mm CABOUNA TIMES 8t, J 16, ltT i in irifMMMTlrinrM ' " "!' . .... PREGNANCY PLANNHH ANU HtAL I rt Mrs. 6lorii RijNjsbtt ' "lmmmmmm 5!i(3l '5 -jif .. Deer4! J J.: s not known IUD;'works to Dear Mrs. Riggsbee, II would like to know something about the IUD. I was told that it works by causing the ovum to come down so fast that it cant embed itself in the wall of the uterus. I want to know if the ovum, can be fertilized before it is carried away. In other words, ft you conceive, does the IUD worfciffcea fast abortion? M. J. how the prevent pregnancy. There are three theories: 1. Sperm are destroyed by a reaction to the IUP and never get to the tube to 0e fertilized, 2. The woman's egg comes through the tube too fast to be fertilized, and 3. The fertilized egg cannot be implanted in the womb because of the womb's reaction to the IUD. What is known is that the IUD is a very effective method of birth control which millions of women prefer since it doesn't require any bothersome preparations just before sex . All the woman has to do is check the strings of the IUD, particularly after a menstrual period, to be sure that it is still in place.' OAU Asked to Half Somalia Ethiopia Dispute uadM$ a b a b a NBNS) Calling the situation "ery Jtnfe.fsand grave", Somalia "urged the highest organ of the OAU to intervene in the present crisis and urge Ethiopia to desist from her preparation for an aggressive was against Somalia and reduce tension by withdrawing her troops to their nomal and o i g i n air .po si ti o n s immediately! '" ! ) i j U The dispute has hung over the 10th anniversary celebrations, of the OAU, but been avoided , in an effort to minimize ', public disuqP Despite the laclf of public mention, Somali delegates had ' been attempting in closed .; .meetings to get the dispute (placed on the agenda. Somalia and Ethiopia are quarreling oyer an area in souinern acniopia Known as the Qgaden desert. The area is roughly one-third of Ethiopia and is peopled mostly by Somalis. Somalia has claimed the area as a part of Somalia. Although Ethiopia agrees that the Somalis overlap into Ethiopia and that historically the area is part of the somali land, it points out that all OAU members have agreed to respect colonial borders. The problem of arbitrarily drawn boundaries since the advent of colonial rule in Africa is a continent-wide problem. Common ethnic groups find themselves divided into several countries with resulting conflicting loyalties. Ethiopia denies that a territorial dispute exists, claiming that the problem is one Hf demarking a border. "We sent our foreign minister to Somalia to assure them that we were contemplating no attack", said Ethiopian Premier President Barre of Somalia participated in negotiations chaired by new OAU chairman Yakubu Gowan, leader of Nigeria, and the two sides have agreed to set up a "good offices" committee. The members of the committee are i the heads of the state of Nigeria, Cameroon, Lesotho, Liberia, Maurotania, Senegral, Sudan and Tanzania. Somalia hopes that this will be "appropriate machinery for finding a just and lasting solution for the basic dispute between the two countries". Both countries, however, have been building up their armed forces in the last few v-ars. Ethiopia has the larger army, numbering some 35,000 men who are supplied with arms from the United States. Somalia has significant firepower though it has a smaller army which has gotten ; assistance from the Soviet Union. Reports that natural gas and oil have been discovered in the disputed territory complicates the situation further. b fiscal Year 1972, there were 11,040 veterans and servicemen who pursued training under the OI BUI in approved foreign institutions of higher learning, the VA reports. A list of approved foreign schools and other information is available from "nsyTOlsfkmal office. Dear Mrs. Riggsbee: I am sending for your booklet on laparoscopy and I abd ?bave several questions I would like to ask about this operation. I'll be 40 years old this fall, I haven't had a child in 16 years and I'm very tired I of using other methods of birth control. I have years left to -enjoy sex and I certainly don't want to take any chances on becoming pregnant. My ejuwons are: Who does this offtltation, a general practitioner or a famale specialist? Do women tend to gain weight after this operation? Do women continue to have menstrual periods after this operation? How does