DID INCOME TAX TAKE A Although your Taxes are all paid, is there enough left? 'Don't fret, come to tee us and ar mnge a speedy, low cost, confiden tial loan which is just one of our . many services. r ft.- We'll workout repayment terms to ' fit your income. ffnjoy Full Service Banking Checking & Savings Accounts Auto Loans Mortgage Loans Home Improvement Loans Bank-by-Mail Safe Deposit Mechanics & Formers Bonk m ... . i T r - ... DURHAM cHARionr RALEIGH THURSDAY, JUNE 14 WTVD. CHANNEL U. DURHAM S:30 a.ITl . - SUMMER SE- Stow shopping hit the lesson in practical En- dish. WTVD it t:J0a.m. IN - Artb .singer Jaye eomedian Reilly art MERV GRIF u r Treacher. Morgan an! MIKE DOUG- uthers, sing- ts&isu 4:30 p.m. m MERV GRIF FIN PatUe and J igera and ling- Carroll and Day are , MOVIE - A ItfMves Captain Kidd "-' .?ai?.wf "i fi" -obtaining Kidd1! treasure in 'The Save Girl." with An thony Dexter and James Seay. WRDU K v- 7:30 p.m. - LOVE TEN UIS ' Keeping score is taught WUNC ' i 7:30 p.m. - WACKY WORLD OF JONATHAN , a WINTERS - Martin Milner ifgfnf Kent MtiCerd spoof TV I italic shows. WRDU 9 p.m, -MOVIE- Ashy I youth 11 attracted to mfy'i i 'Uncfei Mppl in "Secret S !Werla," with Jacqueline BSs sett, Jean-Francois Maurin and Giselle Pascal. WTVD, WFMY 10 p.m. - DEAN MARTIN - William Conrad plays ac-Si' game show host WRDU :' hist: a; at) Semester 7:00 CBS New 1:80 Cap). Kangaroo 9:00 McHalas Navy 0:30 Secret Storm 10: 00 Joker's Wild 10:30 $10,000 pyramid 11:00 Gembit 11:30 Love of Life 12:00 Voung and iz:jo aeorcn 1:00 Peaav Mann 1:30 As World Turns 2:00 Guiding Llgrt 2:30 Edge of Night 3:00 Price Is Right M0 Hollywood's Talking 4:00 That Girl 4xB Merv GrHflti : CbTnow 7:00 Dragnet 7:30 Parent Gem 1:00 TheWettew 11:30 Movto :00 rodey , 0:00 New Zoo 0:30 Not, Went. Only 10:00 Dinah's Piece 10:30 Baffle 11:00 Century Sale 1130 Hollywood Squares 12:00 Jeopardy 12:f30Who Whet Where WRDU-TV. CHANNEL IS, DURHAM M '0:0 Not Women i:j mree on 2:00 Days JR 2:30 Doctors 3:00 Another World 1:30 Peyton Place 4:00 Somerset 4:30 Movie 7:30 Retur lo.oo Deea Mart 11:00 Neva 11:30 Tenteht I WFMY-TV. CHANNEL 4:00 Good Morning 1:00 Cept. Kangaroo mo Old Rebel :30 Merv Griffin 10:30 $10,000 Pyramid 00 Gambit , : 30 Love of Life 1 -tm r ':30 CBS NOW 7:00 Andy GrtfrWh 12:30 Young and Rosttes 4:31 ifjlWP ' ? F nm Daniel 1:00 Today's Woman 1:30 As Work) Turns 2:00 Guiding Light 2:30 Edge of Night 3:00 New Price 3:30 Hollywood's Talking 11:08 News 30 Gomor pvw ii: ( .w wenont t:oo mmm WKALTV. CHANNEL I. RALEIGH prow . ii:ao o,n. MovjEi dance teacher (Elizabeth Taylor) pursues a theatrical agent in "Love is Better Than Ever." Also starring are Larry Parks and Tom Tully. WTVD, WFMY trut a -f fiij.. t:00 Daybreak ' S:5S Commentary 2:00 News 7:30 Make Wish 1:00 Undo Paul 1:30 Elllort-LaLann ::.-, iM'--- !..)!. 10:00 WATERGATE 11:30 New. 1:00 All My Children 1:20 Lot's Make Deal 3:08 Ufa to Live 4:oo Stars Trek -V S:00 Perry Mason :00 New'. '' (mf SMSC1 J3 .SWaWaWS e:e ot wewt 7:00 Truth er 7:30 Tell Truth 0:00 Med leMd :0O Kate) ft C-Ve j.Wtmi WUNC-TV. CHANNEL 4. CHAPEL HtLL 10:00 Sesame St. 11:00 Mr. Rogers 11:30 fBlectrle CO. V-00 Sigh Off 4:08 Mltterogere 4:30 Sesame St. 4:00 IvtnTrlg Edition 4 30 Children Grow? 7:00 Joyce Chan Ceafc i fg ,wl Utepo .- : " ill -- K - A A SUBSCRIPTION TO WET if iPrTBiejl IV '.! .1 Kt , , ., ci a S WAV ..- n r:, . MHf . I'.-.' ; SfJl i a DV - ; ; E CAROLINA TIMES WILL KEEP YOU INFORMED OF THE NEWS IN YOUR rim i :jg Aowisy .'.. fecj (. ;o:S bowMg Jft'J ,q I 00 lv ... COMMUNITY. TVi'jis?.'if 1 i -Ji'. f-NO I ,i,- t'.ej.iiW rWf:t if j) - ;i ( f-S 1 FREEPORT GRAND BAHAMA ISLAND Labor Day Weekend August 30-September 4 O Round trip air transportation via Eastern Airlines or any other LATA or ATC carrier. O Round trip transfers Accommodations at' the Coral Beach Hotel. O All taxes A services. ONLY $229 per person, basis double occupancy BERMUI Veteran's Day Weekend October 18-22, 1973 5 days - 4 nights O Round trip air transportation via Eastern Airlines or any other IATA or ATC carrier. 