'SAT., AUGUST 6, 1977 TH2 CAa0l.7JAT,r,:i3 - MEANWHILE v . v (C"V ' W' flF5T W W tff -1 '.TVGTOOTW;..:' ,rVT?WBAo rnhfUNfi Don't waste wt& nPCj M6fooDsrwps 4 SHAp; f1 lASTNWTl; vV" Av.jri-- f "K'v"i ;v:;!,iv ' V'5AYSdsn30DAbc!LGA-;. 1 1 nrnnrrrrirrTinriniiiLTiti wmiiriin iiinwmiri m ji iiti. . .mi i . . . i...:.. m rr , . .n... :.. :.i . j.m i ' u:.. ji , Ii Governor Jim Hunt Tugs. Appointed ; Tom Jorvay to Goals, Policy Board Sis. ...abxxmximizr.ti-y?"'s Trlangl J Council of . Governments meeting at Chilrlie Brown's In Raleigh, July 27. Speaker was N. C. Sec. of Treasurer, Thomas W, Bradshaw,' Jr. Pictured is Richard Whitted, Orange County Commissioner. (Photo by Kelvin Bell). j v' n 1: U... uovernur juh num i ucar . day appoined Tom C. Jervay of.WUmington to the N. C. State , Coals and Policy Board. Jervay is the editor and owner of the WILMINGTON JOURNAL. He is a member of the Business and Pro fessional Men's Club, the New. Hanover Black Leader 'ship - Conference, and the NAACP. He is a past presi dent of the National Negro LEAVING THEIR MARKS BEHIND By observing how a tree bark is marked, you can often tell what kind of animal has been chewing. Bears, for example, strip the bark from trees, .leaving claw and tooth marks on the tree. Deer use the bark of young trees for emergency food, tearing it, off with upward move nients ; o tiveirteetb: Por cupines gnaw large patches of bark, leaving scars that have smooth edges and many small . tooth marks. And cougar use trees to? sharpen their claws, leaving scratches that may signal their presence to other cougars in the i. neighborhood. .., , ... Publishers Association and is a farmer member of the board of directors of Planters National Bank and the New Hanover Memorial Hospital. The State Goals and Policy Board is composed of fifteen members - eleven;, appointed by the Governor. He has already named ten of his appointees. Four mem bers are holdover members having unexpired terms. Members of the board serve terms of four years. r. The Board on State ' Goals and Policy was created by the 1971 General Assem bly to develop recommenda- Four Million Tanzanians To Face literac? Tosf August TO AN!" Four .millioh " adults ;f from .mainland Tanzania will take a written literacy test on August 10. They are among the last participants in literacy classes in an adult education cam paign that is now ten years old. jl . '$ According to the Minis try of Education, only a half million illiterate adults re main; untouched by classes. Tanzania has a total popula tion of over 15 million. A million and a half adult v passed the literacy test in 1975. i Tanzania is one of thir teen countries' in which UNE SCO, the United Nations Educational 'Scientific and Cultural Organization, is ... operating a pilot projects in functional literacy. The urgency of adult education was underscored by Tanzanian President Nyerere not long after in- dependence. In 1964 he said, "First we must educate our adults. Our children will not have an impact on our development for five; ten or even , twenty years. The atti tude of ' the adult has an impact now." . v Adult education in - Tanzania involves more than just literacy ' classes. Since 1974, for instance, the pri-, sons have trained more than 900 prisoners as electricians, masons, plumbers, painters and sign makers. Education for self reliance is the theme of both childhood and adult educa tion in Tanzania, and beyond primary courses classes are often linked to job needs. Workers, some at their work place, Others at adult edu cation Renters, have followed courses leading as high as the completion of secondary school, studying before or after working hours. : Even at the University adults called mature candi , dates who are recommend-y ed by their employers are now given priority. Secon dary school graduates are ex- Eected to spend a year in the lational -Service and then ' hold a job ' for a while be fore being considered for - the Univerrityyf ? 'lit With l adult ! educa tion still the primary focus, Tanzania is not forgetting its children. ' By this fall there will be universal primary edu cation for them as well. , JO J LETTER TO THE EDITOR :.?.. As a reeular reader of The Carolina Times news paper, I wish to congratulate you and your staff for keeping the public informed on the problems confront ing our black youths and "quality education". Several days ago, one of our leading Raleigh newspapers pub lished the scores of what , our, Jjlack youths had earned on the National Teachers examinations in compari son with their white counterparts. Later on, articles were written about the, SAT scores of black high school graduates who had entered all of our North Carolina colleges and universities.; ; . As a concerned citizen of North Carolina, I think that is time 5 for all black citizens of North .Carolina who are interested in elevating their race, not to con tinue to fet these problems pass by our observations too lightly. We