if affect going through the change of life? Mrs. R. Dear Mrs. R.: Lap aroscopies are p f t for m e 'd by g y ne c o 1 ogists-female specialists. It is a relatively new procedure so not all gynecologists have been trained to perform this operation yet. I would suggest that you call the OB-GYN Department of your bcal hospital to find out where in your area laparoscopics are being done. After this operation your sex life would be just as It was before the operation except that you wouldn't ever have to worry about birth control again. You would continue to have regular menstrual periods and you would go through menopause - ;th&chaj$ge;ef life - just as you would if you had never had this operation. The operation would not make you gjun weight '4 WntSl X In some ares this operation is being done on an out-patient basis, so you wouldn't even have to spend the night in the hospital. Ir " , HW" r ,-.5,. - RETIREES HONORED AT P5U--Dr. Charles "A" Lyons Jr. (right) Chancellor of Fayetteville State University led a list of dignitaries honoring retirees Lenha Means, Fsu Registrar (second front left), and Mrs. Mary Eldridge, FSU Mu Department Chairman at wmn mi Retirement ceremonies held in the H. L. Cook Dining Hall on the campus. On the left is former FSU President, Dr. Rudolph Jones. Gulf Urges Employes to Help in Community Lite Gulf OU. Corporation encourages its employees to participate in projects j which help their community. That's why it is proud of the kind oft 5 civic enterprise shown by Curtis Moore, an operation's technician at the Gulf . Alliance Refinery neat New Orleans. Moore has begun I Boy Scout troop in the 'small community of Violet 'where , youth' programs; and recreational facilities were badly needed. I Because of the I Gulf technician's enterprise, the recitation of the Seoul Oath now echoes, through anipctive Violet community center. "On my honor I will do my bestj to, do my duty ... " While more i than 60 scouts promised; to oe trustworthy and loyal, a tall, slender figure moved casually through; their, ranks. A stern look here or a shard stare .there seemed to be an effective deterrent against 1 gigglers and whisperens. As m L Curtis Moore made his through the gathering Khaki-clad youngsters, .hi resembled Ray Bolger strollini ; among the Muuchkins in THE wizard of oz. ! ' Although Curtis Moore is probably as tall as Ray Bolger, arid the scouts as miniature 'as the Munchkins, the community W' Violet, Louisiana, is no story bopK :'. .lUlw. . of . JQ&... . Located in St. Bernard Parish, a few miies from New Orleans, . Violet faces many of the amej problems shared by thousand oi otner smau rur communities. One of problems is the, lank of recreational facilities f .i"i"i via. J ui baa, , VrK" Technician at Gulf's All Rpfinsrv :nrl n atnitn at n community residents something about Violet's problem - they formed a Boy Scout troop. I ,i It started not long ago on a Sunday morning as Curtis and a lew, Hicnus siti, wanning a group of neighborhood T 1 or the mfiAite . thpr did Hi "I n o ire 'k t o NEED-TO-KNOW: No one qiu tell you through the mail whether or not you are pregnant. Withdrawal is one of the poorest methods of birth control around because some of the man's seeds seep into the vagina prior to ejaculation. If you continue to engage in sexual intercourse without using a good method of birth 'control, you should expect to become pregnant. In answer to your boyfriend's question: Condoms (rubbers) can be ordered through the mail from Population Planning Associates, P. OI Box 2556, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, 27514. & , & Address letters and requests for free booklet oh birth control and sterilization to: Mrs. Gloria Riggsbee, 214 W. Cameron Avenue, Chapel Hill, N. C, 27514. EBOIwY DIRECTIONS With Your Host, -"V , KYSER WILSON I KOTTUH m IUIMDAY 10:30pm nnnwMtn LMJL WUU Durham-Raleigh MM children toss around a dilapidated baseball on one of Violet's vacant lots. As the boys played, they had to side-step broken bottles and abandoned auto tires. "I just knew that something had to be done for those kids", Curtis said. ''Daring the day they were forced to play their games j on trash-strewn lots. At night they had - nothing - to do," " no Organized 'functions which thtey could attend. . Sottei of them were school drop-outs. Others had no plans for the future. We decided right tlten, J frit H H wtrnm WP mmmM EYE DISEASE Pinkeye la