0 Bound trip transfers O Deluxe accommodations at Sones ta Beach Hotel. O Breakfast A dinner dally O All taxes & services 0NLY$339 per person, basis double occupancy Hawaii FROM pet person, basis double occupancy One Week from Raleigti departing Every Sunday Includes Air Fare, Hotel Services, Taxes & Other Extras Supplement for High Season depart rare $20 feffeective 6-23 to 8-19) ADVENTURES For Information Write or Call ninni r ep-"- if it STOP IN OR CALL 682-2913 01 688-6587 TODAY IN LEISURES Durham 206 East Chapel Hill St. 682-5478 Raleijrh 4509 Oeedmoor Rd. 782-4921 i" "'Hi 'i. '...: .'..!J.M ': ,:"' . a TflllR rWim8f nis Chapd Hill 123 West Franklin St WM196 Research Triangle Park 100 Park Dr.(soon to open RIGSBEE TfiRE SALES The Tire BRQitSilQJiMS Wt Xnawt Our Integrity Give You More Safe Miles! I 'When you have need for automobile tires we at Rigsbee Tire Sales give you the best buys! We've made that statement for over 26 years and our business has grown continually because tire-buyers have placed their trust in what Rigsbee Tire Sales tells and sells THEM? You get the (i.A .ncl har mila hu tllinr nc tk If inrl nf ririuinn vnn An Thi ftnnhluc lit tn rffrnmmenrl .wj. ..." w f sew1 if "f u... - ...... -;'-;" the tire best suited to your needs because we draw on our experience to give you sound professional advice. This advice will most certainly please and surprise you because you II recognise that you're getting low per-mile cost. And this is the case whether we suggest premium tires or retreads that have been capped with prime rubber to give you more miles of tare arrving. wnve in ai nigsoea me juiw ior prai.iunai uume on me uu3. c i- w v HilUhnrniinh Road and 108 lakewood Ave' Durham. !:::'f . ,: joi ' Buddy Lynaiti (foe Rigsbee Ttre Jtttes Conveneiif Charge Plan or Yaur favorite Batik Card. m&k " -nmr h-'f . rThe.Tire Professionals mk - wit? ; RIGSBEE TIRE SALES - ay Highlights day thru Thursday, 8 to 6, Friday 8 to 8. a.m. SUNRISE THE- Faith Domerque Richard Long star in : of the Cobra" WRAL Saiurd AtRE 4 "Gull FILM 22 B p,m. CHILDREN'S FESTIVAL Two ways make their way to to see the coronation m Rlinhath IT in and Julie." a British- film. Wfvi). WFMY M W'Hf. j;.K.i ',('," p.m. FL1PS1DE -4m Fifth Dimension croup is the guest. WRDU 4 - i : 8 p.S9. AIL IN THE hits the brings tickets she gotten about. WTVD, IS out some WSJM- in1 9 P.m Y - Archie when Edith 1 lottery -MARY TYLER MOORE SHOW Rhoda anfouncei she is leaving within a week to accept p JchJ. to New York. WTVD, r 9 p.m.- MOVIE - James Garner, Eva Marie Saint and Yves Montand .star in "Grand "jhrnt, a story of professional and romantic rivalries : on the auto race track. WRDU : i 10 p.m. - MISS NORTH CAROLINA PAGEANT Live coverage of the selection of Miss North Carolina at Ovens Audi torium in Charlotte is given. WFMY 11:30 p.m. CREATURE FEATURE Peter Dishing stars in the thriller, "The at-vit of FratAenstein." WRDU MIDNIGHT - MOVIE -A governess impresses the confused teen-ager in her care in "The Chalk Garden," with Deborah Kerr, Uayley Mills and John Mills. WFMY SATURDAY JUNE 10 WTVD, CHANNEL U. DURHAM S:00 Summer Semester e:30 NOW 7:00 McHonrs Navy 7:30 Olllloan 's Island 0:30 Sobrlne 00 Chan 9:30 Sroobv 000 10:30 Pussycats 11:00 Fllntstone 13:00 Archie 12:30 Fat Albert , 1:00 Children's film 2:00 Soul Train 3:00 Del Reeves 3:30 NOShvllle Music 4:00 Weter World 4:30 Car and Track 3:00 Belmont 0:09 Block Unlimited News 0:10 CBS 7:00 Hee HOW 1:00 All In Family 1:30 Bridget Love Seme 0:00 Mary Tyler Moor 0:10 Sob NeWhart 10:00 Mission, ImpossBe 11:30 