IO-THE CAROLINA TIMES SAT., JULY 14, 1979 war. mmmmm AMVitiwmn MISS UNIVERSE PAGEANT " Eighty-five of the most beau tiful women in tne .wono win gather : in, Perth, Australia , to comnefe in , the 1979 Miss Universe' ; Paeeant to be' televised live via satellite on CRS-TV. Thursdav. Julv 19. from the Perth Entertainment Centre. - Mary Therese Friel (pictured fight). Miss U.S.A. 1979, will be one of the 85 beautv contes tants competing for the title or Miss Universe, a twenty-vAar-old preen-eved blonde. Ms. Friel was born and raised in : Pittsford. New York. Marcaret Gardiner fleft). Miss Universe 1978, from Cape town. South Africa, will relin quish the symbolic crown and sceDter to a new queen. Paapant favorites Helen O'Con- nell and Bob Barker are hostihg the special. - CONSULT OUR USTIfMCeWST MIHUTC .NETWORK CHANGES NO FOR EXACT AW TIME. THURSDAY JULY 19, 1979 EVENING 6:00 nOOOO NEWS U STUDIO SEE CD I LOVE LUCY O FAMILY AFFAIR U DICK VAN DYKE SHOW HBO BASEBALL 'Race for the Pennant Halfway to the World Series' an update of the baseball season so far and predictions of what'atocome. 'RaceforthePen nant' Host Len Berman recaps the week's remarkable plays and players. 6:30 , HO CBS NEWS flREBOP I J ) ABC NEWS QD ANDY GRIFFITH SHOW O FATHER KNOWS BEST U I LOVE LUCY NBC NEWS 7:00 SPM MAGAZINE NEWS ' " SANFORD AND SON CD ODD COUPLE tlO JOKER-SWtLD 1 1 GET SMART C I ANDY GRIFFITH SHOW U WILD WILD WEST HBO OLYMPIAD blackGIAM MARTIN LUTHEE KING, JR. If it bad not bees for Mis. Rosa Parks, the world might never have beard of Mania Luther King Jr. Mrs. Parks, a Negro, was arrested for refusing to yield her bus seat to a white man, and her arrest sltered Dr. King's destiny. Outraged at Mrs. Parks' arrest, the Negro community organized the Montgomery Improvement .Assn. and-elected King as its presi dent. The MIA staged a massive bus boycott which lasted 381 days and resulted in a desegregated bus system. " t- , ' J' "I have a dream today . . . I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, every hill and mountain shall be made low. The rough places will be made 'plain, and the crooked places will be made straight. And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together. This is our hope , . . With this faith we shall ' be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle togetherto go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing we will 7:30 0 WILD WILD WORLD OF ANIMALS 1 I MACNEIL-LEHRER REPORT J ADAM 12 () DATING GAME flOTtCTACDOUGH f I MY THREE SONS U HOGAN'S HEROES -''..;g)0 0 AGAINST THE WIND NOVA 'Einatein' Film portrait bout the conflicts. Ironiea and historical forcea that shaped the Me and thought of Albert Einatein. Si mine.) Ci MORKANDMINDYMork a rwuraarenumbered unless he can get a power recharge from hia egg-shaped 'gleek' before hie birthday errtvea. (Repeat) CD UNDERSEA WORLD OF JAC QUES COUSTEAU CJ THE WALTONS Jason is corned by Ma brother, Ben, and feela he Is shaming the rest of the family when he considers becom ing conscientious objector. aepearieomlns.) I MOVIE -(DRAMA) "Trw Mot" 1968 QeneHackman, Jim Brown. To cover up an eacape at tempt, during which guarda and inmates are killed,artot Is stsged. ' tthra.) - . 11 GOMERPYLE U PROJECTUJ.aWhUaflying, tudent pilot sights UFO and oTveetoward earth in recklesapur . suit only to (see expulsion wh,en no one believes her story. (60 mint j . . HBO GOLDENAGE OF BUSTER KEATON The buffoonery of silent screen star Buater Keaton will delight young and old. He'll work tua way intoyourheertaahe works his way In and out of trouble in these claaaic momenta from hia greatest tilme. 8t30 O O INFINITE HORIZONS: SPACE AFTER APOLLO UDORI9DAYSHOW . 90 O O . MISS UNIVERSE ' PAGEANT Some of the most beautiful women In the world will vie for the title of Mlaa UtWverae ' ig79frora Perth. AuatraUa.Hoats: Bob Barker and Helen CConnell. . ahra.)' ..." ) THE VIOLENT UNIVERSE A discoveriee In the field of sstronomy have changed men'a view of the cosmos. Robert Mac-. NeandCarl8aoan.oo-hosts.