member of Alpha Kappa Mu and Kappa Delta Pi honor societies. Miss Midgett is a Business Education major at ECSU, and has plans to enter graduate school at Howard University or Morgan State College. Her ul timate ambition is to become a Certified Public Accountant. Farewell Party Held For Mrs. Idora Murchinson The residence of Mr. & Mrs. T. R. Speight of Bar bee Road was the setting for a Bon Voyage party honoring their granddaughter Idora Muchison, Friday, July 14. The party was given by her aunt Mrs. Lacey Alford of Atlanta, Ga. Idora left Durham on Sun day, July 16, for New York where she joined other members of the Tour Group accompanied by Mrs. J. B. McLester of Durham. The Tour Group departed Kennedy International Airport on July 17, for London, England. Countries to be visited dur ing the month long tour are France, Spain, Italy, Monaco, Holland, Austria, Switzerland and Germany. Idora is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Jimmie Man ley of Durham. Birthday Dinner Given Mrs. Ruffin A surprise birthday dinner was given to Mrs. Patricia Ruffin July 23, Sunday at 1:30 o'clock. Invited guests were Mr. & Mrs. William Adderley, Mr. & Mrs. Thelma Downy, Uncle & aunt of Mrs. Ruffin, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Geer, Mr. & Mis. Charles Daniel & family of Washing ton, D. C. who is the brother of Mrs. Patricia Ruffin, Mr. & Mrs. Claude Springs, Harold Smith, Miss Cheryl Ruffin, sister-in-law, George H. Daniel of Washington, D. C., the brother of Mrs. Patricia Ruffin, Miss Vivian Lewis of Wash ington, D. C., Mrs. Catherine Ruffin, Mr. & Mrs. Jack Marie Mr. & Mrs. Maree McKeller & family. The menu consisted of fried chicken, ham, macaroni salad, pickled beets, string beans, hot homemade rolls, cake squares, ice cream and punch. A locked medicine cabinet is the only »ure method of keeping inquisitive small children from sampling toxic preparations. Add salt to the water when boiling eggs. This will keep egg contents from escaping into the water in the event shells crack. When a parrot moults, save the feathers. Men like them for their hats. tonMl Hemingway wrote, : "The world la a fine place and worth fighting for." mm j f F I II j .^^pj^r HK| vc a^x B£\g' 4 HH ■v A gkK* -' jj^V' MISS PHYLISS THOMPSON Miss. Phyhs Am Thompson Wtiam Gum Exchange Vows Ebenezer Baptist Church was the setting for the 5:15 pan. Saturday wedding of Miss Phyllis Ann Thompson and William Lloyd Gunn. Offi ciating were the Rev. J. W. Smith, Jr. and the Rev. W. E. Daye. John H. Gattis was or ganist, Miss Sherian Davis of Wilmington, was soloist. Ita bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Augustus R. Thompson, Sr. of 416 Moline Street. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William S. Gunn of 1005 Gillette Avenue. The bride wore a gown of silk organza over taffeta with an empire bodice trimmed in Cluny lace. Her silk illusion mantilla was attached to a matching lace headpiece. She carried a Bible .topped with carnations. The mother of the bride wore a peau de soie ensemble of aqua blue with matching accessories and a white cor sage. The groom's mother wore an aqua blue crepe with white accessories and a yellow cor sage. Maid of honor was Miss Sandra Pendergraft of Bar hamsville, Va., cousin of the bride and matron of honor was Mrs. Gerald Henderson (Estelle Bailey Henderson) of Durham. Attendants were Miss Linda N. Gunn of Washington, D. C. Miss Monika L. Gunn, Miss Fern Gunn of Durham, sisters of the bridegroom, Miss Birdena Mcintosh, Mrs. Ivester Bailey (Brenda Brewer Bailey), Miss Lauren Brown of Dur ham, Miss Calrinda Johnston of Macon, Ga., cousin of the bride, Mrs. Arthur Davis (Gloria Alston Davis) of Riviera, Florida, Miss Hilda Two NCCU Graduates Honored For Outstanding Achievement GREENSBORO - Two graduates of North Carolina Central University in Durham, Mr. and Mrs. Johnny B. Hodge Jr. of Greensboro, have been individually honored for outstanding achievement in a nationwide selection. Hodge, a band leader for the Greensboro public schools and for Greensboro college, was named to the 1972 volume of "Outstanding Young Men of America." Mrs. Brenda Hodge was named to appear in the 1972 edition of "Out standing Elementary Teachers of America." Selections for both publi cations are made by a board of former national presidents of the Jaycees. Hodge was nominated by the Rev. Joseph Bethea, a United Methodist minister and an instructor at Duke University. Mis. Hodge was nominated by Calvin Mor row, principal of Greensboro's Murphey Elementary School, where she teaches. Neither knew of the nomi nations until they