Movla 1:30 Wild, Wild West 2:30 Kaleidoscope WRDU-TV, CHANNEL S8, DURHAM 1:00 Houndcats 1:30 Roman Holiday :00 Jettons 9:30 Pink Ponthor 10:00 Underdog 10:30 Berkleys 11:00 Sealab 11:30 Runoroune) 12:00 eighty Days 1 J: 30 Giant 1:00 Call of the West 3:00 Mat. League Bases. S:00 TBA s:3o wrestling : NBC Newa 7:00 FllpsldO 7:30 Stand Up 0:00 Emergency 1:00 Movie 11:00 Late Movie WFMY-TV, CHANNEL t, GREENSBORO 7:30 1:00 ':00 0:30 10:30 11:00 12:00 Pebbles Bugs Bunnv Sabrlna Chan Sceobv Oat Pussycats Pllntttonet Archie U:30 Pat Albert 7:00 Hee Haw 1:00 Children's Film 1:00 All In Family 1:00 Malnpolnt 1:30 Movie 4:00 Roller Derby S:00 High Speed Living 5:30 Parent Game 4:00 News -e:30 CBS News 8:30 Bridget Loves Bom :oo Mory Tyier moot 0:30 Bob Newhtii 10:00 Mission, Impossible 11:00 News 11:30 Movlo WRAL-TV, CHANNEL 5, RALEIGH I 7:00 Sunrise 1:45 Scouting News 0:00 Osmonds :30 Superstars 10:10 Brady Kids 11:00 Bewitched H:30 Kid Power 12:00 Phantom 12:30 Prollee 1:00 Monkoet 1:30 Am. Bendstand 2:00 Country Song 2:X Putting 3:00 Sports World 4:30U.S. Open 1:00 Sports World :30 Arthur Smith 7:00 L. Wolk 1:00 Hero Wo Go Agotn 1:10 Touch of Oraea t:00 Strauss Family 10:00 The Men 11:00 Newt 11:35 Wrestling Friday Highlights fi 30 a.m. - SUMMER SK lMESTER Pogroms and anti-Semitism are discussed. ;WTVD 7 a.m. - TODAY - Bo Behnsky. former major league pitcher, discusses his autobiography and Robert Mitrhum talks about his new film. WRDU 9:30 am. - MERV GRJK HS Jack Klugman and fred Williamson are guests. 9:30 a.m.. . MIKE iJOUGLAS - Ernest Borg uine, Sally Struthcrr, Cor bett Monica and Trini Lopez are guests. WRAL 4 30 p m - MERV GRIF FIN - Doctors and their specialties are the theme with acupuncture, cardiology, gyfiecotogy and hospital adrrutustraUon dis cussed. WTVD 4:30 p.m. - MOVIE - A middle-class family becomes a refuse for a killer m "He Ran All the Way." with John Garfield, Shelley Winters and Selena Role WRDU 7 30 p.m. UNTAMED WORLD A trek down the Nile River is recorded. WRDU p.m. MOVIE Peter OTooie plays a favorite En glish teacher in "Goodbye. Mr. Chins." with Prtula Clark. Michael Redgraf?j and Michael Bryant. WTVD, WFMY 9:30 p.m. LOVE THY NEIGHBOR - A black cou ple moves into an all white neighborhood in a comedy , starring Ron Masak, Janet MacLachlan and Harrison Page. WRAL 10 p.m. - WHAT ABOUT TOMORROW? - Young scientists arc the subject of an episode featuring an 18 y car-old who deviled an immunology test to be per formed by Skylab astronauts and another youth who invented an elect ronic stcthoscope to aid surgeons. WRAL 10:30 pm U S. OPEN PREVIEW-Open Golf Cham pionship tapes are shown. WRAL 11:30 pm MOVIE -Men trapped in a submarine form the action of ''Opera tion Disaster," starring Helen Cherry, John Mills and Richard Attenborough. WTVD, WFMY 1 a.m. - MIDNIGHT SPECIAL Jim Croce is host Little Anthony and the Imperials, rock groups Wishbone Ash and Savoy Brow n, soul star Bobby Wo insjjk, folk-rock performer ' Shawn Phillips and country singer Barbara Fairchild are featured. WRDU FRIDAY, JUNE 15 WTVD, CHANNEL 1L DURHAM 4:30 Sun. Semester 7:00 CBS News 0:00 Kangaroo 9:00 McHalesNtvy 9:30 Secret Storm 10:00 Jokers Wild 10:30 310,000 Pyramid 11:00 Gambit 11:30 Love, Of Life 12:00 Young and Restless 2: Newtoeai 12:30 Search t 1:00 Peggy Mann 1:30 At World Turns 2:00 Guiding right 2:30 Edge of Night j:ou Kignt Price 4:00 That Girl 4:10 Merv Griffin 0:00 Newtbeet 0:30 CBS Newt 7:00 Draonet 7:30 Hollywood S:00 Movie 11 :00 Newt 3:30 Hollywood's Talking 11:30 Movie WRDU-TV (tCHANNEL 28, DURHAM 7:00 9:00 lotto 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 I2:SS Today New zoo Rev. Not Women Only Dinah Concentration Sale of Cent. Hollywood Squares Jeopardy Who. What, Wtk NBC Newt 1:00 Your Child 1:30 3 on e Match 2:00 Days Our I Ives 