Sweet Baking for Dieters y[itiy dieters miss the pleasures if baking when they go on a seri- ins calorie-counting regime. It’s [lie that working with food and ireathing in the wonderful fra- laiices of goodies baking in the i,en can stimulate the appetite, [lit, if yon choose calorie-wise teins to bake, you can indulge ourself every now and then in a ood baking session as well as a (nsible tasting of what you’ve aked. Here are some suggestions: Apple-ttnis'K Snack Cake: Makes 24 slices, 99 calories per joe) Ingredients: 1 cup vegetable il, 2 eggs, 1/2 cup sugar, 2 cups bole wheat flour, 2 teaspoons ng powder, 1/2 teaspoon bak- soda, 3/4 teaspoon ground innamon, 1/4 teaspoon ground Btmeg, 2 cups finely-diced apple 2 large apples), 1/2 cup raisins, /I cup apple juice. Instructions: reheat oven to 350 degrees, jghtly oil and flour a 13-by-9- ich pan. With electric mixer, beat 11 and eggs together. Add all re- laining ingredients, stirring each nein well; mix batter thoroughly id pour into oiled, floured pan. ike cake for 30 minutes. Serve arm with a dollop of frozen, aisolid whipped topping and a prinkling of cinnamon. Oatmeal Chewies: (Makes five Ken cookies, 45 calories each) igredients: 1 cup all purpose lour, 1 teaspoon baking powder, teaspoon ground allspice, 1/4 iispoon salt, 1/2 cup margarine, /2cup sugar, 2 egg whites, 2 cups oats, 1 cup unsweetened ap- 7REF SATURDAY, MAY 12, '■IJtliS .ALORIE ClXlNTDOWN REFUNDING $$$ ANDSENSE VICTORIA R. FLEMING I Can’t Believe It’s Not Clutter I drove out of our garage the her day and literally dragged veral cartons with me. Cartons qualifiers spilled forth, Uhose vebeen storing for years — cov ed with lint, sawdust and mysti- ing dust. This is ideal spring ;aning time and I went at it with eal passion. Most clutter was nply ice cream, sour cream, earn cheese, cottage cheese, mar line and powdered cleanser con- iners plus frozen orange juice ns and other items with non- Mvable UPCs. I haven’t used my for refund deals, so Lcut out ample assortment of proofs and collected trash bags and abso- lely ruined my garbage collec- [s’ day! Addicted now, I turned old and yellowed coupons lany from products that never en made it) and madly enyotied istic see-through shoeboxes, len, I re-filled them with garage [-outs. On a roll now, I attached rtons of empty spaghetti boxes, odle bags, tissue holders and ■ozen food packages and cut out key parts — product name, net :ight statements and UPCs. lesetoo went in the plastic shoe- xes, I now have space to turn )iind in several rooms, and, to (husband’s relief, in and out the rage (and even open car doors!] Ihout crashing into clutter. Now the basement! Hint of the Week Check Schick Razor displays an offer for a free NBA Team avel Bag. Pick of the Week ID Years in Pictures, PO Box \ Maple Plains, MN 55393. tmd “coffee table book” with '■ttres from Time, Life, People D Sports Illustrated magazines. name, address and $2.50 5tage/handling (no cash) plus ’l^sfrom three of the four par- ipating Procter & Gamble 'ANDS as follows: UPCs from St tubes (4'.6 oz. or larger); ts Roll-on or Solid, or Pepto ttiol tablets; fluid oz. statement tti Crest pump, Scope (24 oz. or JjO, or Pepto Bismol Liquid; Pdisc from cap of Sure Aero- S/14/90. Wed below are other offers J 00 not require a form. Kite Offer, Box 8543, America, MN 55351-8543. Street Kite. Send name, and 3 UPCs from Paas Sinie Street Easter Egg Color 's. 5/31/90. Piirniiure Care Guide, Box Douglas, AZ 85655-6104. flklet and Endust cpns. Send and address. No date given. following offers DO re- forms: Montana Candida Free Recipe ^ Offer. Includes recipes. Send I™ and POPs as listed. 5/31/90. ji^ • ' ‘ vrinking age and live in a wine offers are al- J a): Fontana Candida Free f Box Offer, Box 1080, Lou- % KY 40201-1080. ^'‘“"'^Ickinson. $3 and two Pns. Send form and POPs as from 100 B-D Insulin Sy- 5 ■ Write for form: n-Djckinson Consumer Offer 8819, One Beac- rrlbune Media Services * plesauce, 1/2 cup chopped raisins. Instructions: Preheat oven to 375 degrees; spray baking sheet with non-stick vegetable oil spray. Mix together flour, baking powder, all spice and salt. Beat margarine and sugar until creamy. Add egg whites; beat well. Add flour mix ture and stir in well. Add oats, applesauce, and raisins; mix thor oughly. Drop level tablespoonfuls onto baking sheet. Bake 11 min utes, until cookie edges are lightly browned. Cool on rack before serving. Enjoy two cookies with a frosty eight-ounce glass of cold skim milk (80 calories). • Raisin Bread Pudding: (Makes six servings, 155 calories per serv ing) Ingredients: 6 slices raisin bread, 2 eggs, 2 tablespoons sugar, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, 3/4 tea spoon granulated sugar substitute, 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon, 1/8 teaspoon salt, 3 cups skim milk, scalded. Instructions: Pre heat oven to 325 degrees. Spray a 1 1/2 quart baking dish with non stick cooking spray. Cut bread into 1/2-inch cubes; place in bak ing dish. In large bowl, beat uigs, sugar, vanilla, sugar substitute, cinnamon and salt. Gradually whisk in milk; pour over bread cubes. Bake one hour or until knife inserted in center comes out clean. Serve warm with a quarter- cup vanilla ice milk (50 calories), or refrigerate to serve chilled later. ©1990, Tribune Media Services BY VIRGINIA TRUAX FAT TRIMMING — The easi est way to reduce fat when prepar ing casseroles, soups or skillet meals is to cook the vegetables in a small amount of water rather than sauteing them in fat. ADULT TRICK — Borrow your child’s skateboard fo assist you in heavy moving projects, such as hauling a garbage can to the curb or moving furniture. It’s a back-saver! 1990—THE CAROLINA TIMES-15 HOME BREW — It’s easy to make your own vanilla c.-tract. Drop a vanilla bean into a small extract-size bottle, fill with vodka or brandy and keep it handy, so you’ll remember to shake it se'vml times a day. In a few weeks it will be ready for use! :: OVEN READY — How' :fo thaw bread in a hurry? Slip frozen loaf into a brown paper bag.and into a 325-degree oven Tor Tive minutes. EXTRA LOW PRICES...EVERYDAY!!! 16 Oz. - Sliced Peaches In Lt. Syrup/Fruit Cocktail/Pear Halves LIBBY’S FRUIT 15 Oz. - Beef-A-Roni/Beef Ravioli/ Beef O'Getti/Spaghetti With Meatballs CHEF BOYARDEE PASTA 6 Pack - 4 Oz. Fat Free/Low Cholesterol - Strawberry-Blueberry/ Blueberry-Raspberry/ Strawberry-Banana Yogurt LIGHT N’ LIVELY SAVE 80 at the checkout when you buy 12 oz. VVheaties'