learned they had won. Mr. and Mrs. Hodge both Hayes of Mullins, S. C., Miss Elida Perry of Boston, Mass., Mrs. Therion Cobbs (Anita Cox Cobbs) of Atlanta, Ga. and Mrs. Emilio Larrier of New York. Best man was Marcilen L. Gunn of Durham, brother of the bridegroom, J. Reginald Bynum of Durham was the groomsman. Chief ushers were Augustus R. Thompson, Jr. of Louisville, Ky., brother of the bride and Milton P. Gunr of Durham, brother of the bridegroom. Ushers were John nie P. Battle of Washington, D. C., George E. Evans, Jr. of Baltimore, M.D., cousin of the bridegroom, Harold Pratt of Tuskegee, Al., George Gilmore, Thomas McCoy, Joseph Bames, Leroy Pegray, and Samuel D. Morrison, Jr. of Durham. Children in the wedding were Ste >hanie King of Wash ington, D. C. cousin of the bride and Gerald Henderson II of Durham. The ceremonies concluded with the bride and groom's devotional presentation of a long stemmed red rose to both mothers. A reception was held at the church. The bride is a graduate of Johnson C. Smith Univ. where her sorority was Delta Sigma Theta. The bridegroom grad uated from North Carolina Central University and is em ployed by North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance of Dur ham. Mr. and Mrs. Gunn will spend their homeymoon in Montego Bay, Jamaica. The wedding arrangements were conducted exclusively by John H. Gattis. received B. A. degrees in music from N. C. Central They met at the Durham in stitution and married after graduation. Hodge, who is working to ward his doctorate in music, has led several bands which received superior ratings at state contests. In 1966 he was awarded a gold plaque for organizing and conducting the Jackson Junior High Honor Band. His Smith High School Stage Band recently completed a northern tour. Mrs. Hodge holds an M. E. degree from UNC-G, and has trained at the Seawell School in Chapel Hill and at the North Carolina Leadership In stitute in Greensboro. Her co-workers have nominated her four times as an "Out standing Young Educator." By United Press International Take short breaks while doing housework. Janet Wilaon, of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension Service, recommends a 10- minute break per hour rather than going at chores for three hours and then taking a 30- minute break. 13th Annvenarf Of Mt. Vernon Floral Club The Mount Vernon. Baptist Church Flonl Club, obaerved its thirteenth anniversary July 23 at 4:00 p.m. Mrs. Luetta Sims presided. Music was rendered by the Chapel Choir, Mrs. Blanche Davis serves as president and Jesße McCrite is the pianist. The program was continued by president and Jesse McCrite ia the pianist. The program was continued by scripture read ing by Mrs. Fannie Jones and Joseph Lang ley offered prayer. Deacon S. L. Fennel brought greetings andsthe his tory was given by Mrs. V. M. Faulk, Guests included Mount Zion Floral Club and tbd Oak Grove Floral Club. The speaker for the occa sion was Dr. Wlliimena Davit. She was presented and Intro duced by Mrs. A. W. Pearce. All were challenged by her speech which pointed up that if we as Christians would make our lives as a beautiful flower, the world would be a better place in which to live. Others on the program were Mrs. Margaret Adams, King D. Brown, Ernest Henry and Mrs. Elnora Arrington. Honoree was Edward Hayes - 90 year* young. Words of appreciation was given by Mrs. Josephine Brown, Club president. Final remarks were offered by the minister, Dr. Percy L. High. Nurses Club Held Monthly Meeting July 19th The Nurses Breakfast Club's monthly meeting was held at the Holiday Inn, Chapel Hill Street, July 19th at 9 a.m. The president Mrs. L. McCoy opened the meeting with Rev. Mrs. Sims giving invocation. Reports of all committees were given and received. Social committee chairman gave out tickets for the contest and the time of the picnic given for Duke Park. Other business was discussed and projects. Birthdays celebrated were Rev. Mrs. E. Sims, T. Smith, Madams L. McCoy, G. Pretty and N. Poole. Cards were given to each one and Happy Birth day sung by all. Present were Madams L. McCoy, G. Pretty, N. Poole, E. Sims, R. Daye, P. Nu- Church, L. Sims, T. Lynch, C. Scott, L. Swinson, A. Black, J. Miller, Mr. T. Smith, Misses 0. Rogers, R. Brown, H. Howard, Madams K. Evans, M. Thompson, G. Richardson, M. Gattis, S. Thompson, E. George, C. Watson and A. Jones. Absent were Mrs. Margaret Howard in hospital. MB. F. Revels, G. Robinson, B. Snipes and A. Ingram. Mrs. P. Nuchurch and Mrs. Ethel Sims was hostesses to a wonderful breakfast. The Norwoods Return From Trip To Hiwaii Mr. & Mrs. Moses Norwood of 1916 