2:30 Tht Doctort 3:00 Bay City a: Rejypgy. PI 4:00 Somerset 4:30 Movie 4:00 News 0: NBC Nooo 7:00 Gentle Ben 7:30 Untamed WerM 1:00 Senford 1 ten t:30 Little People 0:00 Circle of Fear 10:00 Bold Ones 11:00 Newt 11:30 Tonight 1:00 Mktnlle Special WFMY-TV, CHANNEL 3, GREENSBORO 0:00 7:55 1:00 9:00 0:30 10:30 11 12:i 12: Good Morning Devotions Capt. Kangaroo Old Rebel Merv Griffin sio,ooo Pyramid Gambit Voung 1 Restless 12:30 Search T'row 1:00 Today's Woman v ... tlfew .,, 2:00 Guiding LlgM ' . , i 3:00 New Price 3:30 Hollywd's Telklng 4:00 Secret Storm 4:20 Comer Pyle 5 DO Daniel :00 Netvt 30 CBS Newt 7:00 Andy Griffith 7:30 Buck Owens : mmm. . 11:30 Movie '' 1:10 Late MOMS WRAL TV, CHANNEL S, RALEIGM 4:00 Daybreak 0:55 Viewpoint 7:00 News 7:30 Hu 1 1 winkle 1:00 Uncle Pwl 1:30 Bene Elliott 0:30 Mike Douglas 11:00 Password 11:30 Bewitched 12:00 Newt 12.30 Split Second 1:0 All My Children 1:30 Ma.e o Deal 2:00 Newlywedt :: L.-inri! .ni 3:30 One Life . k::'!., iir: 5:00 Perrv' 1 4:00 Newt 0:25 Viewpoint 6:30 ABC NOWt adv Bunch 7 1 1:10 0:00 Room 222 i 30 Lave Thy toAjh. 10:00 Tomorrowl 10:1 U S, Openalf 11:00 Newt 11:30 Dick cavtn man if'; WlNC-TV. CHANNEL 4, CHAPEL HTLL 10:00 Sesame St 11:00 Mister Rogers 11:10 Electric Co 12:00 Slon Off 4:00 Mitferogero 4:10 Sesame St. fflF 7:10 N.C Pewit 1:00 Wash Week 0:30 N.C. Week e-aa Umii e ,m at Mutual Savings New High DAILY I NTEREST COMPOUNDED Effective Jan. 1, 1973 PASSBOOK ACCOUNTS mi iniereii 0 tlletlivt Ylaht E13 $5,000 MINIMUM DEPOSIT (12 Month Term) 5345.92 $5,000 MINIMUM DEPOSIT it Month Term) aw 1 ttf tm""' I l UAeil,ll.r,H ivrsf 71 U I Eltcclivc Yltld 5.39 SI 0,00 MINIMUM (24Ktrih Term) m. vany Mieren iff MletliveYleW ' New ecceenls mutt remain eee 30 days 'e eetn. ?M Jji s&: Mutual Savings & Loan Association 1 12 West Parrish Street Durham, N. C. SATURDAY, JUNE 23, 1973 8 Panes In This Section CkCan VOLUME 58 - Net. 25 DURHAM, N. C, SATURDAY, JUNE 23, 1571 - "r-r i t . . . . mil is-Hs- aasV I jA mitS&S''- mm 1 HPrt Th ' 'Bp (right) ware cited at A & T State University last week for 39 and 40 years service UNC Professor, Dr. Joseph S. Himes Is Author of New Book A & T EMPOLYEES CITED FOR DISTINGUISHED SERVICE - Mrs. Effie Banks (left) and Bernice Edwards respectively. Chatting with them are Frank L Turner, of the State Personnel Department; and Dr. Lewis C. Dowdy (second from right), chancellor of A & T. Death Sentences Ended in State of New York ALBANY, NEVy. YORK -(NBNS)- The state Court of Appeals has unanimously ruled that the state's law permitting execution for convicted murderers of policemen was unconstitutional since it Stanback Again To Serve As Top Eagle Booster Charles Stanback has been elected president of the local chapter of the North Carolina Central University Eagles Booster Club. , ( 'v, w 4 , The election took place at a eting Thursday Night, June 7th at Times Square Night Club here. Paul Perry was re-elected vice president and Pecolia Howard was named to serve as secretary for the second year. New officers chosen are Bennie Mil ford, treasurer, Charles Harris, Sergeant of Arms, and Phillip Bell Jr., reporter. This is the second year the chapter has been active in the support of the Eagles' athletic and fund-raising programs. The next meeting Is set for the first Thursday in July, the 5th. Meanwhile, a dance will be held at the Times Square facility on June 15 to raise athletic scholarship funds, it was announced. allowed too much discretion to juries. The court's ruling, in effect, bars the death penalty until a new law is passed with stricter standards for judges and juries in administering the penalty before It can meet constitutional requirements. In 1965, the state Penal Coda was revised and the death penalty was prohibited in all but two cases- murder in the commission of