14 - THE CAROLINA TIMES SAT.. FEBRUARY 21. 1978 ::::v:v::o:::o::::: IK?? p ::4cf . rm 'Xardio-Dia." Available nationally Without Charge llSliill Sinn her election to the Houm In 1972, the political career of ' the Voice"-as some of Rep. Barbara C Jordan's colleagues have dubbed her-has been meteoric. Ms, Jordan, the first black congressperson elected from the deep South, was catapeulted to national prominence by her freshman-term performance during the House Judiciary Committee's televised impeachment hearings in 1974. Here the Texas Democrat deans her glass during a committee hearing in Washington last week. UPI Attlba Golf Tocrcoy Proceed To The Sickle Cell Anemia 'Foundation, Lee Elder Scholarship Fund, and the American Cancer Society will benefit from the Bondu's Bon-Adventure Eastern Airlines Golf Tournament scheduled for February 17-21, at Walt Disney World. The entire proceeds from the five-day closest-io-the-hole contest goes to the Orlando Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority for their National Sickle Cell Anemia Fund, the participants share in the "Patron's Division" of the Doral-Eastertf Open Tournament for the benefit of the American Cancer Drive and a donation is made to the Lee Elder. Scholarship Fund, each year. Sponsored by Eastern "What are those brown spots on my hands?" You may think they're just big freck les, or sun spots. Maybe somebody told you they were "liver spots." But they're mcst likely age spots. . Do you have to put up with age spots? The answer is no. You can fade age spots with Esoterica Medicated Cream. Esoterica works because it goes below the skin surface. Esoterica stops excess pigmenta tion, so the spot fades. If you use Esoterica daily as directed, you should see a clearer, more youthful-looking skin tone in six weeks. Fadesge spots with Esoterica: Airlines, Gulf Ofl Corporation, Miller Brewing Company, Pedersen Golf Equipment Company and the Philip Morris Company, the tournament already has over 200 golfers and guests registered for'this 90-hole, shot-gun type, golfing event. Two buffets, a Wild West Show, a ' Roasting" of two-time winner of the "Best Singer in the World Award, Joe Williams, and a Formal Trophy Awards Ball will make the evening hours enjoyable. The three golf courses of Walt Disney World will be the site of a 5-day putting contest for golfers; long drive and closest-to-the-hole contests; penalty prizes for the number of balls in the water and each stroke in the sand, plus a putting contest for non-golfers which will make for a "swinging-good" time. ' - SUMMIT, N. J. - A physician anywhere in the U. S. will soon be able to pick up his telephone, dial a tool-free number which will connect him with a computer in New Jersey, and within seconds tell a patient sitting in his office his probable rish of developing cardiovascular disease in the next eight years. Called ' CARDIO-DIAL,' the computerized system was developed by C1BA Pharmaceutical Company as an aid to physicians in treating patients with high bipod pressure and other risk factors of heart disease who need to understand the seriousness of their condition. High blood pressure, for example, if left untreated, can result in complications such as stroke, heart failure, and other cardiovascular events. CARDIO-DIAL was prepared in cooperation with the National High Blook Pressure Education Program, National Heart and Lung Institute, National Institutes of Health. "One of CARDIO-DIAUs major values is its potential for educating and motivating patients to stay on therapy," according to Marvin Moser, M.D., Senior Medical Consultant to the National High Blood Pressure Education . Program. "In some clinics over ,40 percent of the, patients drop out of treatment; one of the most common reasons has been ' that they are unaware of the risk they face in untreated hypertension." "CARDIO-DIAL is a positive step toward helping to solve one of the major unsolved problems in the treatment of high blood pressure," he observed. He defined this as the failure of patients and tome physicians to recognize the significance of risk factors and the importance of eliminating them. "Hypertension is the risk factor of heart disease and strokes where therapy is available and proof exists that continuous long term treatment is beneficial in delaying or preventing these complications," he said. As of February, the company is making CARDIO-DIAL available to physicians nationally, without charge, as a public service. CARDIO-DIAL, an acronym for "Cardiovascular Disease Risk-Direct Information Access Line," is designed to supply information which provides an estimate of a patient's susceptibility to cardiovascular problems. The "risk" analysis" supplied by CARDIO-DIAL is based on data from the well-known Framingham Study, an extensive investigation of cardiovascular disease begun 25 years ago in Massachusetts. Comparisons with other studies in this country tend to corroborate the Framingham findings. Using .the data from the Framingham Study, CARDIO-DIAL can generate almost nine million individual ''risk" combinations. During a normal office visit, the physician fills out a form for each patient, noting the patient's sex, age, whether or not he smokes cigarettes, and his systolic blood pressure reading (the pressure in an artery when the heart contracts, recorded as the first of two figures in a blood pressure reading). This is the minimum amount of information necessary to get a "risk analysis'' readout from CARDIO-DIAL. A more accurate analysis can be . obtained if the physician also records the patient's serum cholesterol or blood fat level and indicates if glucose or sugar intolerance is present and whether the left ventricle of the heart is enlarged. The information on the form represents seven of the major ' risk factors" outlined by William B. Kannel, MD, Director of the National Heart and Lung Institute's Heart Disease Epidemiology Study in Framingham, Mass. While these are not the only rish factors, according to Dr. Kannel, "they are a good set of proved merit." The doctor then dials a tool-free telephone number, which connects him to an operator of the CARDIO-DIAL Computer System at CIBA Pharmaceutical Company in Summit, N. J. He supplies the operator with the information about the patient (whose name is not revealed). Within seconds, the computer calculates an estimated "risk analysis" which the operator reads back to the doctor. From these data, the doctor is able to tell a patient: -his extimated risk of developing cardiovascular complications in .the next eight years, compared with the average risk, for his age and sex group (Tor example, a patient may have risk that is 2.1 times the average); -this same risk expressed as the number of chances in 100 (such as, nine chances in 100 of developing complications); -the average estimated number of chances in 100 (four in 100); the corresponding figures for a person with the same characteristics as the patient, but with a systolic pressure that is average for his age and sex group. Editor's Quote Book Thoughts are but dreams till their effect be tried. Shakespeare COUPON FIVE TOWELS I Wt hi introducing i Mw lint ot inciidiMy pacti cal. wmwtn cotton anil tayon loxls Md would I IiIk im to be tne hrst to try them these ore hist I muMr-hmlrti not seconds fm mas m mm nam axon (Plus send tl 00 per set to cover oil costs ) MUoMUM 2 SCTJ PER KKON j Q Enclosed n tl to I set of li.f tomb, J Q Enclosed is $2 to 2 sets ol five towels Hint l '? I' fm: -fm r"f',"" MuMwumimnu.ym ' i Addiess j City j Stile 2ip I Send to ffESUlK MOUSE I II SUrlinf Road , VMey. M l 1097? UJIMBtBaRiaMMldMWI CARDIO-DIAL IN OPERATION A new service to help physicians aid patients with high blood pressure and other established high risk factors for heart disease to understand the potential seriousness of their condition has been introduced nationally by CIBA Pharmaceutical Company. The new system is called Cardio-Dial and involves a telephone hook-up to a computer that can calculate in tsconds-a patient's susceptibility to cardiovascular complications. High blood pressure, for example, if left untreated can result in complications such as stroke, heart failure and kidney failure.