a oonta- gious eye aisease little and is spread primarily by the face fly. The problem is present in wonn viuuii"" v March until cold weather. ftu.. .1, T (ki, nlnlrAVA season usually comes in T Tit1 . J tuic ui uiujr. , North Carolina State University specialists suggest isolating infected . jilM.alA AVI of the disease, keeping the animal out of the sunlight and treating with spectrum eye prepara tions. An effort should be made to reduce the fly; population control measure. program in which as boys from grade-school age through high school could participate and learn everything from handicrafts to good citizenship. The answer to the problem was the Boy Scouts". Curtis, having had prior experience with scouting when he was in the service, knew that to receive a charter and be officially recognized by the National Council of the Boy Scouts Of America, he had to sign up at least 20 boys for the new troop. "We knew that to gain support in the community", Curtis explained, "we had 'to prove we weren't fooling around. After we had 25 boys enrolled in the troop, "We held some meetings and then took them on a weekend camping trip to the VeeBar ! 'Ranch in Mississippi. When we returned, the news spread fast; the boys in the troop passed the word to their friends that scouting was where it was at Everyone realized we were serious about having a scout troop in Violet. . ;r m s r- ARMY ANNOUNCES $2500 I Yourtcal'Arrhyl I i I I LmmMPMI h.?Si'".if '.(!(;' nH LbV .! "hit . ftk : Plilii m. JM m.' i" WSB WB MHfnSBF yss&L BST SSj SSI mmr Ssffi-- &S& mm) mm mm vi s.m in unCM 3C1ICI 111 5 e Lngianaeeeiimerica theworid Super-dry is why! UQRpONS Distilled LomdohDry Gin iMWIlMJllWlltll' I PRODUCT OF US INt KUlUt SfillJ KlltlU FMM CHAIN 96 WOOF. UNtf'S U WIN CO., 1 10., UN DIN. 1. 1. Vi gal. 4sS- pint bonus: : : mi f : . . im ... .l . IT Army s new starling salary or school graduate and enlist for ior. Artillery, or one of many areas like Radio Teletype or Representative has a complete list taii UUe Anil Mix ifimlmni Prsr AinmA Wl UVIIUI IWW1 MHU,. VWIIIIVUIIVIIM Wl MWIMIIWW information contact him at: mm. 688-6825 in Durham. TaiImu'c IrmviHiink tn IaIbi vah. UISSB 1 Presents BOB BAKER n. . i. aiwiti Monday ThniSatarday wm Mm No. Dur WSSB is the only Durham fcadio Station that stays on 24-houflkday days a week, 365 days a Radio No. 1 Durham 1490 ON YOUR DIAL ("IeIrch NO MORr I W LOFTIN Wt0T f J is your lucky day 11 Classic System." Ypu can now roke, vacuum, ano wake you' W9 orpet in one full easy operotidn. Your deep and extro 1 1 deep shag should never again be o concern to you. Call us for a no obligation, proof of the pudding demonstration, . , , . , I CALL 286-2231 for 0 home demonstration I I KIRBY CO. j MSA J .1 mm mmmtmmmmmik. immmmmm.-imsm'k... .. .. . -m. . . Vaiir R Mil 1 V Art TirA Diiwl vll I II V WUJt A . . . 1 TD Fm E- -51 St :. tide rn NATIONAL STYLIST E..II ! Dw r vif t POIYESTER ANY i SIZE I LIST PRICE! BRAKE SERVICE SHOCK ABSORBERS Including Rise. Brakes Installed NU-TREAD TIRE COMPANY 601 Foster St. 682-5795 Si. ;; Je tfudgetf Terms i Arrrsnnnri III I UIIJWH i iilffirvi yrA'iiiiiii' ' d ml "i-'iAin niiii; i m-- ' mm II I 1 iifi it iBerkeev Councilman s Ouster Rajiui Duchoil hv Darkle firmin B E 4 BEAST- BL AGAIN! a beauty (pictured le U T Y TO ACULA DID IT Dt's not easy to turn ke Lynn Moody ft as she is) into the blood lusting, drooling, tanged monster she becomes in her role in "Scream, Blacula, Scream", but the make-up and camera artists in this sequel to American International Pictures' highly successful macula , managed with apparent ease. Not only Lynne, but several oth or beautiful people as well. In the plot, her transformation takes place as a result of having been bitten by her boyfriend Willis (RICHARD LAWSON), who in turn has been bitten hy Blacula (WILLIAM MARSHALL) himself. In addition to Marshall, who returns in the lead role of the dread, black ,v m p. i r e,' the soon-to-be-released picture co-stars Pam Crier, Don Grier, Don Mitchell, Befnie Hamilton, Micheal Conrad and Janee Michelle. Rep. Chisholm Tells All in New Book on 72 Race WASHINGTON '- (NBtjS)--Rep. Shirley Chidiolm (D-NY), the first, black woman in the House of Representatives, and to run for President of the United States, charges in a recently published book, "The Good Fight"; that New York City Major John Lindsay tried to dissuade her from entering the Florida presidential primary last