a crime of a policeman, or murder by a person serving a life sentence. Before any executions can be carried out, the court ruled a new law must be written. - "The fact that the penalty (in the state law) is limited, in the case before us, to the murder of police officers and the life is irrelevant", Chief Judge Stanley H. Fuld wrote. "It is not the victim but the culprit against whom the statute may be discriminatorily employed that is determinative". The decision was reached In a case of Martin J. Fitzpatrick, a ii i Irf . who was convicted of killing two policemen in SherrlU, N. Y. in 1969. The appeals court sent the case back to Oneida County Court for re-sentencing and also stayed the execution of two other men who are facing the death penalty in the state. No one has been executed in New York since 1963. Last year, the United States Supreme Court ruled that the death penalty in state laws violated the Eighth Amendment injunction against "cruel and unusual punishment" since it could be applied in a discriminatory manner. But several of the nine separate opinions indicated pirUculariy , that of Chief Justice 1 Warren Burger; that states could pass laws including the death penalty as long as there were stringent standards in its application. Fitzpatrick was convicted by a jury in December, 1970 and a week later, the jury voted the death penalty. International News Briefs BLACKS ARRESTED IN FLAG BURNING EDENTON - (NBNS) After three weeks of demonstrations protesting the dismissal of a black high school band director here, six blacks have been arrested after the burning of confederate flag at a Civil War memorial. Hundreds have been molesting the dismissal. ROBERTA FLACK TO AID AFRICAN HEALTH UNIT WASHINGTON -(NBNS) -Singer Roberta Flack will begin a national fund- raising drive shortly through a nine- nation benefit tour in Africa. The tour will benefit African, an organization that seeks to improve health care in rural m B jhP: jjfij Bj ii hi mill mmsm mmm mmm I gjg5 el 4bU L& I SBA DISASTER LOANS HIT ALL- TIME HIGH MARK WASHINGTON, D. C. June 12- The U. S. Small Business Administration has made 206,623 disaster loans for a total of $1,464,300,000 so far this fiscal year, it was announced today by SBA Adminstrator Thomas S. Kleppe. "This is an all-time high in aster operations," Kleppe said, "due largely to the havoc caused by tropical storm Agnes". About 90 precent of the loans were to repair or replace homes, and the remainder to cover business losses of equipment, supplies or buildings. The SBA has made loans in 48 of the m states during fiscal year 1973 and also in the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the Trust Territories. Currently SBA is involved In helping victims of 26 disasters in 27 states, all occuring since January of this year. Estimates are that these additional loans will reach somewhere between $350,000,000 and $400,000,000, the majority to replace or repair homes damaged by severe storms and floods through the Mississippi Valley and elsewhere. Under SBA's disaster program, loans are made to Individuals, businesses, churches and charitable institutions in amounts of up to $50,000 for real property, $10,000 for personal property and $500,000 for business property. Loans may be for as long as 30 years. Kleppe pointed out that In the current fiscal year, SBA has been called on to make almost one-half of all the disaster loans it has made in its 20-year history. YORTY REFUSES TO TAKE PICTURE WITH BRADLEY LOS ANGELES - (NBNS) -Defeated Mayor Sam Yorty has refused to bo photographed with the black man who beat him. councilman Thomas Bradley. The 63 year old Yorty, who ran unsuccessfully for a fourth term as mayor of the nation's third largest city, sent a message detailing his refusal "No, My hand is sore". Earlier, Bradley, 55, had met with the mayor to arrange for his takeover of the office on July 1. The May 29 election culminated a bitter campaign in which Yorty used racist DID 1 STUDY THE CORRECT CHAPTER FOR THE TEST? - Felix McCoy, a senior at Fayetteville State University, seeks advice from two lovely coeds, Rita James and Pam Freeman at summer school recently. Thanks to the coeds, he did study the right chapter. Rita and Sue are Early Childhood Education Majors. tactics to try and defeat Bradley. 