A Weekly Digest Of . African Affairs ZIMBABWE ZANU STRONG IN MUGABE CABINET AN Robert Mugabe'i landslide victory gave him the option of forming a gov ernment with limited parti ii.lt!'.ll ft'itll 'itll'f mli!f. and the Cabinet he announced last Wednesday show concessions to prag matism only. Despite Mugabe's repeat ed emphasis on the alliance between the two wings of the Patriotic Front guerrilla movement, Joshua Nkomo's party received only four of the 24 ministries, a pro portion . approximately equal to its share of the seats in the House of Assembly (20 out of 100, as compared with ZANU PF's 57). Mugabe originally wanted Nkomo to accept the presidency, but the ZANU-PF leader refused that basically powerless post. The job Nkomo bargain ed for, head of the Ministry of Home Affairs, bears some responsibility over the police force and some do-" mestic affairs. Regional ad ministration, however, which formerly controlled the Tribal Trust Lands through white district com missioners, is being shifted from Home Affairs to the Ministry of Local Govern ment and Housing. The other three Cabinet posts given to Nkomo's sup porters are of minor impor tance. After making the long awaited cabinet announce ment, Mugabe spokesman Eddison Zvogbo denied speculation that the unbal anced distribution of gov ernment jobs bodes ill for Patriotic Front unity. "That's nonsense," was Zvogbo's indignant reaction to a journalist's speculation about the possi bility of civil war. "We have been partners in war, we will b partners in peace," lit private ; However, many members of Nkomo's party have expressed re sentment about the "crumbs" offered them by Mugabe. Nkomo himself is described by close friends as a "devastated and bitter man," though he has public ly called upon, all parties to forget their past differences, saying that "the vital thing now is to effect the com plete consolidation of Zimbabwe's independence." ' Mugabe appointed two whites to the Cabinet, but he was careful to stress that neither represents the white party headed by for . riicr Rhodesian Prime Minis ter Ian Smith. The former finance minister under the government of Ian Smith and Bishop Muzorewa will control the Commerce and Industry Ministry, a prag matic concession to the integral role of white business even after Rhode sia becomes Zimbabwe. But David Smith will not offi cially represent Ian Smith's Rhodesia Front Party, which controls the twenty reserved white seats in Parliament. An admission of the im portance of white-controlled agribusiness is seen in the appointment of the head of the Commercial Farmer's Union to the Ministry of Agriculture. Dennis Norman has no political ties and commands the respect of white farmers. Mugabe campaigned on a platform of land reform, so he has created a separate ministry of Lands, Resttle ment, and Rural Develop ment. That portfolio goes to one of the first doctors to attend to guerrillas in Mozambique, Sidney Sekeramayi, who also has experience in organizing refugees. In a press conference on March 13, Mugabe singled out this ministry as the vanguard of his govern ment's plans for change. "We must proceed with speed to acquire land for the resettlement of many displaced persons. Working jointly with the Ministry of Agriculture, we will carry out the program of creating cooperatives or collectives. This is a very urgent mat ter." Mugabe also emphasized the need to restructure the civil service "with a view to African; advancement fit: tie .... operation- of a now-racial system." In addition, he declared that the country's mass media "need a real over-haul," and he has asked the BBC to offer advice in training and management. The ZANU-PF leader himself will be defense minister as well as prime minister. Party vice presi dent Simon Muzenda also holds two portfolios, depu- Judge Erwin Continued from Page 10 Moilnnlis! Chuivh in Winsion-SakMii, where ho has served as chairman ol iho board of inisices. Ho lias boon a Naiiona Moihiulisi I aynian and has served on several na tional elmreh-relaieil com missions. Ho is also a irusioo ol' i ho Western North Carolina con ference of the United Methodist Church. Frwin is married to the former Miss Demeriee ("Bunny") Whitley of Seltna. They have two children, Richard Cannon .ir., ami Amelia wiiniey. & L? 