year and that his aides blamed her for threatening, and subsequently ending, his short-lived presidential candidacy.' kfM In addition, the Brooklyn Democrat said that "second and third-level" city employees who were sent to Florida, supposedly to campaign for the Mayor, spent most of their time entertaining and "running up tremendous tabs and room service bills" and "seemed just out for a good time", ' The Mayor's press' secretary, Thomas B. Morgan, has denied the allegations. "The Mayor would not alia did not ask her not, to run in Florida or anyplace else", Morgan said. "The Mayor wished her good luck, and always spoke highly of her". Rep. Chisholm, whose first book, "Unbought -and U n bossed " was a n autobiographical account of her childhood and political career, also alleged that at the Democratic National Convention last summer, aides to South Dakota Sen. George McGovern, the party's nominee, intimidated delegates by telling them that if they did not vote for the candidate to whom they were pledged, they would be faced with jail sentences. McGovern's aides have refuted the charge, noting the - . ikiii is j delegates were miormea in&i they were legally bound to vote for candidates to whom they were pledged, but that they were never threatened with jail. "It would be an argument I'd be afraid to use on a delegate, it's so, palpably absurd", said Rick Steams, McGovern's deputy campaign manager, adding that New Mexico is the only state which provides criminal sanctions against delegates who fail to vote on the first ballot in accordance with the state presidential primary. In "The Good Fight", which describes Rep. Chisholm's unsuccessful attempt to gain the nations's highest elective office, she writes: "Just before Christmas, 1971, 1 got a note from Mayor John V. Lindsay, inviting me to Gracie Mansion. It said her had 'something for me'. I a,Humed it was a Christmas present. He and his wife greeted, and John and I sat down to talk. And I knew what it was. He wanted to find out whether I was determined to enter the Florida primary". Rep. Chisholm writes that. Lindsay's aides knew the Florida primary "would make or break him" and tht she received messages from persons at City Hall "that Lindsay was upset about it" because "he felt I would hurt him" there. Because of the votes of blacks, who comprise about 16 per cent of the electorate, youths, and women, Mrs. Chisholm said die told Lindsay she thought she would do well in the state. "Lindsay did not betray any emotion", the New York Congresswoman said. "After a pause, he asked me directly, 'Do you have to go into Florida ?, adding itt a recent interview that the word "have should be emphasized. VI IRE u If you like a blend this is it! ' aul 08 mo' HMt W M iV. nuuHin iiiiiii ntiiim fifth 1 ogo n BLENDED WHISKEY EIGHTY PROOF 65 QMIN NEUTUt SHOTS JADOU6HEmr8SOH800.IH8Timi8HlttX TV'S CAMERAS TYPEWRITERS' RECORD PLAYERS TAPE PLAYERS :0. : -'t-"'" M SAM'S PAWN SHOP ! PHONE 682 253 132 EAST MAIN STREET DURHAM, N C. J ( GRAND OPENING SPECIAL I TA . ft 1 10 . Hatural 1 I" Color Prints - ONLY $49.95 MN6 IMS iaD FOK K) nSCOUNT 1 i mwmmmmm I eHeHRIS B m 8 SSBmK9mmMLwm 1 BERKELEY, Calif. - (N BNSMn what appears to be 1 a recall movement with strong racial overtones, a group of conservative whites have just about gotten enough signatures to put the question on the ballot. The target of the action is a black City Councilman D'Army Bailey, who. is a 30-year old lawyer who graduated from Yale Law School and was one of three, radicals elected to four-year terms on the Berkeley City Council two years ago. Many blacks are comparing the effort to oust Bailey with the unseating of the late Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. from Congress. Unlike Powell, Bailey has not been charged with anything illegal. White conservatives have called him an obstructionist and charged that, he wants to intensify racial conflicts in an attempt to bring the city government to a halt. ; They hive also said he is mounting a campaign to discredit public officials. j Bailey says the recall committee ia "a small, ultra-conservative faction of the Berkeley community which has had a tradition of opposition to progressive and liberal changes". . ,-a,:is ( Their purpose is to set him "as an example to all other young, uncompromising and dedicated black people who sough it ths HninLiu nf mir nnnw I Of Other priorities said. The recall committee