j cannot let the : news media of this state keep" on harassing" us that that the black stu dents of North Carolina can not measure up to their white counterparts "jon 1 standardized examinations. There are many questions to be asked. One is: Why did this happened, in the first place, in this great state of North Carolina? All -North Carolinians, must ad mit that: (1) It was the church colleges like Shaw University , (Baptist); Saint " Augustine's College (Episcopal); Livingstone College (Methodist); John-. , son C, Smith; (Presbyterian); Bennett, Kittrell and-Barber-Scotia colleges that did an excellent job in bringing, the Negro out of ignorance after slavery. The Constitution stated that education of its citizens is the ' sole responsibility of the state. North Carolina did not make any efforts to spend large sums pf money on black higher education until the turn of this 20th century : when it established North Carolina College, A&T College,' Winston-Salem, College, ?Fayetteville State and Elizabeth City State. Now, certain state officials are criticizing,, for. example, Elizabeth City State freshmen for earning an average SAT score of 576 and an NTE score of 974 wherein the predo minantly white college students are earning very high scores both on the SAT and NTE examinations. These same officials are also Critipizing , the scores that our black "prospective" nurses and "prospective" lawyers, etc., are making on their examinations. ' I think" that all black North Carolinians should be very very .proud of their college graduates and es pecially the onesv who . have finished colleges within the last ten years. On the other hand, I feel that the black family, the black churches and other social institutions should "seriously" ' make some efforts to help these youths to improve themselves academi cally so that they can be equal to thejr white or any other "ethnic groups", by the 21st century. The state of North Carolina, with alUo! its resources, can not do it alone. The "burden of proof? how lies with our black North Carolina youths' of this Twentieth Cen 4 ; tury to prove to" the people, of this state ind tfation what they can do. We, all, want to see the great state of North Carolina lead all of the Southern states in the field of education, but it can not be done when one race is below the National norm on all standardized examinations. , i ' . ' '-';,.'...;Y , ' ' John Thompson Moore, Jr. - . , Raleigh, N.C.; . . . . Jtions and to advise theGover Governor on broad ' IsSue areas, and to prepare with him new programs, legislative proposals and spending priorities. -Since 1973 the Board has been inoperative. This summer the Gover nor has reactivated the Board, not only to develop policy recommendations for his administration, but also to involve citizens in that effort. The basic purposes 6f the Board are to survey the whole range of state needs, propose state goals,- and recommend ways for state government to achieve these goals. by DeWAYNE DAVIS Ms. Rhonda McLean, ' training coordinator of the Parent Involvement Com- n ponent Services of the LINC Training and Technical Assis-) ! tance Office for Head Start ! from Greensboro, spoke to ' the Head Start parents of , Operations Breakthrough at; the Bull City Elks Lodge, Friday night, July 28. Ms. McLean said there is much doubt about, what is or is not in today's society, but there is no doubt about parents' being the first and foremost . important people who influence how a child will react when its his turn to become an integral part of society. Consequently, she be lieves parents should take an active role in how and what a child should be taught in the early stages of life. Additional phases of the program dealt with parents receiving recognition fot their participation in Operation'1 Breakthrough. Special congratulations went to Miss Clarice Green for her very special contribution to Head Start. IP : ' hlkOtl T; !".' ' : In ' i l-,v i ll I ... MS. RHONDA MCLEAN C 1977 R J Rtvnoldi Tobacco Co. 2m (S)EF your first pack. 1 H Wh&M&wsl cigarette. artifecial addled. Low tar. Notmimg Discover the difference makes. nattoral taste I Wyr?r.fa mmd Mm tt m. mm rMliM H..I row.lM nil IM B. J 1 I Z5 Take this coupon to a participating dealer. 25 i Warning: Ths Surgeon. Central Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health, . I I 1 MmoliMiWMiaOw wtMMtciMoninr ftfiimM. 10 mm XI W ruiinid upwmm iWmUjhk tnylUm.lrta'MlNwWuniIMm' DM tf tOUTM ORW: Vm town to I tecum. a mm. hm mmm m r-r 156 tjC your first pack llflt-r" of Real NJOfel HIM. Tht miMI Mitt M ftMOTHtf Wft im il mi Mi el nicWM m torn maemt. mamiiiiJHiiMiMwiWHiijMil MM " WIM tl imtwmii MM H) mm Mmw wiim mm m wi now 'Hum M iwm m . wr WW. oiuoot IMAMdCVMnilllM P09t IflMM UOUOMt Ml M KtMIM Kn HimMI It rll Mnj IM MmMIIMt NMltllMllimiMllM tiMM a w Meini r owf t mmmcuwi cwwm tame m nun ggfflMMatiMijyMMiiKlu' GwMit iipwiim. uuiwmnaiMiiiMji.rii. - UUTM IVMWIIW Wit; KUMUR M. w I if