THE CAROLINA TIMES-SATUROAY, DECEMBER 11, 1982 j Mrs. Jenkins Jenkins Gets Merit Award l,i Coronation Thressa Hunter Fez Club 1981-82 outgoing Queen. Dt. Mary M, Davis, crowns the 19S2-83 Queen, Dt. Ethei Hopkins. Mrs. Jacquelyn Mc- Crae Jenkins, Inter viewer II in the Winston- Salem office of Employ ment Security Commis sion, is the recipient of the 1982 Professional Award of Merit. Mrs.' Jenkins “is a ‘working’ supervisor, with four Interviewers 1 reporting to her,’’ wrote Ms. Shirley Goodman, Placement Supervisor. “While she is a fine supervisor and her cheer ful conscientiousness is an example for the others in the unit, it is not for her supervisory role that I wish to nominate her. It is for the remarkable way in which she has managed to adjust her placement activity, in addition to her supervisory duties, to he increase in applicant Tow.” As a result of the ederally mandated ■eduction in force, Mrs. Jenkins’ reportedly in creased her activity to keep pace with the reduc ed work force and the in creased traffic flow and her efforts were ap preciated by applicants who found it difficult to obtain interviews on their own. Mrs. Jenkins is active in her community. She is president of the Winston-Salem Chapter of the Johnson C. Smith University Alumni Socie ty, chairman of the Woman’s Day Commit tee for the Union Baptist Church, and assistant business manager for the church. She is a member of the N.C. State Employees’ Association. A graduate of Hillside High School, Durham, and Johnson C. Smith University, Charlotte, Mrs. Jenkins is married to Johnny J. Jenkins and is the mother of two children, Jarrod J. and JannaN. Mrs. Jenkins is the oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Mc- Crae of 701 Rippling Stream Road, Durham. TABSW To Meet Forest View Heights Community dub DUU First Aid Department The Forest View Heights Community Club recently held its regular monthly meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Butler, 2917 Beechwood Drive. The meeting was called to order by the president, Mrs. Helen Jones. A Thanksgiving Litany was led by the chaplain, Mrs. Kathleen Brown. Plans for Christmas decorations were discussed ■along with several other items. It was decided that the entrance to the community woftld be decorated on December 18, and Christmas caroling would be on December 24 starting at 8 p.m. Those interested in caroling are to meet at the home of Mrs. Helen Jones, 2923 Sprucewood Drive. All offices of the club were declared vacant and new officers were installed by Mrs. Minnie Bridgers. There will not be. a meeting in December. The January meeting will be with Rev., and Mrs. P.R. Jones at 2923 Sprucewood Drive. Chi Eta Phi Sorority Pi Chapter of Chi Eta Phi Sorority, Inc. shared Thanksgiving with a local family by presenting a basket of food to serve for Thanksgiving Day. Making the presentation were Sorors Nan Davis. Lottie Hall and Barbara Davis — in keeping with the motto: “Service to Humanity”. The First Aid Department of the Durham Ush Union met recently at Greater Saint Paul Bap Church. Mrs. Hastie Price conducted the meet which included reports from all committees, repast was served. The next meeting will be at the home of M Susie Craig, 808 Plum St'., on Dec. 14 at 6:30 p, Thressa Hunter Fez Club Thressa Hunter Fez Club, the Education Dep, ment of IBPOE of W, elected officers tor 1982- Dt. Jessie Nunn Is president. She is also Grand Assitant Director of the Education Dep- ment in the Grand Lodge of IBPOE of W. V president, Dt. Nannie Tomlin; recording secreial Dt. Violet Stallsworth; financial secretary, Dt. Ai Coffey; treasurer, Dt. Mary M. Davis; chaplj Bro. Richard Waller; marshal, Bro. Leslie Hillai Thressa Hunter Fez Club held its annual anniv sary recently. During this gala event, Dt. El Hopkins won as the 1982-83 Queen; Ero. Leb Bumpass as 1982-83 King. The outgoing Queen; King were Dt. Mary M. Davis and Bro, Robert cj lier. Thressa Hunter Fez Club meets each First S day at 5 p.m. at the Bull City Elk Lodge, 2311 Alston Ave. Pi Chapter met Friday, December 3, at the home of Soror Gloria Cheek for the regular meeting and the annual Christmas social. The business session was conducted by the president, Lauretta Hayes. The bus trip to Jacksonville, Florida will by arrang ed by Soror Nan Davis. Following the meeting, sorors and their guests were served a repast and ex changed Christmas gifts. Soror Hayes gave each member a small token of appreciation for services rendered during the past year. Soror Cheek provided music for dancing. Sixteen sorors and 18 guests were present. Doric Lodge No. 28 To Observe 104th Anniversary Doric Lodge No. 28, F&AM Prince Hall Affi tion, will celebrate its 104th anniversary cn Sai day and Sunday, December 11-12. The 31st annual banquet will be held on Salun at 7:30 p.m., in the Fellowship Hall at White R Baptist Church. Earl T. Artis will be the speal Guests of honor for the banquet will be widow: former members. On Sunday, December 12, the lodge will wots at St. Mark AME Zion Church. Rev. Howard E gler is the pastor. James C. Black is ^Worshipful Master of Lodge. FULL CUT BONELESS ROUND STEA The regular monthly meeting of the Triangle Association of Black Social Workers (TABSW) will be held on Monday, December 13, at 7 p.m. at the Chicken Hut located at 3019 Fayetteville St. in Durham. This business/dutch treat din ner meeting is open to all members and potential members. A special pro gram on Kwanza will be presented by Arnold Dennis. At its November !5th meeting which was held on the campus of Shaw University, a special pro gram oh black adoption was presented. A film, “The Black Male,” by Dr. Lawrence Gary of the Institute of health at Howard University in Washington, D.C. was shown. Following the film, Dr. Richard Mizelle and Ms. Sandra Belfon discussed black adoption with special emphasis on the black male. Ms. Wanda Reives was coordinator of this 1982-83 Queen and King Thressa Hunter Fez Club Queen, Dt. Ethel Hopkins and King, Bro. Lebbie Bumpass pause at archway for picture. program. Officers of the TABSW are: Gloria Hawkins, President; Wanda Reives, Vice- President; Katey Assem, Recording Secretary; Joyce Page, Correspon ding Secretary; Sarah Fields, Treasurer; Sarah Smith, Membership Chairperson; and Michael Alston, Parliamentarian. The January 10th meeting will be held on the campus of Shaw University in Raleigh at 7 p.m. in the President’s Conference Room located in the Ad ministration Building. ASSORTED FLAVORS FIESTA ICE CREAM V2 GALLON CARTON LIMIT 1 W/COUPON AND ADO $7.50 01 1 PER FAMILY, EXPIRES 12/11/1982 EVERYDAY DISCOUNT PRICE