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Few of the new minis ters have yet ventured poli cy statements. But the minister of finance, Enos Nkala, immediately vowed a radical realignment of the economy. Speaking in Addis Ababa where he was attend ing an OAU Council of Ministers meeting, Nkala is quoted by Reuters as saying "We want the rich to pay for all the social services," adding, "The ordinary people in Rhodesia must feel better off in the next few weeks." The way Mugabe has divied up the ministerial responsibilities, however, it may not be Nkala who will direct Zimbabwe's econo mic change. The key post of minister of economic planning and development will go to a prominent United Nations economist, Bernard Chidzero, once he winds up his duties in Geneva. Only two ministers have strong military backgrounds Labor Minister Komberai Kangai, and Minister of Youth, Sport and Recre ation Teurai Nhongo. Mrs. Nhongo, the wife of ZANLA's top military com mander, Rex ' Nhongo, fought as a guerrilla before becoming a camp command er in Mozambique and sub sequently a member of the party's national executive. At 25, the youngest mem ber of a rather youthful Cabinet, Mrs. Nhongo is one of two women minis ters. The characterization of the Cabinet by many white Rhodesians as "inexperi enced and unknown" re flects the legacy of the war. Most of the ministers Mugabe has chosen are prominent members of the ZANU central committee, which ran the party from Mozambique, and half hold degrees of doctors or law yers. Yet under the emer gency powers legislation of the Smith regime, their names were not even allow ed to be published in Rho desia over the last fifteen years. Only a handful of the new Cabinet ministers are mention in the "who's of African nationalist leaders in Rhodesia. The only top govern mental post not yet known is the president of Zimbab we. The parliament must officially meet and elect the person who will get that title, but sources in the party said they have agreed on a candidate. He is the Reverend Canaan Banana, a member of the Ndebele-speaking minority ethnic group from the south west of the country, a fact that adds balance to the new government. The new president will also represent the internal political element that supported the Patriotic Front throughout the war. After the unsuccess ful Geneva peace talks, Rev. Banana broke with Bishop Muzorewa's ANC and set up the short-lived Popular Movement, in support of ZANU. ) Muzorewa's party, with only three parliamen tary seats, was not invited to join Mugabe's "broadly based coalition government Mugabe says his govern ment has been promised immediate financial assis tance from the UJS. Britain, Sweden, the Netherlands, and other European Eco nomic Community (EEC) countries, and he is pressing for more grants than loans. He has received nothing from the Soviet Union, but is hoping for more assis tance fromboth Western and Eastern countries. As for the Rhodesian "herjf", ugaoeruTout re payment of loans for aims, most of which he claims came as cash from South Africa, though tracing such loans will be difficult. When asked about foreign investment oppor tunities, Mugabe chuckled and said, "Tell Union Car bide they can continue pouring in money as they've done before." Meanwhile, British and South African authorities had admitted that South African forces were operating in Rhodesia with British permission but in contravention of the Lan caster House agreement during the last weeks of the election campaign. South African Prime Minister P.W. Botha said the troops were sent to facilitate the elections and that the British were aware of the arrangement. "Immediately after the elections," he explained, "I announced that this assistance was , being withdrawn." ' Evidently to stay in Rhodesia is a shipment of Soviet T-55 tanks which were paraded by the Rhodesian Army in Salis bury on election day. The tanks reportedly came from a shipment sent from Libya for Uganda before the fall of Idi Amin, and later diverted to South Africa and then to Rhodesia. SAT., MUCH 22, ICS 1 1?? A Brand New Look The Boy Scouts of America will have a new look as the first entirely new outfit in 58 years was unveiled March 11. Designed by Oscar de la Renta, the new uniforms will be phased in as the old wears out and stocks are depleted. Among the new features are baseball caps for Boy Scouts (I) and Cub Scouts (r). UPI Photos Most items at reduced prices (Pr MSears K tj " l 3 Junior Dept ' Sportswear Dept. 71 Sears Pricing Policy . . . If an. item is not described as reduced or special purchase, it is-at its regular ' price. A special purchase, though hot reduced, is an ' exceptional value. SALE STARTS WED., MARCH 19, ENDS SAT. 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