Cecil Street returned home last Monday from Hono lulu, Hawaii. While in Hono lulu they visited the University of Hawaii, the International Market place, a cruise to Pearl Harbor and attended two Is land Native Stage Dinner Shows. Enroute they visited rela tives in Altadenia, California. On the fourth of July they visited Disneyland and the firework festivities at the Rc*e Bowl in Pasadenia. On their return from Hono lulu to Los Angeles, they visited Hollywood, Ocean City, San Clemente, San Die go and T\juana, Mexico. Their flight from the West Coast took them to New York where they viated other relatives in Morris town, New Jersey and then on home to Durham. They enjoyed a beautiful vaca tion. *»» ». 1f72 THI CAftOUHA TH«f— ■ 44 1 ■ > B . . " ■ - V , I hf , % -Ji * J» ■■■■■■■■HH MISS CATHERINE D. WILLIAMS Williams And Said Vows In Enfield ENFIELD - Waymen A. M.E. Church wit the letting Saturday, July 29, for the wedding of Mis Catherine Drunay William* to Carl Ste phen Laßohne. Mn. Laßohne is the daughter of Mr. and Mri. Johnnie H. Williams of Enfield. Labohne is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Neilson Labohne of Philadelphia, Penn. The bride was given in marriage by her father. Rev. George W. Dudley, assisted by Father Clyde E. Beatty, was the officiating minister. Wedding music was pre sented by Lawrence Cooper, Steve McQueen and Miss Alma Bethea. The bride chose an elegant gown of custom-made silk organza and Venice lace. The Solitaire neckline and fitted bodice waa accented by bishop sleeves with deep cuffed lace and tiny buttons. The full cir cular skirt gave the bride the total look with her formal mantilla of English silk illu sion, edged with a Venice lace border. She carried a cascade of orchids with minia ture mums and stephanotis. Miss Carol Daniels was maid of honor and Mrs. Debra H. Sweet was matron of honor. Bridesmaids were: Miss Re nee' Wilkins, Mrs. Wanda Williams, Miss Cynthia Jones, Miss Esther Boyer, Miss Sheila Holmes, Miss Geneva Williams, Miss Marlene Daniels, Miss Hilda Smith, and Mn. Yvonne D. Bryant. Karla Solo man was junior bridesmaid and Vonnie Williams was flower girl. The honor attendants wore dresses of orchid chiffon with College View Nursery School will open for new re gistration Monday August 28th at 7:30 a.m. Regular schedule will resume at that time. Tau Gamma Delta Sorority, Inc. will hold its 27th Bouie beginning August 7th through the 12th at the Los Angeles Hilton with Mu Chapter as hostess. The sorority is a serv ice organization for business and professional women. Serv ices are rendered through national and local projects and scholarships to worthy stu dents. Following the Conven tion trips have been planned to Mexico, Las Vegas, and Hawaii. A large delegation is ex pected from all regions. Mrs. Mary L. Brooks and daughter, Maria Lynette, re cently visited Florida's Disney land. They traveled via chartered Trail ways with other Guys and Dolls groups throughout North Carolina. Canadian physician Sir William Osier said, "Tact is the saving virtue without which BO woman cab be a success." a scoop ruffle neckline snd high rise bodice with a floral ribbon belt failing into a sweep-back effect. Their head dresses were horse hair picture hats trimmed with orchid lllu rions streamers. They carried nosegays of pink mums with orchid streamer*. The other attendants wore timilar attire and carried similar nosegays. Eric Laßohne was best man and ushers were Peter La- Bohne, Dewight Custis, Frank Harrison, Robert Simpkina, Ramydon Cautorn, Andrew Huston, Edwards Frauds, Harold Williams, Estee Wil liams, and Gerald Williams. Terry Knight was junior usher and Avery Williamson was ting bearer. Mrs. Laßohne is a graduate of Saint Augustine's College and plans to begin graduate work at Morgan State Univer sity. Labohne is sfeo a graduate of Saint Augustine's. He is an accountant with Humble Oil Company in Baltimore. Following a wedding trip to Montego Bay, Jamaica, the couple will reside in Baltimore, Maryland. Miss Carol Dank Is and Mrs. Yvonne D. Bryant entertained the bride at a miscellaneous shower on Wednesday evening July 26, at the Waymen Com munity Club. More than thirty guests were present. The parents of the groom, Mr. & Mrs. Neikon Laßohne, entertained the bridal party and friends at a beautiful dinner at the Carlton House following the rehearsal Friday evening. More than fifty peo ple were present for this love- Continued on page 7 A Rambling With Mrs. Vir Alston yf» for the look you want... the comfort you need... 3Baa* (Mb mw. .QAmA 5A

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