9 BAHAMAS GIVEN ITS FREEDOM BY BRITAIN LONDON - (NBNS) - The Bahamas has been given its Independence by the British House of Lords and last weekend the island celebrated its independence. Lady Tweedsmulr, minister of state for foreign affairs, rejected the request of inhabitants of the island of Abaco for special crown-colony status. She said the British government feared fragmentation in the Caribbean if Abaco was allowed to secede from the H ' The elected government of the Bahamas and the opposition party there apparently opposed the move as well, she said. CITY POLICE ACCUSED OF BIAS PETERSBURG, Vs. -(NBNS) -- The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission in Washington,-D. C has accused the city of Petersburg of discriminating against blscks in city employment, promotions and training, particularly in the police department "Racial Conflict in American Society" is the title of a new book written by Dr. Joseph S. Himes, Excellence Fund Professor of Sociology at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro and former Chairman of the Sociology Department of NCCU as well as a long time professor in the department Some serious questions are asked and answered by Dr. Himes in the new book such as "Why did serious racial conflict break out in the 50's and 60's? Why hadn't it happened sooner? What can be done to deal with such conflict in the future"? Speaking of the questions, Himes says that It has been established that whites had previously been aggressive toward blacks and still are in a sense. He says he was interested in why the worm turned at that particular time, j for things had been much worse, in terms of the way blacks were treated, in the 40's and early 50's; so why did the real conflict break out in the 60's rather than then? His answer to some of these Dr. Joseph S. Himes questions is "that the modern era of racial conflict didn't occur because the black people were madder than they had ever been before, you don't fight battles effectively just because you're mad. There has to be other reasons". Dr. Himes theorizes that four factors combined to make the time right for conflict: motivation, access to power, organization and tactics. A triggering device to set the conflict into motion was the Montgomery bus boycott of 1955-56 which created such crisis and tension in the community that the citizens were forced to confront the issue and talk about it Dr. Himes says that bis contribution in the book is the synthesis, analysis and interpretation of materials published in the 50's and 60's dealing with racial conflict and With the general sociology of social conflict. The 200 page volume was published recently by Charles C. Merrill Publishing Co., Columbus, Ohio. The book is designed for use ss a social studies text in many departments Including sociology, political science and history. Also, he hopes it is s book that will appeal to thoughtful Americans concerned with racial conflict people who want to understand why the racial world blew up, what happened and what it means. He feels he has something to say to these many people. Dr. Himes is the author of two other books and numerous articles in his field. He has been a Fulbright professor at both Helsinki University (1961-62) and at Madras University (1966-67). He has been a