bad I it the ouster of all three radicals but the coalition of local political groups decided to recall only Bailey. j More than 15,600 of the 18,87 1 signatures required for a special election have already seen obtained, and they have more than a week left I But Bailey has countered with a group against the recall, including some prominent national blacks The group includes Georgia State Legislator Julian Bond, the Rev. Jesse Jackson of Operation PUSH, and Persy Sutton, Manhattan (NY) borough president. i?v The local movement against recall is headed by the NAACP's Mrs. Mary Jam Johnson. She is also chairman of the Berkeley school board. "We understand the national implications and significance of this campaign", Bailey said. "If the frightened forces that are behind the recall could succeed here in Berkeley, it would open up a Pandora's box of political assaults upon outspoken black leaders throughout the country". . Another member of the city council, Mrs. Ying Kelley, who was elected last month as a radical, agreed that the recall effort was racist nr. v ication ; skill. Aryou. get good $ay r ; en.MojWj wth a , good job with a secure future , you' wish, as a civilian. lf.Ui4&rtfVfttaiwtut ydu wa iWl cfflPlete your eif,uclt ; The Air force makes a Ic i Start by calling: 1 c And you choose the kind of job you want. Want to learn a job skill? is The Air Fore is a great industrial and technical :v,i scri6lol.i Working professionals teach you. People who m already mastered their iht from the start while you're Kill that will quality you for a In the Air ffflfce. pr laifeV, if !i i til ii . ; III M u t, the Air Force offers a lot of n - while you're getting paid. of things possible. Find out. SGT. LAMM OR SGT. HUTTON COURT HOUSE WILDING CHAPEL HILL SlI , DURHAM, N. C. PHONE: 682-5381! inthel States Ak Force by Joe Black An important Black woman, for whom I have great respect, said something a few days ago that got me thinking. What she Wtid was, "Women weren't created to walk behind their men, or ahead, but side by side." And I thought, how many of our women walk that way ? How many are into their responsibilities as a woman? Their cornaaitment to tne sramiuy of the Black family uni$ib; True, the fires of rorjtfftce may begin, to burn low. iutthat needn't cofl the glow of caring, shar ing and growing together. Especially when chil dren can learn from tW&love and guidance of pth parents. When a woman walfe,8ide by side with her man, she makes him neither slave nor compemu.. But rather, her companjjjv Someone to encourage to take his place as headflfthe family. Someone to nt a -mi n Ar i 1 1 i i 1 1 (ii provide the affection hn necu. jiu If we could attune ojjftselves to these notions, perhaps more Black rjln would feel the great dignity of being a good hband and father, instead of just someone around tie house to help out with the bills. 1 remember reading something once that said, "If you want him to be more of f Man, try being more of a woman." Might be worth a try. 6 i Joe'Bfack Vice President The Greyhound Corporation gtfc. Jaw U, 1973 THE CAROLINA TIMES-tP AmmW EHHEaEEflP i it i I m ' km mW: HgtgagafHj GETS PLAGUE- Dr. Jack S. Brayboy, vice president for academic affairs at Johnson C. Smith University, presents plaque to Robert E. Brackney of International Business Machine Corporation's financial management department in Boulder, Colorado in appreciation for a year of dedicated teaching in Smith's department of business and economics. Through its faculty loan program, IBM provides qualified for teaching stints at various colleges and uiriiiisiliMm r Dr. Jack S. Brayboy fL) JC8U V. P. for Academic Affairs; Robert E. Brackney (R) IBM Financial Managemenc. DO YOUR OWN THING . . with IV. Doc D n iviiiaiu Sauce A DURHAM PRODUCT Dillard's Bar-B-Q Sauce tastes good on everything. m- t-. tsw iiiviiiiv ywu f irir' hnvina our product. FREf RECIPES ON BACK t)F EAfeH feOTTLE - mm mSmmmmM I Bp Bp wmmmmmmmmmmmmaamam Bring The Whole family To LITTLE MINT John L. McLean Mgr. Home of THE BIG FELLOW One quarter pound of Hamburger Fatty cooked by Bro. 11' McLean, Lettuce, Tomatoes, Pickles, your choice of . Dressings on 5 inch Bun with Onion . Rings and TREE 10 02. Drink." A Lunch in itself. Price 70c !' Watch for our Weekly Special Open 7 Days l week CORNER LAWSON I BACON STREETS Durham , N.C. Open 10 mb. Daily :mun m lilt

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