(2 i.) be free one day.' I IffRVrMtFFM . w - f 1700CLUS w U OUINCV Quincy' single" handedty flghte political corrup tion to prevent e potential typhoid outbreak cauaed by diaeaaed bodiea unleashed from a hillside ' cemetery during a rainatorm. (Repeat; 60 mine.) . : - , , 9:30 O O ' BARNEY MILLER Convinced that detectives of the 1 2th precinct are undercover hit men, an unemployed CIA agent HBO MOVIE ADVENTURE) "Buck Rogers In The 25th Cen tury" Joumeyintothe2Sthcen tury with classic comic hero Buck Rogera. Spectacular apaceahip Combat and battlee with brute aliena heighten this galactic ad venture. (Rated PG) (90 mine.) w 19:00 OO20-20 QD wsws ' O ONEDIN UNE V. li DAVID CASSIDY: MAN UN DERCOVER DanShaybeoomea a tough-talking weapona buyer to nab a deadly arms dealer-though he Is hampered by a conniving federal agent. (Repeat; 60 mina.) " v ' 10:30 Q MASTERPIECE THEATRE JEWISH VOrCE 11K fOOONEWS IOD0COUPLE SOUPY SALES SHOW PETE AND GLADYS i HAROLD UOYD HBO MOVIE -(DRAM A) "Boye In Company C" 1978 Andrew Stevens, James wnttmore, jr. Training and combat aervlce of a Marine Corps Company in Viet . Nam before and during the TET Offensive. (R) (2 hra., 6 mina.) 11:30 -O CBS LATE MOVIE M.A.S.H.' The 4077th aees two very differ ent types of officers when Smilin' Jack Mitchell fliea Into the com pound with wounded Corporal Howard Owens. (Repeat) 'REBECCA' 1940Stara:Laurence OlivierJoan Fontaine. O Q STARSKY AND HUTCH-BARETTA Staraky And Hutch-'Survival' A aleazy racke-. tear, realizing that Hutch's tes timony will send him to prison, hires a hit man to eliminate Hutch. Baretta-'Woman In The Harbor' When a friend ia slain. Baretta en counters such complications as a dead model who isn't dead, gang sters, snd possible police corrup tion. (Repeat; 2 hra.t 16 mlns.) S BEDTIME STORIES MARY TYLER . MOORE SHOW ; .:v-;,ltf U MOVIE -(COMEDY-DRAMA) "Pleeaure Seekers" 1965 Ann-Margret, .Tony Francloss. ' Three American girls search for romance in Spain. (2 hra., 15 mine.)-' (1 RAT PATROL CJ THE TONIGHT SHOW Hoat: Johnny Caraon. Gueata: Charles Nelson Rellty, Peter Strauss. (90 mlns.) ' 12.-00 ' PERRY MASON n GUNSMOKE U NEWS , 1:00 S MISSION IMPOSSIBLE TOMORROW 1:45 ClNEWS U ATLANTA BRAVES BA SEBALL REPLAY 2:00 (X) DRAGNET 2:30 CD TODAY IN YOUR LIFE , 4:15 ONEWS 4:35 ' O MOVIE -(WESTERN) Mr "Lawless Range" 1935 John Wayne, Sheila Manners. Cowboy and the marshal's ppsse save the i i ill I I L X J in n n ii r 'The Muppots' supply ideal family viewing by Beatrice Grots 3 The'" music Is a ' romantic tango. A young, immature-looking pig is dancing with a . matronly, well-dressed porker. Both are in evening clothes. She says, "For a teenager, you're very mature." He replies, "I've been shaving over a year now!" "Oh, feally?" she asks. "Yeah," he responds, "and I cut rnyself both times." ' This is the kind of zaniness and humor. that 'The Muppet Show' serves up. Tight writing makes Jim Hanson's Muppets seem real enough and smart enough to pull you into their fantasy world and then give a line that snaps you back, reminding you that you are being played with. This makes the show enchanting even for adults. According to the New York Times magazine, "The Muppets have achieved global popularity." The show is the most popular syndicated TV program In the U.S. and has 235 million viewers in 102 countries. One source of delight in the Muppets is the, word play and literary satire; One number, for example, was called 'The Rhyming Song,' but none of the lines rhymed. You enjoy the fun of being teased, but the song abo calls attention to the cornlness of June-moon poetry. Much has been ' done to develop believable characterizations for the Muppets. Kermit the Frog is a hardworking, sincere master of ceremonies who is easy io identify with. Gopher, whose uncle owns the Muppets' theatre, is likeable, even though he owes his job to nepotism. The script writers have a way with words and feelings. They can create great sympathy for a lonely, vulnerable creature, and e child will find it warm and encouraging to see that lonesome 'individual' cuddled by a celebrity guest star. The guests, incidentally, run the1 gamut, from Nureyev and Roy Rogers, to Raquel Welch and Harry Beiafonte the big names In the seven Nvety arts are eager to appear with these inanimate but lively personalities. ' The artists who make these puppet-people come aOve do so with great subtlety. They can convey shadings of emotion with Tittle gestures or flamboyant actions that no real person could achieve. 7 . : l3 . Because the program has so much charm for adults as welt as children, it is ideal family viewing. Grownups as well as youngsters can respond to the assert! veness of Miss Piggy. And a popular poster shows, that dramatic character advocating Pig Power, v Arr Interesting quality of 'The Muppet Show', is the characters are able to poke fun at it. "I like that last number," says the cantankerous Mr. Statier. "What did you like about it?" asks the equally dubious Mr. Hilton. "It was the last number." he quIds. tv CQMWtos Stinnett mc'-'j