faculty member at UNC V, since 1969. Lag ' Wr IsflH all HS Hp HgV gag HwiaT BaiSJBtte BaV Sjssr IrarffisiwOTataBswrSBrfl SSm m M 9biS MsJMBB I eaal BaWojsagBVsV" -sKeRBagV- iEvSm 4jBw5ttSBBBW2Bl Law HjRIrftt, .itttfflsssiiS WtO? Jrtpas BBesswBOEillo jjip? O'Stt''' : ' gaj BBJ Hbbs9A9B sHssss. i : Tgje-ea jr Hi Has bh B' 0 jan H gaag sssssrPasaw. Oaa H Jt asS SBB I LV ''iMHa is8sJ" m I ssl9! sseaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaBaaaBBBBBgaflK iaaBgaa0::dBaBaaaaaaaBaaBBaaa eakBsBsStsHHsSgaeam WHAT'S TH ASSIGNMENT? - This to be the logical query Sue Brock (sitting) is asking Hannah Vaughn. Both are coeds at Fayetteville State University and are enrolled in summer school. Sue is a senior Business Education Major from Stedman, and Hannah is a sophomore from Murfreesboro The first session of school ends June 22. Says South Africa Faces Grave Danger if Apartheid Continues N. . Mianpower Development Program is Awarded Grants The North Carolina Health Manpower Development Program has been awarded grants totaling $40,000, for stipend support for students in 1973 Summer Programs in Health Sciences, Mrs. Eva Clayton, Health Manpower Development Program Director announced this week. A $20,000 grant was made to the program by the Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation of Winston-Salem, and $20,000 was awarded also by the Southern Education Foundation in Atlanta, Georgia. The stipend support will go to students enrolled in the UNC-CH summer compensatory education program for minority and disadvantaged students preparing to enter health George Thome Named NCCU's V. Chancellor Financial Affairs professional schools, Students wig also be supported in the Western Carolina University summer program for entering college freshman interested in exploring health careers. The Health Manpower Development Program operates under a Consortium of educational institutions and community service agencies committed to increasing the number of minority and disadvantaged students trained and employed in health careers in North Carolina. Consortium chairman is Dr. Cecil G. Shops, UNC-CH Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs. In addition to the two summer programs at UNC and WCU, the Health Manpower Development Program also sponsors regional centers for health careers recruitment and counseling at North Carolina Central University, Pembroke State University, and Elizabeth City State University. JOHANNESBURG, South Africa - (NBNS) - Unless there are "structural changes" in the political system of apartheid here, the country faces "grave dangers: and the serious probability of massive violence, a academic report has concluded. The report, which to the last r aorW iaesMul hv the Stnrfv Prolan Of7 Chrtsthmfty in , Apartheid Society, is sponsored by the South African Council of Churches and the Christian Institute of South Africa. Warning of "a long-run danger that the entire subcontinent may be engulfed in a race war whose possibilities of escalation are incalculable", the report recommends "a new political system" comprised of a multi racial government Both of the sponsoring organizations are opposed to apartheid, which is the official policy of the South African government .The Christian Institute is also under investigation by a parliamentary committee of inquiry for its work and philtsophy. "A high toll In terms of freedom" have been necessary to maintain ' order of a kind and of questionable performance", the report noted. "Over wide areas, civil liberties have been eclipsed and the rule of law put in the report George T. Thome, a member of the business staff at North Carolina Central University since 1949, has been appointed vice chancellor for financial affairs. The appointment, which has been approved by the governing board