4 I" . j Mm w X MR. CLARKE MEETS THE KLAN Southern Connecticut is an area which is considered a part of the Met ropolitan Region of New York City. Thousands of people commute daily to their places of employment in the City of New York. Among these commut ers are some of the top officers of America's maor corporations, many famous television and movie personal ities, diplomats, writers, artists, schol ars and the very wealthy. They all live in the several cities that are located only fifty miles from mid-town Man hattan in some of the most expensive homes in the United States. The me dian income for the area is the highest in the nation. Known for its Republicanism, so phistication, extensive beaches and parks, Southern Connecticut is the home for several exclusive universi ties including Yale. It is also the place where the KU KLUX KLAN has lo cated its Northeastern headquarters and training grounds. Wm. Decker Clarke, a Jong time resident of the area and a well-known New York Attorney, as well as one of the principal owners of "NATIONAL SCENE", managed to arrange an in terview with the KLAN. Mr. Clarke talked to state and local officials, com munity leaders and news media in towns where the KLAN is most active. Many of these people expressed em barrassment, consternation and dis may at the presence of the KLAN in their area. Mr. Clarke also discovered howev er, that many policemen, firemen, teachers, state employees and busi nessmen were very active members of the KLAN, with a surprising number of members known to the police and political figures. 7'he officers of the KLAN make no effort to hide their identities or movements, thus making it easy to locate them. A few telephone calls was all that it took to set up an interview. As instructed, Mr. Clarke travelled alone to a special location outside the Town of Shelton, where he was met and escorted, as he puts it, down a path of dark and lonely roads to the KLAN headquarters. Once there, he was thoroughly frisked and searched be fore being led inside the headquarters. Amidst security befitting the President of the United States, he then met JAMES W. FARRANDS, the GRAND DRAGON, and JOHN DILLON the GREAT KLALIFF, together with oth er unidentified persons. The following interview will be presented in two parts. 10