of the University of North Carolina system, was announced Wednesday by Chancellor Albert N. Whiting. It wUl be effective Aug. I Thome, 47, replaces William Jones, who is retiring. The new vice chancellor, the chief business officer of the university, is a graduate of North Carolina Central, where George T. Thorne he received the bachelor of science degree in commerce in 1948 and the master ol science in commerce in 1956. He also holds a certificate in college business management from the University of Nebraska. Thorne has been second in command in the university's business office since he wss first employed. He has held the titles of assistant to the business manager, assistant business manager, and comptroller. As comptroller he has supervised the university's fiscal and accounting operations. His responsibilities as vice chancellor will include all aspects of the university's nonacademic operations, Thorne is a native of Bath and was reared in Washington, N. C. He served in the Army during and immediately after World War H and saw duty in the United States, the Philippines and Japan between 1944 and 1946. He to a member of the Southern Association of College and University Business Officers and of the National Association of College and University Business Officers. He is a member of Omega Pd Phi fraternity. - Dr. Marian H. Thorne, his wife, . is chairman of " the department of business education at "NCCU. IraL ill lv tltaSagSaW BW tsrjBal ssvsaSvUj a irTVBVHK BBBraeP?'': OJB SSSSSK&SS&atBBtJBM dASjjKKAjjtjjajjajja BBBaB9??SBraaniBrarJ SSSK BBt sfi! WilmsSSSttiS BsV Sk SwmS'SSsI Kfi i iKEE - Lena Means, a native of Aahev -plaque given to her by the Fayetteville State University Alumni Association after announcing her of FSU effective July position at FSU over thirty years and was honored by the FSU facalty for this reate a wm The state security police and the Bureau of State Security operate with what appears to outsiders are infinite scope. "Informers are believed to be at work in every comer of society It to widely believed that te iephones are tapped and that mail is interfered with. All thaw aeflfTties c widespread fear in our i that these security i steadily becoming a law unto themselves. The report pointed out that white South Africans can achieve security "only by admitting their black fellow citizens to an effective share of political participation and by collaboration with them in building an open society whose foundations are justice, liberty and mutual esteem". Anthony S. Mathews, a professor of law at Natal Umversity, as charrman of the project report Two other members, Dr. Rick Turner, a university lecturer and Justice Moiotaa, a black, are banned under the Suppression of Communism Act from being associated with the report Twelve other members signed the report including some of the top academics in South Africa. U.S.V1olatiig World Law Says Ambassador NEW YORK - (NBNS) - U. & Ambassador to the United Nations John &&li admitted to a group of businessmen and labor leaden that the country is in "open violation of international law" by permitting the importation of RhodetJan chrome and nickel. Pleading with the Congress to repeal the Byrd amendment to the Defense Appropriation Act, which allows the resumption of imports in disregard of a 1966 U. N. Security Council resolution ordering an economic boycott of Rhodesia, Seal i said the U. a was -legally" bound to support the coum which it voted for. "The evidence to i ha told tl amendment not only America's' image and narion, but that it has net The ,,,;(, :,.-v.;,j;,s U. N. in the will be a tasting peace th "If there is to be a lasting East, It will too partly because of cooperation between the United Statei government im to V NT' .

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